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6 MARCH 2021





No. Contents Page

1 Acknowledgement 1

2 Introduction 2

3 Materials and Apparatus 3

4 Methodology 4

5 Result and Interpretation of Data 5

6 Discussion 6,7

7 Bibliography 8

First of all, I am very grateful towards Allah S.W.T for granting me good physical, healthy mind and body.
Without his blessings, I am certainly would not be able to complete this project.

I am also very thankful to have an awesome Biology teacher, Cik Wan Nur Shairah that guided me
throughout this project from A to Z.

I am also very grateful to have very supportive parents that helped me buy items to complete this project


Pickles have been around for thousands of years, dating as far back as 2030 BC when cucumbers
from their native India were pickled in the Tigris Valley. The word pickle comes from the Dutch pekel or
northern German pókel, meaning salt or brine, two very important components in the pickling process.
Throughout history pickling was a necessity, as it was the best way to preserve food for a long period of
time. As one of the earliest mobile foods, pickles filled the stomachs of hungry sailors and travelers, while
also providing families with a source of food during the cold winter months.

By doing this project, students can educate themselves to use the knowledge learned at school during
biology class and practice it in real life which is the concept of hypertonic. The concept of hypertonic is
used to pickling, this will allow food that has a short amount of lifespan to be kept for a long period of time. I
will use hypertonic solution, so water will diffuse out of the plant cell, then the plant cell undergoes
plasmolysis. When the plant cell undergoes plasmolysis it will create a not suitable environment for bacteria

Apparatus :
1. Measuring cup
2. spoon
3. large container
4. knife
5. chopping board
6. bowl

Materials :
1. Non ripe mango
2. vinegar
3. sugar
4. salt
5. water
6. edible lime


Procedures :
1. Cut the non ripe mango into slices. Put the sliced mangoes into a large container.
2. Add one spoon full of edible lime into 2 cups of water. Stir it until it dissolves.
3. Add the mixture into the container with sliced mangoes. Leave it submerged for 2 hours.
4. Filter out the sliced mangoes for the lime water and rinse it with water.
5. Add 3 teaspoons of salt, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1/3 vinegar, 2 cups of water into a bowl. Stir it until it
6. Add the mixture into the container that has the sliced mangoes.
7. Leave it in the fridge overnight.


Do not leave the sliced mangoes in the lime water more than 2 hours.


Material Price

Mango RM 3

Vinegar RM 2

Edible Lime RM 1

Salt RM 0

Sugar RM 0

Total RM 6

Result and interpretation of data

Observation :
Based on my observation, the difference is between the texture, taste of the normal mango
compared to the pickled mango is presented in the table below :

Taste Texture

Before Bitter and sweet Turgid and tough

After sweet and sour Less turgid and soggy

Photo :

Picture 1.1 Before Picture 1.2 After

Picture 1.1 shows that the mango looks more turgid and tough. Meanwhile Picture 1.2 shows that the mango is
soggy and less turgid.


1. State the process that takes place for pickling fruit/ vegetable.

2. Explain the process in question

Water diffuse from lower concentration to higher concentration

3. What is the function of salt and sugar in the making of pickle?

To create a hypertonic solution compared to the mango cells. so that water molecules from mango cells will
diffuse out of the cells through osmosis.

4. Apart from salt and sugar, name another ingredient used for the pickling process
and explain why the ingredient is used.
Vinegar. Because it is hypertonic compared to the mango cell. This can allow osmosis process to occur.

5. Pineapple pickle is prepared by soaking slices of pineapple in a concentrated

sugar solution. State two advantages and disadvantages of this method compared
with keeping fresh pineapple.

Advantage Disadvantage

Can be kept for a long period of time High sugar content

Taste more delicious Some of nutrients are lost

6. A housewife uses excess sodium nitrate and phosphate fertilizer to be sprinkled

on the chili plant after 3 days, she found that the plant has withered and died.

i) Explain what happened to the chili plant after sowing the fertilizer?
Water inside the plant cell diffuse out to the soil by osmosis. Because the soil is hypertonic compared
to the plant cell. This causes the plant cell undergoes plasmolysis.

ii) What should the housewife do before sowing on the ground to prevent
the plant from withering.
Increase the amount of watering. By this the soil will become hypotonic compared to the plant cell.
This will ensure that if more fertilizer is added, the soil wont become hypertonic compared to the
plant cell.


The use of osmosis and plasmolysis concept can be used in preservation of food. Where the vinegar, salt,
sugar solution is hypertonic compared to the mango cell. This causes osmosis to occur. By this low
concentration will diffuse out to high concentration. Making the mango cell undergoes plasmolysis. Creating
a not suitable environment for bacteria growth. Making it last longer.


Book :
Text book Biology Form 4 written by Nor Azlina binti Abd. Aziz, 2019, Must Read Sdn. Bhd.,
No. 33 Jalan SBC 6, Taman Sri Batu Caves, 68100 Batu Caves Selangor Darul Ehsan

Internet :

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