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City Montessori School, RDSO Campus

Computational Thinking Skills

Class VII
Chapter: Revision of Level VI
Question Bank
Q1. What do you mean by Brainstorming?
A1. It is a technique for generating ideas. A group of people sit together and think about a
given topic. Each person comes up with some ideas or prior knowledge or questions about
the given topic.
Q2. What is mind map?
A2. Mind map is a visual representation of the information related to a topic. In a mind map,
words, ideas, tasks and information belonging to a topic are categorised and linked together.
Q3. What are the different categories of application of computers?
A3. The different categories of application of computers are:
1. Standalone application
2. Internet application
3. Embedded application
4. Special purpose application
Q4. What are standalone applications? Give example.
A4. Applications those run by their own (independently) on a personal computer and can be
used without Internet connection are called as standalone applications. For example: MS
Word, LibreOffice Writer, Tux Paint.
Q5. What do you mean by embedded application?
A5.The embedded application can be used to control only the device in which it has been
embedded. The embedded application perform specific functions for which it is
programmed. For example: washing machine, micro wave.
Q6. What are two steps involve in Synthesis of data?
A6.Synthesis of data involves two steps:
1. Gathering information
2. Organising the information by categorisation and analysing the information.
Q7. What is presentation in MS PowerPoint?
A7. A presentation is a collection of slides arranged in sequential order to convey new ideas
and impart information effectively.
Q8. What is a slide?
A8. A slide is like a page in presentation, containing brief information that we want to
communicate to the audience.
Q9. What are the different presentation applications?
A9. Some of the presentation applications are Impress (LibreOfice), Calligra Stage
(KOffice), PowerPoint (MS Office) and Keynote (Apple iWork).
Q10. What do you mean by layouts?
A10. Layout means the placement of slide contents such as title, bullets and other text,
images and charts.
Q11. What do you mean by AWARE?
A11. AWARE stands for: A – Awareness about Copyright; W – Watch for CC (creative
commons license); A – Acknowledge source of information; R – Reject Plagiarism; E –
Explain in your own words.
Q12. What is Spreadsheet?
A12. A spreadsheet is a table with many rows and columns. Spreadsheet are generally used
to analyse data and make projections based on the data. It also provide various graphical
representation of data.
Q13. What function can be performed using Spreadsheet?
A13. Spreadsheet can be used to:
1. Enter data
2. Edit data
3. Format data
4. Perform calculations on data
5. Draw charts and graphics based on data
Q14. What is flowchart?
A14.A flowchart is a picture (graphical representation) of a problem solving process. It gives
a step by step procedure for solution of a problem.

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