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‘eva 22260 ‘Sonus Unt 7- Chapa 2: ap roe Dashboard / My courses / ECON 1580 WY2022-T1 J 14 October 20 October / Self-Quiz Ui Started on Monday, 18 October 2021, 221 PM State Finished Completed on Monday, 18 October 2021, 2:22 PM 1 min 15 sees 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%) comes ‘The unit-of-account function of money means that money is used Select one: a. a8. consistent means of measuring the value of things v b. as the common denominator of future payments © to pay for goods and services. ° d._ to accumulate purchasing power. ssimapozle tumoduerevnp tare SBMESTXemi 258026 0 seis 222P0 ‘Sonus Une 7- Chapa 2: ap roe ueston, comet Mark 100 out of 1.00; Money that some authority has declared legal tender is calle: Select one: a. fiat money. v b. currency & convertible paper money. d._ commodity money. ssimapozle tumoduerevnp tare SBMESTXemi 258026 ano seis 222P0 ‘Sonus Une 7- Chapa 2: ap roe cussion 3 comrecs Mark 100 out of 1.90 Exhibit: Table 9-2 ‘amponenss of the Money Sipph Wear ea ‘Billion Billion aren 0 00 savings deposits 130) 0 heckable deposits and waveler's checks zd 50) small- denomination time deposits 09) 150. [frearury Bonds 00 In this exhibit (Table 9-2), in Year 2, if the supply of money measured by M2 was $1,000 billion, then the components of M2 not shown in the table must have totaled: Select one: a. less than $250 billion v b. $250 billion. © $300 billion. d._ $450 billion. ° ssimapozle tumoduerevnp tare SBMESTXemi 258026 ano seis 222P0 ‘Sonus Une 7- Chapa 2: ap roe cussion comet Mark 100 out of 1.00; The largest component of M1 is: Select one: a. checkable deposits v b. credit card balances,

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