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Francis Mel Panti

BSED Social Studies 2/F

GEC E5 Gender and Society
Midterm Examination

1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. D
27. C
28. D
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. C
33. C
34. D
35. A
36. B
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. D
Test II. Identification

41. Entrepreneur/ tycoon/ business person

42. Public affairs manager
43. Stubborn/brusque
44. Owner
45. If a students want to be gender-neutral, they should be wary of their actions

Test III. Discussions

46-47. If a woman is objectified, she is mostly to suffer depression and can

damage her mental health.

48-49. Robust Advertisement. Men are being objectified as something that has
sexual urge that is why on the advertisement, it says that the product can
increase the sexual urge of men.

50-52. Girls can use their voice now on advocating gender equality that is why
textbook can no longer teach them with their future. Girls are now being heard
and now they building an image of strong independent woman that no one can

53-57. Based on my observation the paper on gender parity tends to happen in

Catanduanes State University. On the start of the school year or semester there
are many students that are enrolling but by the end of the semester or school
year there are many student that choose to dropout and most of it are boys. This
scenario always repeat year-after-year and the common cause of this is because
boys tend to just help their family to get by day-by-day.

58-62. Suggesting that presidency is not for woman is stereotype and sexist.
What does he want to imply? That woman can never be a great leader?
Nowadays woman outshine

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