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Influence Tactic:

To become a successful leader, you must persuade others to support and carry out actions that
the leader as well as team members believe are necessary. Leadership does not exist in the
absence of influence. To put it another way, leadership is the action of influencing results.
Leaders utilize different techniques and pursue slightly different goals based on the direction of
influence. One of the main influence tactics followed by Akeel Kareem Dedhi is “Inspirational
In order to win support for a proposal or plan of action, inspirational appeals attempt to delve
into the beliefs, feelings, and emotions. It motivates people through appealing to their values,
ideals, and aspirations. it also includes referent power, which arises from the individual
characteristics of an individual such as the extent to which we appreciate, regard, and admire that
His company, among other things, lends money to recent graduates and students with unique
ideas who are looking for funds to start their own tech and media businesses. The corporation
serves as a seed fund as well as an entrepreneurial incubator, giving funding as well as training to
prospective entrepreneurs. For the previous decade or so, Dhedhi has purposefully pioneered
these services. He is  a firm believer in the first mover advantages.
Influence outcome:
Despite his influence tactic, most individuals respond to Akeel Kareem Dedhi's influence as
compliance, which occurs when a person you are trying to influence acknowledges your
influence attempt indifferently or unenthusiastically. When the answer to your influence attempt
is compliance, you have most likely succeeded in influencing the behavior but not the views of
your influence target. Some of the TMT Ventures-funded and coached students have gone on to
patent their ideas. The majority of them have almost however, immediately sold their copyrights
for monetary gain.

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