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Benjamin Franklin was one of the most famous people in American history. He was
never a President of the United States, but he made great achievements in many
areas of life, including business, literature, science, and politics. Benjamin Franklin
was born in the city of Boston, during the year 1706. In his early years, Franklin was
very poor. As a young man, he worked for his older brother, who was a printer.
However, the two brothers soon argued with each other. Benjamin decided to leave,
and he moved to the city of Philadelphia. He worked very hard and soon became a
successful printer. He published his own newspapers, and he also published books
called almanacs, which contained many wise sayings. Many of the wise sayings in
Franklin's almanacs are still repeated today. Franklin's printing business was very
successful, but he was also very interested in science. He performed experiments on
the topic of electricity. Some of these experiments were very dangerous. In one
experiment, Franklin was almost killed when he went outside during a lightning storm
and flew a kite that had a metal key attached. However, Franklin was lucky enough
to avoid injury, and he learned new facts about electricity. In addition to scientific
research, Franklin was also an inventor. He invented a new kind of eye-glasses
called "bifocals." Bifocals are eye-glasses that allow people to see things that are far
away, but also allow them to read things that are very close. Another invention was a
new kind of stove for burning wood. This new stove was much more efficient than
the older stoves had been. He also invented a lightning rod, which keeps houses
safe from lightning. Franklin was also interested in making his city a better place to
live. He started a public library, and he helped to organize a hospital and a fire
department. In addition, he supervised the postal service, which operated profitably
under his command. In his later years, Franklin became heavily involved in politics.
For most of Franklin's life, the United States was not yet a country. Instead, the
states were still colonies of England, but Franklin encouraged other Americans to
become an independent country. When the United States became a country,
Franklin became the American ambassador to France. The French people liked
Franklin very much. Franklin later returned to the United States, and he died in 1790.
Today, many Americans still admire the brilliant achievements of Benjamin Franklin,
who did so much to improve people's lives. The picture of Benjamin Franklin can be
seen on the American hundred-dollar bill.
Answer the following questions
1. Where was Benjamin Franklin born?
2. Where did he move to after leaving Boston?
3. Was Franklin also an inventor?
4. When did he die?
5. What did he become when the United States became a country?

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