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I. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank.

_______1. It refers to the place and time of the story.

A. characters B. plot C. setting D. theme
_______ 2. The highest point or the most suspenseful part of the story is the ____________________.
A. climax B. falling action C. resolution D. rising action
_______3. It is a scene which have taken place before the events that are currently unfolding in the story.
A. flashback B. en medias res C. plot D. resolution
_______4. This gives the message or lesson of the story.
A. characters B. point of view C. setting D. theme
_______5. It tells you who is narrating in the story.
A. characters B. plot C. point of view D. setting

II. Read the story and answer the questions. Choose the letter of your answer.

The Cow and the Carabao

A muddy carabao slowly made its way to a grassy field. A cow was munching grass on a nearby
“Look how dirty you are, friend carabao”, said the cow.
“What do you expect?”, asked the carabao angrily.
“Can you expect me to look clean after a day’s work in the muddy fields? You should be ashamed of
yourself, lazy bone. While I work, you do nothing but eat and sleep the whole day. Of course, your
body will not be soiled like mine.
“You ought to be thankful for being useful on the field, the cow said. You will live much longer than I
“What do you mean by that?’, asked the carabao.

“Our master wants you to live as long as possible”, explained the cow. You are needed to plow and
harrow the field. On the other hand, I eat and rest with little or nothing to do so I grow big and fat.
Our master will then sell me to the butcher to be slaughtered. All of us have our own destinies to
fulfill. So you see, it is useless to complain about life. “
The carabao understood what the cow said. He knew why the farmer took good care of him. He was
a great help to his work on the fields.
“Poor cow!” said the carabao. I have always envied you for leading an easy life. Now, I do not envy
you anymore.

_______6. Who are the characters in the story?

A. the cow and the goat C. the cow and the pig
B. the cow and the carabao D. the cow and the goat
_______7. Where did the story happen?
A. in a grassy field C. in a dense forest
B. in a nearby meadow D. in a muddy field
_______8. What is the point of view of the story?
A. first person B. second person C. third person D. cannot be determined
______ 9. Which is the climax of the story?
A. when the carabao came to realize how important his job is
B. when the cow and the carabao was debating about their jobs
C. when the carabao passed by the cow who was munching grass
D. when the cow explained to the carabao how important his job is
______10. What is the theme of the story?
A. love for one’s self C. love for others
B. love for one’s work D. love for family

III. For nos. 11-15. Read the story and complete the table below with the needed information.

A Boy Hero

It was raining so hard. Streets in San Fernando City were heavily flooded due to clogged
drainage, high tide, and garbage everywhere. Lito was worried while watching some stranded vehicles
outside the window. On board were mostly students and some others who were supposed to go to their
workplace. In a sudden, he heard a loud scream! “Help! help! please, anybody help!” a middle aged
woman was shouting in great terror while helplessly watching a drowning little boy. In an instance, Lito
immediately dove into the water. He swam as fast as he could but the flow of water was heavily opposing
his direction yet still he tried and tried gasping for breath.

He swam as fast as he could but the flow of water was heavily opposing his direction yet still he tried
and tried gasping for breath. His determination kept him to move on and at long last, he was almost
there to save the young innocent boy of about 2 to 3 years old. There it was! Lito was indeed a hero.
He saved the boy! He was not only a champion swimmer during athletic meets, but also a champion of
bravery in times most needed.

Put a check (√) on the column

Element Details
Present Not Present
Setting (place and time)
Plot ( enumeration or time-
Point of view

1 C
2 A
3 A
4 D
5 C
6 B
7 B
8 C
9 A
10 B
11 Lito, students, boy- present
12 One rainy day, streets of San Fernando- present
13 Time-order -present
14 Third person –present
15 Bravery/heroism/courage –present

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