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Section 1
Critically reviewing an exam can yield useful information to help you grow and develop as an
independent learner (and developing a growth mindset). Reflecting on a past exam allows you
to note your weaknesses and helps you identify which types of questions you missed (factual or
critical thinking). The information gained from this self-assessment will allow you to move
forward in the class and better prepare for the next exam. You can bring this self-assessment in
to a coaching appointment to help you determine your next steps.

NAME: Oscar Mudzamiri



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Section 2

1. Class preparation
Question Response
Do you read the module notes and related Most times
prescribed textbook before going to class?
Do you watch the topic related video before yes
going to class?
Do you attempt at least 1 tutorial question sometimes
before going to class?
Overall, do you think you are preparing well For the most part yes
for class?

2. During class
Question Response
Where do you sit in class, and do you think In front/close to the front, yes definitely
where you sit impacts your
Do you attempt all activities in class even if Yes
you are unsure?
Do you leave class with questions that you sometimes
write down for yourself?
Do you ask questions in class on areas that yes
are not clear to you?
Overall, when you attend class, what do you Explanation of concepts using practical
seek to get from the class session? examples in industry. Guest lecturers in
practice for different perspective

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3. Post class
Question Response
Are you asking yourself “why” to the “what” yes
you are doing?
Are you completing assignments as effective Half half
practice or simply completing them for the
Are you taking advantage of all the help and Yes
resources offered to you? E.g., consults,
nudge etc.
Do you go straight to doing practice Watch videos again, discuss with others then
questions after class? If no, what do you do attempt a question.
after class?

4. Exam preparation/Practice questions

Question Response
When did you start studying for the end of A month and a half before
semester exam?
Explain what your studying “looks like” if I Watching videos, on youtube, discussion
could watch a video of you doing this. group, tackling questions and full papers
under exam conditions
Are your study habits active and engaging or Engaging for the most part
passive and automated?
What is your biggest fear when doing Struggling with the new concepts, taking too
practice questions? much time
How do you revise after answering a practice Mark and compare to marking scheme
Explain how you went about your group Attempt question banks together, attempt
discussion study session? full papers and discuss together. Ask each
other why , and interpret together

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5. Moving forward
Question Response
What do you think you could do to improve Attempt more questions
your success in this course?
How can you learn from the End of Semester Always ask the why to why things are being
1 examinations? done. Improve on handwriting
What active study strategies do you want to Attempting full papers more.
start incorporating?
How do you learn best? What study methods Breakdown videos, participation in class and
are actually working for you? group discussions
How do you know whether above study It worked for me during end of semester,
methods actually work? they helped me pass
Are you using all your resources? For the most part yes
Are you really learning the material or just Trying as much to learn the material
How will you know when you’ve mastered Consistent passes, and ability to
the examination expectations? communicate concepts to others
List at least 3 things you intend to change in Attempt more questions
your study methods. Put in more hours
Improve on efficiency

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Section 3
Exam paper performance analysis
The objective is to learn from the performance in the actual End of Semester 1 examinations,
therefore it is imperative that a detail analysis of performance per each question in the exam be
done using the model below:

Why did you not perform well in some questions i.e., this applies to all questions you failed to
get at least 40% of the allocated marks? For each question, explain why you think your
performance was below par. Use the choices below.

a) I didn’t understand what the question was asking

b) Understood what the question was asking but wasn’t sure about the content i.e.,
knowledge gap
c) Careless mistake
d) I didn’t know the material because I didn’t study this or I’m not sure we ever talked
about this
e) I didn’t understand the relevant information in the scenario.
f) Failed to answer the question within the context of the information provided in the
g) Ran out of time
h) Other, maybe there is another reason you can think of

Questions I Question Type Reason I got it wrong What can I do going

performed poorly (Calculations, Review (use choices above forward to address
of work done, and elaborate) this weakness?
Discursive, Analysis,
Tax liability Calculation c Consult and revise
computation topic
ethics discussive f Consult
Employment Discussive d Consult
relationship test

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Section 4

Basic Mark Conversion Ratio (BMCR)

This is a marking tool designed to help a student make certain evaluations for themselves after
attempting an exam or any question. There are three main questions this marking tool helps
students answer:

 Could I have passed this question with the knowledge I already have?
 How much of my knowledge am I able to convert to marks? (i.e.: Am I getting marks for
the stuff that I DO know?)
 Did I spend my time in the right places (i.e.: did I focus on the basic marks, or did I get
lost in the higher-grade stuff that I couldn’t convert to marks)?

Skill method

1. Use your EOS exam solution

2. Review the solution
a. When you review, indicate on the solution which points you got marks for (i.e.: don’t
just mark your answer paper when you get something right, indicate on the solution that
you got that point correct)
b. While reviewing the solution, categorise EVERY point on the solution as one of the
following, according to YOUR level of knowledge (i.e., Based on YOUR knowledge, not
what anyone else might say is ‘supposed’ to be basic):
i. B = Fairly basic knowledge for me
ii. A = Above Average. (I’ve seen it, mostly understand it, but not comfortable with it)
iii. HG = Higher Grade. Don’t know it / Never understood it / Have a mental block
about this.
3. Calculate your BMCR for each required:

(Table with example)

My marks Solution (with your % Conversion


Basic 5 12 5/12 = 42%

Above Average 2 5

Higher Grade 1 3

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8 20

% Basic marks 12 / 20 = 60%

Next steps

a. If you could’ve passed this question with your basic knowledge (the 60%), then you do
NOT need revision for this topic
b. If you could NOT have passed the question based on your basic knowledge, then you
can revise the topic with a time limitation, say for not more than one hour allocated to
c. Evaluate what cost you the most marks then specify an area of the knowledge you need
to revise.
d. If your BMCR is below 60% (like 42% in the example above), this is probably an
indication of:
i. Not being able to apply the knowledge you have, and / or
ii. Not communicating your answer properly

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