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The Fat Cat

Story and Pictures by Aidan D’Eimon

This is Fat Cat. They call him Fat Cat because he’s
so fat.
His owner gave him lots of cat snacks to eat.
Then one day Fat Cat tried to jump on the couch,
but he couldn’t because he was too fat.
So Fat Cat’s owner took him to the vet to see what
the problem was. The vet said, “The problem is
you’ve been giving Fat Cat too many cat snacks to
eat. You have to stop giving him cat snacks.”
For a month, his owner did not give Fat Cat any cat
snacks, even when he begged and begged.
Instead, his owner told Fat Cat to exercise. And
that is what he did.
On March 1st, Fat Cat was not so fat anymore and
now he could jump up on the couch. Fat Cat could
also jump up on the fence. He could also jump up
on people’s laps, if they didn’t mind him doing so.
From now on, Fat Cat could have a few cat snacks
and he got a new name, Not So Fat Cat.

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