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STD : XI M. Marks : 40
Date:30/09/2020 Duration : 2 Hrs
General Instructions :-
• You can submit the Sample Paper Answer Sheet by 4-Oct-2020.
• Write all answers neatly on Long Note book pages.
• Write your name, class, div and roll number on first paper.
• Mentions the question numbers and page number on each page.
• Click snaps of notebook clearly and convert it into PDF (Only one) and upload only one file using the
form link given at the end of the paper.
Q.1 a) Find the invalid identifier names from the following : 2M
(i) 12class (ii) final-exam (iii) For (iv) subjects (v) percentage%
b) What is the difference between interactive mode and script mode in Python? 1M
c) Write the output of following code: 1M

d) List the differences between compiler and interpreter? 2M

What are the phases of Problem Solving Cycle?

e) Why the following statement is not valid ? 1M

i) X + 1 = X ii) L1 = [ 1,2,3,4)
f) Give the data type of the following variables ( Any 6): 3M
a) x= 'Raghav'
b) y= 100.56
c) z=10
d) t=15 +6j
e) var1=[120, 130, 140, 'Ajit']
f) var2=(‘May’, ‘June’, 5, 6)
g) num=true
Q. 2. a) Differentiate between break and continue in Python? 2M
b) Rewrite the following code after removing syntactical errors. Underline each correction done in
the code.
For name in [amar,shweta,parag] 2M
If name[0]=’s’:
Std: XI Page 1 Comp.Sci
a,b = 0
if (a = b)
a +b = c
print z

c) Write a program to find factorial of any given number. Factorial of number 5 is 120 2M
(factorial = 5x4x3x2x1). Consider the following example:
Input: 5
Output: 120

Write a program to convert temperature from degree to Fahrenheit.

d) What is a Flowchart? How is it different from algorithms? 2M
What is pseudo-code? Explain with example.
e) Draw a flowchart to find the sum of first 50 natural numbers. 3M
Draw the flowchart to check whether a year is a leap or not.
f) Find and write the output of the following python code: 2M
for x in range(10,20):
if( x % 2==0):
Q. 3 a) Following code is meant to be an interactive grade calculation script for an entrance test that 4M
converts percentage to Grade as per following criteria:
90 and above is A+, 80-90 is A, 60-80 is A- and everything below is fail.
The program should prompts the user 100 times for Grades. Unfortunately program was written by a
terrible coder (me ) , so there are numerous bugs in the code. Find all the bugs and fix them.

Std: XI Page 2 Comp.Sci

b) Write a program in python to print Month name for the given month number. 3M
Input: Enter month number: 5
Output: It’s May
c) Write an algorithm to find the greatest among two different numbers entered by the user. 2M
d) What is decomposition? 1M
Q. 4 a) Write any 4 advantages of Python Programming Language. 2M
What are tokens in Python? Explain with examples.
b) Write the following expressions in Python ( any 2): 2M
i) x = a3+ b3 + c3
ii) A= πr (r + h)2
iii) x is factor of y
c) Write a program in python to print the following pattern from a given String: 3M
Input: CBSE
Write a program in python to print the following pattern :
Output :


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Std: XI Page 3 Comp.Sci

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