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Slide 8:

I will go through very briefly some key points about the SWOT analysis
of Tesla
Slide 9:
First, let’s dive into its strength
Everyone can all aware of that Tesla has a strong brand value in the
automobile industry, right? The fact is that it was ranked as the world’s
most valuable car maker on the planet in 2020

What’s more? The green innovation leads Tesla to become a model and a
pioneer in the industry

As for the Weakness

The CEO Elon Musk expressed his concerns in slow production lines
and supply chain because the lack of talented people to work for

Another weakness is that Tesla’s narrow range of customer

segmentation, products are considered to be over-price, high-end

Talk a little bit about the Opportunity:

As the first mover, Tesla totally has an advantage when it comes to the
future demand as the transformation from fossil fuels to environmentally
friendly power

So, what can be a Threat to the big boss?

many competitors are entering the same alternative technology and they
can produce vehicles with much lower price to reach many market

Slide 10: Now move on to Tesla’s Global Marketing

Slide 11: The brand holds in mind the concept of 0$ budgeting strategy.
You might wonder what can it do with no budget in marketing like that.

Slide 12: Actually it can, I tell you what, they are all strategies

Without purchasing out any of the budget for growing the brand image or
commercial campaigns, Tesla run by Elon Musk still gains a certain
public recognition. The first marketing strategy depends mostly on the
informative flow of social media. By building the basic interaction
whether it is positive or negative via these platforms such as writing a
post or giving bold comments on social topics, Musk effectively attracts
a great deal of audience worldwide, using his fame to throw a light on his
brand- Tesla and successfully get himself loads of engagement without
paying any single dollar.
For examples, the CEO responses to customers complaints within 3
minutes on Twitter or check the application issue when someone asks on
Twitter and come back with an update, they are all considered a mean of
customer service even though he is a billionaire, and by connecting with
the community this way, he receives a lot of good impressions from
netizens and potential audience for the brand.

Another way for non-paid social advertising is by spreading words. Since

communication is simple and functional for information exchange and
Consumers tend to trust recommendations from people they know and
family members — more than brand’s declaration. the word-of-mouth
strategy has done its job excellent. Tesla makes sure that people are
aware of their products, and as Musk said in an interview that “word of
mouth is more than enough to drive the demand in excess of

So yeah, I guess that’s all for my part. Next,

Why Tesla has no intention of making a car with more

than 652 km of range like other brands?
Do you think it is the positive or negative effect when Elon Musk
uses Twitter as a way of marketing? Bc as I know, he often gives
bold comments on hot topics
Doesn’t matter it is positive or negative, who cares ab that
aspect. Everyone has the right to speak right, even the famous
CEO. And you see, that way of marketing, that basic interaction
helps Elon Musk gain a great deal of public cognition which
contribute to grow his business and brand awareness. And that’s

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