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To determine the moisture content, alkali content, and total
fatty matter (TFM) for the given soap.
1. Conical flask - 250 ml 1
2. Pipette - 20 ml 1
3. Burette - 50 ml 1
4. Balance and weight box 1
5. Weighing bottle 1
6. Standard flask - 100 ml 1
7. Wash bottle 1
8. Funnel 1
9. Beaker - 500 ml 1
10. Measuring jar - 100 ml 1
11. Glass rod 1
HCl (0.5 N), Methyl orange indicator.
Alkali content:
The alkali content of the soap expresses the free alkali
present in the soap. This is found by titrating the soap
solution against HCL solution. It is expressed as percentage
Na2O based on the total weight of soap.
Alkalinity percentage of Na2O = 31(V2-V1) x N x 100/ W3 x
Where 31=equivalent weight of Na2O
V2-V3 = The difference between titre value of soap solution
and water in ml.
N = Normality of Hydrochloric acid
W3 = Weight of soap taken (g)

Total fatty matter (TFM) of soap is a measure of the fatty acid
that has gone in to the making of the soap. For this, the soap
solution is desaponified and fatty acids produced is absorbed
by wax. The increase in weight of wax gives the weight of
fatty acid produced. The weight of fatty acid produced is
converted to the percentage of origin. Weight of soap taken
gives the fatty mater content.
Percentage TFM = (W5/W3) x 100
Where W5 = Weight of the fatty matter
W3 = Weight of soap sample
Moisture content:
A known quantity of soap is dried to a constant weight in an
oven. The difference in weights gives the amount of moisture
present in the soap sample.
% Moisture content on mixture free basis = (W1 -W2)/ W2 x
Where W1= Weight of original soap sample
W2= Weight of sample after drying
Alkali content:
About 5g of given sample of soap is dissolved in 200ml of
water in a beaker. The solution may be heated to dissolve
completely. It is then titrated against 0.5 N hydrochloric acid
using methyl orange as the indicator. 200 cc of the water
sample is titrated against the same acid. The difference in
titre value gives the amount of acid used to neutralize the
alkali in the soap. From the normality of soap solution,
calculate the alkali content in given sample of soap. Report it
as percentage Na2O.
Fatty acid content:
The above solution may be used for this purpose. The
solution is heated to about 60-80 % after adding a few ml of
methyl orange and 10ml of HCl. After the composition is
over, the mixture is heated to melt the fatty acid.
Standardisation of HCl:
Na2CO3 can be used to standardise HCl. Prepare an
approximately equal amount normal solution of Na2CO3 and
titrate it against HCl using methyl orange indicator.
 The moisture content helps in the determination of shelf
life of soap.
 TFM given an idea about the quality (grade) of soap as
well as its lubricating quality.
 The alkalinity of a soap is a measure of its lubricating
Alkalinity (as % Na2O) of the given sample of soap =
TFM of the given sample of soap =
Moisture content of the given sample of soap =
Standardization of HCl
Na2CO3 × HCl Methyl orange indicator
S.No. Volume of Na2CO3 Burette Reading Volume of HCl, V1
(ml) Initial Final (ml)

End point:
Titration of soap solution
Soap solution × HCl Methyl orange indicator
Volume of soap Burette Reading Volume of HCl, V2
S.No. solution (ml) Initial Final (ml)

End point:

Titration of Water
Water × HCl Methyl orange indicator
S.No. Volume of water Burette Reading Volume of HCl, V3
(ml) Initial Final (ml)

End point:

Weight of soap taken, w3 =
Weight of Na2CO3 taken, w4 =
Normality of Na2CO3 solution, N1 = Weight per litre
Equivalent weight
Normality of HCl, N = N1 × 20
Titre volume of soap solution, V2 =
Titre volume of water, V3 =
Alkalinity as % Na2O = 31(V2 – V3) × N × 100

W 3 × 1000

Total fatty matter
Weight of fatty matter, W5 =
% TFM = W 3 × 100

Moisture Content

Weight of soap taken, W1 =

Weight of dried soap, W2 =

% Moisture content on moisture free basis = W1 – W2 × 100


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