He Lives in - South 2. in His Novels Jack 3. - World Tour Costs

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1. He lives in___south 2. In his novels Jack 3. ___world tour costs 4.

Did you
of___Australia. London, ___ famous ___lot of money. have___lovely time
American writer, in___ Hawaii?

5. Have___ look at the 6. She'll have___ 7. ___Christmas Eve is 8. I'd like to have___
sky. It looks swim and return on ___ 24th of sandwich
like____rain. in___quarter of___hour. December. with___sausage

9. My favorite subject 10. ___Queen 11. Look out! ___cat is 12. He is___very
at___school Elizabeth___II won't on___TV! sociable man. He always
was___biology. speak on___radio has many invitations
tomorrow. to___ dinner.

16. ___day after my talk

13. On___one hand, 14. He fell in love with 15. In___ spring with Isabel I
___facts he presented are her at___ first sight. of___following year we left___Chicago for___ San
true, but went___abroad and were Francisco where I was to
On___other hand, I can't absent several months. take ship for___ Far East.
trust them. I know he often

17. After___lunch they sat 18. ___map of ___world, 19. As___weather was fine, 20.After___tea Edgar and
down under the oak tree until ___end of ___ they had___pleasant walk the brothers received
drinking___Turkish coffee. fifteenth century exhibited across___park which ___permission to
only___one hemisphere, stretched along___Thames. leave___table.
and even that was not
completely explored.

21. "I am in___hurry. Turn to___left in___High Street and drive me down to___East End," I ordered taking my seat.
a) a, the, the, the; b)a, the,___, the; c)___,___,___,___; d) the, a, the, an
22. Through an open window a peak of___Balkans, wonderfully white and beautiful in ___ starlit snow seems quite close
a) the,the, the; b)the,the,___; c)___, a, a; d) the, a, a
23.___great Sahara, that frightful desert of___ vast scorching sand, stretching from___Red Sea to ___Atlantic, is cleft by
one solitary thread of___ water.
a) the,___, the, the,___; b)___, a, the, the, the; c) the, the, the,___,___ ;d)___,___,___, the, the
24. It was___late evening, and after___lamp-heated air of___dining-room,___coolness of___night was delicious.
a) a, a, the,___,___; b)the, the, the, the,the; c)___,___, a,___, a; d)___, the, the, the, the
25. He walked into___Green Park that he might cross to___Victoria Station and take___underground into___City.
a) the,___, the, the
b)the,the, the, the
d)___,___, an,___

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