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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 178.


(4) The specification plate may be at- specification plate in accordance with
tached to the cargo tank motor vehicle this section:
chassis rail by brazing, welding, or (1) Cargo tank motor vehicle manu-
other suitable means on the left side facturer (CTMV mfr.).
near the front head, in a place acces- (2) Cargo tank motor vehicle certifi-
sible for inspection. If the specification cation date (CTMV cert. date).
plate is attached to the chassis rail, (3) Cargo tank manufacturer (CT
then the cargo tank serial number as- mfr.).
signed by the cargo tank manufacturer (4) Cargo tank date of manufacture
must be included on the plate. (CT date of mfr.), month and year.
(b) Name plate. The following infor- (5) Maximum weight of lading (Max.
mation must be marked on the name Payload), in pounds
plate in accordance with this section:
(6) Lining materials (Lining), if ap-
(1) DOT-specification number MC 331
(DOT MC 331).
(7) Heating system design pressure
(2) Original test date (Orig. Test
(Heating sys. press.), in psig, if applica-
(3) MAWP in psig.
(8) Heating system design tempera-
(4) Cargo tank design temperature
ture (Heating sys. temp.), in °F, if ap-
(Design Temp. Range) lll °F to
lll °F.
(5) Nominal capacity (Water Cap.), in (9) Cargo tank serial number, as-
pounds. signed by cargo tank manufacturer (CT
(6) Maximum design density of lading serial), if applicable.
(Max. Lading density), in pounds per NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c): See § 173.315(a) of
gallon. this chapter regarding water capacity.
(7) Material specification number— NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c): When the shell
shell (Shell matl, yyy***), where ‘‘yyy’’ and head materials are the same thickness,
is replaced by the alloy designation they may be combined (Shell & head matl,
and ‘‘***’’ is replaced by the alloy type.
(8) Material specification number— (d) The design weight of lading used
heads (Head matl. yyy***), where in determining the loading in §§ 178.337–
‘‘yyy’’ is replaced by the alloy designa- 3(b), 178.337–10(b) and (c), and 178.337–
tion and ‘‘***’’ by the alloy type. 13(a) and (b), must be shown as the
(9) Minimum Thickness—shell (Min. maximum weight of lading marking re-
Shell-thick), in inches. When minimum quired by paragraph (c) of this section.
shell thicknesses are not the same for
different areas, show (topll, sidell, [68 FR 19280, Apr. 18, 2003; 68 FR 52370, Sept.
3, 2003, as amended at 68 FR 57633, Oct. 6,
bottomll, in inches). 2003]
(10) Minimum thickness—heads (Min.
heads thick.), in inches. § 178.337–18 Certification.
(11) Manufactured thickness—shell
(Mfd. Shell thick.), topll, sidell, (a) At or before the time of delivery,
bottomll, in inches. (Required when the cargo tank motor vehicle manufac-
additional thickness is provided for turer must supply and the owner must
corrosion allowance.) obtain, a cargo tank motor vehicle
(12) Manufactured thickness—heads manufacturer’s data report as required
(Mfd. Heads thick.), in inches. (Re- by Section VIII of the ASME Code
quired when additional thickness is (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter), and
provided for corrosion allowance.) a certificate stating that the com-
(13) Exposed surface area, in square pleted cargo tank motor vehicle con-
feet. forms in all respects to Specification
MC 331 and the ASME Code. The reg-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): When the shell and istration numbers of the manufacturer,
head materials are the same thickness, they the Design Certifying Engineer, and
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

may be combined, (Shell&head matl, the Registered Inspector, as appro-

priate, must appear on the certificates
(c) Specification plate. The following (see subpart F, part 107 in subchapter A
information must be marked on the of this chapter).


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§ 178.338 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(1) For each design type, the certifi- certificate, or certificates, will include
cate must be signed by a responsible of- sufficient sketches, drawings, and
ficial of the manufacturer and a Design other information to indicate the loca-
Certifying Engineer; and tion, make, model, and size of each
(2) For each cargo tank motor vehi- valve and the arrangement of all piping
cle, the certificate must be signed by a associated with the cargo tank.
responsible official of the manufac- (6) The certificate must contain a
turer and a Registered Inspector. statement indicating whether or not
(3) When a cargo tank motor vehicle the cargo tank was postweld heat
is manufactured in two or more stages, treated for anhydrous ammonia as
each manufacturer who performs a specified in § 178.337–1(f).
manufacturing function or portion (b) The owner shall retain the copy of
thereof on the incomplete cargo tank the data report and certificates and re-
motor vehicle must provide to the suc- lated papers in his files throughout his
ceeding manufacturer, at or before the ownership of the cargo tank motor ve-
time of delivery, a certificate that hicle and for at least one year there-
states the function performed by the after; and in the event of change in
manufacturer, including any certifi- ownership, retention by the prior
cates received from previous manufac- owner of nonfading photographically
turers, Registered Inspectors, and De- reproduced copies will be deemed to
sign Certifying Engineers. satisfy this requirement. Each motor
(4) Specification shortages. When a carrier using the cargo tank motor ve-
cargo tank motor vehicle is manufac- hicle, if not the owner thereof, shall
tured in two or more stages, the manu- obtain a copy of the data report and
facturer of the cargo tank must attach certificate and retain them in his files
the name plate and specification plate during the time he uses the cargo tank
as required by § 178.337–17(a) and (b) motor vehicle and for at least one year
without the original date of certifi- thereafter.
cation stamped on the specification [Order 59–B, 30 FR 583, Jan. 16, 1965. Redesig-
plate. Prior manufacturers must list nated at 32 FR 5606, Apr. 5, 1967]
the specification requirements that are
not completed on the Certificate of EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
tations affecting § 178.337–18, see the List of
Compliance. When the cargo tank
CFR Sections Affected which appears in the
motor vehicle is brought into full com- Finding Aids section of the printed volume
pliance with the applicable specifica- and at
tion, the cargo tank motor vehicle
manufacturer must have a Registered § 178.338 Specification MC–338; insu-
Inspector stamp the date of certifi- lated cargo tank motor vehicle.
cation on the specification plate and
issue a Certificate of Compliance to the § 178.338–1 General requirements.
owner of the cargo tank motor vehicle. (a) For the purposes of this section—
The Certificate of Compliance must (1) Design pressure means the
list the actions taken to bring the ‘‘MAWP’’ as used in Section VIII of the
cargo tank motor vehicle into full ASME Code (IBR, see § 171.7 of this sub-
compliance. In addition, the certificate chapter), and is the gauge pressure at
must include the date of certification the top of the tank.
and the person (manufacturer, carrier (2) Design service temperature means
or repair organization) accomplishing the coldest temperature for which the
compliance. tank is suitable (see §§ 173.318 (a)(1) and
(5) The certificate must state wheth- (f) of this subchapter).
er or not it includes certification that (b) Each cargo tank must consist of a
all valves, piping, and protective de- suitably supported welded inner vessel
vices conform to the requirements of enclosed within an outer shell or jack-
the specification. If it does not so cer- et, with insulation between the inner
tify, the installer of any such valve, vessel and outer shell or jacket, and
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

piping, or device shall supply and the having piping, valves, supports and
owner shall obtain a certificate assert- other appurtenances as specified in this
ing complete compliance with these subchapter. For the purpose of this
specifications for such devices. The specification, tank means inner vessel


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