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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


TOPIC/s Activity 1: Different Databases(Research 1)

Title of topic/s
 Database and its Significance
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Database
 Database Application(Types, and tools)
 Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS
 Difference Between Centralized and Distributed Database

KEYWORDS Database, Importance, Management, Data, Server, Connection,

Main words used in the Normalisation
GUIDE QUESTIONS 1. To know the significance of Database
get it from the discussions 2. What is the Pros and Cons of having a Database
3. What are the types of Database
4. What are the software/tools that can be use to manage Database
5. Familiarity on DBMS and RBMS
6. To differentiate Centralized and Distributed database
DEFINITION OF 1.Database. A collection of information or data stored in a computer
TERMS system.
Define term based on how it was 2.Backbone. Part of Computer Infrastructure that interconnects
used in the discussion different networks and provides a path for exchange of data.
3. Multi-Access. Makes it possible for multiple authorized users to
access the same database from different places, ways.
4. Data Conversion. Conversion of one data format into another. It is a
technical process mostly done by software
5. Relational. type of database that stores and provides access to data
points that are related to one another.
6. Object-Oriented. Using a methodology which enables a system to
be modeled as a set of objects which can be controlled and manipulated
in a modular manner.
7. Open Source. Denoting software for which the original source code
is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
8. SQL. Structured Query Language, standardized programming
language that is used to manage relational databases and perform
various operations
9. Normalisation. A database design technique that reduces data
10. Multimodel Databases. Combine different types of database
models into a single, integrated back end.


Database and its Significance

Before we Move to the significance of Database, First let’s know what is database.

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically
stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database
management system (DBMS). Together, the data and the DBMS, along with the applications
that are associated with them, are referred to as a database system, often shortened to just

Data within the most common types of databases in operation today is typically
modeled in rows and columns in a series of tables to make processing and data querying
efficient. The data can then be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, controlled, and
organized. Most databases use structured query language (SQL) for writing and querying
Simply, Database is a collection of Data, if you have known what is a variable.
Variable holds a data also, but it can only hold one data type only. In database, you can store
different data types at the same time.

Database is a valuable asset for each and every company in today’s technology world.
It is crucial and acts as the backbone of any software application. Without an appropriate
database, we cannot imagine the application systems to function as per user requirements.

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


Advantages of Database

As mentioned earlier, Database serves as a solution to the influx of data that is

generated daily.
There are many benefits associated with the ability to process large amounts of data
efficiently, and the most significant among them are as follows:

1. Improved Efficiency
Database management systems are essential for businesses because they offer an efficient
way of handling large amounts and multiple types of data. The ability to access data
efficiently allows companies to make informed decisions quicker.

2. Versatility
Database management systems are incredibly versatile. They can be accessed on computers,
tablets, and even mobile devices.

3. Allowing categorization and structuring of available data

Database management systems allow organizations and individuals to categorize and
structure available data. For instance, a database for a university can store students’ admission
information and can also save students’ grades and GPA.
4. Multi-access
A database management system makes it possible for multiple authorized users to access the
same database from different places, in different ways, to fulfill different intents.
5. Creating an organized working environment
A database management system offers a way to create a smooth, more organized working
environment. A database query language, such as SQL, provides an easy way to access,
update, as well as process data stored in databases.

6. Newer and better ways to manage data

A robust database management system not only allows authorized users to add new data to
the database while also updating the present data and deleting any data that might have
become obsolete. Like the world, the database management system is evolving.

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


Disadvantages of Database

With the vast list of Advantages of Database, there are some limitations of database
Management System.

1. High Cost
The high cost of software and hardware is the main disadvantage of the database management
Database users require a high-speed processor and huge memory size to use the database
on the DBMS. Sometimes, users require costly machines for maintaining databases.
Organizations need a trained and highly paid technical database administrator for using
and maintaining the large database systems.

2. Huge Size
The size of the database is not big at the initial state, but when the user stores a large amount
of data, then it creates many problems. Due to the huge data, database systems do not provide
good results and do not run efficiently. That's why the size is another limitation of the
database systems.

3. Database Failure
In the database systems, all the data or information of an organization is stored in one
centralized database. If the database of that organization fails, then the data is lost, and the
organization will collapse. So, database failure is a big problem with the database
management system.

4. Complexity
Database management system (DBMS) is so complex for non-technical users. So, it isn't
easy to manage and maintain database systems. Therefore, training for the designers, users,
and administrators is necessary to efficiently run the database systems.

5. Increased Staff Cost

DBMS requires an educated and skilled staff for managing and maintaining the databases.
So, we need to spend a lot of money to get this level of trained and experienced staff.

6. Requirement of Technical Staff

A non-technical people can't understand the complexity of the database. So, the technical
staff is required for maintaining and handling the database management system.

7. Cost of Data Conversion

It is one of the big disadvantages of the database management system because the cost of
data conversion is very high. There is a requirement for trained, skilled, and experienced
database administrators for converting the data smoothly.

8. Performance

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


Performance is another big disadvantage of database systems because the speed of the
database systems for small firms and organizations is very slow. Hence, the performance
of the database systems in small organizations is poor.

Database Applications

Now that we know what is a database, it’s advantages and disadvantages. We should
also know what are the applications that can be used to manage our database (Database
The main purpose of database applications is to provide a way for data to be
consumed either by end users (via UI) or other higher-level applications (via APIs). A
database application can be used for storing or retrieving data, processing transactions, or
various machine learning calculations.

Organizations and database administrators have to understand the pros and cons of the
different database applications and database software out there. Databases can be categorized
by the way they structure and consume data. Some use a normalized model and relations
(Relational) while others use nested objects (Documents and some NoSQL flavors).

Types of Database Application

There are many different types of databases. The best database for a specific organization
depends on how the organization intends to use the data.

Relational databases
Relational databases became dominant in the 1980s. Items in a relational database are
organized as a set of tables with columns and rows. Relational database technology provides
the most efficient and flexible way to access structured information.

Object-oriented databases
Information in an object-oriented database is represented in the form of objects, as in object-
oriented programming.

Distributed databases
A distributed database consists of two or more files located in different sites. The database
may be stored on multiple computers, located in the same physical location, or scattered over
different networks.

Data warehouses
A central repository for data, a data warehouse is a type of database specifically designed for
fast query and analysis.

NoSQL databases
A NoSQL, or nonrelational database, allows unstructured and semistructured data to be
stored and manipulated (in contrast to a relational database, which defines how all data

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


inserted into the database must be composed). NoSQL databases grew popular as web
applications became more common and more complex.

Graph databases
A graph database stores data in terms of entities and the relationships between entities.

Open source databases

An open source database system is one whose source code is open source; such databases
could be SQL or NoSQL databases.

Cloud databases
A cloud database is a collection of data, either structured or unstructured, that resides on a
private, public, or hybrid cloud computing platform. There are two types of cloud database
models: traditional and database as a service (DBaaS). With DBaaS, administrative tasks and
maintenance are performed by a service provider.

Multimodel database
Multimodel databases combine different types of database models into a single, integrated
back end. This means they can accommodate various data types.

Document/JSON database
Designed for storing, retrieving, and managing document-oriented information, document
databases are a modern way to store data in JSON format rather than rows and columns.

Self-driving databases
The newest and most groundbreaking type of database, self-driving databases (also known as
autonomous databases) are cloud-based and use machine learning to automate database
tuning, security, backups, updates, and other routine management tasks traditionally
performed by database administrators.

List of Database Management Software

Below are some of the list of Applications that can serve as a tool to operate databases.

1. SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer is the database management software that can
perform SQL query performance monitoring, analysis, and tuning. It supports cross-platform
database performance tuning and optimization.
2. DbVisualizer is a Universal Database Tool for runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS and
connects to most major databases and JDBC drivers. Browse, administer and visualize your
database objects with a single tool and user interface.
3. ManageEngine Applications Manager is an ideal and affordable tool for IT Operations,
DBAs, DevOps, and Cloud Ops engineers in small, medium as well as large enterprise
ManageEngine Applications Manager provides all-round database performance management
to ensure uninterrupted business service delivery.

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


4. Oracle database is the most widely used object-relational database management software.
The latest version of this tool is 12c where c means cloud computing. It supports multiple
Windows, UNIX, and Linux versions.
5. Microsoft SQL Server Developed in the year 1989. The latest updated version came in 2016.
The language used is Assembly C, Linux, C++ for writing it. (It is one of my favorite. )
6. MySQL. Latest version 8. The language used is C and C++.
Works on Linux and Windows.
Few features of this tool are:
High-speed data processing, use of triggers increases productivity, with rollback and
commit helps in data recovery if required.
7. Microsoft Access. Latest stable version 16.0.4229.1024.
Works on Microsoft Windows.
Few features of this tool are:
It is an affordable database management system used mostly by e-commerce sites.

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

What is a Database Management System(DBMS)?

Database Management System (DBMS) is software used to identify, manage, and create a
database that provides administered access to the data.

What is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a more advanced version of a DBMS
system that allows access to data in a more efficient way. It is used to store or manage only
the data that are in the form of tables.

What is the Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

DBMS stands for Database Management System, and RDBMS is the acronym for the
Relational Database Management system. In DBMS, the data is stored as a file, whereas in
RDBMS, data is stored in the form of tables. To know what is the difference between
RDBMS and DBMS, check out the table below.

Data stored is in table format Data stored in the file format
Multiple data elements are accessible Individual access of data elements
Data in the form of a table are linked No connection between data
Nomarlisation is not achievable There is normalization
Support distributed database No support for distributed database
Data is sorted in a large amount Data stored is a small quantity
Here, redundancy of data is reduced with Data redundancy is common
the help of key and indexes in RDBMS
RDBMS supports multiple users DBMS supports a single user
It features multiple layers of security while There is only low security while handling
handling data data
The software and hardware requirements are The software and hardware requirements are
higher low
Oracle, SQL Server XML, Microsoft Access

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


Difference Between Centralized and Distributed Database

the main difference between centralized and distributed database is that centralized database works
with a single database file while a distributed database works with multiple database files.

Centralized Database Distributed Database

A type of database that contains a single A type of database that contains two or more
database located at one location in the network. database files located at different locations in
the network
Managing, updating and taking backups of data As there are multiple database files in a
is easier because there is only one database file distributed database, it requires time to
synchronize data
Requires time for accessing data because Speed in accessing the data is higher because
multiple users access the database file. the data is retrieved from the nearest database
If the database fails, the users do not have If one database fails, the users can still access
access to a database other database files
Has more data consistency and it provides the Can have data replications, and there can be
complete view to the user some data inconsistency

What is a Centralized Database

In a centralized database, there is a single database file at one location in the network.
Multiple users can access this single database. It is called a centralized database. This kind of database
provides multiple advantages. As there is an only single database file, it is easier to get a complete
view of the data. Moreover, it is easier to manage, update and take backups of data.
On the other hand, as there are multiple users accessing the same database file, it has a higher
usage. This will minimize the productivity.

What is a Distributed Database

A distributed database contains two or more database files located at different locations in the
network. In other words, the database is split into multiple files. The users can access the nearest
database file. This will increase the speed of retrieving data. Moreover, different users can access and
manipulate data relevant to them. This avoids users from interfering with each other. Another
advantage is that if one database fails, there are other database files. Therefore, the system still runs
and the users can access them.
On the other hand, as there are multiple files, it requires time for data synchronization. It is
also necessary to maintain the data consistency. Furthermore, there can be duplications of the same
data. Those are few drawbacks of a distributed database.

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City




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