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Celine Marie Cervantes BSABE 3B


For quite a long time, Filipino fishermen have made their living in the waters of
Panatag Shoal, a marine asylum inside the Philippines' elite monetary zone. Be that as
it may, with the proceeded with troublesome presence of the Chinese coast watch
nearby, a fishing excursion to Panatag is the farthest thing from going great. Relations
between the Philippines and China went badly in 2012 over an oceanic contest, with
Filipino anglers enduring the worst part of the strategic line.

It was a branch of a deadlock in Scarborough Shoal following the fear by

Philippine Navy of Chinese fishing vessels got with illicitly gathered jeopardized goliath
shellfishes, corals and other marine assets. In 2013, the Philippines recorded a body of
evidence against China in the Permanent Court of Arbitration, guaranteeing China's
activities disregard the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),
which the Philippines and China both sanctioned.

According to the fisherman, they started fishing 1986 and it was so easy for them
to enter the place without any stand in their way they feel like freedom. They sacrificing
their selves for how many weeks working in the open sea for their living expenses to
their families left at home. They started to experience troublesome when the Chinese
vessels started to dominating the sea with their large boat raising their flags, in order to
scare the Filipino fishermen. When they experience bad weather they go to the place
where typhoon won’t hit in Scarborough and will continue fishing after. Some of the
fishermen lives in visayas and get recruited because of their willingness to work for their
family. Sadly to think that our fishermen experiencing those hardships living in a small
boat having limited resources for fishing, bad weather and even sacrificing their lives so
as to achieve their obligation to their respective families. I hope this issue will have a
proper agreement and help Filipino fishermen to work having opportunity and wellbeing.

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