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Presented to
The Mechanical Engineering Department of
School of Engineering and Architecture
Ateneo de Davao University
E. Jacinto St., Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of



October 2020

Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................2
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................3
LIST OF EQUATIONS...............................................................................4
CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................4
1.1. Background of the Study ......................................................5
1.2. Statement of the Problem......................................................8
1.3. Objectives of the Study..........................................................9
1.4. Significance of the Study ....................................................10
1.5. Scope and Limitations.........................................................10
1.6. Definition of terms................................................................11
CHAPTER II............................................................................................13
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................13
2.1 Theoretical Background..............................................................13
2.1.1 Electric Bicycles....................................................................13
2.1.2 Pedal Assisted Electric Bicycle............................................15
2.1.3 Philippine Bicycle Law..........................................................15
2.1.4 Structural Analysis................................................................16 Linear Static Analysis........................................................16
2.1.5 Load Testing of Motors.........................................................18
2.1.6 Bicycle chain capabilities.....................................................19
2.1.7 Generation of Power from a Bicycle Pedal..........................20
2.2 Conceptual Framework...............................................................22
2.3 Review of Related Studies...........................................................24
2.3.1 Pedal Power Generation.......................................................24
2.3.2 Structural Analysis and Optimization of Bicycle Frame
2.3.3 Analysis of Mountain Bike Frame by Finite Element Method
..................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................30
3.1 Research Design..........................................................................30
3.2 Research Procedure....................................................................30
3.2.1 Literature Review...................................................................32

3.2.2 Conceptual design pedal assist...........................................32

3.2.3 Conceptual Design Circuit Diagram.....................................33
3.2.4 Design Analysis for the Bicycle...........................................33
3.2.5 Design Analysis for the Electrical Circuit Diagram.............33
3.2.6 Modeling.................................................................................34
3.2.7 Meshing..................................................................................34
3.2.8 Prototyping............................................................................35
3.2.9 Fabrication of prototype.......................................................35
3.2.10 Startup and Testing.............................................................35
3.2.11 Results and Recommendations.........................................36
3.3 Timetable of Activities.................................................................37

Figure 1. 1 The Projected Increase of the Global E-bike market with
CAGR of 9.01%[5]................................................................................................4
Figure 1. 2 Annual Production of E-bicycles 2015-2025 [6].......................5
Figure 1. 3 Linear Curve of the infection rate of the Philippines as of
August 10, 2020 [9]...............................................................................................6
Figure 1. 4 Logarithmic curve of the infection rate of the Philippines as of
August 10, 2020 [9]...............................................................................................6

Figure 2. 1 Policy of Electric Bicycles to be used in California 13

Figure 2. 2 A structural analysis on a bike frame ....................................15
Figure 2. 3 Electrical Circuit Diagram of a Motor.....................................18
Figure 2. 4 A Block diagram of the model for a bicycle pedal generator
[49]...................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2. 5 A LM317 Charger Circuit Model ............................................20
Figure 2. 6 Conceptual Framework..........................................................21
Figure 2. 7 Charging NiMH Batteries using Dynamo...............................24
Figure 2.8 Local and global displacement and force coordinates (b)
elements and nodes, and (c) structural forces on the bicycle. [52]......................25
Figure 2. 9 (a) Stress Analysis and (b) displacement analysis of a bicycle
frame [52]............................................................................................................25

Figure 3. 1 Research Flowchart...............................................................30


Table 2. 1 Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio for selected materials. 19
Table 2. 2 Range of each chain brand and model’s breaking point.........20
Table 2. 3 Deformation of the different materials bicycle frame in the
present simulation compared with those in other studies....................................28
Table 2. 4 Standard Mountain Bike Size Geometry Chart [53].................29
Table 2. 5 Comparison of Maximum stress in MPa obtained for different

Table 3. 1 Timetable of Activities of the Project Study.............................38


Normal Stress , σ =Normal Force , PArea , A Equation 2. 1...............17

ε =∆ Llo Equation 2. 2.........................................................................18
E= Stress/ Strain Equation 2. 3............................................................18
μ=−εt /εl Equation 2. 4......................................................................18
Factor of safety , FOS=FFailFAllow Equation 2. 5[56].....................30


In this chapter, concise discussions about the various applications and the
role of electric bicycles in the Philippines, specifically in Davao City, amidst the
global pandemic are presented to introduce the undergraduate project study. This
chapter contains the study’s background, problem statement, objectives,
significance, scopes and limitations and definition of terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

The development of the world’s first iron frame bicycle was introduced in
1864 and became the substantial foundation to the development of biycles in the
world. A bicycle is a vehicle comprising of two wheels held in a frame one behind
the former, driven by pedals and navigated with handlebars attached to the front
wheel. [1] One of Japan’s greatest inventions is the integration of motor-powered
electrical bicycles. [2] This time, pedal-assist electric bicycles, which gives people
an obliging boost of muscle and power when the rider pedals and helps them
enjoy comfortable cycling even on sheer hills. The first pedal-assist electric
bicycles were produced in 1993 in Japan, and these groundbreaking inventions
are now used and loved worldwide. [2] Electric Traction vehicles (EV) cover a
wide scope of products from simple devices to assist flexibility to large vehicles
that are proficient in moving heavy loads. Electric bicycles are categorized as
“light electric vehicles” due to the size of their body frame and battery size. [3]

An electric bicycle is a motor assisted bicycle. It is a combination of a

conventional bicycle that consists of a battery and a motor that assists in having

mobility in pedaling the bicycle. Its application varies from assisting riders to exert
less force in riding uphill ascents to different industrial use such as transporting
cargo and equipment. [4] Electric bicycles operate with either a 12, 24 36 or 48-
volt motor powered by a similar voltage battery. Its motor sizes vary from 250 W
to 750 W and its size will indicate the amount of operation that the bicycle will
undergo; the smaller the bicycle is the less cost and battery size of the vehicle.
Since it belongs to light electric traction vehicles (EV) it covers a wide variety of
vehicles with electrical propulsion, including hybrid buses, cars and scooters. [4]

The Global E-bike market is projected to increase its growth from 21.11
billion USD from 2018 to 38.6 USD by 2025 at a CAGR of 9.01%. The integral
factors that drives the exponential development of the e-bike market are
cumulative concern on emission and traffic crowding, growing bicycle industry
and urbanization. [5]

Figure 1. 1 The Projected Increase of the Global E-bike market with

CAGR of 9.01%[5]

Worldwide E-bicycles' annual sales back in 2015 are estimated to be

approximately 38 million. 38 million e-bikes are related to 11.GWh battery energy
and is based on a 300- WH battery per e-bike. [6] Figure 1.2, the annual growth
rate of 4% that indicates that there will be a worldwide increase of E- bicycles of
500 million in the next 10 years. [6]

Figure 1. 2 Annual Production of E-bicycles 2015-2025 [6]

There are two kinds of electric bicycles: the throttle and pedal assist. The
conventional and most common type of electric bicycle is the throttle. The throttle
of an electric bicycle mimics the operation of a motorcycle or scooter, that when it
is turned or twisted, the motor provides power and propels the bicycle forward.
The other type is the Pedal assisted electric bicycle or “Pedelec”. [7] A Pedelec is
a mode of the electric bicycle that provides power whenever the rider is using the
pedal of the bike itself. The pedal assist mode is also innovative because the user
purely focuses on pedaling and does not need to hold the throttle to engage at
different speeds. [7]

Coronavirus is a type of virus that can cause fatal diseases when infected.
[8] A newly identified coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has caused a worldwide
pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19. The virus first manifested in
Wuhan, an urban city in China, in the late month of December 2019. From the
first case in February the exponential growth rate has increased drastically and
has reached 136,638 active COVID-19 virus cases, 2,294 deaths, and 68,159
recoveries here in the Philippines. Figures 1.3 and 1.4 below shows the linear
and exponential curve of the infection rate in the Philippines. [9]

Figure 1. 3 Linear Curve of the infection rate of the Philippines as of

August 10, 2020 [9]

Figure 1. 4 Logarithmic curve of the infection rate of the Philippines as of

August 10, 2020 [9]

With the recent events with regards to the worldwide pandemic, Bicycle
sales have skyrocketed with some shops selling 300-400 units over the past few
days since the Philippine government began easing quarantine measures to curb
the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. People queue up to buy bicycles at a
shop in Manila. [10] Senator Pia Cayetano earlier filed Senate Bill No. 1518 or the
Safe Pathways Act to protect cyclists on the streets, proposes the creation of
linked bicycle lanes and emergency pathways to form a network of routes that will

bring people safely to essential destinations especially in times of emergency

situations, where transportation can be a problem. [11]

The factors presented above- the benefits and efficiency of using E-bikes
and its increasing market value in developing countries and the amount of
COVID-19 cases as means to reconcile the challenge of creating an innovative
plan to decrease the infection rate utilizing developing an integrated design of a
pedal-assist bicycle to help front-liners who use bicycles to go to work with ease
and comfort, as well as the university’s vision that encourages students to be
engaged in excellent instruction and formation and vibrant community service
motivated the proponents to conduct the project study.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

There are a number of front liners in Davao who use bicycles as their
mode of transportation to their respective work. Due to the current status of the
modified community quarantine, some workers who use bicycles resort to
different ways to modify their bicycles and make their ride more comfortable and
go to work with ease and mobility.

The problem for most front liners in Davao is the road ascents and curves
on their way to work. Based on a survey conducted by the proponents, most front
liners experience shortness of breath and sore muscles in their arms and legs
due to force and power they are exerting on their bicycles. Also, some of these
workers are not athletic so it is difficult for them to maintain a fit physique, thus
experiencing a sore muscles in their body as they arrive to work.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this study is to develop an electric bicycle that uses a
pedal assisting mechanism and an energy generating system for its lights. The
study aims to achieve the following specific objectives at the end of the research:

1.) Model the pedal-assisted bicycle using SolidWorks Software. The model
consists of the frame, wheels, body, motor, lights, seat, handles, battery, horn,
and other electrical components that are included in the development.

2.) Design the Electrical circuit diagram of the generator motor for the lights of the

3.) Calculate the Power Supply Efficiency of the Motor to the battery.

4.) Conduct a Structural analysis on the frame of the bicycle using SolidWorks

5.) Develop a prototype of the Pedal Assisted Bicycle with an auxiliary energy
generating system.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The application of this study is to support front-liners who use bicycles for
their mode of transportation to work. Philippine coronavirus lockdown boosts calls
for a bike-friendly country, and focuses on transport advocates that are pushing
for proper installation and implementation of proper bicycle lanes in different
regions nationwide. [12] The pedal assisting mechanism will let the user decrease
the amount of work and energy exerted on pedaling the bicycle. In a survey
conducted by the proponents, most workers who use bicycles experience sore
muscles in the arms and legs when arriving to work. In line with the innovation of
research in renewable energy at Ateneo de Davao University, the development of
the mechanism will also utilize harnessing energy from the motor used in the
pedal assisting mechanism to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy
storage for the lights used in bicycles.

This study also gives a path to different scientists and engineers to

expand their innovation and drive to come up with different ideas and
propositions to help those workers who are currently having difficulty amidst the
pandemic. It will also serve as an inspiration to aspiring mechanical engineers at
Ateneo de Davao University and its call to become a person for others and help
those who are in need.

1.5. Scope and Limitations

The study focuses on the innovative development of a pedal assisting

mechanism and energy generating system on bicycles to aid Davao city front
liners on different road ascent. The pedal assist mechanism is limited only on
aiding the rider while pedaling the bicycle and at the same time the energy
generating mechanism will power the safety light and horn. The study will not
cover fully electric bicycles or bicycle that can independently run on electric
through a throttle.

The base of this design would be a 26 inch mountain bike with a steel frame,
rigid suspension, 7 speed drive train, and a 26 x 1.9 size tire. Then the motor for
the mechanism will be limited to a 24 volt 250 watt brushed geared motor. The
mechanism would initially design and tested through software to save materials
and costs. The materials and parts that will be used should be readily available
locally except for the motor and controller which will be ordered through online.
The dimensions on the final design will be used to make the actual prototype and
to be tested for better conclusion and results.

The study is to be conducted in Davao city, Philippines which target the ease
of commute to work of our front liners using bicycles. Aiming front liners that only
ride bicycles for commute and not front liners that are bicycle enthusiasts or riding
bikes as a hobby.

1.6. Definition of terms

 Model – a visual representation of the design that is to be simulated [13]

 Efficiency – the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a
process to the total energy expended or heat taken in. [14]
 Simulation – is an approximate imitation of the operation of a process or
system in a software [15]
 Pedal assist (Pedelec) – is an e-bike mode that provides power only while
pedaling. [7]
 E-bike – any combination of electric motor and traditional human-powered
bicycle Integration [16]
 Pandemic - an epidemic that has spread over several countries or
continents, usually affecting a large number of people. [17]
 SolidWorks- it is a software that involves mechanical design automation
application that lets designers sketch out ideas, experiment with features
and dimensions, and produce models and detailed drawings. [18]
 Power Supply Efficiency- Power supply efficiency is the amount of the
actual power delivered to the components divided by the electrical power
drawn from the mains supply socket. [19]
 Electrical Circuit Diagram- Electrical circuits are usually drawn using
specific symbols to represent each circuit component. [20]
 Structural Analysis- it is a comprehensive analysis on the different
stresses and strains in mechanical elements, precisely on the parameters
for strength, stiffness and permanence under different loads and
temperature effects. [21]
 Philippine Bicycle Act- It is a republic act of the Philippines written in hope
that the welfare of all cyclists and non-commuters will improve. [22]
 Finite Element Analysis- it is a method in identifying different behaviors of
the assembly when a load is applied. It is done using SolidWorks
simulation. [23]

 Modulus of Elasticity- it is the ratio of the stress and strain values of a

certain material in evaluation of the different deformation response of
force under working loads. [24]
 Poisson’s Ratio- it is the ratio of transverse contraction strain to
longitudinal extension strain in the direction of stretching force. [25]


In this chapter, essential and significant literature and studies relevant to

this research are discussed and identified. Different scientific principles, theories,
and laws leading towards the development of a pedal assisting mechanism and
the principle of harnessing energy from a motor will also be presented.

2.1 Theoretical Background

The development of electric bicycles, the different types of electric

bicycles, and laws on the usage of electric bicycles are discussed in this section.

2.1.1 Electric Bicycles

Over time, the development of vehicles has been a highlight in the field of
engineering since the steam engine from the industrial revolution to the hybrid
electric cars Tesla has been engineering. Electric bicycles (e-bikes) are bicycles
that operate with a motor that is powered by a voltage battery. The range of
voltage usually runs and operates at 12, 24, or 36 volts. [3] Typical pedal-assisted
electric bicycles will have its energy batteries ranging from 100 to 400 Wh in size
while the larger e-bikes may reach up to 1 KWh. [4] It works on the principle of
energy conversion that the electromotive force of an A.C motor that will be
receiving electrical energy that is stored in a D.C battery will be converted with
the help of an AC/DC converter. [9] For the environmental factors that the e-bike
venture in, these involve traditional electricity sources to recharge the batteries
that are used.

Electric Bicycles are classified into several types according to the design
and each type has a specification that is related to the law on road vehicles that
govern bicycles and motorcycles. [26] Class 1 e bike is described as the pedal
assisted bicycle that utilizes a motor to assist the pedaling of the cyclist in
different upward slopes. Electrically assisted e-bikes usually run up to 20 mph.

[27] The second class of E-bikes and the most commonly used is the throttle
demand type. The electric drive system on the electric bike is activated through a
throttle component and it is also restricted to low speeds. In line with the first
classification, the motor system design may also be integrated through a pedaling
action as with the first class of e-bike. [28] In Figure 2.1., data presenting
different e-bikes that are allowed to be used in the streets of California. [29]

Figure 2. 1 Policy of Electric Bicycles to be used in California [29]

The last type of e-bike which is the Class 3, or the Speed Pedelec
electrical bicycle, is a form of hybrid of the pedal-assisted bicycle and the throttle
driven bicycle and it reaches higher top speeds than the first 2 classes. [30]

2.1.2 Pedal Assisted Electric Bicycle

Class 1 of the classification of electric bicycles. Usually, pedal-assisted

bicycles are bicycles that are coupled with a motor that assists the user in uphill
slopes and paths. [28] Pedaling engages the small motor that is coupled with the
sprockets and biking mechanism that will give the user an increase in speed and
helps the bike accelerate at a higher speed. [31] There is a safety feature

installed so that the user will not over limit the speed thus damaging the motor
and the e-bike itself and also endangering the user; However, most motors are
set up to stop accelerating once the bicycle has reached a set amount of speed.

2.1.3 Philippine Bicycle Law

Unlike some countries in the U.S, Philippines has no record of any law or
bill that restricts cylicsts or people to use electric bicycles. [33] According to the
Philippine daily inquirer 2016, “There is no national law regulating the use of e-
bike which means that anyone, with or without a driver’s license, can use, drive or
operate it on major streets just like any motorized vehicle.” [34] Therefore in
accordance to the Bicycle Act of 2016, all riders must follow and respect the
users of bicycles as well as e-bike users. All riders must obey to traffic laws and
devices and must use the bicycle lanes on roads provided by the city government
on the innovation and implementation of the bicycle lanes. [35]

Static Stress analysis and the Finite Element method will be discussed in
the next section.

2.1.4 Structural Analysis

Structural Analysis is a branch of engineering mechanics that involves the

determination of the behavior of different structures, in this case, a mechanical
system. [36] By using SolidWorks, mechanical design structures like the bicycle
frame and metal rods can be analyzed by using Linear static stress study and can
present data of stresses that are acting upon the frame. [37]

Figure 2. 2 A structural analysis on a bike frame [38]

In Figure 2.2, an example of a structural analysis on a bicycle frame is

presented. The figure shows the different displacement magnitude on the
different parts of the frame. [38] Linear Static Analysis

Linear static analyzation is a branch of Structural analysis where a linear

relation between outside forces and displacement holds. [39] Linear Static
Analysis comprises of three major stress analyses: Linear elasticity assumption,
static load assumption and minor deformation assumption. These major stresses
are automatically computed by the SolidWorks simulation software. However
properties of the material that is used should be given in order for the simulation
to run its test thoroughly. [40]

Mechanical stress is the total amount of mechanical loads acting on the

members of the mechanism. Tension and compression in a member generates
normal stress denoted byσ , and it is the proportionality of the pressure of the
force applied over a certain area. [41]

Normal Force , P Equation 2. 1

Normal Stress , σ =
Area , A

Strain on the other hand, is the deformation of a solid material due to the
amount of stress, and is classified as either normal or shear strain. [42] Normal
Strain can be expressed as:

∆L Equation 2. 2


ε =the strain ( unitless )

∆ L=change∈length ¿

l o=initial length¿

In this study, the bicycle frame will be observed by the different forms of
deformation due to the loads that are applied by it. Stress is proportional to the
loadings, and strain is proportional to the deformation and it is expressed by
Hooke’s Law: [42]

E= Stress/ Strain Equation 2. 3

E= Young’s Modulus ( , Pa , psi)

Another principle that is required for the static analysis of the bike is the
Poisson’s Ratio. It is the phenomenon where a material is stretched in one
direction and it tends to get thinner in two other directions. Poisson’s ratio can be
expressed as: [43]

μ=−ε t /ε l Equation 2. 4


μ= poisso n s ratio

ε t=the transverse strain ( mm , ftft )


m ft
ε l=longitudnal∨axial strain ( , )
m ft

Two properties that should be thoroughly presented are the material’s

Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio. Table 2.1 Presents the Young’s
modulus and Poisson’s ratio for a selection of materials at 20 degrees Celsius
temperature. [44]

Young’s Poisson’s
Material used
Modulus Ratio

Grey Cast Iron 100 0.29

Grey Cast Iron 196 0.3

A5 Aluminium 68 0.33

Bronze 130 0.34

Plexiglass 2.9 0.4

Table 2. 1 Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio for selected materials

The bicycle chain parameters and the loading test of Motors will be
discussed in the next section.

2.1.5 Load Testing of Motors

The primary reason of load testing motors is to verify the given rated
parameters of the motor. The most common method of load testing motor is a
dynamometer. Another reason for load testing is to confirm suspected faults. One
of these faults are incorrect winding design or also called an open rotor.

Load tests in an open rotor can reveal a higher than normal slip, higher
than rated current and high temperature. Another is if the motor winding is
magnetically weak or lower than required flux design, the motor will run slower,
have higher current draw and have higher temperature. [45]

Figure 2. 3 Electrical Circuit Diagram of a Motor [46]

When the researchers give power supply to the motor, it will drive the
alternator and the output will be the speed load current and load voltage of the
alternator. This will give the motor specifications. [46]

2.1.6 Bicycle chain capabilities

Bicycle chains are designed to transmit power to the wheels by pedaling
using our legs. Bicycle chains are very similar design to heavy machinery chains
but have different ratings. Info about bicycle chain load ratings are very rare
because consumers does not mind about it. But consumers still choose known
brands I buying bicycle chains [47]

Table 2. 2 Range of each chain brand and model’s breaking point.


The table above shows the range of each chain brand and model’s
breaking point. Price is big factor on the selection which is also stated in the
article. The maintenance and the conditions also is a factor as time pass, chain
stretches and starts to weaken. [48]

The Power generation from a bicycle pedal will be discussed in the next section.

2.1.7 Generation of Power from a Bicycle Pedal

The source of fossil fuels are limited their usage as a power source can
harm our environment, another factor is the number of population of the world
increases the demand of energy source is also increasing every day, so scientists
are in an innovative search of a new power source that is renewable and can
cause less harm to our environment. The piece of dynamo that is installed to the
bicycle pedal can be utilized as a conduit for transforming mechanical energy
from pedals to electrical energy through energy conversion, like for lights and
horn. [49]

Figure 2. 4 A Block diagram of the model for a bicycle pedal generator


The diagram above shows the rotor of the generator is attached to the
bicycle. When pedaling rotor rotates, it produces DC power. The objective is that
the proponents will be required to regulate this dc power to suit for its energy

The energy production of the generator is determined as an unregulated

DC voltage, It is an integral process so that it may regulate this voltage to store it
in a power source or for it may be utilized for energy conversion. Inverters and
the batteries function with a regulated 12V DC voltage, so a conversion of

generator voltage output to a appropriate 12V DC. The proponents will be utilizing
a LM317 charger circuit. It is a DC to DC energy converter diagram with an input
variable and an output that is fixed. [50] The schematic below shows a step-down
converter circuit that can take wide range of input and convert it into a stable
output for charging or powering.

Figure 2. 5 A LM317 Charger Circuit Model [50]


2.2 Conceptual Framework

on Related

Conceptual Conceptual
Design Design

Design Design
Modifications Modifications
Analysis Analysis

Bicycle Model Electrical Circuit Diagram



Modifications Data


Simulation Results Modification

Fabrication of Prototype

Interpretation of Data Results on Motor Efficiency and

Battery Life

Figure 2. 6 Conceptual Framework

To acquire the desired outcome of the study, a series of steps presented

in Figure 2.6 are to be taken. The first step is involves in-depth research of the
principles and laws that govern the schematic model of a bicycle. That includes
the base model for the study, the mechanical design that which the motor will be
attached in the frame and it will not cause any hazard in the fabrication process of
the pedal assisted electric bike. These data will include the actual sizes of the
bike frame, pedals, sprockets and chains, the size and dimensions of the motor
that will be used and most especially the weight of the materials will also be
thoroughly researched and collected. Simultaneously, the proponents will also
conduct a research on the different principles and laws that govern the electrical
circuit diagram of the electrical system of the e-bike, since the proponents will
utilize a dc motor to convert energy from the generator to power the lights, the
principle on how it works will also be presented. Once the proponents have the
desired studies and principles, conceptualized designs will then be modeled
through SolidWorks software.

Then the modeled bicycle schematic will run a structural analysis by static
stress analysis using Simulation by SolidWorks. Once the Static strain study is
finished, data will be presented so that the study will prove that the bicycle frame
is safe to use even if there is a new component that is attached. If there are
anomalies in the stress analysis of the bicycle frame, a new schematic design will
be made and modified so that the proponents will reach to a result that the frame
will be safe to use with the additional load of the motors.

After modeling and simulation through SolidWorks, the proponents will

then proceed to the development and fabrication of the whole e-bike. The
proponents will buy the specific materials that are also used in the simulation to
compare results in the actual setup. Since the study will focus on the efficiency of
the power output of the motor, the proponents will use a dynamometer to test the
input power and output power of the motor, and compare its results to the
simulated data.

2.3 Review of Related Studies

In this section, relevant studies are presented to facilitate deeper

understanding of the research concepts. A study about the pedal power
generation of bicycle is presented and discussed first, followed by a study on a
finite element method of stress analysis on a mountain bike and a brief study on
the structural analysis and optimization of bicycle frame designs.

2.3.1 Pedal Power Generation

In India, The Bicycle is the mode of transport especially in remote villages
with no electricity. [51] The energy that is being generated by pedaling may be
utilized when it has converted from mechanical energy to electrical energy by
integrating either an Alternator or a Dynamo. This principle can also be used to
gadgets like phones or laptops. Electric power can be also be produced from the
gyration of the wheels of alternator vehicles like bikes and cars, where there is a
possibility of generating more power. The generated power can be either used in
the same vehicle for lights or horns or it can be stored in a battery for powering
electronics and gadgets.

Bicycle Livewires or dynamos are alternators with permanent magnets

that produces an alternating current. There are 2 types of dynamos that are vastly
comparable and used throughout the world right now. The Hub dynamo and the
bottle dynamo. The Hub dynamo is a dynamo fabricated inside the hub of a
wheel of a bicycle. Power can be produced everywhere that has a magnetic coil
in it and magnets, may it be for charging, storage or direct usage.

Figure 2. 7 Charging NiMH Batteries using Dynamo

2.3.2 Structural Analysis and Optimization of Bicycle Frame Designs

The study first initializes with the stress analysis of the bicycle frame
structure by using engineering mechanics, and studies the rigidity of the bicycle
frame and computing the forces that are acting upon the frame by using the
method of joints by finding the reactions of forces in different areas of the frame
that is subjected by loadings. [52]

Figure 2. 8 (a) Local and global displacement and force coordinates, (b)
elements and nodes, and (c) structural forces on the bicycle. [52]

Then a sketch of the actual frame that was used in the simulation process
of the study was presented. The researchers used ProEngineer software to
sketch the bicycle frame and SolidWorks software to calculate the different
stresses and displacements on the joints of the bicycle frame. [52]

Figure 2. 9 (a) Stress Analysis and (b) displacement analysis of a bicycle

frame [52]

Then finally, in interpreting the results of the data, the researchers

compared the results of the simulation to different parameters of the specification
of material that was used during the simulation process as shown in the table


Table 2. 3 Deformation of the different materials bicycle frame in the

present simulation compared with those in other studies

2.3.3 Analysis of Mountain Bike Frame by Finite Element Method

According to a study by Gupta and Rao, to model a frame of the bicycle is
a concept of the analyzing the performance of the frame itself as the bicycle is
being used. [53] In In this study, the proponents performed a similar analysis of
stress using the bicycle frame since the study will utilize a standard Mountain
Bike schematic, therefore also using the standard bicycle size geometry for the
parts of the bicycle that will be simulated and fabricated in the study.

Table 2. 4 Standard Mountain Bike Size Geometry Chart [53]

Then the bike frames are investigated with the different load cases per each
part of the frame. The load cases to be investigated are:

1. Static Startup
2. Steady State Pedaling
3. Vertical Impact
4. Horizontal Impact
5. Rear Wheel braking

The verification of the results of the stresses for each bicycle frame is
compared with a FEA analysis and it is to be built on two different kinds of alloys
namely: Aluminum 6061-T6 and Aluminum 7005-T6. Finite Element analysis
(FEA) is the simulation of a physical singularity using a algebraic and mathematic
technique denoted as the Finite Element Method (FEM). This development is the
fundamental of mechanical engineering, as well as a variety of other disciplines. It
also is one of the significant principles used in the development of simulation
software. [54]

After analysis of the different stresses that are acting upon each member of
the frame, a comparison of the maximum stresses and deformation obtained are
presented in the study. These stresses are obtained in order to ascertain the
different properties of the material of the aluminum to take the impact of the

Table 2. 5 Comparison of Maximum stress in MPa obtained for different


Then to finally assess the strength/stress test of the design of the study,
the researchers calculated for the factor of safety of the bicycle frame. The factor
of safety is the load carrying capacity of the mechanical system that is beyond
what the system actually maintains. A factor of safety increases the safety of
people and reduces the risk of failure of the prototype. [55] Factor of safety is
denoted by the formula:

F Fail Equation 2. 5[56]

Factor of safety , FOS=
F Allow


FOS= Factor if safety

F Fail =failure load

F Allow =allowable load



This chapter details the procedures used in designing, modeling,

simulating and the development of the actual prototype of the pedal assisted
bicycle in this study. The dimensions and specifications of the parts needed for
the prototype are also identified.

3.1 Research Design

The proponents will have to examine the theories and principles of other
related studies in order to come up with a design that will satisfy proposed
specifications. After a thorough research, a conceptualized design for the pedal
support system will be made. The next step, is to create the conceptualized
design into models using software. The proponents then will design the circuit for
the safety light and horn based on another study on pedal power generation and
a LM317 transistor. The design then is integrated to pedal assist mechanism.
After modeling, the proponents will simulate a structural analysis of the model
using SolidWorks. Then lastly the proponents gathered data from the simulation
and make changes if possible to make it better and easier for the future

3.2 Research Procedure

This section discusses the steps that the proponents took in order to
achieve the objectives of this study. The research flowchart is located on the next

Conceptual Analysis of the

Design Design

Data Meshing Modeling


Setup Test Run of Results



Figure 3. 1 Research Flowchart

Figure 3.1 enumerates all the processes needed to complete the

undergraduate project study. First, there will be an extensive research on the
development of electric bicycles to produce a new conceptualized innovative
design. Principles in machine design will be researched in order for the
proponents to carefully optimize the design of the bicycle frame with different
loads and stresses and the auxiliary energy generating system for the e-bike.
Conceptual designs for the bicycle frame and the auxiliary energy generating
system will be done simultaneously since the energy system is coupled with the

motor used. The Models will then be modeled using SOLIDWORKS software.
SolidWorks is best used for modeling components of an assembly due to its
features. After the bicycle frame is modeled, a structural analysis of the frame will
be conducted by meshing. Since the frame is modeled through SOLIDWORKS,
its structural analysis will also be utilizing the same software. After meshing, the
parameters will be set up for the simulation in order to set the conditions of the
bicycle frame. Data such as the maximum tensile strength and factor of safety will
be determined so that it will be sufficient to run with the additional load of the
motor and battery. After analyzing the data and the bicycle frame is safe to use,
the proponents then will proceed to develop the prototype of the e-bike. When the
electric bicycle setup is complete, the proponents will then test the motor’s
efficiency using a dynamometer and calculate its efficiency.

3.2.1 Literature Review

The first step of the study is to research on different topics, theories and
schematic designs in relation to designing an electric bicycle that utilizes pedal
assisting mechanisms and energy conversion principles for designing the
auxiliary energy generation system of the bicycle. In line with the study, the
proponents will also research structural analysis using SolidWorks to identify the
necessary properties of the bicycle frame to determine if it is safe to use as an
object for experimentation. After adequate data has been researched for the
startup in designing the concept for the bicycle mechanism which will be
discussed in the next section.

3.2.2 Conceptual design pedal assist

The Conceptual design of the proponents for pedal assist mechanism is a

simple and safe mechanism in order to easily repair and troubleshoot. The
proposed mechanism is a dc motor mounted between the seat tube and down
tube near the bottom bracket. Then the mechanism is attached to the cranks
through a chain. The design also features a free wheel mechanism on the cranks
to prevent injuries from uncontrolled spinning of the cranks. Then safety lights are
attached at the front in the handlebar and at the back on the seat post. Then

lastly a small horn or buzzer is attached at the handlebar as well. Powering the
horn and lights, a small dc motor is attached in between the pedal assist
mechanism and the cranks. After the design for the pedal assist mechanism, the
proponents will proceed to the design of the electrical circuit diagram that will be
used for the auxiliary energy generating system for the lights of the electric bike.

3.2.3 Conceptual Design Circuit Diagram

The proponents will design a concept on the electrical circuit of the energy
generating system in order to efficiently use the components of the pedal assist
mechanism, safety lights and horn. The pedal assist mechanism will be running
through an electric bike controller that can be paired with dc motor. Then the
mechanism will only run when the bike is pedaled. This mechanism is possible by
pedal sensors attached to the cranks. The lights and horn are powered by a small
dc generator with a voltage regulator circuit. The voltage regulator circuit will
regulate the energy produced from the dc generator to safely power the light and
horn while pedaling.

3.2.4 Design Analysis for the Bicycle

The design analysis for the pedal assist mechanism on the bike is
acceptable as the researchers did not disobey certain theories while designing its
concept. The mounting area of the motor is in a rigid area of the bicycle frame
and it would not protrude on the rider’s legs when pedaling. The chosen mounting
area was designed to be at the lowest part of the frame possible able to have a
low center of gravity. Low center of gravity means to have better balance and
weight distribution on the bike. The mounting area also is designed to be as close
as possible to the cranks in order to be efficient and safe. After the design
analysis for the bicycle is finished, the analysis for the electrical circuit diagram
will be conducted.

3.2.5 Design Analysis for the Electrical Circuit Diagram

The conceptual design of the researchers on the circuit in order to

efficiently use the components of the pedal assist mechanism, safety lights and

horn. The pedal assist mechanism will be running through an electric bike
controller that can be paired with dc motor. Then the mechanism will only run
when the bike is pedaled. This mechanism is possible by pedal sensors attached
to the cranks. The lights and horn are powered by a small dc generator with a
voltage regulator circuit. The voltage regulator circuit will regulate the energy
produced from the dc generator to safely power the light and horn while pedaling
Once the conceptual design analysis for both electrical and mechanical systems
of the study, the proponents will proceed to the application of the design by
modeling the bicycle frame and applying structural analysis. The next section will
discuss the process on how the bicycle frame will be modeled and meshed using

3.2.6 Modeling

The electrical bicycle will in this study follows a standard mountain bike
bicycle frame. The proponents will provide the measurements and dimensions
and it will be carefully monitored and checked during the modeling process in
SolidWorks. Once the bicycle frame is modeled by the proponents, it will then
undergo structural analysis by using the same software. The purpose of using
structural analysis in this study is that to make sure that the design procedure of
installing batteries and a motor will not affect the performance and the stability of
the bicycle. Analyzing the integrity of the structure will be done by meshing the
bicycle frame to withstand different loads and forces statically, which will be
explained in the next section, Meshing.

3.2.7 Meshing

The bicycle frame will undergo a simulation test using SolidWorks. When
the bicycle frame is designed using the same software, the proponents create a
geometrical model of the frame and the program will subdivide the model into
small pieces and the process is called Meshing. [57] Meshing creates beam
elements that will be used for the structural analysis of the frame. With this
simulation, the proponents are able to determine different properties of the
integrity of the material such as its maximum tensile strength, stresses on each
joint of the frame and especially its factor of safety which denotes if the frame

design is valid and safe to use in developing a prototype design. When the
simulation of the model is finished, the data analyzed and produced by the
simulation will be presented and checked by the proponents for the study to
proceed to the prototyping.

3.2.8 Prototyping

The setup for the actual pedal assisted bike would start on a mountain
bike. The mountain bike has a 26x2.1 size tire, a 9-speed rear gear, a steel rigid
frame, a steel rigid fork. Then the pedal assist motor is a MY1025Z2 250 watt
brushed dc geared motor. Then the dc motor is handled by a brushed motor
controller and is triggered by a pedal sensor. Then it is powered by 8S2P 11
amp-hour lithium ion phosphate battery. Then the lights are both 1-watt LEDs and
the horn is a piezo electric buzzer. Then it is powered by a 12-volt dc generator
that is regulated by a LM317 voltage regulator circuit. Then the actual fabrication
of the prototype will be discussed in the next section

3.2.9 Fabrication of prototype

First, the proponents will buy the necessary tools and materials needed
for the prototype. The materials specification should be same as the simulated
specifications in order to have accurate and safe output. Next step would be to
prepare the work area for the fabrication and practice safety precautions when
using tools. Then the fabrication process of the dc motor mounting brackets
would start. Then after would be the fitting of the dc motors and mounting of
chains. Then next is the building of the necessary circuit and wiring to power and
control the system. Then next would be the building of the battery and its proper
management system. Then after the battery, the next is the mounting of the
battery and the necessary electronic components of the system. Then after the
mounting would be the wiring of the components. Then the startup and testing
would execute next.

3.2.10 Startup and Testing

When the electrical bicycle model has been fully developed and all
components of the bicycle are installed, the proponents will then test if the bicycle

is fully equipped and ready for actual road testing. Road testing is where the
proponents will use the electrical bicycle on its full capacity and will try to run a
test lap for a specific distance and how much battery did the test drain. The road
profile will also be monitored, since the purpose of this study is to aid the front
liners who pass by different road ascents, it will also be tested to pass by road
ascents in different places in Davao City. After the simulation is completed, the
proponents will then note the different problems and complications while doing
the experiment. The proponent that will be testing the e-bike is an amateur bike
athlete and will do the experiment with precaution and protective equipment and
will also obey road safety and regulations. The results will be discussed in the
next section

3.2.11 Results and Recommendations

The proponents will then identify the different problems encountered in

using the prototype that was developed. In the simulation of the bicycle frame and
motor that was used in the study, and by using SolidWorks software, the
proponents can identify the efficiency of the motor, and by testing the motor with
an actual experiment, the proponents can then identify the efficiency of the motor
with the use of a dynamometer, so that the proponents can then compare results
of the actual and simulated efficiencies and identify the percentage difference. In
line with results of the study, the proponents will also by then, identify different
aspects and sections of the study that can be improved further that will support
this study.

3.3 Timetable of Activities


Table 3. 1 Timetable of Activities of the Project Study


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