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1 a cluster of=collection 很多
2 a surge of= a sudden increase in 急剧上升
3 a wealth of = an abundance of
4 abandoned = left / no longer occupied v. 抛弃
5 abrupt=sudden adj.突然的

6 abruptly=suddenly adv.突然地
7 absolute=total adj. 完全的

8 absolutely=definitely adv. 绝对地
9 abundance=wealth n. 充裕,丰富
10 abundant=large amount adj. 大量的
11 accelerated=faster adj. 加速的,更快的
12 accelerated=speeded up vt. 使…… 增速

13 acceleration=speeding up 加速
14 accentuated=intensified 增强,加剧

15 accessible to=available to 可得到的

16 acclaimed=praised vt. 称赞;为…喝采

17 accommodated = allowed v. 容纳,允许

18 accompanied by=occurred together 伴随发生的

19 accomplished=achieved adj. 完成的

20 account for=explain 对…做出解释
21 accumulate=build up v. 积累

22 accustomed to=used to 过去常常……

23 acknowledge=admit = recognize v. 认可
24 acquired=obtained vt. 获得
25 acute=severe adj. 严重的,激烈的
26 adapt=adjust vt (调整)使适应
27 addressed =dealt with vt. 从事; 忙于
28 adept at=skilled in 对……很熟练
29 adequate=rich =sufficient adj. 充足的
30 adhesive=sticky 黏性的;可粘的
31 adjacent to=next to=nearby 邻近的
32 adjustable=adaptable adj.可调节的

33 admirably = very well adv. 极好地
34 admiration = high opinion of n. 钦佩,赞赏

35 adopting=starting to use 采用,采纳
36 advantageous=favorable adj. 有利的;有益的
37 advent = arrival n. 出现,到来

38 adverse=harmful =unfavorable =negative adj. 不良的
39 advocate=agure for vt 主张

40 advocates = supporters 支持者
41 aggregate=collect v. 集合;聚集

42 aided=helped 辅助
43 aim to do=intend to do 目的是做

44 aim=goal n. 目的; 目标
45 akin to=similar with 近似

46 albeit=though conj. 虽然;即使

47 allegedly=supposedly adv. 假设
48 allocate = distribute v. 分配

49 allied=related adj. 与….同属一系

50 allowing =making possible 允许
51 alter=change =modify vt 改变,更改
52 alternate = take turns at 轮流交替
53 alternative = different adj.
54 ambiguous=unclear adj.模糊不清的
55 ambitious=impressive but difficult to achieve adj. 野心勃勃的;
56 amplify=increase vt. 放大,扩大
57 anchored = held in place v. 使…固定
58 annihilated=destroyed
59 annual=yearly 每年地

60 anonymous=unidentified adj. 匿名的
61 anticipate= predict =expect vt. 预期,期望

62 antiquated=out of date 过时的
63 anxiety=worry n. 焦虑
64 apart from=besides
65 appalling=horrible 可怕的

66 apparent = obvious /seeming adj. 显而易见的

67 apparently=seemingly adv. 显然
68 appeal=attraction 吸引力

69 appealing=attractive adj. 吸引人的

70 appreciably = significantly adv. 明显地;相当地

71 appreciation=understanding n.欣赏
72 approaches = comes close v. 靠近

73 approaching=nearing adj. 靠近的

74 appropriate = suitable adj. 合适的
75 approximating=estimating 大概的

76 aptitude=talent n. 天资
77 ardent=enthusiastic adj. 热情的
78 arduous= difficult adj. 费力的
79 articulate=expressive adj. 发音清晰的
80 ascend=go up vt. 攀登,上升
81 assaults on=attacks on 攻击
82 assertion = claim n. 主张
83 assess=evaluate 评估
84 assimilated = abosorbed adj. 吸收的,同化的
85 assist in = help with v. 辅助
86 associated=related adj. 关联的

87 assume=take on vi. 承担
88 astonishment=surprise n. 惊讶

89 astounding=amazing adj. 令人震惊的
90 at intervals=periodically 偶尔; 间歇
91 attached=additional 附加的,额外的

92 attest to=confirm = provide evidence of 证明, 证实
93 attribute to=responsible for 把…归因于

94 augment=add to v. 增加
95 augment=supplement n. 增加;增大

96 authoritative = official adj. 官方的,权威的

97 autonomous=independent adj. 自治的

98 autonomy=independence n. 自治
99 avid =eager, greedy 渴望的,贪婪的

100 backing up=supporting v. 支持,援助

101 baffled=puzzled v. 使迷惑
102 bare =it is not covered by leaves (语境中的含义)

103 barring=excluding 除非,不包括,除…之外

104 based on = centered on 以…为基础
105 beneficial = helpful adj. 有益的
106 benign=favorable 和蔼的,亲切的;
107 besides=in addition 此外
108 bias=prejudice n. 偏见
109 bizarre =strange adj. 奇怪的
110 booming =rapidly growing v. 快速增长的
111 boosting=increasing 增强,推进
bound = sure, obliged, confined adj.一定会;必定的;有义务的, 受约束

113 broadened=expanded v. 拓展,扩大

114 bunches=groups n. 束
115 burdensome=difficult 繁重的

116 burgeoning=increasingly expanding adj. 急速增长的
117 bustling=lively 熙熙攘攘的
118 capacity=ability n. 能力
119 case in point=good example 恰当的例子
120 catastrophe=disaster n. 大灾难

121 catastrophic =hazardous adj. 灾难的,危害大的
122 cease = stop v. 停止

123 chaotic=disorganized adj. 混乱的

124 characteristic=typical 典型的

125 characterized=distinguished adj. 卓著的

126 cited=mentioned v. 提及,引用

127 classic=typical 典型的

128 cluster=(small)group n. 群,丛
129 coalesced=joined v. 合并

130 coexisted=lived together vi.共存

131 coincide with=happen at the same time 同时发生
132 collapsed=fell inward 倒塌;崩溃
133 collective=group n. 集团;集合体
134 commonplace=ordinary=usual adj 通常的
135 compact=press together vt. 使紧密结合
136 comparable=similar 相当于,相似的
137 compatible=consistent 可兼容的
138 compelling=convincing= persuasive adj. 迫不得已的;强制的
139 compensated = made up for = reimbursed v. 补偿
140 competent = capable 胜任的,有能力的

141 compilations=collections n. 集合
142 compile=collect v. 汇编

143 complexity=sophistication n. 复杂性
144 component=part=pieces n. 组成部分
145 components=combinations n. 部件,成分
146 composes=makes up vt. 组成,构成
147 compound=add to v. 合成,混合

148 comprehensive=complete adj. 全面的;综合的
149 compressing=squeezing together vt.压紧

150 comprise=consist of vt 包含
151 compromise=weaken vt妥协;危害

152 computation=calculation n. 计算
153 conceal=hide vt 隐藏

154 concede=admit unwillingly vi. 让步

155 conceivable=imaginable adj.想得到的,可想像的
156 concentrated=gathered v. 集中

157 concept=idea n. 观念
158 concerns=worries n. 担忧,关注
159 concurred with =agreed with
160 conducive=favorable adj. 有益的
161 configuration=arrangement n. 配置
162 confine=limit v. 限制
163 confine=restrict v. 限制
164 confirmed =proven v.证实
165 conform to=match vt. 匹配
166 congestion=overcrowding n. 拥挤;拥塞
167 congregate=gather vt. 聚集

168 conjunction= combination n. 结合
169 consensus = agreement n. 一致

170 consequent =resulting adj. 作为结果的
171 consequently=as a result /thereforeadv. 因此
172 considerable = a large amount of/significant 相当大的
173 considerably = greatly/significantly
174 consist of=make up 由…构成

175 consistency=regularity n.一致性
176 consistent =doesn’t change significantly/the same/unvarying

177 consistent=the same each time =unvarying adj. 始终如一的,一致的

178 consolidated=united vt. 巩固,联合

179 conspicuous=easily noticed adj. 显著的

180 constant =continual =invariable=uniform adj. 不变的;恒定的

181 constant =occurring periodically/regularly occurring

182 constantly = regularly adv. 经常地
183 constituent =component 组成部分

184 constitutes=makes up v. 构成
185 constrained to =forced to 被强迫的
186 constraints on=limitations on 对…的约束
187 constructed=created vt 构造,建造
188 consumed =used 使用,消耗
189 consumption = utilization
190 contains =includes v. 包含
191 contending=competitive adj. 争先的;百家争鸣
192 continuous=nonstop =uninterrupted adj. 连续的,持续的
193 continuously=constantly
194 contract into= reduce to 减少至

195 contract=become smaller v. 收缩
196 contradictory=conflicting adj. 矛盾的

197 contribute to =add to 出力
198 controversial=debated adj. 有争议的

200 convenient=easy to use adj. 方便的

201 conveniently = easily adv. 便利地

199 controversy=debate =disagreement n. 争论

202 conventional= standard/traditional
203 converge =come together =meet

204 converge on=meet at vi.聚集

205 conversely=in contrast =on the other hand adv. 相反地

206 converted=changed v. 改变
207 convey = transmit v. 传送,运输

208 copious = abundant adj. 丰富的;很多的

209 core =center n. 核心
210 correlated=associated adj. 有相互关系的

211 corresponds to=matches v. 匹配

212 corroborated=confirmed v. 确证;确认
213 counterpart=equivalent n. 极相似的人或物
214 coupled with=combined with 加上...
215 courteous =polite adj. 有礼貌的;谦恭的
216 critical =essential adj. 至关重要的,关键性的
217 critically=dangerously adv. 危机的
218 crucial=very important adj.重要的
219 crude =primitive adj. 粗糙的;天然的,未加工的
220 cue=sign n. 提示,暗示;线索
221 culmination= high point n. 顶点,高潮

222 cumulatively=altogether adv. 累积地;渐增地
223 customarily =commonly adv. 通常

224 cycle =pattern of events that repeats itself
225 cycle=repetition n. 循环
226 debate = argue about 辩论,争论
227 decaying=rotting adj. 腐烂的
228 decent=appropriate adj. 得体的

229 deceptively=misleadingly adv. 欺骗的
230 decimation=destruction n.大量毁灭

231 deciphering =figuring out 破译(decipher的ing形式)

232 decisive =determining adj. 决定性的

233 deduce=infer vt. 推论,推断

234 defect=imperfection n. 缺陷

235 defining=identifying v. 规定
236 definitive=final adj. 决定注的;最后的
237 degree=level n. 等级

238 deliberate=intentional adj. 故意的

239 deliberate=on purpose adj. 故意的
240 delicate =carefully protected adj. 易碎的;
241 demand=require vt. 需要
242 dense=thick =closely placed adj.稠密的
243 denser = more crowded
244 dependable =reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的;可信任的
245 depleted=used up v. 耗尽
246 depositing=putting 放置
247 derive = obtain v. 获得
248 derive=come from vt. 源于

249 derived from =obtained from
250 designated=selected v. 指定的,特指的

251 designation=identification n. 标识出;确定
252 desirable=wanted
253 detected=noticed v.发现
254 detection = discovery n. 发现, 探测
255 deteriorating=worsening v.退化,恶化

256 determinants=causes n. 决定因素
257 detrimental =harmful adj. 有害的

258 devastate=destroy vt 毁灭
259 devastating=extremely destructive adj. 毁 灭 性

260 devoid of=lack of 缺乏

261 dictated by=determined by 命令

262 diffuse = spread v. 扩散

263 diffusion=dispersal =spread n. 扩散,传播
264 diminish=decrease vt 使;咸少

265 diminished=reduced vt 使减少

266 discard=throw away 丢弃
267 discarded=abandoned v. 丟弃
268 discontent=disagreement 不满
269 discontent=unhappiness n. 苦恼
270 discrepancy=inconsistency =difference n.不符;差异
271 discrete=distinct adj.独特的
272 discrete=separate adj. 离散的,不连续的
273 disguise=hide v. 掩饰,隐藏
274 disintegrating=breaking apart adj. 瓦解的
275 dismiss =reject v. 拒绝;不予理会、不予考虑

276 dispersal=distribution n. 分散
277 dispersed=scattered =spread v. 分散, 传播

278 disrupted=disordered =interfered with =disturbed 扰乱,干扰
279 dissenting = disagreeing, averse adj. 不同意的, 反对的
280 distant=remote adj.遥远的
281 distinct=different adj. 有区别的
282 distinctions=differences 区别

283 distinctive =characteristic adj. 独特的
284 distinctive=easy to recognize adj. 独特的

285 distinguish=separate vi.区别, 区分

286 distortions=irregularities n. 扭曲

287 distribution=delivery n. 分配,配送

288 diverse=varied adj. 多样的

289 divert=redirect vt. 转移

290 diverting =redirecting v. 使转移;使改变方向
291 documented=recorded v.记录

292 domestic=household adj. 家庭的

293 dominate=control vt. 控制
294 dominant=prominent adj. 占主导地位的
295 dramatically= significantly 显著地
296 dramatical=striking adj. 剧烈地
297 drastic=significant =extreme adj. 激烈的;猛烈的
298 drastically=extremely =extensively = severely adv.彻底地;激烈地
299 durable =long-lasting adj. 持久的
300 duration =length n. 持续
301 duties=responsibility n. 责任,职责
302 dwellings=homes 住所

303 eased into=slowly entered 缓移动至……
304 edge=advantage n.优势

305 edible=fit to be eaten adj. 可食用的
306 elaborate=complicated = complex adj. 复杂的
307 elaborate=deliberate=with great detail = well organized adj. 精心制作的
308 elaborated=developed v. 发展
309 elevated=raised v. 提高

310 eliminates=removes vt.消除
311 emanate from=originate in v. 发源于

312 embody=incorporate vt 体现,使具体化

313 embody=reveal vt. 体 现 , 体 化

314 embrace=accept =adopt vi. 拥抱,接受

315 embraced=adopted v.接受

316 emergence = development/rise =appearance n.出现

317 eminent=distinguished adj.杰出的
318 emit=give off v. 释放

319 emitted=released v. 释放
320 employed=used vt. 使用,采用
321 enabling =allowing
322 encompass= include v. 包含
323 encounter=meet vt. 遭遇
324 encountered=came into contact with
325 endure=survive=withstand vt. 忍耐;容忍
326 enduring=durable =lasting adj. 持 久 的
327 engaged in=practiced 从事于;忙于
328 enhanced =improved v. 提升,增强
329 enigmatic=mysterious adj. 神秘的

330 ensured =guaranteed = made certain v. 确保,保证
331 entailed= necessary adj. 必要的

332 entails=involves vt. 蕴含
333 enticing = attractive adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的
334 entirely=completely adv. 完全地

335 episodes =occurrences =incidents n. 插曲,事件
336 era=period n. 时代

337 eradicate=eliminate v. 抹去
338 erecting=constructing v. 建 造

339 essential =crucial = necessary =principal adj. 主要的,至关重要的

340 establishment=creation n. 确立,建立

341 esteem = respect n. 尊重

342 estimated =calculated approximately 估算

343 evaluating=judging v. 评估
344 eventually=in the end =over time adv. 最终
345 evident= clear/obvious adj. 明显的

346 evoke=cause vt.引起

347 evolved =developed v. 发展
348 excavated=dug into v. 挖掘
349 exceed= be greater than/be more than vt 超过
350 exceeding=going beyond v. vt 超过
351 exceedingly=extremely adv. 非常;极其
352 exceptional=distinguished =extraordinary adj. 非凡的;
353 excess = surplus, more than necessary n. 超过,过度、过量
354 excessive =extreme/too many/too much adj. 过多的,极度的
355 excessively =extremely
356 exclude= keep out vt. 逐出

357 exclusively =only/solely adv. 唯—地
358 excrete=release vt 排泄;分泌

359 execute=carry out vt. 实行;执行
360 exercised=applied v. 运用
361 exhaust=use up vt. 耗尽

362 exhausting =extremely tiring adj. 使人筋疲力尽的
363 exhibit =show/display vt. 展览

364 exotic=foreign adj. 异国的;
365 expel=throw out, force

366 expelled from=forced from vt. 驱逐;开除

367 expended=used v. 花费;

368 experimenting with=trying to 在尝试

369 explicit= clear stated =clearly expressed adj. 明确的

370 explicitly =clearly

371 exploit=take the advantage of = utilize vt 利用
372 exploited=used vt. 开发利用

373 exploration=serach n. 探测;探究

374 exposed=revealed adj. 暴露的
375 exposed=unprotected adj. 暴露
376 extend=expand =lengthened vt 延伸
377 extensive=large adj. 广阔的,大规模的
378 extracts= removes v. 提取
379 extreme=great adj. 极端的
380 fabricated=made 制造,组装,伪造
381 facets=forms n. 方面
382 facilitated=made easier 有助于
383 fairly=completely adv. 相当地

384 faithfully=accurately = consistently adv. 忠实地,如实地
385 favorable=advantageous adj. adj. 有利的;良好的

386 favored=preferred adj. 偏爱的,受宠的
387 feasible=practical adj. 可行的
388 feat=achievement n. 壮举,功绩
389 features =characteristics
390 fierce=intense adj. 猛烈的

391 finest=thinnest 最细的
392 flee=run away vt.逃走

393 flexibility=adaptability n. 灵活性;适应性

394 fluctuations =variations n. 波动变化

395 fluid=liquid n. 液体,流体

396 focused=concentrated adj. 聚焦的

397 formerly=previously adv. 先前的

398 formulated=stated/ devised/created v. 表述; 构想出(计划或提案)
399 fortunately=luckily adv. 幸运地

400 fostered=encouraged v. 促进
401 found wanting =judged inadequate
402 foundation=basic n. 基础
403 founding =building/establishment n. 创办;
404 fragile = easily damaged =delicate adj. 易碎的
405 fragment=pieces n. 碎片
406 fragmented=broken apart 破碎,分裂开
407 freshly=newly adv. 新近地,新鲜地
408 frigid=cold adj. 严寒的
409 fulfill=achieve v. 实现
410 fulfilling=performing vt. 履行;实现

411 function=purpose n. 功能,目的
412 fundamental=basic adj. 基本的,基础的

413 furnished=equipped v. 配备
414 further=additional adj. 额外的
415 furthermore =in addition 此外
416 fusing=merge together v. 熔合

417 gain a lot of traction = receive much drawling power 获得大量牵引力

418 garment=article of cloth n. 衣服,服装
419 gauge = measure v. 测量

420 generally=usually adv. 通常

421 generating=producing v. 产生

422 generation=production n. 生产
423 genuine=real adj. 真实的

424 gigantic = huge = enormous adj. 巨大的

425 gradual=slow adj. 逐渐的,缓慢的

426 gradually=slowly
427 gross=overall adj. 总共的
428 guard=protect v. 保护
429 halted=stopped v. 停顿
430 harness=utilize vt. 利用
431 harsh=severe adj. 严酷的,严厉的
432 hastened=rushed vi. 赶决
433 hazard=danger n. 危险
434 hazardous=dangerous adj. 有危险的
435 heightened=increased =raised 增强, 提高,升高
436 hence=thus, therefore
437 hierarchy=system of ranking 等级制度

438 highlighting=emphasizing v. 强调
439 hindered=held back = hamper v. 阻碍

440 hollow = empty adj. 空的
441 honored = respected v. 尊敬
442 hostile=unfriendly adj. 敌对的,不友善的
443 ideal=perfect adj. 理想的
444 identical=the same adj. 相同的

445 identifiable=recognizable adj. 可辨认的
446 ignored=paid no attention v. 忽略

447 imitator=someone who copied his work n. 模仿者

448 immediate=nearest adj.最接近的

449 immense= huge adj. 巨大的

450 imminent=about to happen adj. 即将发生的

451 immune to=unaffected by adj. 免疫的

452 impeded=restricted v.阻碍
453 imperceptible = not noticed or seen adj. 感觉不到的,无法察觉的

454 impetus =stimulus/impulse/incentive n. 刺激;推动(力);促进

455 implausible=unlikely adj. 不像真实的
456 implement=carry out v. 执行,实施
457 implement=tool n. 工具
458 implications=consequences n. 影响
459 imply=suggest v. 暗示
460 impractical=unrealistic adj. 不实际的
461 impressive=remarkable =striking adj. 令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的
462 improbable=unlikely adj. 不太可能的
463 impulse=push =incentive n. 冲动,推动里
464 impulsive to=pushing forward

465 in isolation=alone 隔绝的
466 in profile=view from the side 从侧面看

467 in profusion=abundantly 丰富地;大量地
468 in response to= as a result of 响应
469 in retrospect=in reconsidering the past 回顾;回顾往事;
470 in retrospect=looking back 回顾

471 in some degree=to a certain extent 在某种程度上

472 in turn=sequent 轮流
473 inadvertently=accidentally=unintentionally 无意地,不经意地

474 inanimate=lifeless adj. 无生命的

475 incentive=motivation n. 动机

476 inception = beginning = commencement n. 开始

477 incidence = frequency n. 发生频率

478 incited=stimulated v.激励;刺激

479 inconclusive=not decisive adj. 不确定的;非决定性的
480 inconspicuous=not easily noticed adj. 不显眼的;不引人注意的

481 incorporate=contain v.包含

482 incredible=amazing 难以置信的;极好的
483 indeed=in fact 事实上
484 indefinitely=endlessly =without limit adv. 无尽地
indisputable = unquestionable = acknowledged adj. 不容置疑的,无可争
486 indiscriminate=random adj. 任意的;无差别的
487 indistinguishable from=identical to 与……难以区别
488 induce=bring about =cause v. 导致,引起
489 in essence = in nature, at heart 本质上的
490 inevitable=unavoidable;necessarily adj. 不可避免的
491 inexplicable=mysterious adj. 费解的

492 ingenious=innovate adj. 有独创性的;机灵的,
493 ingenuity = creativity n. 独创性

494 ingestion=swallowing n. 摄取;咽下
495 inhabitant=resident n. 居民;居住者
496 inherently=naturally adv. 内在地;固有地;天性地
497 inhibit=discourage =restrain v. 抑制
498 inhospitable=hostile adj. 不好客的

499 initiate=introduce=begin vt. 开始,创始;发起
500 innovation = development n. 发明,创新

501 innovative=creative adj. 创新的

502 innumerable=countless adj. 无数的

503 insist = persist v. 坚持

504 inspire=encourage v. 激励,促进

505 install=put in place v.安装

506 insure=guarantee vt. 确保,保证
507 intact= complete =whole adj. 完整的

508 integral=essential 构成整体所必须的;完整的,整体的

509 integrate= combine v. 使…成整体
510 integrity=unity n. 完整;整体
511 intend=plan v. 打算
512 intended=expected adj. 有意的;打算中的
513 intensity=strength n. 强度;强烈
514 intensive=strong adj. 强烈的
515 intercept=stop vt. 拦截;截断
516 intermediate=in-between adj. 中间的
517 intermittently=periodically adv. 间歇地
518 interpret=understand v. 理解,解读

519 intimately=closely adv. 亲密地
520 intricate=complex adj. 复杂的

521 intrusive=unwelcome 干涉的;打扰的
522 invaluable = precious adj. 宝贵的,无价的
523 investigate=examine v. 调查研究
524 inviting=encouraging adj. 吸引人的,诱人的
525 irritating=annoying adj. 烦人的,使人恼火的

526 isolated=separated adj. 孤零零的,孤单的
527 jeopardize=endangered vt. 危害

528 just=fair adj. 公正的

529 justifiable=rightful adj. 正当的

530 justification=reason n. 正当的理由,可接受的理由

531 keen=intense=sharp adj. 强烈的

532 kept in check=prevented 阻止

533 laboriously=making much effort adv.辛苦地;费力地
534 lateral=side adj. 单边的

535 launched=started v. 启动
536 law = principle n. 原则,法则
537 leftover=remains n.残余
538 lethal=deadly adj. 致命的
539 likewise=similarly adv. 同样地
540 little short of miraculous=amazing 不可思议的
541 longevity=long life n. 长寿
542 lucrative=payable =profitable adj. 有利可图的
543 lure=attract v. 吸引,诱惑
544 magnificent=impressive adj. 华丽的;宏伟的
545 magnified=increased v. 放大

546 magnitude=extent =size n. 大小;量级
547 mainstay=foundation n.支柱, 中流砥柱

548 maintained=claimed v. 主张
549 maintaining= keeping v.维持
550 manageable=easy to handle adj. 易控制的
551 mandated=required=ordered v. 命令

552 maneuverable = easily handled adj. 容易操作的

553 manifestations=expressions n. 显示
554 manipulate=handle vt 操纵

555 manipulated=skillfully used v. 操作

556 many-segmented=are divided into several

557 margin=limit n. 边缘
558 margins=ends n. 边缘

559 marvelous=wonderful =miraculous adj. 了不起的;非凡的

560 masking=hiding v. 掩饰
561 massively=extensively adv. 大量地

562 master = become skillful at solving v. 精通

563 match=agree with =suit 和…相配
564 mature=fully developed adj. 成熟的
565 mean=average adj. 平均的
566 meanwhile=during that time 与此同时
567 meager = thin/ low adj. 稀薄的,微薄的
568 mechanism=method=mean 机制,方法
569 mere=just; only
570 merely=simply adv. 仅仅
571 methodically=systematically adv. 系统地
572 meticulous=careful adj. 小心谨慎的

573 might=strength=power n. 力量
574 mimic=reproduce vt. 模仿

575 minimizing=reducing to the smallest degree vt 使减到最小
576 minuscule=tiny adj. 极小的
577 mobilize=put into action vt.动员,调动
578 modern=contemporary adj. 现代的

579 modest=moderate, relatively small adj. 适度的,不大的

580 modest=reasonable adj. 谦虚的
581 modified=made changes to v. 改变

582 momentum=push n. 冲力
583 monumental=enormous adj. 庞大的

584 more permeable=had crossings 更多的渗透

585 more robust=stronger 更强健的

586 more subtle=less obvious 更不易察觉的

587 moreover=in addition adv. 而且
588 mortality=death n. 死亡

589 most attainable=easiest to reach 最易获得的

590 motility=movement n. 移动
591 motivated=encouraged (made it possible for) v. 鼓励
592 motives=reasons n. 动机
593 mounted=grew v. 成长
594 mounting=increasing
595 much deterioration=worse condition 更加恶化
596 multifaceted=in all sides 多方面的
597 mundane=ordinary adj. 普通的,世俗的
598 mutual=shared adj. 相互的
mutually unintelligible= cannot understand each other’s languages 彼此听

600 myriad = innumerable, infinite, countless adj. 无数的
601 namely = that is to say 也就是

602 needless to say=obviously 显然
603 nonetheless=despite of this =even so 尽管
604 notable=well-known adj. 显著的

605 notably = in particular, significantly 尤其,显著地
606 noticeable = obvious = marked 显而易见的

607 notion=idea n. 概念,想法
608 notorious for=well-known for 因...声名狼藉

609 notwithstanding=despite 尽管
610 novel = innovative, fresh, original, creative 创新的,原创的

611 novice=beginner n. 初新手

612 nurture = forster, encourage 养育;鼓励

613 oblige=force vt. 迫使

614 obscure = subtle adj. 晦涩难懂的,不易看清的
615 observation=finding n. 观察

616 obsolete=out of date adj. 过时的;老式的

617 obstruction=barrier n.阻碍
618 obtained=gathered v. 获得
619 occasionally=sometimes
620 of no need to say=obvious adj. 明显的;显著的
621 offset=balanced vt.抵消;弥补
622 omit = leave out v. 删除,省略
623 on balance= overall 总而言之,总的来说
624 ongoing=continuing adj. 仍在进行的;不断前进的;持续存在的
625 opposed = contrary =adverse adj. 相反的,敌对的
626 optimal=best =ideal adj. 最佳的

627 optimal=most favorable adj. 最佳的;
628 optimum=ideal

629 originates=comes from v. 起源于
630 ornamented=decorated v. 装饰
631 ostentatious=showy adj. 招摇的
632 outbreak=sudden increase n. 暴发,激增
633 outweighs=exceeds vt 超越(限制、规定、限度等)

634 overall=general adj.全体的
635 over-estimate=may be higher 高估;

636 overlap=have parts in common v. 重叠

637 oversee=supervise v. 监管

638 painstaking=with great effort adj. 艰苦的;勤勉的

639 paralleled=developed at the same time and rate adj. 并行的,平行的

640 parallels=matches v. 匹配
641 parameters=factors n. 参数
642 paramount=supreme adj. 最重要的,主要的;

643 particular=specific adj.详细的

644 particularly=especially adv.独特地
645 paved the way for=made possible 为...做好准备;为…铺平道路
646 peak=high point n. 顶点
647 peculiar =unique=unusual adj. 特殊的;独特的;
648 penchant = inclination n. 倾向
649 penetrate in=pass through v. 穿透
650 perceive=see vt. 察觉,感觉
651 perfected=improved v. 使…完美, v. 改善
652 peril = danger n. 危险
653 periodical=regular adj. 周期的;定期的

654 peripheral=boundary adj. 外围的
655 perish=die v. 死亡

656 permanent=constant adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的
657 permeated=spread throughout vt 渗透
658 perpetually=constantly adv. 永恒地,持久地
659 perplexing=puzzling adj. 令人费解的;令人困惑的
660 persist=last v. 持续

661 persistent=continuous=lasting adj. 持久稳固的
662 persuade=convince vt. 说服,劝说

663 persuasive=convincing adj. 有说服立力的

664 pertinent=relevant adj. 中肯的,相关的

665 pervasive=widespread adj. 普遍的;

666 pierced=broke through 刺破

667 pioneering=original adj. 先锋的,首创的

668 plague=harm =cause n. 灾祸
669 plausible=likely adj. 看似可信的

670 plausible=reasonable adj. 貌似有理的

671 plentiful=abundant =numerous adj. 大量的, 丰富的;许多的
672 pointed out=stated 指出
673 pondered=thought about v. 思考
674 portable=movable adj. 便携式的;
675 posed=presented vt. 提出…讨论
676 postulate=hypothesize v. 假设
677 postulate=propose v. 提出(理论)
678 potent=powerful adj. 强大的
679 potential=possible adj. 可能的,潜在的
680 practically=almost =nearly adv.几乎

681 pragmatic=practical adj. 实际的
682 precede=occur before vt. 领先,在…之前

683 preceding = earlier
684 precious=expensive =valuable adj. 宝贵的
685 precise=accurate =exact adj.精确的
686 precisely=exactly adv. 精确地
687 preclude= prevent 阻止, 防止

688 predecessor=manufacturers who came before n. 前任,前辈
689 predominantly=mostly=mainly adv. 主要地;显著地

690 predominate=are in the majority

691 preeminence=dominance n. 卓越;优势

692 preeminent=main adj. 卓越的

693 preliminary=initial adj. 初步的,开始的

694 prelude to=introductory step to序幕

695 preponderance=majority n. 优势
696 prerequisite=requirement n. 先决条件

697 preserve=maintain vt 维持
698 preserving= keeping n. 保留,保存
699 presumably=most likely =probably adv. 大概
700 presumed=assumed=supposed v. 假定
701 prevail=dominate vi. 盛行,流行
702 prevailing=dominant adj. 流行的;占优势的
703 prevailing=generally accepted adj. 流行的
704 primitive=simple adj. 原始的,简单的
705 prior to=before 在…之前
706 privileged=advantaged adj. 享有特权的
707 proclaim=declare vt. 宣告,公布

708 profound=significant adj. 意义深远的;
709 profoundly=deeply adv. 深刻地;深深地

710 profusely=abundant adv. 丰富地
711 progressively=increasingly
712 prohibit=prevent vt. 防止;阻止
713 proliferate=increase quickly vi. 激增
714 proliferation=rapid increase in number

715 prolific=highly productive adj. 多产的;丰富的
716 prolifically=abundantly adv. 丰富地

717 prolonged=extended
718 promote=encourage

719 prompts=stimulates
720 prone to=subject to 易于……的

721 proper=appropriate
722 properties=characteristics n.特征
723 proponent=supporter n. 支持者

724 proportionately=comparatively adv. 相称地,成比例地

725 prospective=potential adj. 潜在的,很可能发生的
726 prospered=succeeded v. 繁荣
727 prosperity=wealth n. 繁荣
728 prosperous=successful =wealthy adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的
729 provided that=if 如果
730 proximate=close distance from adj. 接近的
731 proximity=closeness =in short distances n. 接近
732 prudent=cautious adj. 谨慎的
733 pursue=engage in 从事
734 pursue=practice vt. 从事

735 put forth=offered 提出
736 put up with=tolerate v. 容忍,忍受

737 quantify=calculate vt 量化
738 quest=search vt. 探索
739 radically=extremely adv. 彻底地
740 random=chance n. 随意
741 random=uncontrolled adj. 随机的

742 readily=easily adv. 容易地
743 readily=quickly adv. 快速地

744 recall=remember vt召回;回想起

745 recognize=know vt认出

746 recognized=accepted adj. 公认的

747 recollections=memories n. 回忆;追忆

748 recommend=support vt 推荐
749 reconcile=bring together vt 使和解
750 recover=to return to normal vt 恢复

751 recur=repeat frequently vi.重复发生

752 recurring=repeated v. 再发生,复发
753 refined=improved v. 精炼;精制
754 reflected=shown 反映
755 regard for=concern for 考虑
756 regardless of=no matter 不顾,不管
757 regimes=governments n. 政治制度,政权
758 reinforcing=strengthening v. 加固;加强
759 relative to=compared to 相对于
760 relatively=comparatively adv. 相对地
761 relay=transfer vi. 转发,转播

762 release=setting free 释放
763 relentless =unceasing =without pause adj. 不断的;不停的

764 relevance to = relation to =pertinence n. 关联;适当;中肯
765 reliance=dependence n. 依靠
766 reluctant=hesitant adj. 不情愿的

767 reluctantly=unwillingly adv. 不情愿地,勉强地;
768 remarkable=impressive = marvelous adj.卓越的;非凡的

769 remarkablely=extremely = considerably adj. 显著地,非常地
770 remnants=remains n. 剩余部分

771 remote=distant adj. 遥远的;偏僻的

772 remote=isolated adj. 遥远的

773 renewed=restored v. 更新
774 renowned=famous adj. 有名的

775 repel=drive away vt. 击退;抵制

776 repetitive=done many times =happened many times adj. 重复的
777 replenish =fill, renew, restore v. 补充;重新装满

778 replicating=copying v. 复制
779 resemble=be similar vt 像
780 resemble=looks like vt. 类似,像
781 resembled=were similar to vt. 类似,像
782 resistance=opposition n. 抵抗,反抗
783 resolve=settle vt.& vi. 解决
784 restored=returned v. 恢复
785 restricted=limited vt. 限制;约束;限定
786 resultant=consequent adj. 结果的
787 resume=to start again v. 重始
788 retained= kept 保持

789 retains=keeps=preserves v. 保留;维持
790 retarding=slowing v.使变慢

791 retention=keeping n. 保留
792 revealed=showed v. 透露;显示
793 revere=honor vt. 敬畏;尊敬
794 revered=greatly admired v. 崇敬
795 revive=bring back vt. 使复活,使恢复

796 rigid=exact adj.精确的
797 rigid=fixed adj. 死板的

798 rigors=difficulties n. 严酷(艰苦)

799 ringed=surrounded adj.被包围的;

800 rival=competitor n. 对手
801 robust=healthy adj. 健康的

802 robust=strong adj. 强健的;结实的

803 rot =decay vt 使腐烂
804 roughly =approximately =generally adv. 粗略地;大体上

805 routine=common n.日常的

806 routinely=often adv. 例行公事地;老一套地
807 routinely=regularly adv. 常规地
808 rudimentary=basic / simple/ primitive =elementary adj. 基本的,初步的
809 rugged=rough adj. 崎山区的;
810 ruled out=excluded v. 排除
811 sabotaged=intentionally damaged v. 蓄意破坏的
812 saturate=fill vt. 渗透
813 scale=size n. 规模
814 scant=little adj. 不足的;缺乏的
815 scanty=few adj. 缺乏的

816 scarcity=insufficiency n. 不足;缺乏
817 scatter=distribute =separate =spread vi. 分散,散开

818 scenario= a version of events n. 方案;
819 scrutiny=close observation n. 仔细观察
820 scrutiny=examination n. 详细审查
821 sculpt=shape vt. 雕刻;雕塑
822 sealed = closed v. 密封

823 secrete=release vt 分泌
824 securing=getting v.得到

825 seek=look for vt 寻求

826 segmented=different parts adj. 分段的

827 segmented=divided v. 分开
828 segregated=separated v. 分开

829 seldom = rareIy =not often adv. 很少,不常

830 self-sufficiency=independence n. 自主
831 sensitive to=responsible for 对…每憾

832 sentimental=emotional adj. 伤感的;多愁善感的

833 set in motion =start, begin, launch, proceed 开始
834 set the stage for=prepared an environment for 为……做准备
835 severely=greatly=seriously adv. 严重地
836 severity=harshness =seriousness n. 严重
837 shallow=having little depth n. 浅滩
838 shatter=broke vt 粉碎;打碎
839 shelter=protect vt 保护,庇护
840 shrinkage=reduction n. 幌宿;减低
841 significance=importance n. 意义
842 significant=considerable /crucial adj. 重要的

843 signifying=indicate vt 表明
844 simultaneously=at the same time adv. 同时发生地

845 skeptical=doubtful adj. 怀疑的
846 skepticism=doubt n. 怀疑
847 sleek=smooth adj. 圆滑的
848 soared=increased dramatically v.驟然上升
849 solely =only adv. 单独地

850 sophisticated=complex =highly developed adj. 复杂的
851 sophisticated=hard understood adj.复杂的,难以理解的

852 sophistication=complexity n. 复杂
853 sought=looked for /tried to obtain v. 寻找,探寻

854 spark = bring about v. 发动,引起

855 sparse=scarce =thin adj. 稀疏的

856 sparser=more thinly distributed adj. 稀疏的,

857 spectacular=magnificent =remarkable adj.壮观的
858 speculate=conjecture =guess vt. 推测

859 speculates=puts forward as a possibility

860 sporadic=occasional adj. 不定时发生
861 spurt= a sudden increase vi. 冲刺,喷出
862 stagnant=unmoving adj. 不流动的,停滞的
863 stamina=endurance n. 耐力
864 stance=posture n. 立场
865 staple=main adj. 主要的
866 startled=surprised v. 使受惊
867 stationary=fixed adj. 固定的,不动的
868 stature = height, reputation 身高,名望
869 steadily = firmly = continuously

870 sterile=barren adj. 贫瘠的
871 still=motionless adj. 不动的

872 stimulated=encouraged v. 刺激、导致
873 straightforward=simple adj. 简单的
874 strategy=plan n.策略
875 strenuous=put more energy adj. 费力的

876 striking=noteworthy =dramatic adj. 显著的;引人注目的

877 strive=make effort vi. 努力奋斗
878 subdue=defeat vt 战胜,征服

879 subjected to=exposed to使某A经历某事

880 submerged=put underwater 淹没;把…浸入

881 subsequent= later=following=ensuing adj. 后来的;随后的

882 subsistence=survival n. 生存
substantial=considerable=significant =a large amount of adj. 重大的,大

884 subtle= not obvious adj. 微妙的;精细的
885 subtly=slightly adv. 轻微地,轻轻地

886 succeeding=following adj. 以后的

887 successive=following adj. 连续的,以后的
888 suddenly=abruptly adv.忽然
889 suffice=be enough vt. 使充足
890 sufficient=adequate adj. 足够的;充分的
891 sufficiently=adequately ==enough adv. 足够地,充分地
892 suitable=appropriate adj. 适当的;相配的
893 superficially=on first impression adv. 表面地
894 superlative=excellent adj. 最高的;最高级的
895 supplant=replace vt 代替
896 supplement =complement =add to vt 增补,补充

897 supplementary=additional adj. 增补的,追加的
898 supposition=examined n. 假定;推测

899 surely=certainly adv. 当然;无疑
900 surge=an sudden increase in=sudden growth =sharp rise n. 激增
901 surge=move forcefully vi. 激增;汹涌
902 surpass = exceed v. 超越,超出
903 surplus=extra adj. 过剩的;多余的;

904 surplus=the amount that exceed n. 剩余;过剩
905 susceptible to=likely to be affected by adj. 易受...影响的

906 suspicion=distrust n. 怀疑
907 sustain=continue vt. 维持;支撑

908 sustain=maintain =support vt. 维持

909 swerve=change direction vt.& vi. 使急转弯

910 swift=fast /quick adj. 迅速的

911 switch on=activate启动
912 synthesizing=combining v. 合成

913 system=group n. 系统
914 systematically=methodically adv. 有系统地
915 tactic=strategy =method n. 策略
916 take for granted = desire
917 tangible= physical adj. 有形的
918 temporarily=briefly adv. 暂时地;
919 temporary=for short-term adj.暂时的,临时的
920 tending=taking care of v. 照顾
921 termed=named称为
922 terminate=stop vt. 使终止
923 terminating=ending v. 使终结

924 their components=what they consist of 组成部分
925 theoretically=in principle adv. 理论地,理论上;

926 thereby=consequently adv. 从而
927 thinnest=finest adj. 薄的,瘦的;
928 thorough=completely adj. 彻底的
929 thoroughly=carefully adv. 彻底地,完全地
930 thriving = prosperous adj. 繁荣的

931 tidy=neat adj. 整洁的,整齐的
932 ties=connections n. 衔接

933 tolerate=endure vt. 忍受

934 traces=small amounts n. 少量

935 trait=feature n. 特点,特注

936 transmit=communicate vt. 传输

937 transparent=clear adj. 透明的;清澈的

938 trappings =decorations n. 装饰
939 traumatic=upsetting, stressful adj. 创伤的

940 tremendous=enormous adj. 巨大的

941 trigger=initiate =start vt. 引发,触发
942 triggering=starting vt. 引发, 引起
943 twenty or so= around twenty二十左右
944 typified=characterized adj. 以...为特点的
945 ultimately=finally /eventually adv. 最后,
946 unambiguous=unmistakable adj. 清楚的;
947 unceasing=continually adj. 不断的
948 underlying=basic adj. 潜在的;根本的
949 undertook = began v. 着手做
950 undesirable=unsatisfactory adj. 不令人满意的

951 undoubted=certain adj. 确实的
952 unethical=improper adj. 不道德的

953 unfavorable= negative =disadvantageous adj. 不顺利的
954 uniform=constant adj. 统一的;一致的
955 uniformly=evenly adv. 平均地
956 unintentional=unplanned adj. 非故意的

957 unintentionally=accidentally adv. 非故意地

958 unique=valuable adj. 宝责的,珍贵的
unprecedented=never seen before, unlike anything in the past adj.前所未有
959 的,无前例的

960 unpredictable=uncertain n. 不可预言的事

961 unpromising=unfavorable adj. 没有希望的

962 unrivaled=unequaled adj. 无双的;无比的

963 upon reflection=after consideration 考虑后

964 utilized=used v. 利用,使用

965 utterly=completely adv. 完全地;绝对地

966 vacant=empty adj. 空缺的;空虚的

967 vacate=empty vt 空出
968 vacated=abandoned adj. 被空出的;
969 validity=truth n. 正确,正当
970 vanishes=disappears vi. 消失
971 vast widespread=common 广泛分布的
972 vast=huge adj. 巨大的
973 velocity=speed n. 速度
974 verge=edge n. 边缘
975 verging=bordering n. 边缘
976 verifying=confirming v. 验证;核查
977 viable=able to survive adj. 切实可行的;能养活

978 vicinity=area=surrounding area n. 附近
979 vicinity=neighborhood n. 邻近,附近

980 vigorous= strong=energetic= lively adj. 有力的;精力充沛的
981 vigorously=energetically adv. 有力地;精力充沛地
982 virtually=almost completely adv. 事实上,几乎
983 vow=promise n.宣布;

vulnerable=delicate =easily damaged ==unprotected adj. 易受攻击的;易受

985 weakness=vulnerability n. 弱点,缺点
986 wealth=abundance n. 充裕,大量

987 whereas = while, although 尽管,但是

988 widespread = common 广泛的,常见的

989 wiped out=killed off 消灭

990 witness=observe vt.目击

991 wordless to say=obvious adj. 明显的

992 worshiper=people who visit the temples n. 崇拜者;礼拜者
993 worthwhile=valuable adj. 值得做的

994 wrought=created adj. 锻造的;加工的

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