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Name : Vini Oktaria

Study Program : Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease and generally attacks the
lungs. The cause of tuberculosis is an infection from the bacterium Mycobacterium
tuberculosis which can spread through the lymph nodes and bloodstream to organs in the
body. Most people who get TB never show symptoms because the bacteria can live in an
inactive form in the body and can become active when the immune system is down.
Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air by inhaling fluids that have been infected with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, such as saliva or mucus or blood from a TB patient. TB disease
can be fatal if not treated properly. Enforcement of the diagnosis of TB is by checking blood
tests, X-rays on the chest, checking sputum or mucus.
TB Signs and Symptoms
When the body has been infected with tuberculosis germs, the immune system can prevent
these germs from being active. Based on these conditions TB germs can be divided into two
 Passive TB

 Active TB
 Here are some signs and symptoms of active TB :
 Cough lasts for three weeks or more
 Coughing up blood
 Chest pain when breathing or coughing
 Weight loss for no apparent reason
 Tired faster
 Fever
 Sweating at night for no apparent reason
 Cheerful
 Loss of appetite

Therapy and treatment

Anti-TB drug therapy is the only treatment required. TB treatment takes at least six to nine
months longer.
The use of TB drugs can cause uncomfortable but harmless side effects, such as:
 Nausea and vomiting
 Loss of appetite
 Skin turns yellow
 Urine or urine becomes cloudy or even reddish
 Fever for no reason
How to prevent TB
TB prevention can be done by getting the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. The
BCG vaccine is generally given in infancy because it can prevent TB infection as a child. In
addition, TB prevention can be done by someone who is infected with TB by taking
medication regularly until it is complete. In addition, someone who is infected with TB can
also take several steps to prevent TB transmission:
Avoid traveling or being in a place or room with lots of people.
Have room ventilation because TB germs are more easily spread in closed and small rooms
that do not have air circulation.
Cover mouth with hand or tissue when laughing, sneezing, or coughing. The used tissue is
put in a plastic bag and tightly closed before being thrown away.
Use a special mask for people with TB when around people, especially during the first three
weeks of treatment. These efforts can help reduce the risk of transmission.

Source :
Mayo Clinic. (2017, August 08). tuberculosis. Retrieved 09 November 2017 from:
Patient. (2014, May 21). tuberculosis. Retrieved November 9, 2017 from:
WebMD. (2017, March 23). What is Tuberculosis. Retrieved 09 November 2017 from:

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