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Based on my own opinion, here are my appropriate justification for why do I think these are the

strengths of a Sanguine. First, volunteers for jobs. Thinking about how a sanguine person want to
benefit from volunteering is a good start to finding an opportunity that's right for you which is gain
confidence. Volunteering can help you gain confidence by giving you the chance to try something
new and build a real sense of achievement. It also makes a difference by having a real and valuable
positive affect on people, communities and society in general.

Second is thinks up new activities. Ever fancied learning the guitar or a new language? Perhaps
you’ve always wanted try surfing or learn how to cook French food? Whatever your interest and
whatever your age, learning something new is not only fun, it can also be good for you. Pick
something you’re interested in or have wanted to learn or try for a while and give it a go. Here are
some of the benefits you could gain from learning something new which is improve your brain
function. Research shows there are several ways to improve the health of your brain and learning
something new is one of them. ‘Mental sweat’ helps your brain build new cells and strengthen
connections between the cells. When you learn something new you are exercising your brain, which
can help improve cognitive functions such as concentration, attention to detail, memory recall and
problem solving, and also reduce the chance of developing dementia.

Third strengths of a Sanguine is creative and colourful which leads to self-discovery. This will develop
a deeper understanding of who you are when you evaluate your art. Creative and colourful also
promotes self-expression. Some of us are introverts and don’t do well in social situations. We like
our quiet corners. You can use art to express yourself without actually using any words. Finally, it
also helps in personal fulfilment. Your art matters even if it’s not top equal with Van Gogh and
Monet. Your art will make you confident, and nurture you from the inside. Artistic productivity will
also raise your self-esteem and self-respect.

Fourth strength is having energy and enthusiasm. People with enthusiasm and zest are happy, but
this strength goes beyond happiness or pleasure. It is an activated positive energy, and associated
with self- realization and autonomy. Zest is a strength that has strong connotations with both
physical and mental vitality and well-being.

Final strength is inspiring others to join. When a sanguine person inspires people, it can help them to
be more positive. Inspired people are usually those who see the glass as half full, not half empty.
Surrounding yourself with this kind of positivity will inevitably change your outlook, or at least help
you to notice when you’re being negative. This can-do wonders in changing the way you view your
work, your environment, or even your life, which in turn can spark a motivation you never knew you

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