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Care of Elderly People Sad Reality

When we think of the elderly, our mind draws a vivid picture of those who need
physical support but have we ever thought about the fact that elderly people are in
need of psychological support as much as they need physical?
Elderly people are regarded as a setting sun in society. When people are young
and energetic they are a slave of time and are working tirelessly just to make their
family wealthy and happy. They are hopeful that the child will be caring for the
parents in the same way the parents cared for their child when they were young.
But, the bitter reality exists in today’s world where people are running behind
materialistic needs, name, fame instead on valuing human emotions.
Elderly people wish to share their experiences, and achievements by reflecting on
their past life but nobody has time to hear what their inner suppressed feelings are.
Thus, they feel isolated, lonely, and depressed. Once, elderly people are not able to
be of help in case of finances they are regarded as rotten potatoes in the family
forgetting about all the history they created to bring the generation ahead of them.
It’s really disheartening to see the family members try to escape from the
emotional responsibility by placing parents in institutions without thinking the
struggle their parents did for them to be in that position. This is a bitter reality of
the society we live in and nothing can be done unless we make an approach to
change starting from our very own family.

Elderly people are our history and I guess there is no two ways about it. As much
as history is important in guiding the nation, the elderly are important in being a
pathfinder to the present generation. In a world where traditional cultures are
replaced by western cultures, warm hugs are replaced by hellos and hi!, sharing
talks are replaced by emojis, communication is replaced by isolation, elderly are
the living example of where and how life should be directed by teaching us moral
values. The elderly are a human book full of experience. The young generation can
hear their experience and live with them at the same time. The elderly teach us to
value human emotions over materialistic needs. Caring for them would make a
better place for them to live in, to be loved and secured will allow them to be in
peace state of mind and live a life of satisfaction before they are in their death bed.
Once we care for the elderly, we realize that nothing lasts for ever. Touching the
hand of an elderly will make us feel how soft hands are changed to wrinkles yet the
love they shower for us remains the same. We will be able to realize that even
though the elderly are physically weak they will have a strong sense of emotions.
The emotions of wanting to be loved, cared, secured.

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