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UNIT N° 04

Reading Plan Lesson 2 (1984) By George Orwell

Part 3 – Chapter 1 - Page 285
Class: 4th
Purpose: Read and analyze the text in PART 3 - chapter 1.
Learning evidence: Work in groups or individually developing the exercises.


ACTIVITY 1: Let’s observe carefully the images above referring to (1984) and chapters
you have read before, then complete the thinking routine chart:
Image 01: Illustrating the society in 1984

Illustrating the society in 1984. (n.d.). [Imagen]. The Following Is Excerpted from 1984: The Graphic Novel. Retrieved on June 07d, 2022


What do you see? What do you think is What does it make you
going on? wonder?

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

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Taken from,think,_wonder._ql123063ef


ACTIVITY 2: Let’s read the excerpt (Part 3 - Chapter 1) from the novel “1984” and answer
the questions.

1984 By George Orwell

He did not know where he was. Presumably he was in the Ministry of Love, but there
was no way of making certain. He was in a high-ceilinged windowless cell with walls
of glittering white porcelain. Concealed lamps flooded it with cold light, and there was
a low, steady humming sound which he supposed had something to do with the air

5 supply. A bench, or shelf, just wide enough to sit on ran round the wall, broken only
by the door and, at the end opposite the door, a lavatory pan with no wooden seat.
There were four telescreens, one in each wall. There was a dull aching in his belly. It
had been there ever since they had bundled him into the closed van and driven him
away. But he was also hungry, with a gnawing, unwholesome kind of hunger. It might
10 be twenty-four hours since he had eaten, it might be thirty-six. He still did not know,
probably never would know, whether it had been morning or evening when they
arrested him. Since he was arrested he had not been fed. He sat as still as he could
on the narrow bench, with his hands crossed on his knee. He had already learned to
sit still. If you made unexpected movements they yelled at you from the telescreen.
15 But the craving for food was growing upon him. What he longed for above all was a
piece of bread.
He had an idea that there were a few breadcrumbs in the 286 1984 pocket of his
overalls. It was even possible—he thought this because from time to time something

20 seemed to tickle his leg—that there might be a sizeable bit of crust there.
Orwell G. (1949) “1984”, Salvat Editores S.A

1. Did he know where he was?

a) Yes, he did
b) No, he didn’t
c) Yes, He has
d) No, He hasn’t
2. How long had a dull been aching in his belly?
a) They have not taken any clothes, not even his mother´s overcoat.
b) Get married
c) It had been there ever since they had bundled him into the closed van and driven
him away
3. What idea did he have?
a) At every meal she would be seech him not to be selfish and to remember that his
little sister was sick and also needed food.
b) He had an idea that there were a few breadcrumbs in the 286 1984 pocket of his
overalls. It was even possible
c) O'Brien reveals that he has had sex with Julia.

ACTIVITY 3: Let´s watch the 1984 summary video in the following link: and fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase:

1. 1984 is about __________________________________

2. George Orwell wrote 1984 in the late ____________________
3. 1984 takes place in _________________________
4. The main character of 1984 is _________________________
5. At the beginning of the book he starts writing a :______________
6. Julia works in the same building as him. She´s some kind of
7. Winstond Julia go to O’Brien’s house and confess that they want to be
8. In the ministry of love they _________________ Winston in all sorts of horrible
9. Winston and Julia are basically ________________________peoiple after they
get out.
10. 10. The last words of the novel are ‘he loved ____________________
Taken from:


We are reading our book 1984, so we are in Part 3 – chapter 1, let´s organize our ideas to
give your personal opinion; what you like most! Remember to use connectors in your text

Connector of Opinion:

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