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1. Which component of the blood helps in the clotting and sealing of wounds?

a. platelet b. plasma c. white blood cell d. serum e. enzymes

2. In which of the following organs does absorption of food particles take place?
a. liver b. small intestine c. stomach d. pancreas e. large intestine

3. The diagram below shows a life process taking place within a cell

Which life process is shown above?

a. reproduction b. respiration c. digestion d. locomotion e. excretion

4. Which outcome is most likely if a person consumes more Calories than needed
for daily activities?

a. weight loss b. deficiency disease c. weight gain d. infectious disease

e. head ache


The figure above shows a chemical reaction. What is the reaction called?
a. excretion b. digestion c. photosynthesis d. respiration e. evaporation

6. In the experiment shown, bubbles of gas are seen to be formed when

Pondweed photosynthesises. How may the rate of photosynthesis be increased?

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a. By cooling the water b. By adding more water c. By increasing the
amount of light. d. By adding acid to the water e. By colouring the plant green

7. The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange takes place is

a. balloons b.  intercostal muscles c. bronchioles d. bronchi e. Alveoli

8. The tiny holes in the lower epidermis which allows the passage of carbon-
Dioxide into the leaf is called?
a. Spongy cells b. stoma c. palisade tissue d. waxy layer e. Xylem tissue

9. Scurvy is a nutritional deficiency of?

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D e. Vitamin E

10. The method used in the separation of mixtures of colours is called?

(a) simple distillation (b) fractional distillation (c) chromatography

(d) filtration (e) decantation.

11. Fertilisation takes place in the

(a) fallopian tube (b)  vagina (c) cervix (d)  uterus (e) alimentary canal

12. The safety symbol below can be used to represent which chemicals?

(a) corrosive (b) toxic (c) harmful (d) highly flammable (e) explosive

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13. The chemical symbol for Sodium is?

(a) Na (b) Ni (c) S (d) Si (e) Sn

14.Which of the following is true about solid molecular structure?

i. Molecules are fixed in definite positions.

ii. Molecules vibrate about fixed positions.

iii. Intermolecular forces of attraction is weak

(a) i only (b) ii only (c) i and ii only (d) iii only (e) ii and iii only.

15.The movement of the liquid molecules from the surface of the liquid to the

atmosphere is called?

(a) Boiling point (b) Condensation (c) Freezing (d) Evaporation

(e) Sublimation

16.The resulting force produced when huge numbers of particles collide with the

walls of the container as the particles move around is called?

(a) gas pressure (b) diffusion (c) Brownian effects (d) dispersion

(e) osmosis

17.The industrial chemical used for making of glass is called?

(a) paint (b) salts (c) clay (d) soda ash (e) acid

18. The following are the factors affecting evaporation except;

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(a) wind (b) surface area (c) temperature (d) humidity

(e) volume of liquid

19. Which of the statements is not true?

(a) conduction is the only means of heat transfer in solids

(b) convection can take place in liquids and gases

(c) convection process requires a material medium

(d) circulation of air rooms works on convection principle

(e) none of the above

20. In vacuum, heat can travel by:

(a) radiation only (b) conduction only (c) convection only

(d) radiation and convection (e) conduction and convection

Answer True or False for questions 21-40. Each question carries 2


21. Boiling takes place at all temperature.

True or False

22. Liquids and gases are referred to as fluids.

True or False.

23. Ventilation of a room or circulation of air in a room works is due to

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True or False

24. Cooking utensils made of metals are dully polished to retain heat within


True or False

25. Bubbles are usually produced during evaporation.

True or False

26. Bitumen is a fraction of petroleum widely used for lubrication of engine


True or False

27. The product Iron oxide is commonly referred to as rust.

True or False

28. Constituents of compounds can be separated by physical means.

True or False.

29. Matter is made up of tiny particles called cells.

True or False

30. The separation technique used to separate mixtures of water and alcohol

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is called fractional distillation.

True or False.

THEORY (Answer Four questions only)

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