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Muhammad Umer Khan is the CEO of a newly established FMCG firm called Silkvel pvt. Ltd.

He runs a smoothly running firm with a staff of up to 50 people. It's critical to understand his
approach to leadership. His leadership style, he believes, is a Democratic style as a whole. A
democratic leader recognizes that no organization can exist without the participation of its
members. Because of this, when it comes to making critical decisions, he talks with others,
giving greater weight to their responsibilities than to their position in the organization. The fact
that he actively seeks the opinion of others does not detract from his belief in the strength of his
own decision. His self-awareness and embrace of his leadership role mean that the weight of
final decision rests squarely on his shoulders. Despite the fact that he views the organization as a
collaborative endeavor, the individual is mindful of the fact that he is ultimately responsible for
his or her actions.
Employees and others are encouraged to engage in the decision-making process and the
development of the business's vision when democratic leadership is practiced in the organization.
This forum provides an opportunity for everyone to express their opinions on how the company
should be operated and in what direction it should go. The potential of the organization is
increased as a result of the incorporation of everyone's ideas. We should all, but, be concerned
about the fact that only one person is in charge of making the final decisions on these issues.
Because of the emphasis on equal footing, democratic leadership style fosters friendships and
strong working relationships. It is critical to solicit feedback from the employees, but it is even
more critical to use that feedback to assist in the formulation of a final decision or policy.
According to him, a great leader must take full responsibility for his or her words and actions. If
I am to be a great leader, it is essential that I do so. My previous employer required us to
implement a new dress code guideline, and I was in charge of ensuring that it was implemented.
My goal was to inform the employees about the new policy, clearly specify which new clothing
items were permitted, and establish a timeline for when the policy would become fully
operational... My thoughts turned to my employees' reservations about the new dress code's
restrictiveness, which I shared.
I put on the new costume for the next shift and demonstrated how much more comfortable it was
than the previous one. As a result, my coworkers were more knowledgeable about the rule, and
the entire team began adhering to the dress code well before the deadline. "he explains.
According to Mr. Umer Khan, when it came to making key decisions, a democratic leader like
Mr.Umer Khan leaned heavily on the advice of his employees. Because of this, making key
judgments on his own and in a timely manner proved to be difficult for him in the long run.
In addition to the fact that there is a wide range of inputs and viewpoints, this leadership style
has its drawbacks. With this technique, it's probable that you won't reach a conclusion or answer
as quickly as you would otherwise. As a result of this, the deadlines had to be missed.
Important decisions should not be given to a group of people who have little or no knowledge or
expertise in the field.
To be a democratic leader, one must take into consideration a diverse range of viewpoints, many
of which are diametrically opposed to one another. To make matters even more challenging,
reaching a consensus might be difficult. Certain members of the team may become disillusioned
if their suggestions are not put into action. An effective democratic leadership style strives to
overcome a variety of obstacles in order to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the final

Self-confidence is defined as the ability to believe in one's own strengths and skills. What it boils
down to is a combination of self-assurance and the belief that one can make a difference. Mr.
Umer Khan’s best personality trait is, indeed, Self Confidence.
It is crucial for any leader to have faith in his or her own talents. Self-conscious individuals find
it difficult to encourage and inspire their coworkers because they lack self-confidence. When it
comes to becoming a good leader, one must have faith in one's own talents. A large number of
people these days are looking for leaders that exude self-assurance and confidence in their
Because they are in charge of others, leaders must have a high level of self-confidence in order to
be effective in their positions. Despite the fact that some leaders are born with a higher or fewer
feeling of self-assurance than others, research has shown that this quality may be developed.
Self-confident leaders are better able to communicate effectively, inspire and influence people
than those who are not confidence in themselves. The tone of a leader's voice and the way he or
she moves can usually reveal a great deal about their level of self-confidence. It is possible that
the team will come to distrust the leader if he or she displays signs of self-doubt.
He, however, also understands that self-confidence does not elevate a person to the rank of a god
who is impenetrable to the errors of his or her own judgement. All of us make errors, but if one
has faith in one's own abilities, he or she can figure out where he or she went wrong and fix it
accordingly. In the case that you consent to the wrong decision and then seek alternatives in
order to correct it, others will be encouraged by your confidence in your ability to solve flaws.
We realized we were running out of time and not making the progress we needed to make while
working on a recent task. Working teammates' performance has suffered as a result of their stress
in various occasions. By collaborating with those around, We were able to complete many
assignments ahead of schedule. My coworkers appreciated the fact that I was taking on more
responsibilities in order to keep the high standard of their workplace.. The project was
successfully completed, and our client acknowledged his appreciation for our efforts on his
The minute I took a look at our initial schedule, it became clear to me that our workload and
timetable were completely excessive. Rather than rushing through the initial steps of preparation,
I want to spend more time setting reasonable expectations for myself and my staff. As far as he
himself was concerned, he acknowledged that prepping for the project in advance will allow him
to more effectively distribute labor among his team members.

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