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Name : Diva Saffara Azzahra

NIM : 061940612071


I. Read this passage and answer the questions below

I flew cross-country during the pandemic—here’s how I

would prepare differently if I had to do it again’

Published Sat, May 30 2020 9:30 AM EDT

By; Kathleen Elkins

On Friday, May 22, I flew from Los Angeles, where I currently live, back home to Charlotte, North Carolina, to be
closer to family right now.

Planes have been flying emptier the past few months: U.S. air travel demand is down about 90% from a year ago
and 73% of U.S. flights are less than half full, Airlines for America (A4A) estimates. However, my flight happened
to be an exception and was nearly full. I was prepared with the basics — I wore a mask for the duration of the
journey and packed hand sanitizer — but looking back, I could have done more to feel safer at the airport and on-
board the plane.

It’s nearly impossible to socially distance if you’re traveling by air, so you’re better off avoiding flying if possible.
But if it’s essential you travel, here are four things I wish I’d done differently before heading to the airport:

1. Download your airline’s app so you can have a mobile boarding pass rather than a printed
one. It’ll be one less document to hand over to TSA agents at security and ticketing agents at your gate,
which I had to do. (Though, TSA announced last week that passengers will soon be asked to place their
boarding passes on scanners themselves to limit contact.) Plus, if you have your boarding pass ahead of
time, you won’t have to print it at the airport. That’s what I did, which meant using a touch-screen at one of
the self-service kiosks.
2. Keep hand sanitizer accessible at all times. After boarding, I accidentally left mine in my carry- on
bag, which I placed in the overhead bin. You’re better off keeping it in your pocket or a small bag you’re
placing under your seat.
3. Bring sanitizing wipes to disinfect your airplane seat, tray table and general space around
you. Airlines say they’re enhancing their cleaning procedures, but it can’t hurt to wipe down the space
yourself. Plus, it will give you more peace of mind.
4. Leave the gloves at home. Experts warn that you can easily contaminate yourself with gloves if you
don’t use them properly and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) says that they’re not necessary for the
general public unless you’re cleaning or caring for someone who is sick. I brought a pair, but didn’t end up
using them.

Here are three things I did ahead of time to prepare for a safe flight that I would recommend:

1. Wear glasses to prevent yourself from touching your face. My glasses served as a reminder to
not touch my eyes, which I tend to do subconsciously. Between my mask, which covered my mouth and
nose, and my glasses, my face was almost completely protected. If you don’t wear glasses, goggles or a
face shield will work. It could also decrease your risk of catching the virus through your eyes.
2. Pack your own food. Not all airlines are serving food and beverages on board. For my five-hour flight,
American Airlines handed out paper bags with a small water bottle and pack of chocolate caramel bites.
Plus, most bars and restaurants in the airport terminal were closed. I brought a bag of snacks from home to
avoid unnecessary contact in airport shops.
3. Keep your distance during the boarding process. While signs and announcements reminded me
and my fellow passengers to maintain our distance while boarding, it’s difficult to keep so many people
apart in such a small space. And there weren’t any physical markings to help indicate proper social
distancing. My strategy was to wait away from the gate, where it was less crowded, and board last, after the
gate was nearly empty.

Flying safely comes down to more than just maintaining your distance from other travelers. You want to limit
contact as much as possible by doing things like using a mobile boarding pass, bringing your own food or paying for
anything in the airport using a form of contactless payment like Apple Pay, instead of cash or card.

As for the actual flight, it’s hard to know whether you’ll be flying at half capacity or sitting inches away from
other passengers. Prepare for it to be full, expect to have your face covered the whole trip, pack
disinfecting wipes and keep your hand sanitizer close.

Comprehension Questions

1. Who wrote this article?

Kathleen Elkins wrote this article

2. When was the article published?

This article published Saturday, May 30 2020 9:30 AM EDT

3. When was the trip made by the author?

The trip made by the author on Friday, May 22

4. Who accompanied the author?


5. Due to the pandemic, was the airplane full of passenger?

Planes have been flying emptier the past few months: U.S. air travel demand is down about 90% from
a year ago and 73% of U.S. flights are less than half full, Airlines for America (A4A) estimates.
However, the author’s flight happened to be an exception and was nearly full.

6. Did the author apply social distance regulation in the airplane?

No, she didn’t. it’s hard to know whether you’ll be flying at half capacity or sitting inches away from
other passengers.

7. What did the author do to feel safer at the airport and on-board the plane?
The author was prepared with the basics, she wore a mask for the duration of the journey and packed
hand sanitizer The author do limit contact as much as possible by doing things like using a mobile
boarding pass, bringing your own food or paying for anything in the airport using a form of contactless
payment like Apple Pay, instead of cash or card.

8. What did the author do before heading to the airport?

Before heading to the airport the author
Download her airline’s app so she can have a mobile boarding pass rather than a printed one
Keep hand sanitizer accessible at all times
Bring sanitizing wipes to disinfect her airplane seat, tray table and general space around her.
And leave the gloves at home

9. What did the author recommend for us before making a trip.

Here are three things the author did ahead of time to prepare for a safe flight that she would

Wear glasses to prevent yourself from touching your face

Pack your own food
Keep your distance during the boarding process

10. Make a conversation that might happen during the author trip. (make at least 10


Atuthor : Good morning, excuse me. I have downloade my airline’s app so I have a boarding pass,
but I want to ask something
Attendant: Good morning, yes miss. May I help you?
Author : So it is mean I won’t habe to print it at the airport? And using a touch screen at one of the
self sevice kiosks
Attendant : Of course miss. You can go there for it. Where is your destination?
Author : I want to Charlotte, North Carolina. What must I do to keep me save during this flight?
Attendant : You can wear your mask for the duration of the journet and packed hand sanitizer miss
Author : Airlines say they’re enhancing their cleaning procedures, but it can’t hurt to wipe down the
space myself. Is that okay?
Attendant : Yes, it is okay miss  it will give you more peace of mind.

Author : So, what again? Gloves?

Attendant : Just leave the gloves at home miss. Experts warn that you can easily contaminate yourself
with gloves if you don’t use them properly and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) says
that they’re not necessary for the general public unless you’re cleaning or caring for
someone who is sick.
Author : okay, so I can wear my glasses to prevent my selp from touching my face and wear a
mask. Thank you
Attendant : Yes miss. You’re welcome. Have a good trip and stay safe, stay healthy!

to Soal 1 sd 9 berbobot 45

Soal no 10 berbobot 35
II. Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct words from the right column

No Left Column Right Column

1. an area in the airport that handles all problem relates to Treatment (22)
baggage Baggage office
2. the situation of a passenger’s luggage Luggage status Customary
3. luggage that has disappeared Lost baggage Decompression
4. to be traveling from one place to another In transit Walking tour (13)
5. something not being where it should be missing Emergency slide
6. to find something and get it back recover Settle the bill (12)
7. to tell someone information notify Gratuity (11)
8. Flight that takes holiday makers to popular travel Porcelain (19)
Destinations Charter flight
9. Visit to popular locations with a guide guide tour Guide tour (9)
10. A place where people go to receive different kinds of Market (14)
beauty treatments Spa
11. Money left as thanks for a service gratuity Advisory
12. Pay the fees listed on the bill settle the bill Vomiting (35)
13. Walking visit to popular tourist location Walking tour Tropical (36)
14. There are many items for sale at the … Market Quarantine station (37)
15. A … bargain hunter only buys things at a low price Continent (38)
16. I always set a limit about how much money to spend Chills (39)
17. Barbara made a good price on the shirts. She didn’t pay Fever (40)
very much for them
18. Stella is not … asking for lower prices. Baggage office (1)
19. The woman sells beautiful objects made of … Porcelain Luggage status (2)
20. George bought a pretty rug at a Lost baggage (3)
21. This place is a shopper’s paradise! It sells just about In transit (4)
22. The doctors provided treatment for my broken arm Missing (5)
23. Todd buys medicine at the … pharmacy Recover (6)
24. Call the emergency number to get help right away Notify (7)
25. I need to go to thev. I want to tell them about a crime Charter flight (8)
police station
26. Max speaks to the embassy worker about his legal trouble Bargain hunter (15)
27. Marcy left work early today. There was an emergency Spa (10)
her sick mother
28. The drop in levels of oxygen in a aircraft cabin used to Good price (17)
29. A substance that most living being need in order to live Shopper’s paradise (21)
30. An item that helps people stay above water flotation device Limit (16)
31. A part of an airplane where people leave the plane exit row Pharmacy (23)
32. Very bad Emergency number (24)
33. A plastic item used to quickly get off a plane Police station (25)
34. An official announcement giving information or warning Legal (26)
35. Janie went to the bathroom because she felt like … Emergency (27)
36. John enjoys traveling to warm and tropical places like Used to
37. The workers at the … found that missy didn’t have any Oxygen (29)
diseases. They let her travel as she planned Quarantine
38. Peter has travelled to every Continent on Earth except for Flotation device (30)
39. Oscar needs a blanket because he has the … chills Exit row (31)
40. The doctor felt Gina’s head to see if she had a … Fever Severe

(Bobot 20)

Good Luck

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