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Host an Anxiety Party

It is precisely as it sounds.
You host a party. Everyone gathers around and shares their anxieties.
Organizing Anxiety Parties is an idea that the Google Ventures team came up
The idea formed when the team members of the Google Ventures team started
having doubts and work-related anxieties. Also, they were somewhat hesitant to
discuss these anxieties with the other teammates.
So, they threw an Anxiety Party.
How to successfully throw an Anxiety Party:

 The first step is to convince everyone to attend.

 Once you get everyone to gather around, give everyone a piece of paper.
 Instruct everyone to write any work-related anxieties or worries that have
been keeping them up at night.
 Spend about 10 minutes to write down worries such as, "I am worried that
my work is not stellar."
 Collect the sheets of papers and ask the participants to rank them. A rank 0
would mean that "I didn't know it was an issue." A level ten would say,
"Yes, I have been facing the same problem."
 Then, address each issue, starting with the highest-ranked anxiety. Discuss
ways to counteract these anxieties with actionable goals.
 Throw Anxiety Parties whenever necessary. Google does it quarterly, but
you should do it according to your employees' needs.
Personally, I think hosting an Anxiety Party will be one of the most effective
among all of the employee engagement activities.

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