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2022-23 CSS Profile TM


Submission Date: 10/06/2021

About the student

This section asks for important information about the student.

First name* Eshaal

Middle name
Last name* khan
Preferred name eshaal
Email address*
Phone number (##########)* 03135275407
Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)* 01/05/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Student's marital status* Never married
Student's CBFinAid ID

Student's Citizenship

Country where the student lives* Pakistan

Citizenship status* Other
Country of citizenship* Pakistan
Visa type F-1

Student Status

Indicate if the follow ing are true about Eshaal.

Eshaal has legal dependents (not including the student's spouse)* No

Student's Permanent Address

Street address*
house no 73, sector f, street 3, safari
Street address (line 2) villas 1 bahria town near safari club
City* rawalpindi
Country* Pakistan
ZIP/Postal Code 44000

Student's Mailing Address

Eshaal's mailing address and permanent address are the same Yes
Street address*
house no 73, sector f, street 3, safari
Street address (line 2) villas 1 bahria town near safari club
City* rawalpindi
Country* Pakistan
ZIP/Postal Code 44000

Confirm Demographics
Confirm Demographics

W e use this information for matching and ensuring your data is appropriately reported. Please verify that it is accurate
and complete.

Student's first name* Eshaal

Student's last name* khan
Student's date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)* 01/05/2006 (mm/dd/yyyy)
Student's CBFinAid ID
Student's email address*
Student's phone number (##########)* 03135275407
Student's street address*
house no 73, sector f, street 3, safari
Student's street address (line 2) villas 1 bahria town near safari club
Student's city* rawalpindi
Student's country* Pakistan
Student's ZIP/Postal Code 44000

This information is accurate and complete.

Parental Relationships

List all of Eshaal’s parents below.

Include all parents - biological, adoptive, step-parents/parent's partner and legal guardians.

This information is used to help your schools understand your family situation and build your personalized application; it is critical that you
be accurate and complete.

If you answer incorrectly and have to change information on this page after you have completed other sections of the application it may result
in that information being considered invalid and you will have to reenter that information.


Parent's first name * Parent's last name * to Eshaal* Deceased
Parent Muhammad azam khan Father
Parent Sobia Bibi Mother

Household Verification

What is the marital status of Eshaal's parents?* Married or in domestic partnership


Country where Eshaal's parent(s) live* Pakistan

Academic Information

In this next section w e'll ask some questions about Eshaal's current school and then ask about their plans for the
2022-23 academic year.
Current Academic Year

Select Eshaal's year in school for the 2021-22 year* 12th grade

Current High School Information

Please use High School Search to find the name of Eshaal's high school for 2021-22

High school name*

Roots School System

If Eshaal attended a private high school, how much did they receive in
scholarships and grants for the 2021-22 year?
If Eshaal attended a private high school, how much did their parents pay for
their education in the 2021-22 year?

College/Program Details

Provide the follow ing information for each college or program to w hich Eshaal is applying.

Hobart and William Smith Coll 2294 NY

2022-23 year in school*

First year undergraduate, never previously attended
Assigned ID (if known)
Housing plans* On campus
Applying to this school Regular Decision, Early Action, or Early Decision?* Early Decision

Union College (NY) 2920 NY

2022-23 year in school*

First year undergraduate, never previously attended
Assigned ID (if known)
Housing plans* On campus
Applying to this school Regular Decision, Early Action, or Early Decision?* Early Action

Drexel University 2194 PA

2022-23 year in school*

First year undergraduate, never previously attended
Assigned ID (if known)
Housing plans* On campus
Applying to this school Regular Decision, Early Action, or Early Decision?* Early Action

If your primary currency is not U.S. dollars, do not convert your responses. Pakistani rupee
Select your primary currency and complete your application in the currency you

Provide the following for Muhammad azam

Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)* 04/23/1968 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Email address*
Preferred daytime phone number (##########)
Highest level of education completed College/university or beyond

Muhammad azam - Employment

Employment Status - Indicate if:

Employed by others
Retired or not employed by choice
Occupation or profession session judge government servant
Name of employer/business Islamabad high court
Number of years at current place of employment. 21

Muhammad azam - Retirement Plans

Participates in the follow ing retirement plans. Check all that apply.

IRA, Keogh, 401k, 403b, or other tax-deferred retirement plan

Plans to draw social security upon retirement
Employer sponsored retirement plan
Civil service or state sponsored retirement plan
Union sponsored retirement plan
Military sponsored retirement plan
Other type of retirement plan

Provide the following for Sobia

Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)* 05/14/1977 (mm/dd/yyyy)

Email address*
Preferred daytime phone number (##########)
Highest level of education completed College/university or beyond

Sobia - Employment

Employment Status - Indicate if:

Employed by others
Retired or not employed by choice
Occupation or profession
Date unemployment began* 04/2001 (mm/yyyy)

Sobia - Retirement Plans

Participates in the follow ing retirement plans. Check all that apply.

IRA, Keogh, 401k, 403b, or other tax-deferred retirement plan

Plans to draw social security upon retirement
Employer sponsored retirement plan
Civil service or state sponsored retirement plan
Union sponsored retirement plan
Military sponsored retirement plan
Other type of retirement plan

Parent Tax Return Status

Select Eshaal's parents' federal tax return status for 2020* Completed current tax return

Parent Tax Return Type

Select the type of federal income tax return Eshaal's parents filed, or will file, for Other non-U.S. tax return

Parent Non-U.S. Tax Return or Non-Tax Filer

Enter the follow ing amounts for Eshaal's parents for 2020.
If they are tax filers and their country’s tax year does not follow the calendar year, report information from the last
tax year that ended before April 1, 2021.
For example, if their country’s tax year runs from April 1 to March 31, enter the information for the tax year that ended
March 31, 2021. If their country’s tax year runs from July 1 to June 30, enter the information for the tax year that
ended June 30, 2020.
For currency/numeric questions enter w hole numbers only. (No currency symbols, commas, or decimals.)

Total compensation from employer(s)* 4575572

Muhammad azam's income from work* 4575572
Sobia's income from work* 0
Interest income
Dividend income
Net income from businesses or partnerships* 0
Net income from rental real estate, royalties, estates, or trusts 1550000
Net income from farms
Other taxable income
Pension, annuity, or retirement distributions received not reported elsewhere
on this application
All taxes, mandatory withholdings, and set-asides paid or withheld. Include 740114
income taxes, state taxes, local taxes, levies, and mandatory retirement
Itemize the sources and amounts for the taxes and withholdings amount 740114
entered above*

Parent Income Sources

You reported income from rental real estate, royalties, estates or trusts. W hat is this income from? Check all that

Rental real estate


Parent Income and Benefits

Enter the total amounts Eshaal's parents received in 2020 for the follow ing:

Income from other members of their household* 0

Housing, food, and other living allowances received as members of the military, 0
clergy, or other profession*
Money given to them or paid on their behalf* 0
Other untaxed income (including, but not limited to Workers' Compensation and 0
untaxed disability benefits).*

Parent 2021 Income and Benefits

Enter the amounts Eshaal's parents received or expect to receive in 2021 for the follow ing:

Muhammad azam's income from work * 4575572

Sobia's income from work * 0
Other taxable income* 0
Untaxed income and benefits* 0
Was Eshaal's parents' 2021 income significantly impacted due to the COVID-19 Yes
pandemic? If you answer "Yes" please provide details in the Special
Circumstances section at the end of the application.

Expect Change

Do Eshaal's parents expect a significant income change in 2022 due to a new No

job, a job loss, retirement, benefit changes, etc.?*

Child Support

The questions in this section are about the child support this household pays to another household or receives from
another parent. You should answ er the questions about the parents in this household, including the student's
stepparent, if there is one.

Did the parents in this household pay or expect to pay child support in 2020 or No
Did the parents in this household receive child support in 2020?* No

Parent Home Address

Street address* house no 73, sector f,

Street address (line 2) street 3 safari villas 1
City* rawalpindi
Country* Pakistan
ZIP/Postal Code 44000
Parent Housing

Provide the follow ing information about Eshaal's parents’ home.

Select the option that best describes your family's housing situation* Own home

Parent Housing Details

Provide the follow ing information about Eshaal's parents’ home.

Monthly housing payment* 0

Home purchase year* 2009
Home purchase price* 3500000
Current market value* 10000000
Total amount owed on home* 0
If different than the total amount, enter the amount owed on the primary
mortgage for this home

Parent Assets

Do Eshaal's parents have the follow ing assets?

Investments* No
Assets they own but are held in the names of their children* No

Parent Asset Details

Current amount in cash, savings, checking, and deposit accounts* 150000

Parent Other Real Estate

Select the statements below that apply to Eshaal's parents.

Own real estate beyond their primary home, such as land or a vacation
or second home
Have a seasonal or vacation rental property
Rent real estate to others
Number of real estate properties* 0
Rent out a portion of their primary home

Parent Business and Farm

Select the statements below that apply to Eshaal's parents

Own or operate a business that is a primary income source

Own or operate a business in addition to other work
Own a farm or part of a farm
Parent Expenses

Do Eshaal's parents have the follow ing expenses? Check all that apply.

Medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance

Repayment of student (college) loan debt in 2020
Repayment of student (college) loan debt in 2021

Parent Living Expenses

Enter the amount Eshaal's parents paid in 2020 for the items below . Provide annual (not monthly) amounts.

Utilities (water, electricity, heat, phone, internet, etc.)* 1000000

Food for everyone in the home* 1000000
Clothing for everyone in the home* 500000
Household necessities* 100000
Transportation to and from work* 40000
Amount paid for any other expenses not listed above* 500000
Describe these expenses.* Sports, Gym, Medical expenses

Dependent Summary

Provide information for everyone, other than Eshaal and their parents, who lives in the student's parents' household and receives more than
half of their support from them.

Click the Save and Continue button if you have no dependent information to provide.


Last Date of Relationship to

First Name * Name * Birth* Student*
Dependent 1 Muhammad hassa khan 02/25/2005 Sibling
Dependent 2 Sabah khan 01/03/2010 Sibling
Dependent 3 Aroush khan 05/08/2012 Sibling
Dependent 4 Mir Adam khan 03/10/1932 Grandparent
Dependent 5 Riasat Begum 11/12/1943 Grandparent

Provide the following for Muhammad hassan

For the 2021-22 academic year, what is Muhammad hassan's year in school?* 12th grade
For the 2022-23 academic year, what is Muhammad hassan's year in school?* 1st yr college
Is Muhammad hassan attending a private K-12 school in 2021-22?* No

Provide the following for Sabah

For the 2021-22 academic year, what is Sabah's year in school?* 7th grade
For the 2022-23 academic year, what is Sabah's year in school?* 8th grade
Is Sabah attending a private K-12 school in 2021-22?* Yes
Will Sabah attend a private K-12 school in 2022-23?* Yes

Provide the following for Aroush

For the 2021-22 academic year, what is Aroush's year in school?* 4th grade
For the 2022-23 academic year, what is Aroush's year in school?* 5th grade
Is Aroush attending a private K-12 school in 2021-22?* Yes
Will Aroush attend a private K-12 school in 2022-23?* Yes

Provide the following for Mir Adam

For the 2021-22 academic year, what is Mir Adam's year in school?* None
For the 2022-23 academic year, what is Mir Adam's year in school?* None

Provide the following for Riasat

For the 2021-22 academic year, what is Riasat's year in school?* None
For the 2022-23 academic year, what is Riasat's year in school?* None

Provide the following for Sabah for 2021-22:

Name of the K-12 school attending

Total cost to attend this school
Amount received in scholarships, grants, or gift aid
Total educational expenses paid by Sabah's parent(s)
Of the total educational expenses paid, what amount was tuition?

Provide the following for Aroush for 2021-22:

Name of the K-12 school attending

Total cost to attend this school
Amount received in scholarships, grants, or gift aid
Total educational expenses paid by Aroush's parent(s)
Of the total educational expenses paid, what amount was tuition?

Provide the following for Muhammad hassan for 2022-23:

Name of the college or university attending roots school system

Total cost to attend this school
Total educational expenses paid or expected to be paid by Muhammad
hassan's parent(s)
Attend full-time or half-time? * Half-time
Type of college* 2-year private college
Provide the following for Sabah for 2022-23:

Name of the K-12 school attending

Total cost to attend this school
Total educational expenses paid or expected to be paid by Sabah's parent(s)
Of the total educational expenses paid or expected to be paid, what amount
was tuition?

Provide the following for Aroush for 2022-23:

Name of the K-12 school attending

Total cost to attend this school
Total educational expenses paid or expected to be paid by Aroush's parent(s)
Of the total educational expenses paid or expected to be paid, what amount
was tuition?

Student Tax Return Status

Select Eshaal's federal tax return status for 2020*

Not filed, and not required to file, a tax return

Student Non-filer

Enter the amounts Eshaal received in 2020 for the follow ing

Income Eshaal earned from work* 0

Interest income
Taxable earnings from need-based work programs and taxable grant and
scholarship aid
Untaxed income not provided elsewhere on this application

Student Expected Income and Benefits

Eshaal's expected earnings - summer 2022* 0

Eshaal's expected earnings - school year 2022-23* 0
Eshaal's expected other taxed income - summer 2022* 0
Eshaal's expected other taxed income - school year 2022-23* 0
Eshaal's expected total untaxed income and benefits - summer 2022* 0
Eshaal's expected total untaxed income and benefits - school year 2022-23* 0

Student Resources

How much does Eshaal expect to receive from the follow ing sources to pay for educational expenses for the 2022-23
academic year?

Their parents* 100000

Scholarships/grants from sources other than the colleges or universities to 5122500
which they are applying*
Employers, (i.e. tuition benefits) including their parents' employer(s) and/or 0
their employer*
Relatives other than their parents and any other sources providing funds to 0
help pay for college expenses*

International Student Benefits

Answ er the follow ing questions about Eshaal.

Will they receive funds from the government for college expenses at any point No
during attendance? *
Will they receive funds from any agencies or foundations for college expenses No
at any point during attendance? *
Will they receive tuition benefits during any year of attendance?* No
How will they pay for transportation to the U.S.?* Parents' income/savings

Student Asset Types

Does Eshaal have any of the follow ing assets? Check all that apply.

Retirement assets
A trust

Student Asset Details

Current amount in cash, savings, checking, and deposit accounts* 0

Student Real Estate

Select the statements below that apply to Eshaal.

Owns real estate beyond the primary home, such as land or a vacation
or second home
Has a seasonal or vacation rental property
Rents real estate to others

Student Businesses and Farms

Select the statements below that apply to Eshaal.

Owns or operate a business that is a primary income source

Owns or operate a business in addition to other work
Owns a farm, or part of a farm

Special Circumstances

Select the circumstances w ith ongoing financial impact that apply to your family. Provide details of the financial impact,
including annual amounts paid, in the box below . *

If the circumstances that apply to your family have changed, you may provide updated details below . This information
w ill only be provided to new colleges/programs. You should contact colleges/programs from your previous application
directly to update your circumstances if necessary.

Change in employment
Covid-19 pandemic
Scholarships or Sponsor information
Exceptional medical or dental expenses
Catastrophic Event or Natural Disaster
Eldercare expenses
Financial support of other family members
Non-recurring income or expenses

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