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Francis Mel Panti

BSED- Social Studies 2/F

GEC 3- Living in the IT Era
SAQ 9: Privacy and Surveillance

1. Data empowers you to make informed decisions. It's important to remember that data
equals knowledge. The more data you have at your disposal, the more equipped you will be to
make sound decisions and seize fresh chances. Good data will also provide you with the
justification and proof you require to support these judgments, allowing you to confidently
defend your thinking in the future. You're much more prone to make mistakes and draw
inaccurate conclusions if you don't have enough data.
2. Data helps identify problems. Every organization, regardless of size, has issues and
inefficiencies. It is practically hard to perfect how a company is run due to the ever-changing
nature of the business climate and society as a whole. Access to good data, on the other hand,
will ensure that you're able to see major issues early on and take action to address them.
3. Data allows you to develop accurate theories. In the same way that data can help you
discover short-term issues, it can also help you construct more accurate long-term hypotheses.
Data can be regarded of as the building blocks for creating coherent models that allow you to
see what's going on in different parts of your company. To effectively execute effective
solutions, you must first understand what is going on at various places and in various
departments. This is made possible via data.
4. Data makes your approach strategic. One of the benefits of data collection is that it
improves efficiency while also removing doubt. The most successful businesses employ both
short- and long-term strategy. You'll always be able to place your limited resources where
they're most required thanks to solid field data gathering and analysis. Understanding what
areas need to be focused right now is critical to your growth and progress.
5. Data saves you time. Having a smart data collection system in place will save you valuable
time down the road. So many resources are wasted going back again and again to retrieve the
same information. A smart system will gather and display data in a way that is easy to access
and navigate, meaning everyone who is part of your organization will save time.

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2. Surveillance metadata is information about data relevant to an observed party's actions.

Metadata summarizes basic data information, making categorizing, discovering, and working with
specific instances of data easier. In the case of surveillance particularly by government agencies
metadata not only helps categorize and retrieve content, but it also provides information on its
own and can be used to justify collecting and examining content.

Surveillance metadata is typically associated with electronic communication channels

like phone, email, and social media. Wiretapping and other electronic surveillance technologies,
such as government Trojans, wiretap Trojans, and keyloggers, are used to capture data.
Surveillance metadata is typically obtained by the government or law enforcement in relation to a
specific suspect or person of interest. Date, time, call duration, calling / contacted party, and, in
the case of mobile phones, location are all examples of metadata associated to a phone call. The
dialogue itself, like an email message, is content rather than metadata. Collectors of surveillance
metadata, such as the National Security Agency (NSA), highlight that they record just metadata
and not content to justify continuing monitoring. Metadata, on the other hand, has been found to
be highly revealing. Furthermore, according to Edward Snowden, the NSA gathers both content
and metadata on occasion, and the agency has access to all email content. Since Edward
Snowden, a former NSA employee, revealed that the agency's PRISM program was spying on
Americans, metadata has become a household term. According to Snowden, the NSA collects
metadata from a variety of sources, including all credit card transactions, Phone records from all
major providers, Facebook data, and app data and GPS locations from cell phones.

Snowden also revealed that the NSA solicited the help of a number of well-known
companies to create a global surveillance network, infringing on people's private rights.
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Francis Mel Panti
BSED- Social Studies 2/F
GEC 3- Living in the IT Era
SAQ 10: Online Ethics

1. Individual
 Individual should use internet for his/her needs, he/she should be responsible of what
he/she inputs on the internet and remain accountable for any damages that he or she
will cost if he/she violates the regulations.
 An individual should consider the privacy of other individuals work. One should not
interfere and do harm to others especially using internet.
2. Social
 Social group should maintain privacy of each members of the group, they should also
be careful on what they advocate and it should meet the rules and regulations of the
 Having a social interaction through internet should not harm both parties regardless of
how they interact.
3. Global
 The privacy of global parties should be respected to be able to effectively use the
 Countries should uphold an individual that violates rules and regulations of the platform
that their citizen violates in order to promote justice. (Turcule, 2014)
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2. Based from the situation, Sarah shows her intuition on ethical manner, she was carried away by
her emotions that is why she made decision that only makes the situation worst. Above all, she can
be held in prison because what she did counters the privacy act of any platforms. However, Sarah
should held herself accountable for what she did, she should take down all her post regarding the
incident and say sorry for the damage that she caused for the both parties. She should also talked to
her boyfriend before posting and calm herself to be able to make decisions wisely.

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