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International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58

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Respiratory hypoalgesia? Breath-holding, but not respiratory phase

modulates nociceptive flexion reflex and pain intensity
Hassan Jafari a,⁎, Karlien Van de Broek a, Léon Plaghki b, Johan W.S. Vlaeyen a,c,
Omer Van den Bergh a, Ilse Van Diest a,⁎⁎
University of Leuven, Health Psychology, Leuven, Belgium
Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS), Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Clinical Psychological Science, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Several observations suggest that respiratory phase (inhalation vs. exhalation) and post-inspiratory breath-holds
Received 31 July 2015 could modulate pain and the nociceptive reflex. This experiment aimed to investigate the role of both mecha-
Received in revised form 16 January 2016 nisms. Thirty-two healthy participants received supra-threshold electrocutaneous stimulations to elicit both
Accepted 21 January 2016
the Nociceptive Flexion Reflex (NFR) and pain, either during spontaneous inhalations or exhalations, or during
Available online 22 January 2016
three types of instructed breath-holds: following exhalation, at mid-inhalation and at full-capacity inhalation.
Whether the electrocutaneous stimulus was applied during inhalation or exhalation did not affect the NFR or
Pain pain. Self-reported pain was reduced and the NFR was increased during breath-holding compared to spontane-
Nociceptive flexion reflex ous breathing. Whereas the type of breath-hold did not impact on self-reported pain, breath-holds at full-
Respiration capacity inhalation and following exhalation were associated with a lower NFR amplitude compared to breath-
Breathing holds at mid-inhalation. The present findings confirm that breath-holding can modulate pain (sensitivity) and
Breath-hold suggest that both attentional distraction and changes in vagal activity may underlie the observed effects.
Hypoalgesia © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2013). For example, one study found that slow deep breathing in-
creased both thermal pain threshold and tolerance (Chalaye et al.,
Breathing techniques involving slow breathing are widely applied as a 2009), suggesting that an increased vagal activity resulting from slow
key element in many relaxation and meditation exercises, as well as in deep breathing could mediate the analgesic effect. Also, another study
strategies to control pain (Bertisch et al., 2009; Brazier et al., 2006; (Zautra et al., 2010) reported on a reduction in self-reported thermal
Busch et al., 2012a; Grant and Rainville, 2009; Kitko, 2007; Mehling pain by slow breathing. In a recent study, slow deep breathing was
et al., 2005; Miller and Perry, 1990). Both clinical and experimental stud- found to prevent the development of oesophageal pain hypersensitivity.
ies seem to confirm the potentially analgesic effects of instructed slow Vagal blockade with atropine abolished this effect, pointing to a critical
breathing in particular, and various psychological (e.g., expectation, fear role of the vagus (Botha et al., 2014). In yet another study, slow breath-
reduction, distraction from pain) and physiological (e.g., baroreceptor ing did not change the Nociceptive Flexion Reflex (NFR), but did reduce
stimulation, vagal activation) factors may contribute to respiration- self-reported pain, decreased heart rate, and increased heart rate vari-
induced hypoalgesia. ability (HRV) (Martin et al., 2012). Interestingly, the changes in HRV
A series of positive findings stem from clinical studies (Friesner et al., in the latter study were not correlated with changes in any of the pain
2006; Mehling et al., 2005; Park et al., 2013; Yildirim and Sahin, 2004; outcomes, which made the authors conclude that efferent cardiac
but see Downey and Zun, 2009). However, those studies do not allow vagal outflow could not explain the pain-reducing effect of slow deep
for strong conclusions as they often lack necessary control conditions breathing. Thus, also experimental studies have documented an effect
and do not implement respiratory measures. Recently, experimental of slow deep breathing on pain, but it is still unclear which mechanisms
studies have started to investigate the effect of instructed slow breath- critically contribute to such effect.
ing on laboratory-induced pain (Arsenault et al., 2013; Busch et al., A few experimental studies have also investigated whether the NFR
2012a, 2012b; Martin et al., 2012; Zautra et al., 2010; Zunhammer or pain ratings differ according to whether the painful stimulus was pre-
sented during the inspiratory or expiratory phase of the respiratory
cycle. As vagal outflow to the heart is thought to be higher during expi-
⁎ Correspondence to: H. Jafari, Health Psychology, University of Leuven (KU Leuven),
Tiensestraat 102, Post Box 3726, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.
ration compared to inspiration (Appelhans and Luecken, 2006; Eckberg,
⁎⁎ Corresponding author. 2003), potentially anti-nociceptive effects of vagal efferent outflow
E-mail address: (H. Jafari). could produce a reduced pain (sensitivity) during the expiratory
0167-8760/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58 51

phase of the respiratory cycle. As slower breathing is typically accom- and conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the Declaration
plished by lengthening the expiratory phase (thus decreasing the inhala- of Helsinki. Of the 50 participants, five were excluded because they met
tion/exhalation ratio), such respiratory gating of vagal outflow could be at least one exclusion criterion. Among the people that were invited, six
involved in the anti-nociceptive effects of slow breathing. However, the did not show up without providing any specific reason. From the re-
literature does not report consistent findings of respiratory phase on maining 39 healthy people, seven were excluded because no proper
pain, as one study has reported on a zero-finding (Martin et al., 2012), an- NFR could be obtained with stimulus intensities remaining below the
other on a positive finding (Iwabe et al., 2014), and still another on an ef- participant's pain tolerance threshold. Thirty-two participants (22 fe-
fect in the opposite direction (Arsenault et al., 2013). Interestingly, these males, 10 males), aged between 18 and 30 (M = 20.7, SD = 2.5), com-
studies have looked at the effect of respiratory phase on pain during pleted the experiment.
instructed (paced) breathing. It remains thus unknown whether respira-
tory phase influences pain (sensitivity) during spontaneous breathing. 2.2. Instruments and measurements
Until now, the main focus of most intervention studies with breath-
ing manipulations was on breathing frequency (instructions to breathe The experiment was programmed using Affect 4.0 software (Spruyt
slower). Studies typically do not manipulate or measure changes in et al., 2010), including psychophysiological recordings (respiration and
breathing depth (volume) or respiratory pauses, although an increase EMG), pain ratings and stimuli presentations (breath holding task,
in both components is known to accompany voluntary attempts to electrocutaneous stimulation).
slow down respiratory rate. Several studies documented an increase
in inspiratory flow and volume as a reaction to experimental pain 2.2.1. Respiratory recording and breathing–holding task
(Duranti et al., 1991; Hotta et al., 2009; Hotta et al., 2006; Kato et al., A pneumograph chest belt (respiratory belt Philips and Bird Compa-
2001; Sarton et al., 1997). Phenomenologically, acute pain typically trig- ny, US) was used to record respiratory activity. This device is sensitive to
gers a reaction similar to the respiratory component of the startle reflex, air pressure changes inside a tube caused by breathing-related expan-
that is, an inspiratory gasp followed by a post-inspiratory breath-hold sions of the chest. Because our main interest was to investigate changes
(Van Diest et al., 2005). In addition, intolerable pain was accompanied in respiration with respect to a within-subject manipulation, no calibra-
by repeated breath-holds (Tanii et al., 1973) and cold pain increased in- tion procedure to transform the recorded signal into absolute volumes
spiratory pause duration (breath-hold) (Boiten, 1998). It is conceivable was performed. The belt was fixed around the subjects' upper abdomen
that these respiratory responses to pain are functional in pain reduction. adjacent to the lower thoracic rib region, and DC-coupled to a differen-
Moreover, breath-holding could stimulate the anti-nociceptive effects of tial aneroid pressure transducer (Coulbourn V72-25B, Coulbourn In-
baroreceptor stimulation (Dworkin et al., 1994; Dworkin et al., 1979) struments, Allentown, Pennsylvania). The signal was sampled and
and concomitant increases in vagal activation (Bruehl and Chung, 2004; stored at 1000 Hz.
Triedman and Saul, 1994). Consistent with this, the Valsalva Manoeuvre The breath-holding task comprised three types of instructed breath-
(VM, a forceful attempted exhalation against a closed airway) has been holds, corresponding to voluntary breath-holds of 4 s at three different
found to decrease acute pain (Agarwal et al., 2005). levels of Maximum Inspiratory Thoracic Expansion (MITE): at 50% of
The aims of this study were three-fold: (1) to investigate whether MITE (mid-inhalation breath-hold), at 80% of MITE (full-capacity inha-
pain and nociception differ between spontaneous breathing versus lation breath-hold) and post-expiration (exhalation breath-hold). Par-
breath-holding, (2) to study whether post-inspiratory breath-holding ticipants' MITE was assessed prior to the experimental procedure. To
is instrumental in reducing pain, and (3) to explore whether pain and this end, participants performed three maximal inhalations. The peak
nociception differ between the inspiratory and expiratory phase during value of the inhalation with the greatest amplitude served as an approx-
spontaneous breathing. imation of the participant's maximal inspiratory capacity. The ampli-
tudes representing 50% and 80% of the participant's MITE were
2. Methods calculated accordingly. During the instructed breath-holding task, the
amplitudes representing exhalation, 50% and 80% of MITE were
2.1. Participants displayed with horizontal lines on a monitor in front of the participant.
Also, the respiratory signal (pneumographic chest belt) was displayed
Fifty participants were recruited either through the Experiment on the monitor, providing the participant with continuous feedback of
Management System website of the Faculty of Psychology and Educa- his or her ongoing respiratory activity. Participants were instructed to
tional Sciences at the University of Leuven, or through advertisements keep the respiratory signal by means of a breath-hold at a specific hor-
and flyers. Prior to the experiment, people who expressed interest in izontal target line for 4 s whenever such instruction appeared on the
participating received an email with information on the experiment monitor. The task comprised 10 mid-inhalation, 10 full-inhalation and
and the exclusion criteria. The information was enclosed in a document 10 exhalation breath-holds instructed in a random order with 15 to
explaining that the experiment aimed at investigating the influence of 25 millisecond time interval.
respiration on sensitivity to pain. It was clearly stated that supra-
threshold electrical stimulations would be applied during the experi- 2.2.2. Electrocutaneous stimulation and pain rating
ment, and that participants were requested to refrain from medication To elicit pain and the NFR, a constant current stimulator (Digitimer
during 24 h prior to the experiment, abstain from caffeine, nicotine DS5, U.K.) generated electrocutaneous stimuli. Each stimulation
and alcohol, and to avoid exertion during 4 h prior to the experiment. consisted of a volley of ten 1 ms rectangular pulses with 1 ms inter-
Finally, the following exclusion criteria were specified: cardiovascular pulse interval (total duration = 20 ms). A bar shaped bipolar stimulat-
or blood circulation disorders, respiratory disorders, neurological disor- ing electrode with two round electrodes (8 mm diameter, 30 mm inter-
ders, severe acute pain, pacemaker or any other electronic medical im- electrode distance) was fixed well with a Velcro strap over the
plant, injury or trauma to lower extremities (hip, thigh, knee, ankle retromalleolar pathway of the sural nerve of the left leg.
and foot), hearing and visual impairment, psychiatric disorders, recent Electrocutaneous stimuli were triggered manually by the experimenter.
psychological or stressful trauma, regular medication intake (except A computerized online Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) (McMahon
contraceptives), pregnancy and, finally, body mass index over 35. Each et al., 2013) was used for the pain ratings, which ranged from 0 (no
participant was reimbursed with either 25 Euro or two course credits pain) to 100 (worst possible pain). Pain tolerance was defined as a rat-
(only for student participants) depending on their preference. All par- ing of 90 on this NRS, and was determined for each participant by ad-
ticipants provided their informed consent. The experiment was ap- ministering stimuli with incremental steps of 2 mA up until a rating of
proved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the University of Leuven 90 on the NRS was reached.
52 H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58

2.2.3. Nociceptive flexion reflex Rhudy et al., 2005; Rhudy and France, 2007; Sandrini et al., 2005; Sarton
The NFR is a polysynaptic spinal withdrawal reflex that is elicited fol- et al., 1997; Skljarevski and Ramadan, 2002).
lowing the activation of nociceptive A-delta afferent. It is considered a The EMG signal was recorded at 1000 Hz, using an Isolated
measure of sensitivity to pain at the spinal level that can be modulated Bioamplifier Model V75-04 (Coulbourn Instruments, Allentown, Penn-
by higher brain structures (Miller et al., 1979; Rhudy et al., 2005). Based sylvania) with a band pass filter of 8–1000 Hz. EMG recordings started
on the observed EMG response, the intensity of stimulation required to 200 ms (baseline) prior until 800 ms following the electrical stimulus.
elicit the NFR is used as an objective index of nociceptive threshold, and
the electromyography response amplitude measures the NFR (Rhudy
and France, 2007; Sandrini et al., 2005; Skljarevski and Ramadan, 2.3. Experimental design and procedure
2002). For the NFR recording, two 8 mm Ag/AgCl electrodes (2 cm cen-
ter to center distance) were placed over the left biceps femoris muscle, The experiment took place at the Health Psychology Psychophysiol-
10 cm above the popliteal fossa, with a reference electrode attached ogy Laboratories of the University of Leuven. Participants were seated in
over the antero-lateral aspect of the tibial bone plateau (see Fig. 1). To an adjustable dentist's chair in a semi-reclined position with a knee flex-
avoid recording of motion artefact and noise, the disposable recording ion of approximately 140 degrees and a neutral position of the ankle.
electrodes were integrated in an adhesive cloth that stuck firmly to The participants read and signed the informed consent form. Following
the skin, preventing their displacement. To elicit the NFR, this, participants were fitted with the electrodes and the electrodes'
electrocutaneous stimulation was applied over the sural nerve at the wires were taped to the skin. Participants were asked to lay relaxed
back of the lateral malleolus of the same side leg. NFR was defined as bi- and to avoid any unnecessary voluntary movement or contraction of
ceps femoris electromyographic (EMG) activity in the 85–180 millisec- the muscles. Next, the participant's pain tolerance and NFR threshold
ond period after stimulus. were determined (see Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3). Following this, partici-
The NFR threshold (NFRT) was conceptualized as the stimulation re- pants were instructed how to perform the breath-holding task and
quired us to elicit a stable series of responses. The NFRT was determined practiced it for 2 min.
for each participant using an up–down staircase method (4–2–1– The actual experiment consisted of a spontaneous breathing and a
0.5 mA staircase procedure). The stimulation level was increased with breath-holding block for each participant (see Fig. 2). Participants
4 mA once the NFR could be observed. Then, the stimulus intensity were counterbalanced across the two possible order sequences. Partici-
was decreased in steps of 2 mA until the NFR was no longer detected, pants rated their pain level on the NRS scale that appeared on the mon-
and increased and decreased again for two more times with steps of itor following each pain stimulus. The NFR and pain ratings were
1 mA and 0.5 mA, respectively. The average of the two last ascending recorded with respect to each of the electrical stimuli.
stimulations capable of eliciting the NFR was taken as NFRT. Participants During the breath-holding task, the experimenter monitored the
rated the pain generated by each stimulus in this procedure using the participants' performance on the breath-holding tasks and adminis-
digital NRS. For safety purposes, when no NFR could be observed with tered 18 electrical stimuli. Six stimuli for each type of breath-hold
intensities that were rated lower than 90 on the NRS and/or lower were administered. Thus, for each type of breath-hold, four randomly
than 35 mA, the experiment was discontinued. The intensity of the chosen breath-holds were without any pain stimulation (see Fig. 3).
electrocutaneous stimulation delivered for the remainder of the study During spontaneous breathing, participants received no breathing
for eliciting the NFR was set to 120% of each participant's NFRT. This pro- instructions and could not see their own respiratory signal on the mon-
cedure of NFR measurement and testing is frequently used in recent itor in the participant's room. In the experimenter room, the experi-
studies and the standards are well established (Rhudy et al., 2007; menter monitored the participants' spontaneous breathing pattern

Fig. 1. Spinal nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) electrode placement. The recording electrodes were placed over the left biceps femoris muscle 10 cm above the popliteal fossa, with a
reference electrode attached over the antero-lateral aspect of tibial bone plateau. To elicit NFR activity, repeated electro-cutaneous stimulation was applied over the sural nerve at the
back of the lateral malleolus of the same side leg.
H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58 53

Fig. 2. The overall design of study comprised two breathing tasks of spontaneous breathing and breath holding. Each task consisted of different phases.

and triggered the electrical stimulation manually. Every participant re- for the 85–180 ms time interval following the onset of the
ceived 20 electrical stimuli with a 15–25 s interstimulus time interval. electrocutaneous stimulus, as a measure of NFR amplitude (see Fig. 4).
During breath-holding task the experimenter monitored the partic- For the spontaneous breathing task, the on- and offset of each respi-
ipants' performance on the breath-holding tasks and administered the ratory cycle were visually determined using AcqKnowledge software.
electrical stimuli at the targeted breath-holds. The NFR and pain ratings The peak within each respiratory cycle was determined automatically
were recorded with respect to each of the electrical stimuli. by the software as the time of the highest value of respiration amplitude
between onset and end times. To determine whether an
2.4. Data reduction and analysis electrocutaneous stimulus occurred during in- or exhalation, and
when it occurred relative to inspiratory peak, a stimulus-to-peak time
Respiratory and EMG recordings were synchronized using ratio (SP time ratio) was calculated for each electrical stimulus. For ex-
AcqKnowledge software (V4.2, BIOPAC Systems Inc., USA ), allowing ample, if the inspiratory peak (indicating the switch from inspiration
to check the exact location of the electrical stimulation within the respi- to expiration) occurred at 2 s, and the electrical stimulus was delivered
ratory cycle. The raw EMG signal rectified by a root-mean-square trans- at 1.7 s, then the SP ratio is 1.7/2 = 0.85. Thus, SP time ratios smaller
formation per 5 ms bin. The integral of the rectified EMG was calculated than 1 indicate that the electrical stimulus occurred during inspiration,

Fig. 3. A sample of experimental diagram for 30 breath-holds and 18 electro-cutaneous stimuli in one participant. A computerized analogue visual biofeedback of the respiratory signal
allowed the participants to perform the instructed breath-holds. The amplitudes representing full-inhalation, mid-inhalation and exhalation breath holding were displayed with
horizontal lines on a monitor. The programme instructed the participants to perform in random order 10 breath-holds at mid-inhalation, full-inhalation and exhalation.
54 H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58

Fig. 4. The scatterplot of electro-cutaneous stimuli relative to the inspiratory peak time during spontaneous breathing for 32 participants. The respiration curve is only a symbolic cycle for a
better representation. Each dot represents one stimulation. Stimulations which occurred at a SP-ratio smaller than 1 occurred during inspiration, those at a SP-ratio bigger than 1 are
occurred during expiration.

whereas SP time ratios bigger than 1 indicate that the stimulus occurred baseline EMG activity during the 150 ms interval prior to the
during expiration (see Fig. 5). electrocutaneous stimulation differed among the three types of
Because instructed breath-holds could impact on the leg's muscle instructed breath-holds (exhalation, mid inhalation and full inhalation)
tone, particularly during the full-inspiration task, we checked whether (see Fig. 4). To this end, and as the assumption of sphericity (Mauchly's

Fig. 5. An illustration of the time windows for electromyography processing for (A) Baseline activity prior to electro-cutaneous stimuli, and (B) NFR 85 ms after electro-cutaneous stimuli.
This graph represents six random trials of NFR after root-mean-squared processing for one of the subjects.
H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58 55

Table 1
Analysis of the estimates, standard error, deviance and significant level of the three models of breathing task, breath-holding and spontaneous breathing (SB = spontaneous breathing; BH
= breath-hold).

Null model versus alternative model Condition Response

Pain NFR

Coefficient/mean Deviance P Coefficient/mean Deviance P

Breathing task
Null model 38.7 (3.15) 9279.18 b.001 5.9 (0.46) 6171.8 .017
Task SB 43.3 (3.21) 9121.43 5.6 (0.48) 6166.2
BH −9.6 (.73) 0.5 (0.21)

Spontaneous breathing (inspiration vs. expiration)

Null model 41.9 (3.57) 4491.6 .34 5.9 (.44) 3131.8 .45
Resp. Phase Inspiration 42.3 (3.60) 4490.7 6.01 (.46) 3131.3
Expiration −0.76 (.83) −0.21 (.28)

Null model 33.3 (3.41) 4324.29 .57 6.15 (.58) 2979.2 .010
Depth of BH Exhalation 33.9 (3.48) 4323.17 6.01 (.63) 2970.1
Mid-inhalation −0.52 (1.18) +0.71 (.36)
Full-inhalation −1.27 (1.21) −0.33 (.37)

The coefficients indicate the grand mean for the null model and mean for first condition in alternative model, and the difference from the mean for the second or third condition. Parameter
estimate standard errors listed in parentheses. SB: spontaneous breathing, BH: breath-holding, Resp: respiration.

test) was not violated (p N .05), a general Linear Model (GLM) repeated 3.2. Instructed breath-holding task
measure ANOVA with an alpha threshold of .05 was used for the data
analysis of the baseline EMG recording (SPSS Statistics version 21). Performing instructed breath-holds significantly altered self-
MLwiN software version 2.30 was used for the multilevel modelling reported pain (Chi21 = 157.75, p b .0001) and NFR (Chi21 = 5.6, p =
of subjective pain ratings and the NFR. The likelihood ratio test was used .17) compared to the null model (unconditional intercept). In this
for parameter estimation, and for the testing of two competing models model, self-reported pain was lower (9.6 points on the NRS scale) dur-
(null model versus alternative model; Rasbash et al., 2005). The longitu- ing breath-holding compared to spontaneous breathing. The NFR in-
dinal multilevel model was designed such that the repeated measure- creased 0.5 mV·s from spontaneous breathing to breath-holding, but
ments of painful stimuli (level 1) were nested within participants this effect was not significant (see Table 1).
(level 2). To allow for the comparison of the models' coefficients, we
used a full information maximum likelihood approach. To compare 3.3. Spontaneous breathing
the relative fit of two competing models, the deviance (−2*Log-likeli-
hood) for each model was computed and tested using one-sided Chi The phase model of spontaneous breathing did not improve the pre-
square test with a threshold of .05. The multilevel modelling was per- diction of subjective pain levels (Chi21 = .9, p = .34) or the NFR
formed in three distinct phases, testing the effects of (1) an instructed (Chi21 = .5, p = .45) above the null model. The decreases in pain
breath-holding task, (2) different types of breath-holding, and (3) respi- (B = −.76 points on the NRS) and the NFR (B = −.21 mV·s) during ex-
ratory phase during spontaneous breathing. For the effect of the piration relative to inspiration were not significant (see Table 1).
instructed breath-holding task, we compared the null model (uncondi-
tional model) including all observations within all participants with
the task model (alternative model). The alternative model included 3.4. Breath-holding model
‘breathing task’ as a variable, dummy coded for spontaneous breathing
versus instructed breath-holding, and centred on spontaneous breath- The breath-holding model did not add to the null model for self-
ing. To test the effect of the type of breath-holding, the null model com- reported pain (Chi22 = 1.12, p = 0.57), whereas it did for the NFR
prising all data of the breath holding task within all participants was (Chi22 = 9.1, p = .01). Pairwise comparisons of the three different
compared with a depth model (alternative model) that included three types of breath-holds showed a significant decrease in the NFR ampli-
categories of breath-holding: exhalation, mid-inhalation and full- inha- tude after full-inhalation (B = − 1.04 mV·s, Chi21 = 8.72, p = .003)
lation, with the first category as a reference. Finally, to test the effect of and exhalation (B = −0.71 mV·s, Chi21 = 3.86, p = .049) compared
respiratory phase during spontaneous breathing, we compared the null to mid-inhalation.
model including all observations during spontaneous breathing with a
phase model (alternative model) that also included a phase variable, 4. Discussion
which was dummy coded into two phases of inspiration and expiration,
centred on inspiration. For each of models the unstandardized coeffi- The objectives of the present study were three-fold: To explore
cient, deviance and Chi-square probability level were reported. The un- whether self-reported pain and nociception as measured by the NFR
standardized coefficients can be interpreted as the grand mean in the (1) vary between spontaneous breathing versus instructed breath-
null model, the mean in centred category of alternative model, and holding, (2) are reduced by post-inspiratory breath-holds, and (3) differ
the mean difference from centred category in other condition(s). between the inspiratory versus expiratory phase during spontaneous
3. Results Compared to non-manipulated, spontaneous breathing, the breath-
ing manipulation applied in the present study (breath-holding) signifi-
3.1. Baseline EMG activity cantly reduced self-reported pain, whereas it increased the NFR. The
decrease in self-reported pain can likely be understood from a higher at-
The muscle's baseline activity prior to the presentation of the tentional involvement and predictability in the breath-holding com-
electrocutaneous stimulus did not differ between the three types of pared to the spontaneous breathing task. As participants had to
breath-holding (main effect: p = .932). comply with the instructed depths and timings of the breath-holds, it
56 H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58

is plausible to assume that the task required substantial attentional re- breathing. Thus, unlike other studies that have looked at the effect of re-
sources. Several studies have shown that distraction results in lower spiratory phase on pain during paced breathing, the present study did
pain ratings (Roy et al., 2011; Van Damme et al., 2008; Verhoeven not apply any kind of breathing manipulation or feedback that could
et al., 2011). More generally, any guided breathing task is likely capable generate a distraction effect, and/or mask or override central mecha-
of drawing attention away from the subjective pain experience and nisms of respiratory gating (Eckberg, 2003). We hypothesised that
dampening the pain experience, especially when the instructed breath- pain and nociception would be lower during spontaneous exhalations
ing pattern is still relatively untrained and attentional demands are compared to inhalations. As blood pressure is higher during expiration
high. Besides having been distracted, participants may also have experi- compared to inspiration, baroreceptors are stimulated more strongly
enced the painful stimulus as relatively more predictable during the during expiration, which in turn could activate descending pain inhibi-
breath-hold compared to the spontaneous breathing task, resulting in tory mechanisms (Berntson et al., 1993; Bruehl and Chung, 2004;
overall lower levels of anxiety during instructed compared to spontane- Dworkin et al., 1979, 1994; Triedman and Saul, 1994). Although differ-
ous breathing (Carlsson et al., 2006). Both phenomena could produce ences between inhalation and exhalation were in the hypothesised di-
opposite effects for nociception as studies have shown that the nocicep- rection, our findings indicate that pain and nociception were not
tive withdrawal reflex is higher when participants concentrate on the significantly reduced during spontaneous exhalations compared to in-
stimuli, and prediction or distraction usually do not decrease the reflex halations in the present study. Thus, our findings seem to suggest that
(Bjerre et al., 2011). Thus, the present findings highlight a potentially either there is no pain reduction during exhalation, or that spontaneous
important influence of attention and distraction on pain in any respiration in the natural range is a too weak stimulus for changes in au-
instructed breathing task, particularly in studies that aim to investigate tonomic discharge patterns that could modulate nociception and pain.
mechanisms underlying respiratory hypoalgesia. Alternatively, our null-finding may result from the followed procedure.
An alternative explanation for an increased NFR during instructed In the present study, we manually applied only 20 electrocutaneous
breath-holds relates to a potential subthreshold facilitation of alpha mo- stimuli to test the effect of respiratory phase. Post-hoc processing of
toneurons. For example, contractions of upper limb muscles are known data indicated that the pain stimuli were not distributed in a homoge-
to facilitate reflexes elicited in lower limb muscles without changes in nous way across the respiratory cycle, and occurred mainly during late
baseline EMG activity in these muscles (Delwaide and Toulouse, inspiration and early and mid-expiration (see Fig. 4). Such unequal dis-
1981). Likewise, muscle contractions associated with instructed, volun- tribution may have limited the power to detect a respiratory phase ef-
tary breath-holds may facilitate the NFR (Bishop et al., 1970; fect in the present study. Therefore, we recommend future studies to
Schmidt-Vanderheyden and Koepchen, 1970; Schmidt-Vanderheyden investigate respiratory phase effects with a higher number of stimuli
et al., 1970). that are randomly distributed across the respiratory cycle curve. In ad-
As pain has been described to concurrently increase tidal volume, dition, concurrently measuring cardiac inter-beat intervals and the
mean inspiratory flow and the occurrence of spontaneous breath- beat-to-beat blood pressure waveform would allow to test whether
holds (Boiten, 1998), it is plausible that breath-holding after a deep in- lower pain and nociception occur specifically at times of maximal
halation could be functional in reducing the impact of painful stimula- blood pressure and longest inter beat intervals.
tion. We hypothesised that breath-holds at different levels of MITE
(full-inhalation vs. mid-inhalation vs. exhalation) would impact on 4.1. Limitations
self-reported pain and the nociceptive reflex. More specifically, we ex-
pected a decrease in the nociceptive reflex when the breath-hold oc- Some limitations of the present study should be acknowledged. First,
curred at a high level of inspiratory capacity compared to lower levels. the findings may not be generalized to other types of pain and other
This hypothesis was only partially confirmed, as full-inhalation populations. Second, as the low pass filter applied on the EMG recording
breath-holds were associated with a reduced nociceptive reflex com- equalized the sampling frequency of the signal (1000 Hz), a potential
pared to a breath-hold at 50% of MITE, but not compared to breath- risk of aliasing is present in the EMG recordings. Finally, as the present
holds following exhalation. Potentially, participants may have generat- study did not include beat-to-beat blood pressure, and intrathoracic
ed an expiratory pressure against a closed glottis during the full- pressure recordings, any interpretation in terms of antinociceptive ef-
inhalation breath-hold, very much like the Valsalva Manoeuvre. This fects of baroreceptor activation remains speculative at this stage.
would yield a sudden and high intrathoracic pressure following the
end of inspiration, resulting in a higher stroke volume and blood pres-
sure (Ghione, 1996; Novak, 2011; Vogel et al., 2005), and in concomi- 5. Conclusion
tant baroreceptor stimulation producing antinociceptive effects
(Edwards et al., 2002; Edwards et al., 2001). To further explore this pos- Both self-reported pain and the NFR are affected by an instructed
sible mechanism, future studies could consider investigating whether breath-holding task. Compared to spontaneous breathing, instructed
participants close their glottis during an instructed breath-hold at full- breath-holds were associated with lower pain ratings, but with a rela-
inspiration as applied in the present study. Post-expiratory pauses tively potentiated NFR. Both effects could be due to distraction from
may have anti-nociceptive effects due to higher activation of barorecep- pain and and/or lower anxiety during breath-holding task.
tors. This is conceivable as blood pressure is typically maximal towards Our findings further confirm that the depth of breath-holding affects
the end of expiration (Sin et al., 2010). To test these speculations, fur- spinal nociceptive processes: NFR activity was significantly less during
ther studies are needed that apply beat-to-beat variations in blood breath-holds at full-range inhalation and following exhalation, com-
pressure. pared to breath-holds at mid-range inhalation. However, further re-
In contrast to the above reported effects on the NFR, the different search should investigate the different processes that may underlie
types of breath-holds did not produce differential effects in self- these effects.
reported pain. Possibly, the immediate nociceptive effects of breath- Pain ratings and the NFR were not affected by respiratory phase dur-
holds as reflected in the NFR are too small to result in a variable pain ing spontaneous breathing in the present study. Also, pain ratings were
perception, especially at a time that participants are being distracted not affected by different types of breath-holding manoeuvres.
from pain by the breath-holding task. As such, applying longer-lasting
and more variable pain stimuli may facilitate observing effects on self- Conflict of interest statement
reported pain.
To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to explore None of the authors have any conflicts of interests related to this
the association between respiratory phase and pain during spontaneous manuscript.
H. Jafari et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 101 (2016) 50–58 57

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