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English Guide- 11mo. Informática Mrs.

Mirely Franco- 2021

Semana 5



Tense Affirmative/Negative/Question Use Signal Words

always, every …, never, normally,

Simple Present A: He speaks.  action in the present taking
often, seldom, sometimes,
N: He does not speak. place regularly, never or several usually
Q: Does he speak? times if sentences type I (If I talk, …)
 facts
 actions taking place one after
 action set by a timetable or schedule
Present A: He is speaking. at the moment, just, just now,
 action taking place in the moment
Progressive N: He is not speaking. Listen!, Look!, now, right now
Q: Is he speaking? of speaking
 action taking place only for a limited
period of time
 action arranged for the future
Simple Past A: He spoke. yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in
 action in the past taking place once,
N: He did not speak. 1990, the other day, last Friday
Q: Did he speak? never or several times if sentence type II (If I talked, …)
 actions taking place one after
 action taking place in the middle of
another action
Past A: He was speaking. while, as long as
 action going on at a certain time in
Progressive N: He was not speaking.
Q: Was he speaking? the past
 actions taking place at the same
 action in the past that is interrupted
by another action
English Guide- 11mo. Informática Mrs. Mirely Franco- 2021
Present A: He has spoken. already, ever, just, never, not
 putting emphasis on the result
Perfect Simple N: He has not spoken. yet, so far, till now, up to now
Q: Has he spoken?  action that is still going on
 action that stopped recently
 finished action that has an influence
on the present
 action that has taken place once,
never or several times before the
moment of speaking
Present A: He has been speaking. all day, for 4 years, since 1993,
 putting emphasis on the course or
Perfect N: He has not been speaking. how long?, the whole week
Progressive Q: Has he been speaking? duration (not the result)
 action that recently stopped or is
still going on
 finished action that influenced the
Past Perfect A: He had spoken. already, just, never, not yet,
 action taking place before a certain
Simple N: He had not spoken. once, until that day
Q: Had he spoken? time in the past if sentence type III (If I had
 sometimes interchangeable with talked, …)
past perfect progressive
 putting emphasis only on
the fact (not the duration)
Past Perfect A: He had been speaking. for, since, the whole day, all day
 action taking place before a certain
Progressive N: He had not been speaking.
Q: Had he been speaking? time in the past
 sometimes interchangeable with
past perfect simple
 putting emphasis on the duration or
course of an action
Future I A: He will speak. in a year, next …, tomorrow
 action in the future that cannot be
Simple N: He will not speak. If-Satz Typ I (If you ask her,
Q: Will he speak? influenced she will help you.)
 spontaneous decision assumption: I think, probably,
 assumption with regard to the
Future I A: He is going to speak. in one year, next week,
 decision made for the future
Simple N: He is not going to speak. tomorrow
Q: Is he going to speak?  conclusion with regard to the future
(going to)
English Guide- 11mo. Informática Mrs. Mirely Franco- 2021
Future I A: He will be speaking. in one year, next week,
 action that is going on at a certain
Progressive N: He will not be speaking. tomorrow
Q: Will he be speaking? time in the future
 action that is sure to happen in the
near future
Future II A: He will have spoken. by Monday, in a week
 action that will be finished at a
Simple N: He will not have spoken.
Q: Will he have spoken? certain time in the future
Future II A: He will have been speaking. for …, the last couple of hours, all
 action taking place before a certain
Progressive N: He will not have been day long
speaking. time in the future
Q: Will he have been speaking?  putting emphasis on the course of
an action
Conditional I A: He would speak. if sentences type II
 action that might take place
Simple N: He would not speak. (If I were you, I would go home.)
Q: Would he speak?
Conditional I A: He would be speaking.
 action that might take place
Progressive N: He would not be speaking.
Q: Would he be speaking?  putting emphasis on
the course / duration of the action
Conditional II A: He would have spoken. if sentences type III
 action that might have taken place
Simple N: He would not have spoken. (If I had seen that, I would have
Q: Would he have spoken? in the past helped.)
Conditional II A: He would have been
 action that might have taken place in
Progressive speaking.
N: He would not have been the past
speaking.  puts emphasis on
Q: Would he have been
the course / duration of the action
Course: _____ Section _____
English Guide- 11mo. Informática Mrs. Mirely Franco- 2021

Complete the sentences with the verbs given in brackets

in the right verb tense.

1. Listen to this awful noise! Where _________________ (it 16. I ________________________ (never be) to Africa, but I want to
/ come) from? go one day.
2. The crew ____________________ (give) instructions to the 17. Look over there. I think that woman in black
passengers while the plane ____________________ (make) ________________________ (film) us.
an emergency landing. 18. Yesterday, at the end of the city tour, the bus
3. What do you think you _________________ (do) a year ____________________ (bring) us back to the hotel.
from now? 19. Sam _________________________ (try) to get into the football
4. By the time the technician _______________________ team next term but I don’t think they
(arrive), we had already been trapped in the lift for ____________________________ (accept) him.
nearly two hours. 20. This busker will become famous after he
5. It’s great to see you! When ________________________ _________________________ (release) his album.
(you / get back) from your holiday, James? 21. OK. I __________________________ (shut down) the computer
6. Meg was on the bus when she _____________________ since nobody ___________________ (use) it.
(realise) that she ________________ (forget) her purse. 22. Until we took Andrew to Wong’s restaurant, he
7. By the end of May, Julia _________________________ ________________________ (never / eat) Chinese food.
(have) her baby. 23. The kettle ________________________ (boil) right now so I
8. I _________________ (not take) the dog for a walk last ___________________________ (make) the tea.
night because Bill _________________ (already / do) it. 24. He _________________ (fly) to Paris in two day’s time.
9. Linda and Brad __________________ (not speak) since she 25. I ________________________ (finish) my book report tomorrow
__________________ (see) him kissing another girl. morning and then later, meet my friends for lunch.
10. By the time my parents got home, the snow 26. Mary ______________________ (photograph) everyone while we
_________________________ (stop) yet. _______________________ (perform) at the talent show last
11. Then, as I _____________ (be) really tired, I __________ week.
(fall) asleep while I ___________________ (read) in bed. 27. I’m not sure what I want for dinner. Oh, I know! I
12. My mother _________________ (fall) ill last week and I ________________________ (have) some pizza and milk.
_____________________ (make) all the meals instead of 28. She had already eaten three pieces of cake so she
her. She still _____________________ (not feel) well so she _____________________________ (not want) more.
___________________ (see) a doctor tomorrow. I hope she 29. Where were you! I _________________________ (wait) for you for
_____________________ (get) better soon. an hour and a half!
13. I ____________________ (be) disappointed because I 30. By the year 2030, they ___________________________ (invent) a
______________________ (expect) the film to be more device for doing homework.
exciting. 31. Rick was exhausted because he ___________________ (work) all
14. I _____________________ (spend) this evening in a pub day.
with my friends. Everybody ________________________ 32. This milk _______________________ (smell) sour. Let’s open a new
(smoke) and now my hair _________________ (smell) of bottle.
cigarette smoke! I _____________________ (wash) it as 33. My English teacher ___________________ (not believe) in luck
soon as I get home. but in effort.
15. I _______________________ (study) hard the whole term so 34. How long ____________________________ (he / sleep)?
I __________________________ (pass) the term test. I hope 35. Look at that man! He ____________________ (drive) so carelessly
I ____________________ (get) a good mark and in a few that his car _____________________ (crash).
weeks I ____________________ (enjoy) my holiday! I think 36. The pirates _____________ (hide) a chest here in 1654.
I __________________ (deserve) it! 
Course: _____ Section _____
English Guide- 11mo. Informática Mrs. Mirely Franco- 2021

I.Put the verbs into right tenses :

1. She ______________________ ( come ) to see me tomorrow.

2. My friends ______________________ ( visit ) me last night but I _____________(not be ) at
3. Where is Diana? What ______ she _______________ (do) ?
4. They __________________( travel ) to France every summer.
5. How ________ Mary usually ________________ (go) to work ?
6. Peter ________________________( not watch ) TV now. He ________________ (study ) in
his room.
7. _________ you _____________ (find) my bag last night?
8. Yes, I __________________( find) it in front of the house.
9. You _________________( buy) that house next year.
10. She always __________________ ( drink ) a lot of tea.

II. Make questions:

1. They were in the kitchen. Where _____________________________________________?

2. She worked in the USA. Where ________________________________________________?
3. He descovered Australia in the 18th century. When _______________________________?
4. Chaplin got two Oscars. What ________________________________________________?
5. They heard a scream. What __________________________________________________?
6. She goes for a walk every day. When ___________________________________________?
7. They love playing tennis. What ________________________________________________?
8. Ana is looking for her shoes now. What _________________________________________?
9. They are practising the piano there.Where ______________________________________?
10. They will destroy the planet soon. What ________________________________________?

III. Make the negative form of the sentences:

1. They were in the kitchen. _____________________________________________________

2. She worked in the USA. _______________________________________________________
3. He descovered Australia in the 18th century. ______________________________________
4. Chaplin got two Oscars. ______________________________________________________
5. They heard a scream. ________________________________________________________
6. She goes for a walk every day. _________________________________________________
7. They love playing tennis. ______________________________________________________
8. Ana is looking for her shoes now. _______________________________________________
9. They are practising the piano there._____________________________________________
10. They will destroy the planet soon. ______________________________________________

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