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Assessment Task 1

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

Written Test

Assessment Submission details:

1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:

• Your Name
• Your Student Id
• Your Trainer’s name
• Title of your Assessment
• Assessment Due Date
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Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.

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3. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
4. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details:
In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.

Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

• Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

• Correctly address all of the submission instructions
• Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
• Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Assessment Activity 1 1|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Performance objective:

You need to answer the entire questions using information given to you from class and from your course

Assessment description:

You must provide a response to all questions in assessment Questions section.

Assessment Questions:

Checkpoint 1
Question 1: What is conflict? How does conflict occur?

Question 2: List and briefly explain 6 common causes of conflict?

Assessment Activity 1 2|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 3: List 5 examples of parties who might get involved in conflict situations in the workplace?

Question 4: Why can internal conflicts be beneficial for an organisation?

Question 5: What are the possible negative impacts if conflict situations are not dealt with appropriately in a

Assessment Activity 1 3|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Checkpoint 2
Question 6: Which essential skills are required to spot conflict in the early stages? Why is this important?

Question 7: Provide 10 examples of personal behaviour which could indicate an existing or arising conflict

Assessment Activity 1 4|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 8: Why should conflict be dealt with in the early stages?

Question 9: List the 5 stages and signs of conflict according to the Conflict Resolution Network Australia?

Assessment Activity 1 5|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 10: When faced with conflict typical human behaviours include 3 tactics. Provide 4 examples of what
this could include for each tactic?
1. Avoid the situation 2. Defuse the situation 3. Face the situation

Checkpoint 3
Question 11: Provide 5 examples of why 1 or both parties involved in a conflict might not be interested in
reaching a solution?

Question 12: Which are the 5 conflict resolution techniques used with the “TKI” tool? When the “Competing”
technique is usually applied?

Assessment Activity 1 6|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 13: If you are involved in a conflict situation, what actions should you take in order to resolve the

Question 14: How do communication skills affect conflict resolution?

Question 15: What is the difference between assertive and aggressive behaviour? Provide 2 examples for each?

Assessment Activity 1 7|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 16: How can the emotional state of a person affect how a conflict is handled?

Question 17: List 6 key points which can help to manage emotions effectively?

Checkpoint 4
Question 18: Why should you encourage all parties involved in conflict to express their views?

Assessment Activity 1 8|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 19: What is empathy? What does this involve when dealing with conflict?

Question 20: Conflict has the potential to be disruptive to a workplace and impact on both colleagues and
customers. List 5 approaches which can help to minimise impacts of conflicts?

Question 21: Provide 3 examples for potential implications for employees and employers as a result of conflicts
that include bullying, harassment or lead to harm of staff?

Assessment Activity 1 9|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 22: What is active listening? What would this require from you when dealing with a conflict situation?

Question 23: Provide 5 examples of open body language?

Checkpoint 5
Question 24: What needs to be done once all parties have had an opportunity to forward their concerns?

Assessment Activity 1 10 | P a g e
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 25: How do organisational policies, procedures and constraints affect how conflict and complaints are

Question 26: Once you have found a resolution for a conflict what needs to be done to make it effective?

Question 27: What is the purpose of mediation? When is mediation advisable?

Assessment Activity 1 11 | P a g e
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 28: What are the organisational and legal requirements for documentation of conflicts? Why is
documentation important?

Checkpoint 6
Question 29: What are the steps for resolving a customer complaint? What does this involve?

Question 30: Provide 5 examples of dangerous or threatening conflict situations?

Assessment Activity 1 12 | P a g e
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 31: Which actions should you take if you encounter a dangerous conflict situation?

Question 32: What is the procedure for evaluating conflict resolutions effectively? What are the steps to

Assessment Activity 1 13 | P a g e
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Question 33: What is a grievance and how must a grievance be dealt with to meet legal requirements?

Question 34: How can a business ensure that all reasonable steps are implemented to avert unlawful behaviour?

Assessment Activity 1 14 | P a g e
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology

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