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There are a number of possible reasons as to why a business may have to recruit more employees: y y y y y y y y Business is expanding due to: - Increasing sales of existing products - Developing new products - Entering new markets Existing employees leaving to work with competitors or other local employers Existing employees leaving due to factors such as retirement, sick leave, maternity leave Business needs employees with new skills Business is relocating and not all the existing workforce wants to move to the new location

In each of these circumstances a business will normally carry out Workforce Planning to find out how many workers and what types of workers are required. The workforce plan will establish what vacancies exist and managers then need to draw up ajob description and job specification for each post. A job description is a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of the post advertised. Most applicants will ask for this before applying for the job. It refers to the post available rather than the person. A job specification is drawn up by the business and sets out the kind of qualifications, skills, experience and personal attributes a successful candidate should possess. It is a vital tool in assessing the suitability of job applicants and refers to the person rather than the post. These documents are an important part of the recruitment and selection process and provide the basis as to where the job may be advertised and whether an applicant is suitable for the post. They also help provide a framework for questions to be asked at an interview.

Recruitment Plan RECRUITMENT PLAN This is sample / example of recruitment plan 1. Quantity of recruitment Identify number of employee / staff recruited per department Design a table with columns: No, department, Position, Number of employee, date got new employee, remarks 2. Design of recruitment materials Testing tools for the above positions are available? If not, company should have plan to fulfill above materials Job description of the above positions are available? 3. Sources of recruitment You should design a table with columns: No, position, channel, budget, who follow?, remark You can identify recruitment sources by internal or external What are channels for recruitment? You should identify suitable channel for each position.

4. Selection plan Who receive CVs? and when do? Who review CVs? and when do?
RECRUITMENT PLANNING AS BUSINESS STRATEGY We have seen the growth of small corporate into big corporations in the last two decades. E.g. Reliance, HCL, Dabur, Sunpharma, Piramal Group, new economy Companies like Infosys, Satyam, Polaris, Mastek. These corporation are having smart recruitment strategies. They are also Reinventing In New People Management. In order to cope with the post liberalization competition Indian corporations are thinking recruitment as Prime Business Strategy for achieving High Business Goals. As Mr. P. M. Sinha, Chairman Pepsi tells we hire managers with a winners mind set and a passion for create dramatic change. Also concludes Mr. Swaroop, Ed (HR) Pespi Food We hire people who are capable of growing the business rather than just growing with the business. Now the question is what should be Recruitment Challenges in the new people management. It can be detailed as under : 1. Indian corporation have to attract people with Multi Dimensional, Multi Cultural experiences and skills. We have seen the Indian corporations attracting talent those are having cross cultural multi dimension skills e.g. HLL, Reliance, AV Birla Group, Multi National Corporations : Coke, Pespi, P&G, Enron. 2. Have to induct out siders who are having new perspective to lead the company. Those are having vision, can drive the company in the right direction. 3. Infusing fresh blood in the organisation. We have seen lot of corporations are recruitmenting certain age of people for achieving higher corporate goals. Through premier institutes. 4. Development of new corporate culture which can attract people. 5. Locate new people those who can be fitted in to company values. 6. Devising methodologies for assessing psychological traits. 7. Have to find unconventional methods of talent. 8. Have to search for globally. 9. Designing entry compensation on quality. 10. Best CEO Recruitment. Now the question is how to manage Recruitment Planning. Recruitment Planning can be managed with the following steps : 1. 2. 3. 4. Preparation of man power resource planning based on job analysis / Feedback. Preparation of specification of people task. Develop employee profile. Select Recruitment Methods.

Techniques : Internal : Advertisement, Screening, Assessment, Challenging Job Assignment to high fliers, Abilities & Skills, Assessment of results, Satisfactory Yes / No. External : Campus, Interaction with the Institute, Preplacement talks, Training of Interviewee, Screening, Shortlisting of candidates. Through in house : Screening, Invitation, Testing through Search firm, Appropriate Test, Results, Assessment with supporting data, satisfactory give an offer.

Through search firms : Thomas profiling, Provide them clearly outline employee profile, Screening Selection. CEO Recruitment : Prepare details CEO Profile, Search leadership skills, Outsourcing, Hiring through executive search firm, Hire change agent. e.g. of Indias Best Hiring Company 1. HLL, Reliance, Infosys, Satyam, Dabur, TATA Group,

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