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Oral final Exam.

B1- B1+ 2021 Date:___________ Time:___________

My mate:________________

Part 1. General questions

1. What are you very keen on? = fond of

2. What do you usually do at the weekend?

3. What do you love most about living in your city?

4. What kind of job would you like to do in the future? Why?

5. How do you think we can help our environment?

6. What do you think you will be doing in ten years time?

7. Have you ever taken part in a competition ?

8. What hobby did you used to have when you were children? (would)

9.Are you planning to do up any part of your house?

10. If you had more time , which hobby would you consider taking up?

11. Would you rather watch tv or search the internet? Why?

12. What would you do if you won the lottery?

13. Do you remember a situation when you couldn`t keep your face straight?

14. What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?

15. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Which one would you like to visit? Why?

16. Supposing you could buy a new techy advance , which one would you get?

17.What school subject are you mostly interested in? why?

18. If you had the possibility, would you attend a music concert or not? Why?

19. What are you looking forward to doing?

20. Who do you get on better with ?

21. What do you feel you have succeeded in doing this year?

Part 2 (Compare two photos ) ( answer the task given- a question)

Well, in this photo there are/ `s ...... they are playing... etc. while in the second picture …
Well, in the first photo …… but in the second ……..

From my view point, teenagers in picture 1 are having more fun than the ones in the second picture

Part 3. Collaborative task

Now, in this part of the test you’re going to speak together about something for about two minutes. I’m
going to describe a situation to you.

A woman who is always working and only has the weekend free wants to find a way to relax. 
Here are some things they could do to disconnect.
talk together about the different things she could do in order to feel better, and say which would
be best. 

All right? Now, talk together.

(2-3 minutes) ………………………………………

Discuss these questions, in order, as appropriate.

 What do you usually do in your free time?
 What is the best way to relax?
 How often do you do exercise?
 Are you keen on reading books to relax?
Starting your conversation(¡Empieza fuerte!)

 Shall I start?
 I’ll start
 Let’s talk about … first.

Giving your opinion

 I think that…
 In my opinion …
 In my view …
 if you ask me…
 As far as I am concerned…


 That’s what I think, too.

 I totally agree …
 That’s a good point.
 You are absolutely right.
 Absolutely.

Parcial agreement

I’m not so sure about that.

I sort of agree.I see what you mean, but …

 I see where you are coming from but…

Time fillers

 Let me see.
 It depends …
 Give me a second to think about that
 That’s an interesting question.
 Well, it’s difficult to say, really.


 I completely disagree.
 Sorry but I don’t agree
 I don’t think so


 Let’s go to (the cinema).

 Why don’t we go to (the art gallery).
 Shall we go and see (this photography exhibition).?
 How about going to (the zoo).?
 Do you fancy going to see (this photography exhibition)?
 Well, I’m quite keen on going to (the park)


 Great!
 What a great/brilliant/fantastic idea!
 How interesting!
 What a pity!
 Wow!
 Cool!

Showing disagreement

 I don’t find (museums) very interesting.

 I am not really into (modern art).
 (Cinemas) aren’t really my cup of tea.
 (Modern art) isn’t really my thing.
 I am not a big fan of (modern art).

Finishing a conversation

 I think we need to make a decision.

 Shall we try to come to an agreement?
 Let’s go with…
 Let’s choose…
 Ok, so let’s choose…

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