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Dedicated with Love to the Conscious Self in every human body; and, with the hope that in becoming individually self-governed the people will establish Democracy as Self-Government in the United States of America. The accomplishment of this hope will prevent the almost certain destruction of this civilization. ~Harold Waldwin Percival, 1952 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." ~Proverbs 9:10 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33 There is only us. ~Unknown Author

11-11-11 Gold Salon

2011 Silver Salon

Kalachakra for World Peace
July 6-16, 2011 Washington, DC

Dear Friends, Beginning on July 6, 2011, the 76th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a Kalachakra for World Peace will be offered in the heart of the US capital, Washington, DC. His Holiness will offer this great ritual empowerment, including preparatory teachings, from July 6 through 16, 2011. The Capital Area Tibetan Association (CATA), along with the greater Tibetan community, Mongolians, Kalmyks, and the peoples of the Himalyan regions, join in acting on behalf of Buddhists throughout North America and the world. Together, we realize that the Kalachakra offers an unparalleled way to amplify the profound, unshakable commitment of His Holiness to values such as love, compassion, wisdom and interfaith harmony. In addition, we humbly want to offer our work on this great event as an expression of gratitude to the people of the United States, our host country, and to all those in the Western Hemisphere and around the world who have so kindly supported the preservation of Tibets rich culture, spiritual heritage, and distinctive identity for many years now. We deeply appreciate how your kind and generous commitments has enabled Tibets unique spiritual wisdom-heritage to survive, spread and take root in all parts of our world. The Kalachakra for World Peace 2011 will unfold in a world capital where local actions deeply and globally affect the lives of so many. It will provide a rare chance to act in powerful spiritual harmony as part of a huge group dedicated to invoking the power of great wisdom and compassion, so urgently needed in todays world. Highly accomplished spiritual practitioners from many traditions respect and honor the ancient ritual of the Kalachakra, first offered by Shakyamuni Buddha in India. Those who are devoted to achieving world peace can join like-minded others in an event made sacred by the moral force of our common motivation to benefit all. As you can imagine, the expenses of holding such a long event in the center of a major city are formidable. We deeply appreciate any help you can offer. Your sponsorships and your donations, from the large to the small, will help us set ticket prices as low as possible so they are affordable to the largest number of people. Together, we will gather to raise a living mandala, with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the center, to teach us, guide us, inspire us, and bless us. Our beautiful and spacious venue will hold many comfortably, and we invite you to join us in seeing a great hall filled with devoted attendees, notable for their commitment to achieving kindness, wisdom and peace in our world, the antidotes so deeply needed to overcome forces of divisiveness.

You, by attending, will be the very instrument through which the great mandala of the Kalachakra for World Peace 2011 arises. Please join us in this noble gathering. During the first three days of the Kalachakra, from July 6 through 8, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, along with the monks of Namgyal Monastery and senior lamas, will conduct rituals which prepare and consecrate the venue. These include chanting of prayers, creation of the sand mandala and other rituals. From July 9 to 11, His Holiness will give preliminary teachings on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's 37 Practices of A Boddhisattva (laklen sodunma) & Kamalashila's The Middling States of Meditation (gomrim barpa). On July 12, the Kalachakra Ritual Dance will be performed by the monks of Namgyal Monastery. His Holiness will confer the Kalachakra Initiation from July 13 to 15. On July 16, a long life empowerment (tsewang) and a ceremony offering prayers for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be performed. Kalachakra 2011 is organized by the Capital Area Tibetan Association. Contact Website:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Arrival of Superconsciousness

June 15, 2011 This is a difficult topic to write about, as there is no reference point in recent or pre-recorded history from which to derive this timeline. The arrival of Superconsciousness is likened unto Self-Judgment Day on a global scale, where an awareness of the All There Is manifests within and throughout all of humanity. The transitory phase of our collective existence discussed earlier this month is predominantly delineated in the 2012-15 timeframe, hence the choice of web page addresses for this particular web page, as the changes and discussions on this page outline what we are heading into over the next few years. Following Earth changes and the like, there will be a short period of a year or so where humanity whole-heartedly realizes that the days of darkness have passed, and that it is time to begin anew. The overwhelming majority of people will embrace this mindset. By 2017, the process will be complete, and the arrival of Superconsciousness will usher in a new reality for humanity. A more positive timeline for humanity than that presented herein is simply not possible without further intervention on a global scale. The arrival of Superconsciousness will serve as the pinnacle of our collective experience in this

plane of existence as we move forward together in Oneness. Forward to where is beyond the scope of the information that can be presented in this format. Discerning what shall transpire following the arrival of Superconsciousness will not serve any purpose to you at this time. Concern yourself first and foremost with what shall be made manifest over the next five years, as focusing your attention on what lies immediately ahead of us will better serve you in overcoming obstacles as they arise, primarily that of fear and ignorance. ===================================================

Collective Clemency for Humanity

June 14, 2011 Having reviewed as a loose-knit community of researchers/investigators the issues of timelines, technologies, and what is happening on the planet today, it is imperative to discuss what humanity can and cannot control at this stage of the game. Humanity is a collective consciousness residing primarily on planet Earth, so the destiny of life on this planet only shall be addressed. Humanity has resisted the infinite love of the All There Is for thousands of years. With the clarion call for assistance heard loud and clear by the Universe, humanity has found a path forward, a way ahead strategy. Collectively, humanity has already won the game on Earth. This success story can be attributed to everyone alive today to varying degrees. We have influenced the outcome and continue to do so. However, at this point on our collective timeline, only certain things can change. The information and data presented to date delineate a future where the electric grid will be unavailable for an indefinite period of time, beginning in the 2012-13 timeframe, as Earths magnetic field experiences a null point of relatively low intensity, then the magnetic field will reverse polarity, which may or may not result in a physical pole shift, based on humanitys current trajectory. Upon reflection, the repercussions of this chain of events are self-evident. Our future is entirely up to us as a collective consciousness. For example, the stage being set for a false comprehensive Middle East peace agreement between Israel need not serve as a mechanism for depopulation; and Israel and its neighbors need not set the stage for a regional or world war if we intervene with the intent to manifest genuine peace. The upcoming events listed at the top of this page are an attempt to intervene on a global scale, with the central focus residing in Washington, D.C. The Dalai Lama has said that if we can shift the energy in Washington D.C., we can shift the energy throughout the world; therefore, efforts for world peace must begin in earnest in our nations capitol.

Choose your destiny by creating the thoughts that will allow your heart-felt desires to be made manifest. Excerpts (p. 147-49) from the book entitled, Man and Woman and Child are presented below as assistance in moving through this timeline. Those who may desire to improve themselves along the lines here indicated will find the following exercises helpful. These repetitions should be practiced regularly, at certain times, or at any time of the day or night as circumstances warrant: First thing in the morning, and last thing at night: Ever-present Consciousness! I thank Thee for Thy Presence with me this past night (or day). I ardently desire to be conscious of Thy Presence through this day (or night) and through all time. My will is to do all that I should do to become conscious of Thee and ultimately be at one with Thee. My Judge and Knower! Guide me in all that I think and do! Give me Thy Light, and the Light of Thy Knower! Let me be always conscious of Thee, that I may do all my duty and be consciously at one with Thee. The following formula is for moral improvement and for conduct in business: In all that I think; in all that I do, myself; my senses; be honest! Be true! As an example of a formula to have physical well-being, the following may be taken: Every atom in my body, thrill with life to make me well. Every molecule within me, carry health from cell to cell. Cells and organs in all systems build for lasting strength and youth. Work in harmony together by the Conscious Light, as Truth. On retiring at night one may review the occurrences of the day: Judge each action according to rightness and reason concerning everything that has been done or said. Approve what has been right and condemn what has been wrong. State what should have been done, and determine to act correctly in the future. Conscience will be your guide. Then let one feel a gentle warmth and good cheer throughout the body. Charge the bodys breath-form to guard the body throughout the night; that should any undesirable influence approach, to awake. In order that the body may be brought into coordination with nature and under control of ones thinking, let one understand that there is a constant magneticelectric action throughout the Earth, and that ones feet are directly affected by this action. Let one assume a comfortable posture, either standing or sitting. Feel in each big toe a pulsing or throbbing, then without moving let the throbbing be felt in the next toe and the next, until all five toes in both feet are felt to throb simultaneously. Then let the current be felt flowing upward through the

instep, then the ankles, then up the legs, and steadily to the knees and along the thighs, then up into the pelvis, and then let the current of feeling be felt along the spine, between the shoulders, the neck, and through the opening of the skull into the brain. When the brain is reached, there should in time be felt a current of life, like a fountain, flowing back and stimulating the body. This will result in a harmonious feeling of good will. This can be practiced morning and evening, or at any time or place, but morning and evening are the best. Continue with these and/or similar practices of your choosing on a daily basis; and the most positive timeline possible will result for you individually, as well as for humanity as a whole. Thinking creates destiny. Humanity shall be given a clean slate, having been awoken to who we are, as we establish Democracy as Self-Government on a global scale following our transformative experience into a world of peace and Conscious Light, emanating from within all beings.


The Two Minute Warning Suns Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity
Check out today's announcement: While the Earth loses its EM field beginning next year and into 2013 when the Earths magnetic field reverses polarity, that does not necessarily translate to the Earth getting fried by the sun. There was a debate within secret government circles early on, as to which way the sun would go during this period of time. Today's announcement proves that the sun is quieting down as the Earth's magnetic field drops off a cliff. Perhaps it is more prudent to be concerned with the nuclear power reactors throughout the world that have no reliable backup power systems in place when the grid goes down for an extended period of time. Large solar storms are always possible, the likelihood of which depends on the point of a solar cycle and other cosmological influences on the solar system. provides updates on sunspot activity on a monthly basis. ===================================================

Examples of Advanced Energy Technologies Dying on the Vine

June 13, 2011 Contact PSCI-NET for more information on these technologies. The message will then be forwarded to the appropriate party. 1. Wang Shum Ho Generator: and PDF Joint U.S.-Chinese Initiative to support the full-scale production of this and other green technologies through deployment on a global scale. 2. Bedini Technology: See for a brief video which shows a 10 Monopole/Coil Unit providing first-hand testimony of how the 10-30 Monopole/Coil Units being readied for presentation at the July 29-31 conference have interesting beneficial effects for living organisms. 3. Inventor X (U.S.) Demonstrations available once a sufficiently large initiative proves to show full support for advanced energy technologies (e.g., the neutralization of Murder, Inc.). 4. Inventor Y (U.S.) Units up and running on site and at locations near his lab; demonstrations may be available on a case by case basis. Numerous trusted parties have independently validated his technology. 5. Inventor Z (U.S.) Units fully operational; security issues as mentioned above have forced the inventor to maintain a low profile. Demonstrations unavailable to outside parties; technology has been independently validated on several occasions. Other inventors are also in a position to move their respective technologies forward and are open to outside funding. Meetings are scheduled in Washington, D.C. on June 21 and again on July 11 to discuss how to deploy these technologies on a large scale through joint partnerships and grant allocation to allow for independent research and development as desired by these inventors, who shall retain full control of their respective technologies. Results of these meeting will be posted to this web page on June 22 and July 12, respectively. Contact PSCI-NET for more information on these technologies. The message will then be forwarded upon receipt to the appropriate party for review.

Meanwhile, check out Comfort Food for the Survival Preparedness Pantry and Bob Dratchs Holoform Audio Technology some cool jams to make the day go by smoother. Anyone interested in having one of his holoform desktop computer systems up and running on site can Bob Dratch directly for consideration. Last but soon to be least, activists confronted members of the Bilderberg Group yesterday: "This is terrible," Mandelson was heard to exclaim as the activists swarmed around the delegates, firing questions and chorusing their concern. You can watch some remarkable footage from the incident on Alex Jones's website. One activist, Ali Aslan, walked alongside Enders, the Airbus boss, and asked him what was being discussed at this year's conference. "Nothing bad," said Enders. "We are just making our agendas." (This was the German word used: agenda the same as in English). "I don't understand," said Alsan. "There are politicians inside. Why are we not allowed to know what you're talking about?" Enders smiled and said: "I don't have to tell you, and you don't need to know." And with that, he and his fellow delegates ducked beneath the security cordon, into the blessed safety of Bilderberg. ===================================================

Data Confirming Decline in Dark Energy Density Through 2012-13

JUNE 12, 2011 The trusted source of this dark energy data has specifically requested to remain anonymous. Transcript of a related conversation is presented below for consideration by our fellow preppers. Mr. S: I was totally caught off-guard by this whole thing. I had heard of it, you know, claims that the magnetic field is going away and all this. Im like, wheres the supporting data? Ms. T: I know; they kept it all classified and I didnt have access to anything, but the insider folks were saying that even the black ops / secret government organizations didnt have an answer to whatever it is thats going to drop the grid. You just assume, well, its either the sun because its about the only thing they cant completely control at this point, or its something even bigger than that,

which would be some body of energy or whatever coming inso well see what it is exactly, but the end state is pretty much the same. Were going to lose our civilization and have to start over. Mr. S: Yeah. I know. I mean, this is going to wipe out technology, you know. A lot of technology will be destroyed. Ms. T: Yeah. Have you ever talked to ________ ? Mr. S: No. This answers a lot of questions Ive had. Ive always wondered why we were unable to access this frame of time period through Montauk. OK? Ms. T: Yeah. Mr. S: Now I know why; because the technology that that time portal actually space-time portal because it sets destination locations too the underlying technology that makes that technology possible is the dark energy the fabric of space-time; and with that low pressure of dark energy, you have nothing to interact with on the other side to open a tunnel. Ms. T: So what will that do to our everyday experience? I mean, were human bodies, were not machines, like the ones they used at Montauk; so how will our human bodies respond to this type of event do you think? Mr. S: You knoweven the prospect of it kind of scared me. Ms. T: Well, people are going to make it. Mr. S: I dont think were going to have a loss of matter event, because, if it were, then there would be solar systems winking out as they cross that null zone in the energy from the black hole at the center of the galaxy, but would cease to exist because of underlying fabric of space-time would be too low to support the electromagnetic hologram, essentially, the quantum interference patterns that create matter; and that would have been noticed. I believe astronomers would have noticed solar systems winking out in a line as the area of the galaxy passes through that null region from the black hole. So, if we have a loss of matter event, it would be at an extremely low level. I dont know what effect that will have on physiological organisms though. A lot of our cellular processes are fueled by dark energy; you know, all the transmutation of elements that go on in our cells, but its driven by these interactions within our energy field. Now dont get me wrong, the energy is not going to be gone; its just lowering in intensity. In other words, its like water pressure. It is like the fabric of spacetime, but the greater the pressure, the greater the amount of energy density thats flowing in to replace whats being consumed through processes throughout the universe; that energy lowers in pressure. Therefore, it exerts less pressure on the electromagnetic, which is 3% of what exists in the galaxy or universe, vs.

97% dark energy/matter. So with a lower pressure it has less of a stabilization effect on the actions/interactions going on in the electromagnetic. Ms. T: Were your Montauk experiences and those of your colleagues able to determine which continents would be most affected by this change? Mr. S: From what I remember, it was global. Ms. T: OK. Mr. S: The entire planetbut I remember this was before the end of my tour there. I remember when they reestablished contact, and that was late in 2013. Ms. T: OK. Mr. S: And I wasnt there for 2014 (space-time travel experiments), but I do remember because I was involved. I was a (deleted from transcript to protect identity). I worked on the equipment. I wasnt involved directly with the time tunnel (indiscernible words follow). And I remember them saying that when they reestablish connection (in late 2013), the cities were destroyed. There were not people living in the citiesthat the people they found were living in, essentially, individuals and communities of people that have prepared. Ms. T: Rightindigenous living, essentially. Mr. S: Right, right, exactly; and, they were sending people back. They were kidnapping people off the streets of New York City homeless people and sending them through the tunnel the time tunnel to try to help reestablish civilization. Beyond that, it was mainly rumors, it was because those abuses of those involved sabotaged the project, had brought it to an end, but that occurred after my time. Ms. T: And you were there like early 80s, was it? Mr. S: Yeah, yeah, (exact years mentioned deleted from transcript). Ms. T: Hard to believe that was almost 30 years ago. Mr. S: Yeah, well, they did a damn good job of covering up my memory of that event. I didnt start having until like, you know, it was funny, the memories started coming back as we started getting into this energy period. Ms. T: Huhthats odd.

Mr. S: Yeah, I started having sporadic as the technology was going erratic (todays advanced energy technology units exhibiting behavior inconsistent with previous results), I started having sporatic memory coming in. Ms. T: What do you think they did to slick your memory like give you a shot, or zap you with some sort of energy? Mr. S: I dont know remember, because I dont even remember when I signed the contract to agree to go there. They had altered my memory, because when I had come back, I had come back from (deleted), and, for a short time, I lived in (deleted), and I worked out of (deleted). In other words, when I was working on a project, they would fly me out to the various projects I was working on. (Next sentence deleted). I was told it was a communications device. They lied and I told them I was going to resign and that I was going to transfer back to civilian projects, and I ended up resigning. The memory that stuck in my head was that I resigned and went on about my life, but I never questioned the fact that this happened in (deleted). Look, I dont want to go back into another contract; but at that point, that is when my contract expired, I didnt re-up. (Continues discussing how an auto purchase date didnt make sense upon further reflection, based on years when certain events should have transpired). So I had a period of time missing from (deleted) to (deleted). Ms. T: When did you realize, Wait a second, thats an awful long time to wait to buy a car.? Mr. S: It never dawned on meI guess they had programmed me to just ignore that inconsistency. It didnt dawn on me until I started having these memory flashes; and Im like, wait a minute, what is going on here? And then, (name deleted) out in (deleted), he started mentioning what I was having memory flashes of; and he said, its all from Montauk. He said, you should watch the video; and so, we borrowed the video from (name deleted) and he had a video of a couple things that had shows where Preston Nichols and Al Bielek were talking about there. When he mentioned a construct of time, how its a loop, and I said no its not, its a thread; and then Im like, wait a minute, how do I know that? You know, answers just started popping into my head; and, since then Ive had quite a lot more recollection; and, what I mean by a thread is it loops, but its like threads on a bolt; it comes back around adjacent to the former loop. It was towards, you know, while my stay was there, they were not able to open a tunnel (to 2012-13) during my stay. It was towards the end of my stay that they were beginning to open tunnels again (experiments were conducted to examine future time from one future year to the next, and the gap was in the 2012-13 timeframe). To 1943 to 1983 it was two threads on the time loop. There is a 180 degree out-of-phase link at ten year intervals; the connection is strong, but its 180 degrees out of phase, but the next end phase at the 20 year interval, and the 30 year out of phase, and the 40 year in phase, 50 year out of phase, 60 year in phase, you follow me?

Ms. T: Yeah. Mr. S: Its easier to open tunnels during those intervals. You cant pick anything that is not along that adjacent thread. You cant like say open a portal to one year from now; you cant do that. You have to do that on a fixed time, and that point in time moves as youre moving in time. Time passage is here; it is also there; so, as you open that tunnel, the destination at the other end, the passage of time occurs at the same rate, so you cant go back and open that tunnel to the same point in time as the tunnels you previously accessed, because time passes at the other end of the tunnel at the same rate. You have to wait ten years and go out of phase to open a tunnel to that time again, or 20 years in phase. Ms. T: Well, what do you think they were trying to accomplish? I mean, if they knew the show was over Mr. S: The initial project was Project Rainbow, was invisibility. They discovered they were mucking the fabric of space-time by accident. It was an accidental discovery. What they were trying to do, quite frankly, they were trying to place first off, they were trying to hide it, a bubble, of EM; what they found was that they actually were displacing it in phase not in time, but in phase. They were only out of phase on normal space-time. Ms. T: Right. Mr. S: If you shift more than 15 degrees out of phase of normal space-time, then you end up going invisible. You can still see when youre in that mode everything around you as normal, but those in normal space-time cant see you. When you go more than a step number of degrees, then you shift out of the matter, the space-time that the matter is in, and so it fades away as you go more and more out of (phase with) space-time. When you get to the 90 degree point, thats where dark matter exists. Thats where you are no longer in normal space-time, you are in the dark matter realm. They call that hyperspace. They refer to it as hyperspace; from that point you can exit into a number of alternate realities. You cant go directly from one to the other; you have to go to the zero point, the zero reference, and then jump out into the alternative. The mathematics involved are well beyond me. Ms. T: Yeah, you gotta be a super geek for that. Mr. S: They had some really smart guys there that worked out all the mathematicsand those we had to, of course, put that into pulsing of fields, in order to encode that information in three phase. Ms. T: Back to our present time loop; that Bilderburg meeting. The NATO Commander, SECDEF Gates, Bill Gates, Zapatero the Spanish Prime Minister,

they all showed up under the radar for Bilderburg this round. Theyre obviously trying to figure out how to get their ducks in a row in the Middle Eastand Northern Africa. Mr. S: Yeah. Ms. T: But theyre trying to push through this comprehensive Middle East peace agreement in September. Mr. S: Yeah. Ms. T: Im guessing thats what theyre really after, so well see if they get away with it. I think they might, but I dont know if the economy is in a position to destabilize enough of those countries (in the Middle East / Northern Africa) in time to bring them onboard by September or not. Its really what it comes down to. Mr. S: Thats why theyre pushing so hard to destroy the economy. Ms. T: ApparentlyI mean the dollar will be last to fall but its gonna fall; and itll happen sometime next year. I dont think itll happen this year; but the Middle East countries arent going to be so lucky. (Discussion on survivalism ensued) Ms. T: You know, if this (extensive survivalism preparations) is what its gonna take to survive this, I dont know if you guys did a tally when you were at Montauk to figure out how many people were going to make it over the hump, but it doesnt sound like theres going to be very many Mr. S: Theres not, theres not Ms. T: I mean, globally, maybe tens of millions at the most. Mr. S: 10%...uh huh. 10% (obviously rounding way up from the previous statement made by Ms. T). Thats just who survives the event. What happens after thatwell, who knows. The project was shut down before I guess they were able to view anything in depth beyond that (2013). Ms. T: Yeah. Well, people are pretty adaptable. I mean, youre living in a city youre toast, but you got some land and theres not too many people around you and you got at least a little bit tucked away, you probably got a decent shot at making it. Mr. S: Yeah.

(Specifics on survivalism discussion continues) End of transcript. NOTE: This trend in decreasing dark energy may help explain why the plug was hastily pulled on shows such as The Event and V, as discussed by David Wilcock. This precipitous drop in dark energy may also be a causative factor accounting for attendance by top defense officials from both the U.S. and Europe such as Secretary of Defense Gates and the NATO Secretary General, Anders Rasmussen, at this years Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland, from June 9-12. Continuity of operations will become a paramount concern of all industrialized nations as various infrastructures begin to collapse as a result of losing the electrical grid when the Earths magnetic field is compromised by the reduction in dark energy below levels that are sufficient to sustain Earths magnetic field.

June 11, 2011 As a follow-up to yesterdays article below, note that the article is a compilation of information from various reliable, trustworthy sources with a proven track record, some of whom elected not to have their names made public due to previous runins with "Murder, Inc.", so the entire article remains anonymous...keyword Internet searches for some of the information will turn up sources regarding solar system activity; the list of solar system observations was a bulleted summary from David Wilcock's 2009 Awake & Aware presentation and has been validated through other research. Advanced energy researchers have stated that they have successfully redesigned their units that will now continue operating during this transition period from 2012-2015, as the two emails posted below as examples suggest: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My devices will continue working at full capacity during even the most difficult of times we will face. I currently have one wired energy device that has not and will not experience any ill effects and two wireless transmission and reception

devices of the same. I have made so many attempts to get this information to people and to teach those who have the power and money to accomplish this, the way to protect ourselves and our planet from the difficulties we are bound to endure. However, and as usual, most have ignored everything so I have been working with just a couple of people in order to prepare the protective and energy devices so they are completed and working when these changes occur. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have gone over the figures more times than I can count and in order to produce my energy devices, much less my solar protection device(s) on a large enough scale that would help even most of our country alone would cost into the hundreds of millions as the system would need to be set up as a mass manufacturing and distribution set up and my protective shields would need land and funding as well. I could offer the plans to people but the reality still is, that these are not snap together toys and need to be manufactured and built to exact specs in order to do their job of creating continuous energy and protection for the people. Unless you have new contacts, it is my impression that those whom have access to this type of funding continue to have their head in what clouds we have left and are not interested in wide scale, long term solutions to what we as a nation, require in order to survive what is most certainly coming. Of course, there is the issue of whether people from wealthier countries want to or will assist those who reside in other countries so as to save as much of our population from the impending disasters and changes that are going to occur. If people are only interested in the old, "plans for $49.95" thing, it is my opinion this will not succeed. At least not the way it must considering the drastic measures we must take very soon if we wish to survive as a species. Even if we built underground dwelling, and yes I have considered this, we must realize that the radiation comes with many residual affects and therefore, protection from this is truly the only way to survive on a semi-large scale. Even the Presidential mountains will not suffice when things are at their worst. However, a protective shield around that mountain will allow everyone inside to survive quite well and continue life after the changes have settled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fact that some advanced energy researchers not talking to each other directly are experiencing the same effects with their respective technologies proves that the 'superwave of energy entering our solar system' theory isn't a theory; it's a reality being experienced and measured in real time. It is VERY important for public speakers to correctly assess who will ride on the first 'ascension wave' in the late 2012 to early 2013 timeframe and to accurately present this knowledge to the public; and to also present to the public what being

left behind entails for the remaining transitory period and why this two-part ascension process is necessary. Everyone must understand what can be done to prepare for the catastrophic transition to world peace over the next few years. The debate over whether or not there will be Earth changes is over; the verdict is now self-evident. The "Great Purification" identified by Hopi and other indigenous tribes will begin in earnest next year. Most public speakers 'on the disclosure circuit' believe that a lot of people will experience ascension in round one, when just the opposite scenario will unfold...only a handful (less than one million, or one in perhaps 50,000 souls) are ready to move on during round one. With that said, there will be a round two following the "arrival of Superconsciousness" once the dust settles (after 2015). No one will be left behind, though some will continue to resist aligning with the Light to the very end, to such an extent that they will inevitably end up surfing the darkness of the Great Void following the arrival of Superconsciousness for what will seem to them like an eternity. These Lost Doers will become oblivious to an awareness of their own existence, experiencing only their unmet, perverted service-to-self desires for power, sex, fame, etc. ==============================================

2012-2015 Solar System Activity and Its Impact on Humanity

June 10, 2011 The Earths magnetic field is declining in intensity. Protection against the destructive effects of solar storms will be minimal as solar activity peaks in 2013 during the period identified as Solar Cycle 24. Major solar activity is possible during the next five years, with the greatest likelihood of large-scale solar activity in 2013 as predicted by NASA researchers. Various official research establishments throughout the world have also provided data on our solar systems largest celestial bodies and have concluded the following over the last 15 years:

Recent solar activity is at its highest level in 8000 years Sun's magnetic field has decreased in size by 25% A 300% increase in galactic dust entering our solar system Mercurys magnetosphere is experiencing significant increases in intensity Venus is exhibiting a 2500% increase in its green glow Mars is showing a rapid appearance of clouds and ozone Mars observations reveal up to 50% erosion of its ice features within a 12month period

Jupiter plasma torus is increasing; one of its moon, Io, is exhibiting the same changes A 200% increase in the density of Io's plasma torus has been observed Jupiter's Disappearance of White Ovals since 1997 and recent increases in storms Io's ionosphere is ~1000% higher than previous observations Jupiters moon Europa is much brighter than scientists expected based on previous data Jupiters moon Gannymede is 200% brighter than previous observations Saturn's plasma torus is ~1000% denser than pervious observations Aurorae observed in Saturn's polar regions for the first time in recent years Uranus was featureless in 1996; it has exhibited huge storms since 1999 Uranus in 2004 was also markedly brighter than in 1999 Neptune is 40% brighter in the near-infrared range based on observations from 1996 - 2002 Pluto observations reveal a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure

Disruptions throughout the solar system suggest that Solar Cycle 24 will produce solar storms of equal or greater order of magnitude to that of the 1859 Carrington Event which destroyed large portions of the U.S. telegraph system, a more robust precursor grid to that of our modern electrical grid. Data collected over the last three and a half years has charted the declining dark energy density, and can be extrapolated to a null point in dark energy density by 2013. Advanced energy technologies based on dark energy, also known as longitudinal energy, are already being adversely affected and will become non-functional by 2013, and shall remain useless for at least a year, at least until the Earths magnetic and longitudinal energy fields reestablish equilibrium following the magnetic pole shift. Some of these technologies are already compromised as a result of decreasing longitudinal energy available to operate the units. The Earths magnetic field is directly related to the dark energy field density. A dark energy null point will be coupled with a negligible magnetic field, resulting in a reversal of the Earths magnetic field. A magnetic pole shift may precipitate a physical pole shift at some point during this transitory period. The greatest concern prior to a physical pole shift is the loss of protection against solar radiation. A physical pole shift would be catastrophic from a geophysical point of view; or in other words, few if any buildings would be left standing following a physical pole shift. Our modern civilization would simply cease to exist; however, humanity would remain intact, albeit at greatly reduced population levels. Recently, advanced energy researchers operating outside the military industrial complex began charting dark energy density levels and have recently reported their findings to trusted parties within the advanced energy community. Only recently was it possible for them to make the connection between dark energy and its effects on Earths magnetic field. It took the sporadic malfunctioning and

eventual total shutdown of several alternative energy technologies to enable these researchers to fully investigate the matter in depth. Some of these more sensitive units started operating erratically last year, and quit working completely by the end of May 2011. Other researchers within this loose-knit network have been contacted, some of whom also reporting the same erratic behavior of the advanced energy units requiring the extraction of dark energy from beyond the zero-point barrier. For example, several autotune water resonance controllers began operating erratically and quit working altogether during the same timeframe through May 2011. The dark energy source that drives these advanced technologies is rapidly declining; these units will be as useless as dead batteries during this period of heightened solar activity. May 2013 coincides with the timeframe predicted for the dark energy pressure dropping to below the electromagnetic energy level, resulting in the loss of Earths effective protection from solar radiation. The null point will indicate the beginning of reversal of phase (similar to polarity) of dark energy in 2013, and the rise in dark energy density following the reversal will exceed the light energy level by 2014. Once the Earths magnetic field and magnetosphere re-establish balance, the magnetic field will be reversed in polarity. It is this magnetic polarity reversal that may precipitate a physical pole shift. Precursor symptoms will become apparent in 2012. Humanity and other life on Earth will need protection from the solar radiation and charged particles that will be bombarding the Earths surface during this transitionary phase of Earths evolution. The solar maximum of the current solar cycle will occur within this period, and will be greater than current solar cycle predictions would suggest. These predictions do not take into account the effects that this minimum dark energy density will have on the sun. As early as mid-2012, declining dark energy levels will be insufficient to buffer and stabilize the Earths magnetic field; and solar output will become erratic by that time, as well. There is still some time to prepare for those who have already started the process of living completely independently of centralized infrastructures (food, water, energy, etc.), but not enough time left to begin construction on new housing units from the ground up (prefabricated homes and log cabins being the only exceptions). Seriously consider an underground shelter or radiationhardened shelter of some sort to protect your family from the solar and cosmic radiation during the next few years. Store critical survival electronics in EMP hardened containers. If possible, reside in an area where indigenous peoples already live, and be prepared to live off the land as they have been doing successfully for thousands of years without the luxuries of modern life. Due to the large increase in geophysical activity during this period, ensure that any shelter constructed can withstand large-scale earthquakes and is located above 1300 feet elevation if the structures are in direct line with a coastline. The risk of

tsunamis is a concern during periods of major geophysical displacement, as recently evidenced by the Japanese earthquakes. Stockpile food, heirloom seeds and emergency supplies to last for as long as possible whatever your budget and network can afford. Be sure to protect and store heirloom organic seeds for medicinal plants and food crops, as plant life in your area may receive too much radiation from the sun to survive during the growing season, or weather patterns may be too erratic to allow for crops to produce food/herbs from one season to the next. Remember to use air and water filtration whenever possible, as worst case we will be inundated with not only charged particles, but also the aftereffects and radiation pollution from failed nuclear power plants and other industry destruction. Learn to live a nomadic life through first-hand experimentation if possible, or at least review material to familiarize yourself and your family with this way of life. The day may come when you no longer have the option to remain in one place, or must relocate on short notice. Engage in active prayer and meditation individually and with family/friends in order to see things as they are and to discern what to do and what not to do. Learn to breathe deeply, eat healthy, and maintain a healthy state of mind through laughter and light-hearted spiritedness. Several years will transpire before the Earth and its inhabitants recover from this event. Choose peace and love the All There Is has everything under control ==============================================

November 2010 L.A. Missile Launch

June 9, 2011 The November 2010 L.A. coast missile launch was absolutely a scheduled test launch, of a Raytheon built THAAD missile, under control from Pt. Mugu Naval base. The only mystery about it was late in the launch, the 2nd stage did not fire properly. It was well out into the Pacific when stage 2 failed, so no one in Los Angeles was in danger. This fact was obtained from the CO of the Naval base by my friend who knows him personally. End of story. David Wilcox is a dreamer with an agenda. Total BS. The only speculation I go along with is from AbelDanger who feels the QRS-11 gyro chip was cause of failure. That chip is used by Raytheon, and later Boeing. It has a now known "back door" allowing intervention by third party forces. Just who is yet to be proven. But the FBI raided the home of a Raytheon engineer just prior to the launch. Reason was never made public. The QRS-11 is accessed via KU band control. Anyone with access to a satellite with KU Band relay network capability would be a suspect. Israel, Mossad, have their own satellites. London City banks own moles inside all governments. As Jim Stone is showing Mossad's fingerprints all over Fukushima, it appears the

false flag disinfo is coming from Mossad, trying to blame their own crime on China. ==============================================


JUNE 4, 2011 Clif High at Half Past Human uses the Internet to forecast the future. We are not alone in forecasting the future; all humans do it to some degree. Just a quick search of the Internet will provide dozens of forms of future forecasting. Some use astrology, while some use other methods. We employ a technique based on radical linguistics to reduce extracts from readings of dynamic postings on the Internet into an archetypical database. With this database of archetypical language, we calculate the rate of change of the language. The forecasts of the future are derived from these calculations. Our calculations are based on a system of associations between words and numeric values for emotional responses from those words. These 'emotional impact indicators' are also of our own devising. They are attached to a data base of over 300/three hundred thousand words. This database of linked words/phrases and emotions is our lexicon from which the future forecasting is derived. We call our future viewing the ALTA reports for 'asymmetric language trend analysis'. ==============================================


JUNE 1, 2011 By Joey Lambardi

This is a lecture by an unidentified scientist given to DoD officials inside the Pentagon. It is dated 4-13-05 about a year after the God Gene was first discovered. The scientist describes a plan to alter the God Gene in the Middle Easter Population in order to end the turmoil in that region. I acquired the video through an unknown source and from my knowledge, connections and experience as part of a unit called combat camera, I have verified it to be authentic. ==============================================

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TECHQUA IKACHI "LAND MY LIFE" From John Nakagawa and the Hopi
In a two part film, at the request of the Hopi, John Nakagawa documents their story, addressing the events that have undermined the Hopi way of life and that have led to the ultimate takeover of the Hopi land by the U.S. Government. As the powers that be are currently hell bent on taking over the rights to the natural resources that lie in the heart of the Grand Canyon, this message couldn't be more timely. Give yourself two hours and prepare to watch and listen as the Hotevilla Hopi talk about their traditions and what will happen to Mother Earth if we don't wake up and remember how important it is to remain true to the Original Teachings.
PART 1 - PART 2 - ==============================================

Fallout from a Comprehensive Middle East Peace Agreement

April 29, 2011 In September 2011, leaders of the Palestinian authority will seek approval of a UN resolution formally declaring the establishment of a Palestinian state. Many countries have already expressed support for this initiative, a process that was formalized most recently during the Annapolis Conference on November 27, 2007. On April 28, 2011, Hamas and Fatah have come to yet another agreement, the third since Hamas won legislative elections in 2006. The history of instability throughout the region does not bode well for a comprehensive Middle East peace agreement.

Fiat currencies around the globe are burdened with tens of trillions of dollars in debt, an amount that continues to increase exponentially beyond the means of nations to repay these debts, which in turn precipitously depreciates the value of fiat currencies relative to commodities such as silver, gold, and oil, as shown in the GMO Commodity Index. The GMO Commodity Index is an index comprised of the following commodities, equally weighted at initiation: aluminum, coal, coconut oil, coffee, copper, corn, cotton, diammonium phosphate, flaxseed, gold, iron ore, jute, lard, lead, natural gas, nickel, oil, sorghum, soybeans, sugar, tin, tobacco, uranium, wheat, wool and zinc. Burgeoning debt coupled with geopolitical instability has resulted in stagnant employment throughout much of the industrialized West. Oil producing nations in the region are under the threat of instability within their own borders, which is adversely impacting the price of oil as reflected at the gas pumps. The impact of these factors has resulted in the United States being positioned less favorably to support the implementation of a two state solution, an outcome specifically expressed in the May 2010 National Security Strategy: We will be unwavering in our pursuit of a comprehensive peace between Israel and its neighbors, including a two-state solution that ensures Israels security, while fulfilling the Palestinian peoples legitimate aspirations for a viable state of their own. The likelihood of successfully implementing a lasting, comprehensive Middle East peace agreement is negligible under current circumstances. Therefore, how will this agreement impact the global WMD threat environment? The power that asymmetric forces aligned against the West possess remains largely dependent on their ability to successfully acquire and utilize WMDs in a manner that will produce maximum effect in terms of destruction upon their enemies. Within the construct of an increasingly fragile geopolitical and economic environment, the likelihood of a WMD attack is also increasing. Another 9/11-magnitude event will destabilize fiat currencies such as the euro, dollar, yen, and pound to the point where a centralized, global currency would have to be approved by the United Nations (UN) and implemented through the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Global markets would likely collapse during the transition from modern fiat currencies to a global currency, as there is nothing is currently in place to provide a stable transition to a global currency. At the very least, it would take the IMF and UN members months to approve and implement a global currency plan, a plan already outlined by the IMF in their April 13, 2010 report on international monetary stability. During the months-long transition to a global currency, the flow of goods would essentially halt, as fiat currency-based transactions would not be possible, while banks across the country would be closed for an indefinite period of time.

As discussed in Stratfors article by George Friedman published on April 26, 2011, the Obama administration has adopted a policy that places greater responsibility on our allies and regional powers directly affected by the Middle East uprisings. This strategy makes the uprisings more difficult to control, which in turn will heighten the likelihood of another 9/11 magnitude event. One solution proposed in the Fall/Winter 2009 issue of Combating WMD Journal (p. 18) was to adopt existing advanced energy technologies, technologies that would initiate the process of defunding oil exporting nations that provide petrodollars to terrorist entities either directly or by proxy. Unfortunately, the implementation of such a solution will arrive a day late and a dollar short. Our nation must now place greater emphasis on WMD consequence management planning, in preparation for an inevitable WMD attack against the West as the Middle East continues to destabilize. We must prepare our families and our nation for a regional Middle East conflict, as well as the impact of asymmetric warfare that will precipitate out of such a conflict. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently requested large diesel and gasoline stockpiles for North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. Meanwhile, FEMA has issued multiple requests totaling 140 million items which include packaged meals, blankets and underwater body bags, primarily for a national level response within the continental United States, where earthquakes nearly as large as the March 2011 Japan earthquakes have occurred. DHS ordered and distributed over 350,000 National Detainee Handbooks via a MUST deliver by date of April 29, 2011, an order that was initially posted online on April 18, 2011. In conjunction with these preparations, FEMA recently conducted a National Level Exercise in May 2011, which focused on earthquake hazards and the simulated displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. 2011 is the bicentennial anniversary of the 1811 New Madrid earthquakes. New Madrid, Missouri, was the city adjacent to an initial pair of very large earthquakes that occurred on December 16, 1811. At least one of these earthquakes exceeded 8.0 on the Richter scale, and shook windows and furniture as far away as Washington, D.C. Another earthquake of this magnitude in the New Madrid Seismic Zone would collapse the Central U.S. electrical grid for an extended period of time. This regions electrical grid provides backup power to dozens of nuclear reactors, many of which have the same General Electric Mark I reactor design as the failed nuclear reactors in Japan. Specifically, there are three separate reactor facilities with the Mark I design in Decatur, Alabama, rated in excess of 1000 MW output at each facility. Within a week of losing backup power, these facilities would begin pouring radioactive fallout via the jet stream over Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas, prompting water and food restrictions, as well as mandatory evacuations throughout portions of the East Coast and/or South Central states.

Through a $385 million federal government contract, Halliburton via its subsidiary KBR has built facilities throughout the United States to provide shelter for thousands of people who would relocate to these facilities during a disaster. These facilities are now fully operational. The abovementioned items are a truncated list of disaster preparations our nation has taken that could also be utilized during the consequence management phase of a WMD incident. For personal preparation, below are a few items to consider when preparing you and your family for possible disasters, as outlined in an article posted online at 1) Acquire at least three months worth of food for your household and encourage everyone close to you to do the same. Three months worth of food is a good hedge against skyrocketing prices and enough to comfortably weather temporary supply shortages. It is also an amount easily stored and transported in most personal vehicles. With a three-month supply of food directly on hand, the members of your family are in a better situation than at 95% of the people on the planet. Even if your family grows food in a garden or on a farm, a stockpile of food provides a crucial hedge against unforeseen variables. If your family has the funds and storage space for more than three months worth of food, by all means acquire more. If you have enough money to take care of yourself, consider helping your friends and neighbors stock up. They will remember who helped them, which could prove very helpful to your own family down the road. 2) Secure an emergency water supply. A stockpile of fresh water could be the difference between life and death in a world where infrastructure fails or water supplies are too polluted to drink. You don't need to spend a lot of money to develop a backup water supply. If you have access to a swimming pool or bathtub, keep it spotlessly clean as it could one day become your emergency reservoir when used in conjunction with a gravity water filtration system that can be purchased online via the Internet. 3) Acquire Potassium Iodide for radioactive fallout protection. These inexpensive, non-prescription tablets greatly diminish the impact of nuclear radiation by blocking the absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland. Decreasing your susceptibility to radiation poisoning obviously puts you in a much better situation than most other survivors of a nuclear event, and the pills could be valuable bartering items. These pills are easily acquired online via the Internet, as well. 4) Get in shape. Being physically fit will be crucial. No matter what your age or ailments, get active. Go for walks, ride a bike, lift weights, or do whatever you can to strengthen yourself. Try to eat as healthy a variety of nutritious, organic foods as possible. Anything that makes you physically stronger and more resilient is

advisable. Working out is also a great way to dissipate stress and clear your thoughts. 5) Stockpile at least ten gallons of fuel. Even if you don't own a vehicle, a safely stored cache of gasoline could come in very handy at some point. If you have to leave home due to civil unrest or unforeseen circumstances, increasing the range of your vehicle is advisable. Gasoline is guaranteed to go up in value. Despite short term dips, oil/gas prices will keep going up until the global economy shuts down, so buying fuel in advance is also a smart decision from an economic standpoint. Add a generous amount of "fuel stabilizer" as directions indicate to your gasoline stockpile to assure it will stay fresh for as long as possible. STA-BIL brand fuel stabilizer is available anywhere fuel products are sold. Diesel gasoline requires a different product than regular gasoline to extend the life of the fuel. If things get really ugly, gas or diesel will obviously be an invaluable commodity. If the economy falters and prices drop, take advantage of the situation to use your stored fuel and acquire a fresh batch. 6) Keep a small store of physical cash but trade in most of your dollars for tangible goods and/or precious metals. Cash may come in handy in the days or weeks following a collapse of fiat currencies. Inflation guarantees that all fiat currencies will continue their decline. Your family is better off having $10,000 worth of crucial equipment now than having $10,000 to spend when the time comes. Choose your expenses wisely by researching relevant topics online and with friends/family. 7) Conduct yourself with confidence. With poverty on the rise and law enforcement budgets being slashed, an increase in violent crime is inevitable. Predators always attack the most vulnerable-looking people and property. Dont look like a victim. If you choose to arm yourself, choose your weapons carefully and learn firearm safety from a professional. The greatest deterrent is to not look like a victim, and the best shootout is the one that never happens. Also consider non-lethal means of defending you and your family, such as Krav Maga martial arts training and having a baseball bat or taser weapon at the ready. 8) Sell off luxuries and acquire essentials. If you are attached to frivolous consumer goods, consider selling some of these items. Prioritize your possessions and get rid of what you really don't need. In the post-dollar collapse world, durable clothing will be worth more than a closet full of fancy clothes. 9) Put together a bailout kit and make contingency plans. If you have to leave your home for whatever reason, you're better off being able to do so on short notice. Prioritize and organize the things you will need and practice loading up the car, boat, bike, or what have you before disaster strikes. If your family lives in a major metropolitan area, try not to worry about

roads jammed with standstill traffic. Concern yourself with routes out of the city, acquiring fuel, and where you'll go after leaving. Odds are you'll be one of the knowing few that can escape from a bad situation before it's too late. 10) Share your plans with friends, family, and trustworthy neighbors. You may be surprised to find that many around you are on the same page and making similar preparations. Alliances can form in the strangest ways, and eliminating the feeling of being alone makes confronting disaster much easier. Get in touch with like-minded people in your area. Even if you don't make concrete plans together, just chatting online, talking on the phone, and/or getting together for a cup of coffee can be an inspiring and enlightening experience. The more open your expression and awareness is, the easier you will find all aspects of preparation to be as events unfold in the Middle East and throughout the rest of the world.


Inelia Benz Interview

March 10, 2011 A comment that may be useful: for some, watching this entire video from beginning to end may be a transformational event. Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling emotional, moved, inspired, elevated, or having new realizations about yourself, about reality, or about any aspect of what's going on in the world. This is the territory we're in here. See also and for additional interviews and audio/video archives of interest. ================================= RETURN TO HOME PAGE =================================

The U.S. Military and China as Environmental Soul Mates

By Nora Maccoby | Tuesday, January 18, 2011 An unlikely bond could form between the United States and China, writes Nora Maccoby. She explores how the U.S. Department of Defense and many of China's top political leaders are paving the way for a new economic model based on increasing the use of clean technologies and moving away from fossil fuels.

Zero Hour: The Day The Grid Stood Still

By Nora Maccoby | Friday, April 30, 2010 T-minus 7 Days: Army MAJ Tom Calhoun drives the 2010 Toyota Prius through the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) generator. The expected EMP level required to disable vehicles based on previous studies was 30-80 kV/m. His team elects to begin the testing at only 5 kV/m. As MAJ Calhoun drives the new Prius through the path of the EMP generator pulse, the car dashboard goes blank and the car creeps to a stop. Thats what happens when you use smaller microchips and circuitsmaybe the government should rethink its power strategy, considering how our entire nation is dependent on computers for power. T-minus 3 Days: Having workers go without pay for over six months, uprisings throughout Iran become widespread. Hundreds of thousands of workers took to the streets of Tehran alongside defecting Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces. The Iranian leadership held an emergency meeting to determine what course of action remains at their disposal. T-minus 2 Days: An explosion rocks Tel Aviv. Initial assessments have the body count at well over 100. Israeli leadership denounces the incident as a terrorist bomb. Around mid-day, Israeli leadership announce that the explosion was a result of a rocket originating from across the northern border of Israel. In the evening, an unmanned Hezbollah aircraft attacks an Israeli warship off the coast of Beirut. T-minus 1 Day: Israel launches a counter-strike against Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. Hezbollah counters with a Scud missile strike against Israels Dimona Reactor facility. Israel recognizes the source of the Scud missile as Syria and launches a limited nuclear strike against Damascus and Beirut.

T-plus 0 Hours: Families are walking along the boardwalk at Rockaway Beach in New York City. A child points up to the sky, Look at the big flash in the sky, Mommy! His mother replies, Thats strange, the city usually holds its fireworks display tomorrow night. It seems so far away though. The family continues to walk down the boardwalk as the father tries to make a phone call on his cell phone to find out when the rest of the family will arrive. Thats strange, my phone suddenly went dead. Slowly, people start to look around, perplexed, wondering where the silence came from. No noisy radios or televisions can be heard along the boardwalk from the outdoor cafes. Must be a power outage againhappened last week too, commented a passer-by as he was licking his ice cream. Should be back on in a few minutes. T-plus 15 Minutes Wise, EMP-protected HAM radio operators throughout the United States and Canada are reporting total power outages. The general consensus among them is quickly solidifying: a high-altitude nuclear weapon detonation has knocked out the entire North American power grid, based on reported observations. T-plus 20 Minutes: Satellite-based high-altitude nuclear strikes are launched by the military-industrial complex to level the playing field by disabling all remaining power grids on the planet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An electromagnetic pulse is a burst of electromagnetic radiation resulting from either a nuclear explosion or a solar coronal mass ejection. Either event would create a sudden, massive fluctuation in the Earths electromagnetic field. The resulting electric and magnetic fields then couple with electrical grid systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges. In military terminology, an EMP bomb detonated hundreds of kilometers above the earth's surface is known as a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) device. Effects of an HEMP device depend on the altitude of the detonation, energy yield, interactions with the earth's magnetic field, and shielding of targets. With nuclear weapons proliferation beyond the control of industrialized nations, an HEMP event will occur sooner rather than later. If world peace broke out tomorrow, we still have the suns coronal mass ejections (CMEs) to content with over the next several years as we approach another solar maximum. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is an ejection of material from the solar corona. Various official research establishments throughout the world have provided data on our solar systems largest celestial bodies to conclude the following: * Recent solar activity highest in 8000 years

* Sun's magnetic field has decreased in size by 25% * 300% increase in galactic dust entering our solar system * Mercurys magnetosphere experiencing significant increases * Venus exhibiting a 2500% increase in its green glow * Mars showing a rapid appearance of clouds and ozone * Mars observations reveal up to 50% erosion of its ice features within a 12month period * Jupiter plasma torus increasing; its moon Io exhibiting the same changes * A 200% increase in the density of Io's plasma torus * Jupiter's Disappearance of White Ovals since 1997 - recent increase in storms * Io's ionosphere is ~1000% higher * Jupiters moon Europa much brighter than scientists expected * Jupiters moon Gannymede is 200% brighter * Saturn's plasma torus is ~1000% denser * Aurorae first seen in Saturn's polar regions in recent years * Uranus was featureless in 1996 - exhibiting huge storms since 1999 * Uranus in 2004 was also markedly brighter than in 1999 * Neptune is 40% brighter in the near-infrared range based on observations from 1996 - 2002 * Pluto observations reveal a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure These changes are not a result of Americans driving around SUVs. While details remain classified (e.g., covered up by the scientific community and various governments), an incoming brown dwarf star several times the mass of Jupiter is affecting the solar systems heliosphere and celestial bodies within our solar system, as well. The Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research (LUCIFERyes, they named it LUCIFER on purpose see is a near-infrared camera and spectrograph that was installed in April 2010on the worlds largest optical Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) located on Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona. LUCIFER has the capability to track the inbound brown dwarf star that can only be observed in the near-infrared range. This will provide real-time tracking data that will allow scientists to determine the exact location and trajectory of the brown dwarf star. Daniel Stolte, Science Writer at the University of Arizona, has recently published several relevant articles. He stated that from talking to researchers, he was not aware of a brown dwarf coming within the vicinity of our solar system any time soon. Contrast that conclusion with Andrew Lloyds web site ( outlining his theory on the dark star. When information of this magnitude remains classified, proof is normally hard to pin down. has a video interview between Andrew Lloyd and Kerry Cassidy posted to provide additional information on the topic.

So what exactly is causing all the commotion in the solar system SUVs, the brown dwarf, or something elseinquiring minds want to know. Meanwhile, the Middle East conundrum remains unresolved. It appears as though humanity will either wipe the slate clean on its own accord, or the universe may hit the red button for us. ================================= RETURN TO HOME PAGE =================================

Text review and archives of the

Advanced Energy Whistleblower Conference

December 12-13, 2009

Saturday Dec 12 Speakers Leslie Pastor Website MP3 audio level balanced Pete Sumaruck Website MP3 audio level balanced James Allen Robey Website Audio Only available in .WAV format Dr. Tom Valone Website William (Bill) Gilroy Website MP3 audio level balanced David Yurth Website MP3 audio level balanced Lawrence Tseng MP3 audio level balanced

Sunday Dec 13 Speakers Bill Ryan Website MP3 audio level balanced Dr. John O'Bockris Website MP3 audio level balanced Dr. Fred Wood, Jr. Website MP3 audio level balanced Jeane Manning Website MP3 audio level balanced Dr. Tom Bearden Website MP3 audio level balanced ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2008 and 2009 Alternative Energy Partnership Events

Archives can be found HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Green Hawks in the Pentagon: the American Army Is on a Green Mission

March 17, 2008 According to US and UK media, it was Nora Envirobabe Maccoby who, at the end of 2005, lectured then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The 40-yearold film director had just led an energy delegation to China, one of the worlds worst producers of carbon dioxide, but which also harbors one of the fastest growing markets for alternative energy. "I told him the rest of the world was moving ahead with technology that America developed and America was getting left in the dust. I told him that we could redeem the mistakes of the Bush administration and restore morale within the Army by leading a new technology revolution. I told him he could be a hero."

Rumsfeld described the meeting bluntly. She kicked my ass, and she was right, and he set the ball rolling. A month later President Bush talked about Americas oil addiction in his annual State of the Union address. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Advanced Energy Technology Colloquium Report

August 27, 2007 Archives from the 2007 Green and Blue Salon events can be found HERE and HERE Since reviewing the U.S. Army National Ground Intelligence Centers report on zero point energy research, an independent investigation of advanced energy technologies that do not fall into conventional alternative energy fields of research and development was conducted. This independent investigation culminated in an event held in Bethesda, Maryland on August 20, 2007 and was hosted by Nora Maccoby. Results of the investigation have been made available online. Based on the interviews and presentations through 2007, it is clear that advanced energy technologies commonly identified as zero point energy technologies are not only real but are being brought to full scale production in real time. The difficulties associated with bringing advanced energy technologies to the public have compromised our nations ability to liberate humanity from our collective dependency on foreign fossil fuels. All hydrocarbon-based energy production devices are obsolete, including hybrid cars, since they have conventional battery banks and high replacement cost. Even the hydrogen cars using the new fuel cell technology fall into the same category, as hydrogen production only shifts the problem around but does not solve the real problem of our dependency on oil -- imported oil to be more precise. Advanced alternative energy technologies have many advantages over fossil fuels and conventional alternative energy technologies. The volume of fossil fuels imported to the United States could be drastically reduced to a level that would eliminate the need for global hegemony in order to protect our energy and material demands by shifting a small fraction of either private or government research and development funding to advanced energy technologies. The economics of advanced alternative energy systems are considerably less expensive then the present multi-trillion dollar fossil fuel based energy and transportation infrastructures. These newly developed advanced alternative energy technologies preserve the integrity of the planets ecosystem at the same

time. If the advanced alternative energy technologies mentioned in the presentations provided via the link above were adopted worldwide, the impetus for oil wars could be eliminated within the next five years. Every person on the planet could have access to an unlimited supply of electrical energy and the means of producing clean water. All nations could fully embrace the Kyoto Protocols, as these advanced energy technologies minimize environmental pollution. Cost savings is also an attractive feature of these technologies when you consider the total cost of our nations dependency on fossil fuels. In effect, we could change the world as we know it by 2012, as energy scarcity would become a thing of the past. The hurdles are many and the technical solutions are by no means simple; however, current research findings have shown that they are all solvable given sufficient time and research funding. Follow-on events are scheduled in Washington D.C. as early as this fall, similar to events listed online at, to include National Press Club briefings and meetings with members of Congress. Mankind can no longer afford the luxury of maintaining the status quo in the realm of energy consumption. It is time for massive change on a global scale; and supporting advanced energy technology research and development is our last and best hope to avoid a cataclysmic transition to world peace by overcoming energy scarcity scenarios. Failure to do so will inevitably result in regional and world wars within the next five years. ================================= RETURN TO HOME PAGE =================================

Discussing Energy with DoD

March 27, 2006 Excerpts from the Q&A session with former Director of Central Intelligence, James Woolsey, at the first Department of Defense (DoD) interagency conversation on energy just outside of the Pentagon. The evolution of this event can be traced back to an eclectic group centered around energy (and Woolsey) including Mitzi Wertheim and Nora Maccoby among others. Maccoby was described on page six of the NY Post as an enviro-babe and screenwriter who

kicked Rumsfelds ass by schooling him on energy issues at a holiday party in Georgetown. This is said to have been the catalyst for Rumsfelds memo requesting information on who was in charge of energy issues in the Pentagon.

U.S. Oil Consumption

Interview with Nora Maccoby on C-SPAN February 4, 2006 Nora Maccoby talked about the U.S. demand for oil, reacting to President Bush's State of the Union speech. She talked about energy independence through renewable clean sources as the crux of a national security strategy. The New York Post reported that Ms. Maccoby was seen discussing this strategy with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in December of 2005.

President Bush's State of the Union Address

CQ Transcripts Wire Tuesday, January 31, 2006; 10:11 PM Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. And here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world. The best way to break this addiction is through technology. Since 2001, we have spent nearly $10 billion to develop cleaner, cheaper and more reliable alternative energy sources. And we are on the threshold of incredible advances. So tonight I announce the Advanced Energy Initiative -- a 22 percent increase in clean-energy research at the Department of Energy to push for breakthroughs in two vital areas. To change how we power our homes and offices, we will invest more in zero-emission coal-fired plants; revolutionary solar and wind technologies; and clean, safe nuclear energy. We must also change how we power our automobiles. We will increase our research in better batteries for hybrid and electric cars and in pollution-free cars that run on hydrogen. We will also fund additional research in cutting-edge methods of producing ethanol, not just from corn but from wood chips and stalks or switch grass. Our goal is to make this new kind of ethanol practical and competitive within six years. Breakthroughs on this and other new technologies will help us reach another great goal: to replace more than 75 percent of our oil

imports from the Middle East by 2025. By applying the talent and technology of America, this country can dramatically improve our environment, move beyond a petroleum- based economy and make our dependence on Middle Eastern oil a thing of the past.

Energy Use in DoD

December 14, 2005 From Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England We have talked before about what DoD can do to conserve energy, particularly hydrocarbon fuels. It seems to me we should be doing all we can to pursue energy initiatives through fuel-efficient vehicles, advanced battery technology, or hybrid power trains. It really is a national security issue, and we are an enormous part of government consumption. Are we giving this attention in the QDR? Who in the Department is in charge? My guess is that the Services are each doing things, but perhaps we should have a centralized point in the Department to work on these kind of things.

The Disclosure Project

May 9, 2001 National Press Club Video A large number of ex high ranking officials including air traffic controllers, ex secret op. officers, commercial pilots, numerous military defense specialists with top secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents, all going before the national press club to discuss what their experiences have been regarding the suppression of advanced technologies and all are willing to go before Congress to testify under oath. April 2001 Briefing Document

The Fourth International Symposium On New Energy

May 23-26, 1997 Power for the future: Magnetic motors that will run without input power, solidstate circuits that provide more power out than power input, mechanical perpetual motion machines, methods of tapping the ZPE, and nuclear reactions from charge clusters. These concepts have been recently presented in various media and conferences. Various inventions and theories abound. However, most of these concepts have yet to be demonstrated or replicated. A few of these devices have been actually demonstrated to work! Funding and backing for commercialization are limited, scarce, and almost non-existent as is funding for research or development in these areas. The need to stop polluting the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels is evident. However, there are promising devices and systems! Among these are the works of living inventors and scientists that do show promise to become the power for the future.

1997 Alternative Energy Resources & Technology Seminar

April 18, 1997 TEXAS A&M REFUSES SEMINAR (ON COLD FUSION) By John Kirsch (staff writer), "Panel Speakers Draw Criticism from Some A&M Faculty Members," Bryan-College Station Eagle, 15 April 1997, pp A2, A7. From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 2, June 1997, Special Edition, p. 9. New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SUMMARY An alternative energy seminar featuring Dr. John O'M. Bockris, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, was denied the use of the Engineering/Physics Building

on the night of Friday, April 18, on the grounds that the credentials of its four speakers were questionable. The listed participants were Drs. Bockris (Texas A&M) and Pat Bailey (of the Inst. for New Energy), J.J. Hurtak of the Academy for Future Science, and graduate student Todd Hathaway, who was also an organizer of the seminar. No University funds were being used for the event. The faculty spokesperson quoted by the newspaper was Frank Cotton, also a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Texas A&M, who told the reporter that faculty members and administrators had forced the cancellation of seminar plans after learning who the speakers were. "They're all kooks and charlatans," Mr. Cotton was quoted as saying. [I have the newspaper article. P.B.] Bockris' research in such controversial areas as cold fusion and low-energy nuclear reactions has drawn criticism from his fellow faculty members for several years. The newspaper mentioned that the Web site for participant J.J. Hurtak provided information on ordering a UFO video [which possibly the University faculty thought was condemning evidence against him]. The seminar, Alternative Energy Resources & Technology, was held instead at St. Mary's Catholic Student Center, which had no problem with the controversial nature of the information. The following are two letters which directly resulted from the Texas A&M faculty decision.

Letter to the Editor of the Bryan-College Station Eagle, Sent April 16, 1997 To: Editor, Bryan-College Station Eagle For: Letters to the Editor I read with sad depression a recent article written yesterday, April 15, by John Kirsch, Eagle staff writer, about the Friday evening lecture at Texas A&M University, in which I am a scheduled speaker. Unfortunately, his article is mostly trash and misleading as he has published his own version of illusions and negative thoughts about this seminar without ever bothering to check out any of the facts, issues or intentions of the speakers. An e-mail with a summary of his article that was sent to me is attached. As a newspaper editor, you may want to publish the truth about what is happening in the world. This includes presenting both sides of any issue, whether it be what is happening in the areas of advanced energy conversion research, or (dare I say) what really happened in Waco. If you want to see what is happening in the area of "cold-fusion," where Japan has over 200 active patents and is doing repeatable over-unity (new potential

energy) research, you can access that information at the Institute for New Energy Web site. I include for you to review in your office a copy of a 1994 paper (6 pages) presented by SRI International under EPRI (Electric Power Research Inst.) funding, where they stated that they had also achieved a major "cold fusion" reaction in one of the three experiments that they performed. This is one new area of advanced energy research where things are indeed happening. There are also other areas where other exciting things are happening that anyone is able to see if they take the time to pull their heads out of the sand! If you wish to continue to publish slanted and misleading stories for sales-appeal without including the facts on both sides stay out of my way! I will be there Friday evening. You should formally send John Kirsch to write and publish exactly what is said and exactly what happens and not what he thinks others should hear, especially to slander others or mislead your readers. I would think that your readers would like to know what is actually happening and not someone's morbid thoughts about it. I have personally seen several times how the press is able and has slanted and tainted the truth to serve its own egotistical or financial purposes. I do not allow that behavior in my life. I am sure that you would also not want that type of behavior in yours. I will look forward to Friday evening. Sincerely, /s/ Dr. Patrick G. Bailey, President, Institute for New Energy Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, MIT, 1972 Past Technical Program Chairman for the IECEC (1984, 1991) Past Steering Committee Member, IECEC (12 years) Past Project Manager, EPRI, Nuclear Power Division, Nuclear Safety and Analysis Dept. Active researcher

APOLOGIES TO DR. BOCKRIS The attached letter was received by Dr. John O'M. Bockris on Monday, April 21, 1997; therefore, the matter regarding the seminar's change of venue has been resolved. Out of respect for the individual that submitted the letter, the person's identity will be protected. The following information was forwarded to 1500 faculty, staff, and students on campus and the Board of Regents of Texas A&M. Dr. John Bockris Distinguished Professor Chemistry Department, Texas A&M University

On behalf of faculty, staff and students that were involved with the decision to cancel the "Alternative Energy Resources & Technology" seminar, please accept this humble apology for the poor judgment that resulted in reversing the decision to not hold the seminar on campus. Based upon the material presented at the seminar at St. Mary's Catholic Student Center, you have proven that your work in cold fusion is legitimate and should be taken seriously. 173 patents in the cold fusion field is convincing evidence in and of itself. It is truly unfortunate that you have unnecessarily [experienced] so much resistance in sharing your groundbreaking research with the University community. I sincerely hope that the other people involved with making the mistake of forcing your seminar off campus will be open-minded enough to allow the Fall 1997 Alternative Energy Conference to be held on campus. Sincerely, /s/ (name deleted) Mechanical Engineering Dept. Texas A&M University ================================= RETURN TO HOME PAGE =================================

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