Student's Module Pick Up On Grammar

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Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

Subjects Verb Verb-to-be Verb-to-have Verb-to-do

He draws is has does
She talks was had did
Singular puts
I am, was
You draw are have do
Plural talk were had did
We put

(i) Subject + Verb

e.g. (a) Abi walks to school.

(b) The boys walk to school.

(ii) Subject + Verb-to-be

e.g. (a) Ummi is a nurse.

(b) The girls are hardworking.

(iii) Subject + Verb-to-have

e.g. (a) Siti has three cats.

(b) My brothers have some marbles.

(iv) Subject + Verb-to-do

e.g. (a) Pn. Siti does not cook the curry.

(b) The man do not come in the same car.

Underline the correct answer.

1. Bread __________ (is/are) the staple food for many people.

2. Nobody __________ (is/are) paying attention to the lesson as none of
them _________________ (understand/understands) what the teacher is
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

3. Neither the boys nor the girls _________________ (admit/admitted) that

they had taken the keys.
4. She ______________ (is/was) the only worker who _____________
(daring/dares) to defy the supervisor’s instruction.
5. Unemployment ______________ (is/was) a serious problem in many
developing countries.
6. What _____________ (is/are) the causes of the breakdown of the lift.
7. _____________ (Is/Was) there another way that we can solve the
8. My uncle and my father ___________ (are/were) not in. What can I
___________ (do/does) for you?
9. Everybody in the class ___________ (agree/agrees) to go to Penang for
the excursion.
10. Most of the clothes _____________ (are/is) dirty. __________ (Has/Have)
you washed them?
11. ___________ (Is/Has) any salt been added to the soup?
12. Fame _____________ (is/was) what every movie actor _____________
13. She ________________ (is/was) such a pest. Nobody _____________
(like/likes) her.
14. The public ____________ (is/are) angry with the police for the incapability
in _____________ (catch/catching) the cruel murderer.
15. Either one of you _____________ (has/have) to take part in the cross-
country event.
16. What ___________ (is/are) the other causes of the breakdown?
17. He _____________ (is/was) involved in the riot last week?
18. In an industrialized country, the elderly ___________ (are/were) often
19. Part of the movie ___________ (was/were) censored and that
____________ (has/had) made the movie rather dull.
20. Honesty ______________ (is/are) a virtue.
Subjects Simple Simple Simple Future
Present Past

Azizul He
He draws She
She talks It will
It puts You verb
drew They (neutral)
talked draw
*put talk
I draw put
You talk **I shall
We *put We

*Irregular verb – does not change at all.

**I and We can use ‘will’ also.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

A. Simple Present Tense

(i) Underline the correct answer.

1. I (prefer, prefers) bread to rice.

2. He (watches, watch) television everyday.
3. My aunt (sew, sews) her own clothes.
4. Indah’s classmates (is, are) usually hardworking.
5. The movie usually (starts, start) late at night.
6. The manager often (call, calls) for a staff meeting on Saturday.
7. Sabrina (is, are) an efficient worker and she (work, works) very fast.
8. We often (make,makes) mistakes if we (is, are) not careful.
9. Meng Kiat and his familily (go, goes) overseas on vacation every year.
10. Mrs Mega always (tell,tells) her students to read the questions carefully
before they (answer, answers) the questions.

(ii) Fill in each blank with the correct tense of the verb in brackets.

1. Fakri always __________ (wash) his car when he ____________ (get)

home every evening.
2. The children usually __________ (go) to school by bus. The bus
sometimes _____________ (arrive) late.
3. My parents seldom _____________ (visit) me at the hostel because they
_________ (be) busy.
4. Everyday Uncle Joe ___________ (eat) the bread that he ___________
(buy) from the bakery.
5. My father always __________ (read) the newspaper at breakfast. He
especially __________ (like) the sports section.
6. The teacher regularly __________ (advise) the students to study hard so
that they can get good results in the examination.
7. Nowadays, there ___________ (be) many robberies reported within the
Tangkak District.
8. The college _______________ (organize) a Sketch Competition annually.
9. She __________ (know) that you ___________ (write) to the newspaper
every week.
10. That lawyer __________ (be) responsible for the murder case.

B. Simple Past Tense

(i) Underline the correct answer.

1. She (walk,walked) with me to the park yesterday evening.

2. The thief (try, tried) to break into my house last night.
3. My husband (stopped, stop) smoking a few years ago.
4. His grandfather (told, tell) us some scary ghost stories last night.
5. We (went, go) home late because it (rain, rained) heavily yesterday
6. The Social Club meeting (began, begin) at three p.m. yesterday.
7. My sister and her family (came, come) to our house for dinner last night.
8. Aiman (rush, rushed) to the hospital yesterday when he (heard, hear) his
mother (was, is) sick.
9. Last Sunday, my family and I (decide, decided) to go for a picnic at
Tanjung Jara.
10. Uncle Haider (forget, forgot) where he had left his wallet this morning.

(ii) Fill in each blank with the correct tense of the verb in brackets.

1. Najwa ________ (meet) her primary school teacher on her way home
2. The students ____________ (answer) the wrong questions during the
exam last week.
3. The cake that she ____________ (bake) last night _________ (taste)
4. When he _______________ (be) a child, he ____________ (cry) a lot.
5. Wafa ______________(feel) happy yesterday because it ___________
(be) her birthday.
6. My family and I ___________ (live) in Johor Bahru five years ago.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

7. We _______________ (watch) the National Day Parade at Dataran Shah

Alam last year.
8. I _______________ (drink) a cup of milk before I ______________ (go) to
bed last night.
9. Mrs Fernandez ____________ (teach) me English when I
_______________ (be) in high school.
10. Wahidah misses her family very much so she ____________ (write) a
letter to her mother last night.

C. Reinforcement – Simple Present / Simple Past / Simple Future?

Write the correct answer.

1. The aeroplane ____________ (fly) high up in the sky.

2. The stars _______________ (twinkle) brightly two nights ago.
3. Puan Hana, a policewoman often _____________ (go) around the
4. The Girl Guides ____________ (attend) the jamboree next month.
5. I ______________ (love) pizza but my sister ____________ (like) tomato rice.
6. KFC _____________ (be) a famous fast food restaurant.
7. The wind ______________ (blow) so hard that many objects fell onto the
8. The Japanese _____________ (stay) in Malaya for three years since 1942.
9. The sun ____________ (shine) brightly and the weather _____________
(seem) so fine.
10. The red apples _______________ (taste) so juicy and sweet.
11. King Abdullah _____________ (arrive) late for the coronation yesterday.
12. The cruise ____________ (set) sail once a week.
13. Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Dr Mahathir ______________ (be) our Prime
14. Hakimi ____________ (go) for ‘umrah’ soon.
15. Ali and I ________________ (pick) up the mangoes later.
16. Each parrot _____________ (eat) in the cage.
17. DOHA event ______________ (end) merrily recently.
18. Christmas ____________ (show) itself soon.
19. In order to catch the python, the villagers _____________ (get) together hand
in hand when they learned about that.
20. Some members of the club _____________ (prefer) Maary Ann as the
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

Subjects Present Past Future v + ing

Progressive Progressive Progressive
Aiman She
He is was It will
She You be drawing
It They talking
I am putting
You I shall
We are were We be
A. Present Progressive/Continuous Tense

(i) Underline the correct answer.

1. My friend (is changing/are changing) her clothes in the room right now.
2. This semester, we (is learning/are learning) French as an elective.
3. Nabila and her sisters (is discussing/are discussing) their holiday plans at the
4. Currently the school (am undergoing/is undergoing) renovation.
5. Ali (are hiding/is hiding) from his mother at the moment.
6. The sky (are beginning/is beginning) to get dark so I think it is going to rain
7. The athletes (is exercising/are exercising) in the gymnasium now.
8. At present, the people (is waiting/are waiting) for the decision by the
9. I (is giving/am giving) a talk on “The Do’s and the Don’ts of Eating Habit”.
10. Anita and I (am nodding / are nodding) our heads because we know the
(ii) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. Please be quiet ! The baby _____________ (sleep).
2. Fatiha ___________ (clean) the kitchen at the moment.
3. The parents _______________ (wait) for their children.
4. Listen! Someone _____________ (knock) on the door.
5. It ___________ (rain) so the boys ______________ (play) in the house.
6. All the shops _____________ (sell) their goods at half price.
7. Siti Habesah__________________ (have) lunch in the cafeteria now.
8. We ______________________ (go) to conference now.
9. I _________________ (work) on her assignments.
10. She _________________ (practise) on the piano at the moment.

B. Past Progressive/Continuous Tense

(i) Underline the correct answer.

1. He (were listening/was listening) to the music when someone screamed.
2. The workers (was digging/were digging) the trench while the overseer (was
resting/were resting).
3. When we (was driving/were driving) home, the sun (was setting/were setting).
4. While the band (was playing/were playing), the people (was dancing/were
dancing) to the music.
5. The dog (was barking/were barking) loudly when the burglary occurred.
6. He ( were not working/was not working) that day because it was a Sunday.
7. Some children (was playing/were playing) in the garden while some (was
watching/were watching) quietly.
8. The old man (was grumbling/were grumbling) about the noise his grandson
9. I (was studying/were studying) in my room when the lights went off.
10. While the firemen (was putting/were putting) out the fire, the police
(was trying/were trying) to keep the crowds back.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

(ii) Fill the blanks with the correct answer.

1. You _____________ (bathe) when I telephoned you.
2. My father _______________ (read) a newspaper and my mother
_________________ (sew) something.
3. He fell down because he ________________ (run) too fast. He did not look
where he ______________ (go).
4. At eight o’clock, we ________________ (have) breakfast at home.
5. It _______________ (cry) because it was hurt.
6. While they ___________________ (enjoy) themselves at the beach,he
______________ (lie) in bed because of chicken pox.
7. The sun ________________ (shine) brightly as we stepped out of the
building. A light breeze ________________ (blow) , too.
8. Mak Bedah ___________(boil) some water just now.
9. Everybody ______________(look) forward to the badminton tournament at
the stadium last week.
10. One of the flowers ______________(droop) but the others __________ (look)

D. Reinforcement – Present / Past / Future Progressive @ Continuous?

Write the correct answer.

1. The queen ____________ (enter) the ballroom elegantly.
2. Sabrina and I _______________(donate) our old books and clothes to the
orphanage soon.
3. Mr Paiman _____________ (cook) when the burglars entered his house
4. I ______________ (search) for a now antidote for my sickness.
5. The boys ____________ (march) on the parade ground at this hour
6. The army base ____________ (send) more jets to the Kalahari Desert in a
few days time.
7. We ____________ (do) our work in the library.
8. It _____________ (rain) cats and dogs.
9. The air-conditioner _______________ (not work) since yesterday.
10. The new pilots _______________ (attend) a meeting when the bomb
11. I _______________ (try) to adapt myself at this new place.
12. The spectators ________________ (cheer) loudly at the referee’s decision in
the last match.
13. The bus driver _____________ (examine) the tickets attentively.
14. The prefects _______________ (do) a spot-check later in the afternoon.
15. Dr Sheikh Muzaffar _____________ (stay) in Russia until end of December
16. The women ______________ (learn) baking when the earthquake took
17. ‘Cicak Man II’ ______________ (enter) the cinemas soon.
18. A few teachers ________________ (mark) the question papers in the
19. A troop of soldiers ______________ (camp) in the wood recently.
20. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza ______________ (perform) in front of five thousand
audience in the closing ceremony next week.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

Subjects Present Past V (past participle /

Perfect Perfect p.p)
She has
It drawn
I had talked
You have put

Present Perfect/Past Perfect Tense

Write the correct answer.

1. Alysaa __________ (prepare) her speech.
2. The scouts ____________ (camp) at that site for a few times.
3. A troop of soldiers ______________ (march) on the parade ground.
4. The doves ______________ (fly) into my house just now.
5. The tulips _______________ (bloom) beautifully.
6. The chef and his assistant ______________ (come) across the mysterious
old man before.
7. I _____________ (send) the parcels.
8. Shirin _____________ (choose) the wrong partner for her project recently.
9. The sun ______________ (shine) brightly.
10. The rain ______________ (fall) heavily last night.
11. Some workers ______________ (set) the fire to chase away the snakes in
their last attempt.
12. Challenges _____________ (make) Ramu a man with principles.
13. The mall _____________ (offer) handsome discounts.
14. 2015 ________________ (go) , 2016 ___________ (show) a good sign of
economic growth and 2017 _____________ (maintain) its stability.
15. Those housewives _______________ (gather) to discuss the matter
16. Kimi _____________ (try) to tackle Wahidah a few times.
17. Some girls ______________ (post) their postcards to the Tsunami victims a
few days ago.
18. The sky _____________ (turn) darker.
19. Dr Syed and his wife ______________ (visit) the remote area.
20. Kuala Lumpur ______________ (provide) its citizens great entertainment
from time to time.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

Write a complete sentence for each question below.

1. old man – locked – himself – room.

2. hot-tempered boy – flares up – cannot get – what – wants
3. some people – like – hear – sound – waves
4. child – counting – numbers – himself
5. teachers – taken – wrong route – jungle trekking
6. ask – girls – join – us – camping
7. professors – attend – international conference – next week
8. cat – licking – itself – slowly
9. not – touch – switches – wet – hands
10. bells – rang – merrily – church – grand wedding
11. drive – carefully – follow – rules
12. class – noisy
13. must – respect – elderly
14. flowers – fallen – ground – dirty – area
15. Custom Department – sunk – ship – contained – drugs
16. we – go – school – everyday
17. Taj Mahal – symbol – love – husband – wife
18. there – seven wonders – world
19. last weekend – Aiman – decided – go – fishing
20. police – trying – block – selling – illegal dvds
21. students - studying – hard – coming – exam
22. Malaysians – celebrate – variety – festivals
23. Azizul – wants – know – family trip – Penang
24. National Museum – exhibited – history - Malaysia – few times
25. Personal hygiene – important. - Leads – cleanliness – helps – keep away
– diseases. Personal cleanliness – maintain - good health. - People – stay
away – bad breath – body odour. - Nice – be – clean – neat – tidy - person
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

A phrasal verb is a verb that consists of two or sometimes three words. The two (or three
words) when used together have a special meaning.


Break down Stop working My father’s car broke down along the highway.
Break into Go into by force Robbers broke into his house last night.
Call off Cancel The game was called off because of the rain.
Carry on Continue Please carry on doing your work.
Carry out Put into practice The students carried out the experiment.
Count on Rely on I will help you. You can count on me.
Cut down Reduce You are spending too much money. You need to cut
down on your expanses.
Consist of Made up of Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
Get through Pass If you study well, you will get through the tests.
Hang around Wait around a place for If you like to hang around shopping malls doing
no particular reason nothing, you are just wasting your time.
Hold on Wait Please hold on. I will get her for you.
Keep on Continue Don’t give up. You have to keep on trying harder.
Keep up Maintain Well done! Keep up the good work.
Look after Take care of His grandmother looked after him when he was
Look into Investigate The police are looking into the case of the missing
Put off Postpone The meeting has been put off until next week
Put on Wear She put on her new dress for the party.
Put up with Accept something I will not put up with your rude behaviour any longer.
unpleasant without
Put up Show a particular skill The students put up a good show at the concert.
Fix in a place Can you put up these pictures for me?
Stay for a while They put up for the night at the little inn.
Run into Meet by chance We ran into Sheila at the airport yesterday.
Set off Start (a journey) They set off for Port Dickson early in the morning.
Set up Prepare Could you set up the projector now, please?
Take off Fly The plane will take off at nine fifteen.
Remove The doctor took off the bandage to examine the
Turn down Refuse He gave her a promotion but she turned it down.
Turn up Come We will turn up for the match on time.

Fill in the blanks using the phrasal verbs provided.

Called up Throw up Turn in Came across

Turn up Take up Put on Sail away

1. Din will _____________________the offer to study Law.

2. He ____________________a coat as it was windy on the hill.
3. Queen Elizabeth II is about to _____________________ in her maiden voyage.
4. Fakri was ______________________ for his navy duty last year.
5. I waited for my friends at the library but she did not ______________________.
6. Some of the passengers were seasick and they began to _____________________.
7. I ______________________ many new words in the article about ‘Yesteryears’ Maritime’.
8. The librarian asked Abi to ______________________ his library books on the History of
Maritime, which he borrowed two weeks ago.


A. Match the phrasal verbs in Column I with their correct meanings in Column II.

Get off Leave
Look for Climb
Jump at Search
Get over Examine
Look into Accept eagerly

Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs from A.

1. He tried to ____________________ the wall but it was too high.

2. They sent a boat and a helicopter to _____________________ the lost campers.
3. He decided not to _____________________ the bus until the flood water receded.
4. A committee has been set up to ______________________ the problem of flash
5. She was pleased to see her son ______________________ the opportunity to
participate in the event.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

Read the conversations in the situations below and choose the best meaning for the
phrases underlined.

Situation A: Dayang and Kalsom meet after getting their SPM results.

Dayang : Kalsom, what did you get for your SPM examinations?
Kalsom : Oh! I got 7As.
Dayang : Congratulations, Kalsom.
Kalsom : Thank you. How about you?
Dayang : I too passed with flying colours.
Kalsom : Congratulations, Dayang. This calls for (1) a celebration.
Dayang : Yes, let’s celebrate with our friends this weekend. So, what do you plan
to do next year? I will go for (2) Accounts. I want to be an accountant.
Kalsom : That’s a great profession. I know you can do it.
Dayang : How about you? I’m sure you want to do Pure Science.
Kalsom : Yes, I do. I want to be a doctor. Later, I want to set up (3) my own

1 calls for
A sees
B seeks
C looks
D requires

2 go for
A prefer
B decide
C choose

3 set up
A start
B erect
C build
Situation B : Siti is sending her computer to the shop to be repaired.

Siti : I’m having a problem with my computer. There are always troubleshooting
whenever I use it. Can you try to figure out (4) what’s wrong with my computer?
Mr. Lee : Don’t worry. I will look into (5) this matter as soon as possible.
Siti : Thank you Mr. Lee. I know I can always count on (6) you.

4 figure out
A. notice
B. detect
C. suggest
D. calculate

5 look into
A. watch
B. receive
C. investigate

6 count on
A. keep
B. record
C. admire
D. depend on
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

A bolt from the blue A completely unexpected actions: an unexpected surprise
A bookworm A person who likes to read
A chip of the old block A child who is like the parent, especially in character
A cut-throat A person who wants success and is willing to harm others
to get it
A fishy story A story which cannot be believed
A golden opportunity An opportunity that is likely to be successful
A red letter day An important day
A short cut A quicker way of getting somewhere than the usual route
At the eleventh hour At the last moment
Beat around the bush To go round a subject; not coming to the point
Bed of roses A position of ease and comfort
By hook or by crook By honest or dishonest means
Black sheep Someone whom other family members are ashamed of
Bad company Friends who are not of good character
Be at loggerheads Fighting all the time
Bird’s-eye view A good view from above
Can’t make head or tail of Can’t understand something at all
Cast stones Make accusations about another person’s character
Child’s play Very easy to do
Cold feet Feel nervous or frightened
Catch-22 A no-win situation
Clear cut Something very easy to understand
Dirt cheap Very cheap
Down to earth Humble
Do away with it To stop doing or having something
Do’s and don’ts Rules and regulations
Elbow grease Very hard work
Fall our with somebody No longer friends with someone
Fall on deaf ears To be ignored
Fish out of water Feel out of place
Go by the book Follow the rules closely
Golden rule Basic and most important rule
Go haywire Plans that go wrong
Hard and fast rule Very strict rule
Have one’s hand full Very busy
Have one’s heart in one’s mouth Be frightened
Hold one’s tongue Keep silent
Have a heart A request to be kinder
Health is wealth It is important to be healthy
In black and white In writing
In low spirits Feeling sad
Keep an eye on To look after
Kill two birds with one stone Achieve two aims at the same time
Lose face Be humiliated/ lose one’s good name
Out of the blue Suddenly
Sell like hot cakes Sell very quickly
Sit on the fence Avoid taking sides
Smell a rat Suspect something
To be all ears To be eager to listen
To be caught red-handed To be caught while doing something wrong
To be in the soup/ to be hot in hot To be in serious trouble
To be on top of the world To be very happy
To be out of one’s mind To be mad or very foolish
To be scared to death To be very frightened
To be the apple of someone’s eye To be someone’s favourite
To blow one’s trumpet To boast
To build castle in the air To daydream
To burn the midnight oil To work till very late at night
To burn one’s fingers To get into trouble
To bury the hatchet To make peace
To come off with flying colours To achieve great success
To count on someone To rely on someone
To cry over split milk To be unhappy about something bad that has happened
and that can no longer be made better
To cut someone’s throat To charge a person a very high price
To eat humble pie To apologize humbly
To face the music To suffer the consequences of one’s actions
To feel at home To feel comfortable and at ease
To foot the bill To pay the bill
To follow the crowd To believe or act as many people do, without thinking
about it first
To get on someone’s nerves To irritate someone greatly
To get out of bed on the wrong To start the day in a bad temper
To get through an examination To pass an examination
To give someone the cold To ignore someone
To give someone the slip To manage to avoid someone who is looking for you
To go on all fours To crawl
To have cold feet To be afraid or anxious
To hit the nail on the head To do exactly the right thing
To keep a cool head/ to keep To keep calm
one’s cool
To keep one’s fingers crossed To hope for luck
To lend a hand To help
To let the cat out of the bag To reveal a secret
To lose heart To feel discouraged
To lose one’s head To be very angry
To make a mountain out of a To give great importance to small things
To make hay while the sun shines To take advantage of an opportunity
To make oneself at home To be comfortable in another’s house
To mind one’s own business Not to interfere in other people’s life
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

To miss a golden opportunity To fail to seize an opportunity

To paddle your own canoe To do things by yourself
To pass away To die
To pull someone’s leg To tease someone by telling him or her something
shocking or worrying as a joke
To pull one’s socks up To make an effort to improve oneself
To rain cats and dogs To rain heavily
To receive with open arms To welcome warmly
To run into someone To meet somebody unexpectedly
To save face To save one’s honour or reputation
To save one’s skin To save oneself from harm
To see eye to eye To agree completely
To see red To be very angry
To see the light To begin to understand
To show one’s true colours To show one’s true character
To stand on one’s own feet To do things without help
To take a break To have a short rest
To take it easy Not too work or worry too much
To turn a deaf ear To refuse to hear
To turn over a new leaf To change for the better
The lion’s share The largest part
Through thick and thin Under all conditions/ in good times and bad times
To eat humble pie To apologize and be humble
To miss the boat To miss a good chance
To be all ears To listen attentively
To take something to heart To be greatly influenced or affected by something said
To hit below the belt To treat or behave unfairly
To face the music To accept punishment for some wrong done
Up-to-date Modern, recent
Within a stone’s throw Very near
Write someone off Consider someone no good or useless
White elephant Expensive, but useless and troublesome possession
Whale of a time Really having a good time or enjoying yourself
Wet behind the ears Young or inexperienced
Through the ages Over time(a great number of years/ centuries)

Give appropriate idioms for the following sentences.

1. Syeikh Muzaffar is very happy to be selected as the first Malaysian astrounout.


2. Mr. Teo likes to boast about everything in his life.


3. Students of 5P refuse to listen to their teachers’ advice.


4. Mr Rased and his family really had a good time at Bukit Merah Resort.


5. Siti Nurhaliza is very famous yet she is very humble.


6. In today’s world it is important to have everything in writing.


7. Whenever she goes to a party she always feels out of place.


8. The naughty boys are fighting all the time.


9. Whenever he goes out with his peers he always ends paying the bill.


10. Puan Aisyah imposed very strict rules on her children.

Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


A. Read the following dialogue and match the underlined words which are numbered
with the idioms below.

Sam and Adif are talking in the classroom.

Sam : Adam is a real braggart. He is always boasting about this and that.
Adif : So what happened?
Sam : Yesterday, he had to apologise humbly (1) in class because he gave us
the wrong message from the teacher.
Adif : Don’t worry, he’ll be his usual self (2) again a week’s time.
Sam : You have said exactly the thing. (3)
Adif : I saw him today. He was so cheerful and joyful. (4)
Sam : My friend, don’t be affected by him. (5)
Adif : Let’s not talk about him and spoil our mood. Have you made up your
mind on the climb up Gunung Kinabalu? The offer is valid (6) for three
days. If you continue to delay making decision, (7) I can’t guarantee you
a place.
Sam : Okay. Count me in.
Adif : That’s better. Well, just now when you were giving the speech, Farah
and friends were watching eagerly. (8)
Sam : What are you suggesting?
Adif : Nothing. It was just an assumption.
Sam : Yes, I’m tired of you talking tediously about the same subject. (9)
Adif : Sorry, I won’t mention it again. The joke was not appropriate. (10)

a) in high spirit __________

b) holds gold __________

c) harping on the same string __________

d) all eyes __________

e) in his element __________

f) drag your feet __________

g) take it to heart __________

h) in poor taste __________

i) hit the nail on the head __________

j) eat humble pie __________


A. Match the following idioms based on LOOK to their meanings.

1. Look daggers at somebody. a) Think about possible problems
before acting.

2. Don’t look a gift horse in the b) Look untidy and dirty.


3. Take a long hard look at c) Look directly at someone.


4. Look like a drowned rat. d) Try to see something positive in

a bad situation.

5. Look on the bright side. e) Utterly soaked or wet.

6. Look like something the cat f) To examine something very

dragged in. carefully.

7. Look somebody in the eye. g) Not to criticise something that

has been offered to you.

8. Look right through somebody. h) Look or feel very attractive.

9. Look like a million dollars. i) Behave as tough you do not see


10. Look before you leap. j) Look very angrily at someone.

B. Complete the following sentences with some of the idioms above.

1. ___________________________________ because it is the thought that counts, not

the gift.
2. It is always wise to __________________________________ because anything done
hastily can be counter-productive.
3. We should ___________________________________ and not allow early setbacks to
break our will to succeed.
4. My sister wanted to ____________________________________so she went for a new
attitude and a new hair-do.
5. “Amir, don’t walk over the new carpet. You _________________________________!”
screamed Puan Zainab at her son who has just come in from the muddy field.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar



Read the conversations in the situations below and choose the best meaning for the
phrases underlined.

Situation A : Johan and Ina Naim are talking about their schoolwork.

Johan : Did you understand yesterday’s Mathematics lesson?

Ina Naim : Not really. At first, I was not able to make head or tail (1) of it.
Johan : Me too. In fact I haven’t been able to complete my homework.
Ina Naim: The trick is to have formulae at your fingertips. (2)
Johan : That and picking out the information needed.
Ina Naim: Looks like I’ll have to do many more sums to get the hang of it.
Johan : In a nutshell, (3) you must know the formulae and information needed.
Then you have to practise doing such sums.

1 make head or tail

A work
B understand
C concentrate
D produce results

2 at your fingertips
A to learn something by writing
B to know something by memorising
C to understand something by repeating

3 In a nutshell
A To end
B To complete
C To summarise
Situation B : Aiman is speaking to his football coach.

Aiman : Sorry coach for being late.

Coach : Why are you so late? The practice is nearly ended.
Aiman : I was so engrossed in doing my homework that I lost track of time. (4)
Coach : This time I’ll forgive you. But next time I won’t let you off the hook. (5)
Aiman : Thank you, coach. I’ll keep that in mind. (6)

4 I lost track of time.

A. I lost my watch.
B. I missed some tracks.
C. I found some nice tracks.
D. I did not take note of the time.

5 I won’t let you off the hook.

A. I will scold you.
B. I will punish you.
C. I will tell your parents.

6 I’ll keep that in mind.

A. I will do it.
B. I will remind you.
C. I will remember that.
D. I will take into consideration.
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar

Situation C : Alisa is talking to Aina in the canteen.

Alysa : You are not eating anything. Are you sick?

Aina : I am in a stew (7) over my lost keys. The keys belong to my mother.
Alysa : Oh! I’m sorry to hear that. You must be in a bad way (8). Did you inform
your mother about it?
Aina : Well, I know I will get it in the neck (9) for my carelessness.

7 in a stew.
A. scared
B. worried
C. puzzled
D. surprised

8 in a bad way.
A. noisy situation
B. in difficult situation
C. in forgetful situation

9 get it in the neck.

A. be praised
B. be blamed
C. be scolded
D. be questioned
Situation D : Razak is talking about his birthday present to his classmate Hadi.

Hadi : Hi, Razak, your pencil box looks wonderful. Where did you get it?
Razak : My grandfather gave it to me, as a birthday present. He made it himself
as he is an old hand (10) at carpentry.
Hadi : I’m sure he knows the ropes (11) better than anyone else ay carpentry.
Razak : Yes, last year he even made a rocking chair for me. It was a real back-
breaking task (12) for him.

10 an old hand
A. an interesting man
B. an experienced man
C. an old fashioned man

11 knows the ropes

A. has liking
B. has money
C.has thorough knowledge

12 real back-breaking task

A. lazy job
B. simple job
C. time saving job
D. very difficult job
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Read the following text and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Luke was grumbling that he tried to get in touch with ( 13 ) his cousin, Mark on the
phone the whole of last week but nobody answered. He did not know that Jason was
away on holiday in Ipoh. Mark had decided to follow his classmate there at the eleventh
hour ( 14 ) because he could put up at his place (15) during the visit.

13 to get in touch with

A. to contact
B. to meet up
C. to touch
D. to get him to telephone

14 at the eleventh hour

A. in the night
B. at the last minute
C. at 11 o’clock
D. for eleven hour

15 put up at his place

A. clean up his house
B. stay at his place
C. decorate his room
D. bake cakes there

Read the entry in Mary’s diary below and choose the best meaning for the phrases

I really don’t know what I do with my best friend who is such a spoilt
child because she is born with a silver spoon in her mouth (16). She is not
worried at all about her poor performance in the examination. She always
turns a deaf ear ( 17) to what I advise her to do. I’m afraid she would be
in hot soup (18) when her father sees her report card. I hope she’ll come to
her senses before it is too late.

16 born with a silver spoon in her mouth

A. born rich
B. used to have silver spoons
C. given a silver spoon
D. presented with a silver spoon

17 turns a deaf ear

A. makes excuses
B. listens attentively
C. refuses to listen
D. thinks differently

18 in hot soup
A. in great trouble
B. asked to drink soup
C. rewarded with cash
D. sent to another school
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Read the letter below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Dear Suzy,

How are you? I heard you’re leaving for London to further

your studies soon. When are you going off? Don’t keep me in the dark
(19). We are bosom friends (20), aren’t we?
Anyway, I wish you all the best. Remember, staying away
from home won’t be a bed of roses (21).
Bye for now.

Yours sincerely,

19 Don’t keep me in the dark

A. Tell me quickly
B. Keep me informed
C. Let me tell him
D. I want to stay in a bright place

20 bosom friends
A. good students
B. old friends
C. close buddies
D. great foes

21 a bed of roses
A. happy
B. inconvenient
C. very worrisome
D. very comfortable

Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Kamariah : Maimunah! I can’t believe my eyes (22)

Maimun : It’s you, Kamariah.

Kamariah : Yes. What brings you here? (23)

Maimun : My son insisted that I bring him here today.

Kamariah : No wonder.

Maimun : What about you? ( 24)

Kamariah : I am showing my relatives around.

22 can’t believe my eyes

A. cannot see
B. can’t believe you
C. rub my eyes
D. can’t believe what I see

23 What brings you here?

A. What are you doing here?
B. How did you come here?
C. Why are you here?
D. Who are with you?

24 What about you?

A. What are you doing?
B. Why are you here?
C. When will you go?
D. Who told you?
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Jenny : I was in the neighbourhood so I thought of dropping by. (25)

Megala : Good. Come in.

Jenny : This is a nice neighbourhood.

Megala : Not too bad. The people are a friendly lot. (26)

Jenny : Yours is a far cry (27) from my place then. The people there are proud.

Megala : Really? I would not want to have such neighbours.

25 dropping by
A. seeing you
B. telling you
C. giving you
D. visiting you

26 a friendly lot
A. friendly relatives
B. friendly people
C. a bit friendly
D. not so friendly

27 a far cry
A. very different
B. the same
C. further
D. varied

Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Uncle Rob : I like this cafe. The food is good and the prices are reasonable. (28)

Jack : That’s true. In fact, I come here a few times a week.

Uncle Rob : Your office is just a stone’s throw from here (29)

Jack : You can come here too. Yours is not that far either.

Uncle Rob : But the thought of the traffic puts me off (30). Most days, I would rather
eat in my office canteen.

28 are reasonable
A. are acceptable
B. are too high
C. are not known
D. are not high

29 just a stone’s throw from here

A. far from here
B. nearby
C. near a stone
D. along the road

30 puts me off
A. scares me
B. respects me
C. annoys me
D. excites me
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are

Mrs Lee : Have you fed the cat?

Meng Kiat : Oh dear. It slipped my mind again (31)

Mrs Lee : You are getting forgetful. What’s the matter with you? (32)

Meng Kiat : I don’t really know, Mum. Lately, I have a lot on my mind.

Mrs. Lee : You need to focus (33), son.

Meng Kiat : I will try.

31 It slipped my mind
A. I slipped and fell
B. I forgot about it
C. I went home
D. I called you

32 What’s the matter with you?

A. How could you have forgotten?
B. You must never forget
C. Why have you forgotten?
D. I will remember

33 need to focus
A. must try to remember
B. must be polite
C. must do it
D. must go

Read the text and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined.

Najwa is throwing a party on her fifteenth birthday which is just around the corner

(34). She says she will invite only a handful of ( 35) people but not Jeremy who is always

high and mighty ( 36). The party will be held at the Pizza Hut outlet in Damansara.

34 just around the corner

A. next month
B. coming soon
C. at the end of the year
D. at the beginning of the year

35 only a handful of
A. many
B. not many
C. all the parents
D. all her younger friends

36 high and mighty

A. proud
B. boastful
C. strong
D. tall
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


1. First, read through the passage to get the feel and general idea of the
2. Take note of the tenses used in the passage.
3. Look at the options given and read them carefully.
4. Study the sentences before and after the blanks.
5. Eliminate the wrong answer.
6. Then, choose the correct answer and place the chosen option in the blank.
7. Read the sentence again to see that it makes sense.
8. Read the passage again with all the answers to ensure the smooth flow of the
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Waking up in a cranky mood, your head really hurts. Breathing

( 1 ) ………………. of your nose is a tedious challenge. Don’t despair, you are
just having ( 2 ) ……………… cold.
A cold ( 3 ) …………… an infection of the respiratory system, affecting
the nose, throat ( 4 ) …………….. ears. There is no cure for a cold because
there are too ( 5 ) …………….. viruses that cause ( 6 ) …………. Mucus
( 7 ) …………….. in the air when a person sneezes or coughs. Cold weather
( 8 ) ………….. been blamed for causing a cold due to less sunlight.

1 A in 5 A little
B out B few
C by C much
D into D many

2 A a 6 A it
B an B they
C the C their
D - D its

3 A were 7 A water
B was B slime
C are C drops
D is D stains

4 A and 8 A has
B or B had
C but C have
D because D having

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter and his wife. They were very
poor and had ( 1 ) …………… to eat. They always wished that they could have
a better life.
One day a fairy ( 2 ) ………….. them three wishes. The woodcutter
wanted to wish for wealth, health and a long life ( 3 )……………. his wife
The next day, while they were sitting ( 4 )…………….the fireplace,
suddenly the wife said, “How ( 5 ) ………….. wish we had a string of sausages
to cook in it.” The next moment a string of sausages appeared. The woodcutter
got angry with her and said, “ I wish ( 6 )……………sausages would
stick into your mouth.” True enough, they did. They then had to use the third
wish to ( 7 ) ……………the
sausages from her mouth.
( 8 ) ……………… they had wasted their three wishes, they learnt a
lesson, that is, not to wish for things but to take life as it comes.

1 A little 5 A I
B many B My
C plenty C We
D few D She

2 A gives 6 A this
B giving B those
C gave C that
D give

3 A and 7 A removed
B but B removes
C so C removing
D because D remove

4 A on 8 A However
B above B Therefore
C near C Although
D between D Luckily
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

It was 1912 and an American shipping company launched the world’s

largest and most luxurious ocean liner of the time. It was called Titanic
( 1 ) ……………means something that is powerful, big and important. It was
designed to be the greatest achievement of ( 2 ) ……………era of prosperity.
On April 14, 1912 the grand Titanic sailed on ( 3 ) ……….. maiden
voyage across the Atlantic. It was to travel from Southampton in England to
New York in the United States. It left the port ( 4 ) ………. 2224 passengers
comprising men, women, children and the crew. Everyone ( 5 ) …………..
thrilled to on the most luxurious ship.
On April 15, at approximately 11.40 p.m., the ship struck an iceberg 640
kilometres off the coast of Newfoundland. The iceberg ( 6 ) ……………a great
hole on the ship’s side and the unsinkable Titanic began to ( 7 ) …………. The
Titanic sent signals for help but to no avail. In less than three hours, the world’s
biggest ocean liner lay at the bottom of the North Atlantic. Some 750 people
were saved and ( 8 )…………. than 1500 passengers died on the maiden
voyage. The sinking of the Titanic shocked the world, a reverberation still felt

1 A where 5 A is
B which B are
C why C was
D what D were

3 A an 6 A made
B a B making
C the C makes
D make

4 A its 7 A sinking
B it B sink
C it’s C sank
D its’ D sinks

5 A by 8 A less
B from B much
C off C more
D with D any

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Nasi Lemak is a dish that ( 1 ) …………. commonly sold in Malaysia. In

fact, it has been ( 2 ) ………….. the unofficial national dish of Malaysia. With
roots in Malay culture, ( 3 ) ……………name in Malay literally means ‘rice in
fat’. The name comes from the cooking process whereby rice is mixed with rich
coconut cream and the mixture is then steamed. Traditionally,
( 4 ) …………..rice is served on a plate together with cucumber slices, small
dried anchovies or ‘ikan bilis’, roasted peanuts, hard boiled eggs, and hot spicy
sauce. Most of these accompaniments are spicy ( 5 ) …………nature.
Nasi Lemak is normally a breakfast dish, and it is sold ( 6 )………. in the
morning at roadside stalls in Malaysia where it is often sold packed in
newspaper, brown paper or banana leaf. ( 7 ) …………., there are restaurants
which serve it on a plate as noon or evening meals, making it possible for the
dish to be ( 8 ) ………….as a delicacy.

1 A is 5 A in
B are B on
C was C at
D were D for

2 A call 6 A early
B calls B soon
C calling C beginning
D called D earliest

3 A it 7 A Therefore
B it’s B Moreover
C it is C Furthermore
D its D However

4 A - 8 A treat
B a B treats
C an C treated
D the D treating
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Kuching is the capital city of Sarawak, Malaysia’s largest state located

( 1 )…………..the island of Borneo. In Kuching city, you will be
( 2 ) …………..aback by the beauty of the green environment. There
( 3 ) ……………a river separating the north and the south of Kuching
( 4 )……………. is called the Sarawak river. Riding a sampan along the
Sarawak River is a ( 5 )…………..experience. From the river, you can enjoy the
amazing view of the Malay villages with a gorgeous mountainous background.
Kuching’s name is said to have originated ( 6 )………….many sources. In
the Malay language, Kuching ( 7 )……………cat. Some sources say that
Kuching originated from the Chinese word “Gu Chin” which means harbour.
Another source says that Kuching is named after a lychee-like
( 8 )…………called Mata Kuching ( Cat’s eye).

1 A on 5 A greatest
B over B greater
C behind C more great
D along D great

2 A take 6 A of
B takes B off
C taking C from
D taken D to

3 A is 7 A mean
B are B means
C was C meaning
D were D meanings

4 A who 8 A fruit
B whose B vegetable
C whom C animal
D which D thing

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Mangrove trees ( 1 ) ……………….unusual because they are specially

( 2 ) …………to survive in wet, salty and muddy swamps. Their stilt-like,
arching roots trap mud brought down to ( 3 )……………sea by rivers, thus
helping to transform coastal swamps into dry land. They grow so ( 4 )…………
that they help to protect the coast from storms and floods.
Mangroves are also odd because they breathe air through
( 5 )…………..arching roots. They need to do this ( 6 )…………..there is little
oxygen in the wet mud. The seeds mangroves produce, start to grow
( 7 ) ……………the tree, ( 8 )………………increases their chances of survival
when they drop into the mud below.

1 A is 5 A they
B are B them
C were C their
D was D theirs

2 A adapt 6 A because
B adapts B and
C adapted C but
D adapting D or

3 A a 7 A in
B an B on
C - C over
D the D under

4 A thick 8 A which
B thicker B while
C thickly C whose
D thickest D where
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Dear Editor,

I visited Taman Negara in August and loved it. The three hour boat ride
from Jerantut to Taman Negara ( 1 )…………… an adventure on its own.
In the forest itself, there was much to see and do. The hanging bridge is
the ( 2 )…………. I have ever been on, and gave me an opportunity to
( 3 ) …………all the different layers of our tropical rainforest.
( 4 )…………….., the guides, shop proprietors and Orang Asli were
friendly, fun and knowledgeable. They made my stay enjoyable. Tourism is
( 5 )………….. bread and butter, without ( 6 ) ……………. They would probably
have to move to the cities to earn a living.
In addition, I felt that a small amount of money paid to use the facilities
was money well spent. It is fair that visitors who enjoy these facilities contribute
( 7 )…………… the maintenance of the forest.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison. If you like outdoors and do
not mind a few mosquito bites and a little roughing around, try Taman Negara.
I ( 8 )…………. recommend it.

Syed Danial

1 A is 5 A they
B are B them
C was C their
D were D theirs

2 A long 6 A which
B longest B where
C longer C whose
D as long as D whom

3 A see 7 A towards
B sees B forwards
C seen C backwards
D saw D throughout

4 A Although 8 A really
B However B slowly
C Besides that C highly
D Consequently D fastly

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Our body take in toxins everyday ( 1 )…………the food we eat and by

breathing in the polluted air around us. Stress can also ( 2 ) ……….toxins
within our body.
These toxins accumulate in ( 3 )…………body and cause our organs to
become sluggish. The build-up of toxins and the body’s constant efforts to
eliminate them ( 4 )…………vital nutrients, drain energy and weaken the
immune system.
The liver and digestive system ( 5 )………..organs that help eliminate
toxins from our body. When the organs are ( 6 )……….., the toxins will begin
circulating in our blood stream, damaging our organ and glands,
( 7 )………..increased inflammation, headaches, weight gain, and generally
causing poor health.
In surroundings full of processed food and pollution, our liver and
digestive system work extra hard but ( 8 )………. too need periodic help to
flush out the major toxins. This is why regular detoxification of the body is
imperative to keep the body in good working order.

1 A before 5 A is
B through B are
C over C was
D against D were

2 A generate 6 A overloaded
B generates B overhauled
C generated C overlooked
D generating D overlimited

3 A my 7 A cause
B your B causes
C our C caused
D ours D causing

4 A burn up 8 A they
B burn down B them
C build up C their
D burn off D theirs
Student’s Module Pick Up On Grammar


Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Taipei - Surgeons reattached a Taiwanese zookeeper’s forearm after

a 200-kg Nile crocodile ( 1 )……… off and colleagues recovered the limb
from the reptile’s mouth.
The male crocodile severed Chang Poyu’s forearm ( 2 )…………
Wednesday at the Staosham Zoo ( 3 )…………the veterinarian tried to
retrieve a tranquilizer dart from the reptile’s hide so he could give it
medication, zoo officials said.
The forearm ( 4 ) ………….reattached following seven hours of
surgery. The Liberty Times newspaper said Chang failed to notice that the
crocodile was not fully anaesthetized when he stuck his arm
( 5 )………….an iron rail to medicate it.
The 17 year old reptile is one of a pair of Nile crocodiles
(6 )………… the zoo. Known as a man-eater because of its voracious
nature, the crocodile is listed as an endangered
( 7 )……….., and is rapidly disappearing from its native African
( 8 ) …………………

1 A chomp 5 A into
B chomps B against
C chomped C between
D chomping D through

2 A at 6 A keep
B on B keeps
C in C kept
D by D keeping

3 A when 7 A characters
B where B species
C which C race
D whose D variety

4 A is 8 A habitat
B are B home
C was C country
D were D dwelling

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the
best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

For most of us, tulips are as synonymous with the Netherlands as

windmills and wooden clogs. ( 1 )…………was not always so, as the tulip is in
fact is a native of Turkey and other parts of Asia. Incredibly, this bright little
flower was once worth ( 2 )………..weight in gold.
The botanical name for a tulip is “Tulipa”. It is believed that the name
comes from the Turkish word for a turban “tulpen”, ( 3 )…………The flower was
once thought to resemble the traditional Turkish headdress.
( 4 )…………..,the tulip’s natural habitat is far removed from the flat and
wet lowlands ( 5 )……….. Holland. In fact, the tulip is most at home in the high
mountains. During the winter, the snow on the mountain slopes
( 6 )……………..the bulbs protection from the severe temperatures.
The Dutch botanists, Carlus Clasius first introduced the tulip to
( 7 )………..Holland with bulbs sent to him from Turkey. He began by growing
the precious plants in his own garden in Linden. As a scientist, Clasius
regarded his tulip bulbs purely as a source of new and exciting information
about the ways in which plants grow and reproduce. He was not in sharing
these lovely ( 8 )……….. or their bulbs with fellow horticulturists.

1 A This 5 A at
B That B of
C These C by
D Those D on

2 A it’s 6 A offer
B its B offers
C its’ C offered
D it D offering

3 A because 7 A a
B since B an
C although C -
D even though D the

4 A Interest 8 A flowers
B Interested B leaves
C Interesting C weeds
D Interestingly D fruit

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