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Coordinación de Centro de Autoacceso

Reading Activity

2do Parcial
N° CUENTA: 2122990

NOMBRE: Octavio Moreno Valdez

Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública


DOCENTE: Mayra López Piña



FECHA LIMITE DE ENTREGA 20 de mayo 20:00 hrs.

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Coordinación de Centro de Autoacceso

Te puedes apoyar con todo el material que tienes; además puedes consultar diccionarios
en línea como: , ,

Adjectives (adj.) Nouns (n) Compound nouns Verbs Verbs +
Ej: short, old, nice Ej. pen, eyes, bed, Berlin Ej. lifetime, fireworks, Ej. Play, talk, run preposition
superstar ask for, suffer
from , believes in
Famous Bed Check-in Show Adapt to
Evil Box Websites Tear Consent to
Easy Job Windscreen Tell Lead to
Fine Ice Sheepdog Quit Reply to
Jolly Hime Bathroom Put Turn to
Horrible Capital Doorbell Qrite Pay for
Fierce Book Fire-fighter Speak Work for
Grumpy Class Greenhauses Spin Hide from
resign from
Adverbs(adv.) Phrasal verbs (phrv): Ej. come up Connectors or Linking words
Ej. quietly, finally, always with, give in Ej: and, so, because, that

Elegantly Get on Finally

Fortunately Drive off Again
Gleefullt Come back Wheareas
Eargerly Break down By
Deftly Look out But
Cheerfully Take off So fort
Politely Turn round Second
Coordinación de Centro de Autoacceso

Reading Comprehension
Read the letters and then answer the questions based on the information in the letters.
A visit to America

Juarez 85 4584 Maple Street

Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico Madison, WI
June 16 June 25

Dear Heather, Dear Maria,

I’m very excited about my trip. I’m also nervous. I’ve never Don’t be nervous. Everything will be fine. Also, don’t bring
been out of my country before. Could you give me some a coat or even a sweater. It’s very hot in Madison in the
advice? Could you tell me what the weather is like in summer. Just bring shorts and some light blouses.
Madison in the summer? I know it’s very cold in the winter. Thanks for offering to bring me something. You really
Should I bring a heavy coat? Also, would you like me to don’t have to, but I love silver.
bring you anything from Mexico? My sister sells silver You’re going to have a long day. We’ll be waiting for you
jewelry. Do you like silver? at the airport. My little sister Ann is very excited. She’s
I’ll be arriving on Flight 24 from Chicago at around 11 at even practicing her Spanish.
night. My parents will drive me from Oaxaca to Puebla. See you soon.
Then I’ll fly from Puebla to Houston. I change planes in Love,
Houston for Chicago and then change again to fly to Heather
Madison. It’s going to be a long trip.
1 What’s the weather like in Madison in the summer? Could

2 What does Maria want to give Heather as a gift? The silver

3 How many flights is Maria going to have to take to get
to Madison?
4 Why is Maria nervous about the trip? Has not visitaged out of the country

5. Who is Ann? Tourist

Coordinación de Centro de Autoacceso

Write paragraph titles from the box.

Be prepared for difficult situations Get medication and use it correctly Get support
Get ready Make changes in your lifestyle

Would you like to quit smoking? It isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work and dedication, but you can do it. Why
should you quit? First, you will live longer and feel better if you don’t smoke. You will lower the probability
of having a heart attack, a stroke, or getting cancer, and the people around you will be healthier, too.
Here are five steps that can help you quit.

1 get ready
Set a specific date to quit. Get rid of all your cigarettes and ask people not to smoke in your home.
2 get support
Research has shown that you have a higher probability of quitting if your friends and family help you.
3 make changes in your lifestyle
Try to distract yourself. Change your routine. Do something fun every day.
4 get medication and use it correctly
There are drugs that can help you stop smoking. Ask your doctor to recommend them and then follow the
instructions exactly.
5 be prepared for difficult situations
Most relapses happen within the first three months after quitting. Don’t get discouraged. Most people try
to quit several times before they actually stop smoking.

Match the newspaper headlines with the first sentences of the articles. Write the letters a–e.

1. D 5,000 Chickens Die of Bird Flu a The government has revealed that more than five million people
in the state earn under the minimum wage.

2. C Brad’s New Girl? b Ralph Turner was presented today as the new hope of our long-
suffering team.

3. A Census Finds More Are Poor c Just six days after his divorce was finalized, actor and heartthrob
Brad Pitt was seen at a local disco with famous model Sarah

4. B Jets Sign New Quarterback d Health officials have made known that thousands of local chickens
are infected with a new strain of influenza.

6. E Sixty Percent of City under e A day after hurricane Flo hit the city, the mayor has announced
Water that most of the major downtown areas are still
under water.

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