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VIEW the law of 19 November 1990, n. 341, art. 11, paragraph 1;

VIEW the ministerial decree of 22 October 2004, n. 270 - Amendments to the regulation containing
norms concerning the didactic autonomy of universities, approved by decree of the Minister of
University and Scientific and Technological Research 3 November 1999, n. 509;

SEEN the ministerial decrees of 16 March 2007, relating to the determination of the degree and
master's degree classes;

VIEW the decree of 5 April 2007, relating to the class of the master's degree course in

VIEW the ministerial decree of 26 July 2007, n. 386, relating to the guidelines for the establishment
and activation of university study courses;

SEEN the ministerial decrees of January 8, 2009 and February 19, 2009 relating to the determination
of the degrees and master's degrees in the health professions;

VIEW the ministerial decree 10 September 2010, n. 249 - Definition of the discipline of the requisites
and of the modalities of the initial formation of the teachers of the kindergarten, primary and
secondary school of first and second degree, in accordance with article 2, paragraph 416, of
the law 24 December 2007, n. 244;

VIEW the ministerial decree 4 April 2011, n. 139 - Implementation of Ministerial Decree 10 September
2010, n. 249, containing regulation concerning: "initial teacher training";

VIEW 240 of 30 December 2010 - Rules on the organization of universities, academic staff and
recruitment, as well as delegation to the Government to encourage the quality and efficiency of
the university system;

VIEW the legislative decree 27 January 2012, n. 19 - Enhancement of the efficiency of universities
and consequent introduction of reward mechanisms in the distribution of public resources on
the basis of criteria defined ex ante also through the provision of a periodic accreditation system
for universities and the enhancement of the figure of unconfirmed permanent researchers in the
first year of activity, pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 1, letter a), of law no. 240;

VIEW the ministerial decree of 8 August 2016, n. 635 concerning the general guidelines for the
programming of the Universities 2016 - 2018 and periodic evaluation indicators for results;


Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milan PEC:
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VIEW the ministerial decree of 14 December 2016, n. 987 - Self-assessment, evaluation, initial and
periodic accreditation of the offices and study courses;

VIEW the Statute of the University of Milan - Bicocca, issued with Rector's Decree no. 0012034/12 of 4
May 2012 and subsequent amendments;

VIEW the resolution adopted by the Academic Senate of the University of Milan
- Bicocca in the meeting of 21 February 2017;

VIEW the proposal to amend the University Didactic Regulations, general part, sent to MIUR by the Rector
of the University of Milan -
Bicocca, with prot. n. 0013319/17 of 7 March 2017;

VIEW the opinion expressed by the National University Council in the meeting of 20 June

VIEW the MIUR decree of 21 June 2017, with which the modification of the general part of the Didactic
Regulations of the University of Milan was approved -


The University Didactic Regulations of the University of Milan - Bicocca are issued, in the text that

University didactic regulations

Part I - General rules

Art. 1 - Definitions

1. Pursuant to these Regulations: a) study courses:

degree, master's degree, specialization and research doctorate courses, as identified in art. 3 of the
Ministerial Decree of 22 October 2004, n. 270, which dictates the “Amendments to the regulation
containing norms concerning the didactic autonomy of universities, approved by decree of the
Minister of Universities and Scientific and Technological Research 3 November 1999, n. 509 ";

b) for educational qualifications: the bachelor's degree, the master's degree, the specialization
diploma and the research doctorate, awarded at the end of the corresponding study courses, referred
to in letter a) above;
c) by ministerial decrees: the decrees issued pursuant to and according to the procedures referred
to in art. 17, paragraph 95, of the law 15 May 1997, n. 127 and subsequent amendments;
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d) by class of study courses: the set of study courses, however named, having the same
qualifying training objectives and the consequent indispensable training activities, grouped
pursuant to art. 4 of DM 270/2004; e) by scientific-disciplinary sectors: the groupings of disciplines
referred to in the Ministerial Decree of 4 October 2000, published in the ordinary supplement to
the Official Journal no. 249 of 24 October 2000 and subsequent amendments pursuant to
Ministerial Decree of 29 July 2011 n. 236;
f) by disciplinary field: a set of culturally and professionally related scientific-disciplinary sectors,
defined by ministerial decrees;

g) by university formative credit: the measure of the volume of learning work, including individual
study, required of a student in possession of adequate initial preparation for the acquisition of
knowledge and skills in the educational activities provided for by the didactic regulations of the
courses of study ;

h) by educational objectives: the set of knowledge, skills and competences, in terms of expected
learning outcomes, which characterize the cultural and professional profile of a course of study,
the achievement of which it is aimed at;

i) by didactic organization of a course of study: the set of rules that regulate the educational path
of the course of study;

l) for the didactic regulations of a course of study, the document specifying the educational and
organizational aspects of the course of study;

m) by training activity: any activity organized or planned by the University in order to ensure the
cultural and professional training of students, with reference, inter alia, to teaching courses,
seminars, practical or laboratory exercises, teaching activities in small groups, tutoring, guidance,
internships, projects, theses, self-study and self-learning activities;

n) by curriculum: the set of university and extra-university educational activities specified in the
didactic regulations of the course of study and aimed at obtaining the relative qualification;

o) by University or University: the University of Milan - Bicocca;

p) by Statute: the Statute of the University of Milan - Bicocca issued with Rector's Decree no.
0012034/12 of 4 May 2012 and subsequent amendments.

Art. 2 - Scope of application

1. This Regulation, drawn up in accordance with and in application of art. 11 of the DM 270/2004, of
the art. 1, co. 4 of the DD.MM. March 16, 2007 and subsequent ministerial decrees, governs the
areas delegated to the autonomy of the University for the aspects of organization and
management of teaching activities common to degree and degree courses
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degree, specialization, PhD courses and university masters that can be activated by the University of Milan - Bicocca in
accordance with its University Statute, issued with Rector's Decree no. 0012034/12 of 4 May 2012 e

following edits.

2. It also regulates the activities and services of orientation, support, updating, specialization and permanent and recurring
training, also establishing the general rules to which the teaching structures of the University must comply in the
respective regulations also for the purposes of application of the provisions of point 2 of art. 11 of law 341/1990.

3. The didactic regulations of the degree and master's degree courses approved by the Board of Directors, subject to the

mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate on the proposal of the Department Council concerned or, in the case of

several Departments involved, on the proposal of the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved, are

reported in part II of these Regulations, in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 of DM 270/2004.

Art. 3 - Didactic and administrative autonomy

1. The didactic regulations of the bachelor's and master's degree courses specify the aspects

organization of the courses and are prepared pursuant to the following art. 16.

2. The didactic regulations of the specialization courses are arranged in accordance with the Statute and in compliance with

the ministerial decrees in force concerning the relevant classes; they are an appendix to the regulations of the

Departments to which the specialization courses refer.

3. The provisions delegated to the University, in accordance with current legislation, with regard to

PhD courses, are the subject of a specific regulation, approved by the Academic Senate, subject to the favorable opinion

of the Board of Directors, and issued by decree of the Rector.

4. The organizational modalities of the university masters courses and of the advanced courses are the subject of a specific

regulation, approved by the Academic Senate, subject to the favorable opinion of the Board of Directors and issued by

decree of

5. The regulations of the Departments govern the aspects inherent to the organization and management of teaching, the

supplementary teaching services, as well as the methods of defining the objectives, times and ways in which the

teaching coordination councils

they jointly provide for the planning, coordination and verification of

results of training activities.

6. The study courses and didactic services that are organized by several Departments are governed by specific regulations,

prepared in agreement with the didactic coordination councils and approved in the manner provided for by the Statute.
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7. The modalities for regulating any special structures for post-graduate learning, improvement and
updating are determined by the Senate
academic at the time of their establishment.
8. Opinions on matters which, pursuant to the legislation in force, require the
pronouncement of a body in which teachers and students are represented in equal numbers are
expressed by the joint commissions established pursuant to art. 32 of
9. The administrative procedures for enrollment and enrollment at the University and those relating to
students' careers and their management are established by the specific University Regulations for
students, prepared in accordance with current national legislation and with the statutory and regulatory
legislation of the University. The aforementioned Regulation is approved by the Academic Senate and
is issued by decree of
10. The University guarantees adequate forms of publicity for proceedings and resolutions
hired in didactic matters. In all cases in which procedures are activated that require the intervention of
several collegiate bodies, the person in charge of each procedure ensures that the measures adopted
are made known through the computer network of the university. For each didactic activity promoted
by the university, the structure or person assigned the administrative responsibility of the activity is
made public

Art. 4 - Educational qualifications

1. The University issues the following qualifications:

- degree (L)
- the master's degree (LM)
- the specialization diploma (DS)
- the research doctorate (DR).
2. The University also issues first and second level university masters at the conclusion of scientific
specialization courses and permanent and recurring higher education subsequent to the degree or
master's degree, pursuant to the legislation on
3. The qualifications provided for in this article may also be awarded jointly with other Italian or foreign
universities. Double degrees can also be awarded with foreign universities. The awarding of joint /
double degrees is regulated by the agreements stipulated with the universities concerned.

4. Pursuant to the legislation in force, the University issues, as a supplement to the diploma of each
qualification, a certificate showing, also in English and according to
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models conforming to those adopted by European countries, the main indications relating to the specific curriculum

followed by each student to obtain the degree.

Art. 5 - Degree courses

1. The degree courses aim to ensure the student an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents, even if

they are oriented towards the acquisition of specific professional knowledge. The normal duration of the courses

degree is three years.

2. The acquisition of professional knowledge, referred to in the previous paragraph, is prearranged for the insertion of

graduates into the world of work and the exercise of the related regulated professional activities, in compliance with the

provisions of

European Union law and directives.

3. The degree is awarded at the end of the degree course. To those who graduate

he holds the academic qualification of doctor.

4. Degree courses with the same qualifying educational objectives and the consequent indispensable training activities are

set up in the same class. Those courses have identical

legal validity. The courses set up in the same class, or those belonging to groups defined by the specific teaching

systems on the basis of affinity criteria, share basic training activities and common characteristics for a minimum of 60

credits before

the possible differentiation of the training courses in the curricula. Training activities with the same denomination, or

declared denominations, are common

equivalent, and which belong to the same scientific-disciplinary sector with the same
number of credits. Any non-affinity between degree courses belonging to the same class

is approved by the Academic Senate on the proposal of the Department Council concerned or, in the case of several

Departments involved, on the proposal of the Council of the

School with the approval of the Departments involved, having acquired the opinions of the Boards of
didactic coordination.

5. The University can establish a degree course within two different classes, if the

its order satisfies the requirements of both classes. interclass,

6. In the case of courses students indicate at the time of matriculation / enrollment the

class within which they intend to obtain the qualification, it being understood that they can change their choices,

provided that these become

final upon enrollment in the third year.

7. To graduate, the student must have acquired 180 credits including those relating to compulsory knowledge of a second

language of the European Union as well as Italian.

Art. 6 - Master's degree courses

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1. The master's degree courses aim to provide students with advanced training for the exercise of highly qualified
activities in specific areas. The normal duration of master's degree courses is two years.

2. The master's degree is awarded at the end of the master's degree course. To those
who obtain the master's degree, the academic qualification of master's degree is required.

3. The qualification of doctoral degree is also due to those who have achieved and still achieve a degree according
to the didactic regulations prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99, as well as to those who have achieved and still
achieve the degree of specialization in
pursuant to the same Ministerial Decree 509/99.

4. The master's degree courses with the same qualifying training objectives and the consequent indispensable
training activities are set up in the same class. These courses have identical legal value.

5. The University may set up a master's degree program within two different classes,
if the relative system satisfies the requirements of both classes. In the case of inter-class courses, students
indicate at the time of matriculation / enrollment the class within which they intend to obtain the qualification, it
being understood that they can change their choices, provided that these become definitive at the time of
enrollment in the second

6. To obtain the master's degree, without prejudice to single-cycle study courses governed by specific provisions on
the subject, regardless of the number of years of enrollment at the University. the student, however already in
possession of a degree, must have acquired 120 credits as per the didactic regulations and regulations of the
course of study in which he is enrolled.
7. Single-cycle master's degree courses are defined as the courses of study for which
within the European Union, there are no first level university degrees, as well as study courses aimed at
accessing the legal professions. Single-cycle courses can be accessed with a high school diploma. Their normal
duration is five to six years.

8. To obtain the master's degree in single-cycle courses, the student must have
acquired 300 or 360 credits, depending on the duration of the course, regardless of the
number of years of enrollment at the University.

Art. 7 - Specialization courses

1. The specialization courses can be instituted exclusively in application of specific laws or directives of the European
Union and have the aim of providing the student with knowledge and skills for functions required in the exercise
of particular professional activities.

2. To be admitted to a specialization course it is necessary to have at least a degree, or another qualification

obtained abroad and recognized as suitable.
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3. The specific admission requirements to the specialization courses set up and activated by the
University are defined in accordance with current legislation on the subject.
4. The specialization diploma is awarded at the end of the specialization course.
5. To obtain the specialization diploma, the student must have completed the number
of credits foreseen by the class to which the specialization course belongs, as specified by the
relative didactic system.

Art. 8 - Research doctorates

1. The research doctorate courses and the achievement of the corresponding title are
governed by the relevant national laws and regulations and by the specification
University regulations on the subject.
2. The aforementioned regulation also governs the organization of any doctoral schools that group
together the research doctorate courses in accordance with the regulations in force.

3. To be admitted to a research doctorate course, students must have a

a master's degree or a specialist degree awarded pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or a
degree awarded according to the system prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99, or a qualification
acquired abroad and recognized as suitable according to the current legislation and regulations
of the University.
4. Those who obtain the research doctorate are entitled to the academic qualification of

Art. 9 - University Masters

1. University masters are courses of scientific specialization and high educational qualification aimed
at the development and training of skills and abilities of a
2. To be admitted to the first level university master's degree, it is necessary to have a degree; in
order to be admitted to the second level university master, it is necessary to have a master's
degree or a specialist degree obtained pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or a degree obtained
according to the previous system of Ministerial Decree 509/99 or , in both cases, of a qualification
acquired abroad and recognized as suitable.

3. To obtain the university master's degree, the student must have acquired at least 60 credits in
addition to those required for the degree or master's degree. The minimum duration of courses
aimed at obtaining the master is, as a rule, one year.
4. The procedures for the activation of the masters and the methods of carrying out the related training
activities - also prepared in collaboration with other bodies on the basis of specific agreements in
accordance with specific qualification needs and high professionalism in the relevant sectors - are
established by 'specific regulation.
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Art. 10 - Targeted training and supplementary educational services

1. Pursuant to art. 6 of law 341/1990, the University, also in collaboration with

public and private entities, develops training initiatives aimed at education throughout the life span, activating in


a) advanced courses, for access to which a university-level qualification is required;

b) professional refresher courses;

c) permanent and recurrent education courses and cultural activities for adults;

d) preparation courses for public competitions and state exams for the qualification to exercise the professions;

e) refresher courses for its staff.

2. The procedures for activating the courses referred to in points a), b) and c) of the previous paragraph

are established by the specific regulations, approved by the Academic Senate and issued
by the Rector.

3. The organization of the training activities provided for in points d) and e) of paragraph 1 is

approved by the Academic Senate.

Art. 11 - University educational credits

1. The training activities that are part of the study courses activated by the University allow

to enrolled students the acquisition of university training credits.

2. The credits corresponding to each training activity are attributed to the student upon passing the exam or following

another form of verification of the preparation and skills acquired.

3. The modalities of the forms of verification are established in these didactic regulations,

it being understood that the evaluation of the profit, where foreseen in votes, is expressed according to
the procedures established in article 23 below.

4. In compliance with the provisions of art. 5 of Ministerial Decree 270/2004, the fraction of the total hourly commitment

reserved for personal study or other individual training activities is indicated, for each course of study, by the relative

didactic regulations, in compliance with what is established annually by the Board of Directors. , subject to the opinion

of the Academic Senate. However, this fraction cannot be less than 50%, except in the case in which training activities

with a high experimental or practical content are envisaged.

5. Didactic activities include:

a) frontal lesson;

b) exercise;

c) experimental workshops, seminars and field activities;

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d) professional training with teacher guidance for small groups.

e) internship / professionalizing internship
6. Didactic activities can also be delivered remotely.
7. In compliance with the provisions of paragraph 4) for each of the types of activity
didactic programs mentioned above, the Academic Senate, after obtaining the favorable opinion of the
Board of Directors, annually defines the correspondence between credits and hours.
The standard load corresponding to a credit may include:
a) 7 hours dedicated to lectures or equivalent teaching activities; b) 8 to 12
hours of classroom exercises
c) from 8 to 16 hours of experimental and seminar workshops, field activities e
internship support

8. The teaching systems of each degree and master's degree course referred to in part II of these
Regulations determine the credits corresponding to the various activities envisaged for the achievement
of the degree, in compliance with the provisions of the reference classes and within the standards of
hourly commitment established for each credit by ministerial provisions.

9. The regulations of the Departments, if they do not pertain to any School, or the regulations of the Schools,
where established, govern the institution and composition
of the Joint Commissions pursuant to art. 32 of the Statute.
10. The Didactic Coordination Councils, pursuant to art. 31 letter g) of the Statute, approve the total or
partial recognition of credits acquired by a student coming from another University course or from
another University who has requested it, also on the basis of specific inter-university agreements and
in any case on the basis of a
documented assessment of the didactic and training contents corresponding to the credits for which
recognition is requested.
11. The Student Regulations govern the rules relating to the forfeiture of the status of
student and the obsolescence of the credits acquired.
The didactic regulations of the study courses may provide for forms of periodic verification
of the credits acquired, of which the interested parties must be informed with at least six months' notice,
in order to evaluate the non-obsolescence of the cognitive contents.

12. Professional knowledge and skills certified in accordance with current legislation on the subject, as well
as other knowledge and skills gained in post-secondary training activities which the University has
contributed to the design and implementation, provided that
properly documented, they can be recognized as university training credits by the Didactic Coordination
Councils, in compliance with what is approved
from the Academic Senate.
13. The didactic regulations of the courses of study govern, in relation to the didactic regulations in force,
the obligations to attend the courses of the degree and degree courses.
masterful. Any exceptions are approved by the Didactic Coordination Councils
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which establish the replacement conditions and obligations, to be commensurate with the relative ones
formative credits.

Art. 12 - Establishment and modification of study courses

1. The University plans and adjusts its study courses taking into account scientific and technological evolution and economic

and social needs, and ensuring adequate levels of quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the courses themselves.

2. The degree and master's degree courses are established and modified in compliance with the criteria and procedures

dictated by the Ministerial Decree 270/2004, by the related ministerial provisions and by these Regulations, as well as

in compliance with the provisions in force on the subject of

university system programming. The study courses are governed by the respective educational systems and regulations.

3. It is possible to set up study courses with a foreign language denomination. In this case, the related training activities take

place in the same language.

4. The establishment of a course of study with the relative didactic organization is deliberated by

Board of Directors subject to the mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate.

5. The institution requires:

a) Consultation with organizations and representatives of professions, services and production and / or the results of

sector studies, with particular reference to the assessment of training needs and professional opportunities;

b) the determination of the relative didactic organization referred to in the following article 13;

c) the acquisition of the opinion of the University Evaluation Unit

expressed through a specific technical report;

d) the acquisition of the favorable opinion of the Regional Coordination Committee

university, where necessary;

e) ANVUR accreditation.

6. The establishment or modification of study courses can be requested by the governing bodies on their own initiative or on

the proposal of the Department Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, on the proposal of

the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved.

7. The adaptation of part II of this regulation is provided for by decree of


Art. 13 - Didactic regulations of bachelor's and master's degree courses

1. The didactic regulations of the degree and master's degree courses are deliberated at the same time as the first institution

of the courses according to the procedures indicated in the previous art. 12. They are approved by the Ministry of

University and Research pursuant to art. 11 of law 341/1990 and are issued by decree of the Rector. Their
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entry into force is established by the aforementioned decree of issue. The amendments to the regulations are

approved with the same procedures.

2. The didactic organization of each course of study, in compliance with the provisions of the
class to which the course refers, determines:

a) the class or classes to which they belong; b) the

name, identified consistently both with the class of the course and with the specific characteristics of the proposed


c) the training objectives;

d) the expected learning outcomes formulated by describing the course of study, the relative one

training course and actual specific objectives; e) the student's

learning outcomes formulated according to the qualification descriptors system adopted at European level (knowledge

and understanding, ability to apply knowledge and understanding, independent judgment, communication activities,

learning skills);

f) the meaning of the course of study in terms of employment and identifying professional opportunities also with
reference to the activities classified by ISTAT;

g) the general framework of the training activities to be included in the curricula, where provided;

h) the credits assigned to the training activities and to each area, identifying, in the case of activities relating to basic,

characterizing, similar or supplementary training, one or more scientific-disciplinary sectors;

i) the knowledge required for access, pursuant to the provisions of art. 6, paragraphs 1 and 2, of Ministerial Decree

270/2004 and by art. 20 of these Regulations;

l) the maximum number of credits recognizable pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 7, of the DM 270/2004, of the art. 14,

paragraph 1, of Law no. 240 and art. 30

of these Regulations and in compliance with the University regulations for students;

m) the characteristics of the final exam for the attainment of the qualification, establishing whether this can be carried

out in a foreign language.

3. The didactic organization is accompanied by an information sheet accompanied by a brief summary of the opinion of

the Regional University Coordination Committee and the technical report of the Evaluation Unit, as well as the
reasons behind the proposed establishment or modification. In the case of inter-university study courses, including

foreign ones, the relative regulations also determine the methods of organization and management


4. Each teaching system may provide that the course is published in several curricula, it being understood that neither the

name of the course nor the degree awarded may refer to it. The articulation in the curricula must in any case ensure

a broad common basis in order to guarantee cultural homogeneity and coherence in the graduates or master's

graduates of the same class.

5. A plurality of curricula can be envisaged in the master's degree courses, in particular in order to favor the admission of
graduates from more than one degree course,
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also pertaining to different classes, while ensuring the achievement of the objectives
training courses for the course of study.

6. The modification of the organization of a course of study is deliberated by the board of

administration subject to the mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate.

art. 14 - Educational activities of degree courses

1. The training courses of each degree course are aimed at achieving the
objectives defined in the relative didactic system and include:
a) training activities in the basic disciplinary areas envisaged for the class to which the course
b) training activities in the disciplinary areas characterizing the class;
c) training activities in one or more disciplinary areas similar to or supplementary to the basic and characterizing
ones, also with regard to context cultures and interdisciplinary training;

d) educational activities independently chosen by the student, as long as they are consistent with the
e) activities related to the preparation of the final exam for the attainment of the qualification;

f) activities relating to the knowledge of at least one European Union language other than Italian;

g) training activities not provided for in the previous letters, aimed at acquiring further linguistic knowledge, as
well as IT and telematic skills, relational skills, or in any case useful for entering the world of work, as well as
training activities aimed at facilitating professional choices, through knowledge direct access to the work sector
to which the qualification can give access, including, in particular, internships

training and orientation disciplined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security;

h) in the case of courses aimed at the acquisition of specific professional knowledge and, therefore, at the
insertion of graduates into the world of work, training activities relating to internships and training internships
in companies, public administrations, institutions
public or private, including those of the third sector, professional firms and professional colleges, on the
basis of specific agreements.
2. The didactic systems of the degree courses must ensure students a solid preparation both in the basic disciplines
and in the characterizing ones, guaranteeing them the possibility of a critical study of the topics, also avoiding
of their commitment to an excessive number of disciplines.
3. With regard to the activities referred to in letter b) of paragraph 1, if more than three disciplinary fields are indicated
in the reference classes of the degree courses, for each of which the minimum number of relative credits is not
specified, the
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didactics identify the scientific-disciplinary sectors pertaining to at least three areas, functional to the
specificity of the course itself, to which an adequate number of
4. As regards the activities referred to in letter c) of paragraph 1, the minimum number of credits that
can be attributed is equal to 18 (Article 3, paragraph 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 16 March 2007).
For these activities, scientific-disciplinary sectors not foreseen in the classes for basic and / or
characterizing activities can be used. The use of sectors already included in the classes as related
or supplementary must be adequately justified.
5. As regards the activities referred to in letter d) of paragraph 1, the minimum number of credits that
can be attributed is 12 (Article 3, paragraph 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 16 March 2007). Students
must be guaranteed the freedom of choice among all the courses activated in the University in the
courses of the same level, also allowing the acquisition of further educational credits in the basic
and characterizing disciplines.

Art. 15 - Educational activities of the single-cycle master's and master's degree courses

1. The training courses of each master's degree course are aimed at

achievement of the objectives defined in the relative didactic system and include:

a) training activities in the basic disciplinary areas envisaged for the class to which they
belong for single-cycle courses;
b) training activities in the disciplinary areas characterizing the class;
c) training activities in one or more disciplinary areas similar to or supplementary to those
characterizing, and to the basic and characterizing ones for single-cycle courses, also with regard
to context cultures and interdisciplinary training;
d) educational activities independently chosen by the student, as long as they are consistent
with the training course;
e) activities related to the preparation of the final exam for the attainment of the qualification. To
obtain the master's degree, the preparation and presentation of a thesis prepared in an original
way under the guidance of a supervisor is required;
f) activities relating to knowledge of at least one European Union language other than Italian for
single-cycle courses;
g) training activities not provided for in the previous letters, aimed at acquiring further linguistic
knowledge, as well as IT and telematic skills, relational skills, or in any case useful for entering
the world of work, as well as training activities aimed at facilitating professional choices, through
knowledge direct access to the work sector to which the qualification can give access, including, in
particular, internships
training and guidance disciplined by the Ministry of Labor and Welfare
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2. The teaching systems of the master's degree courses must ensure students a solid preparation in the distinctive

disciplines, and in the basic and characterizing disciplines for single-cycle courses, guaranteeing them the possibility

of a critical study of the topics, also avoiding dispersion Of their

commitment to an excessive number of disciplines.

3. For the activities referred to in letter b) of paragraph 1, if more than three disciplinary areas are indicated in the reference

classes of the master's degree courses, for each of which the minimum number of related credits is not specified, the

teaching systems identify the scientific-disciplinary sectors pertaining to at least three areas, functional to the specificity

of the course itself, to which to reserve an adequate number of credits.

4. As regards the activities referred to in letter c) of paragraph 1, the minimum number of credits that can be attributed is 12

(Article 3, paragraph 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 16 March 2007). For these activities, scientific-disciplinary sectors

not foreseen in the classes for the characterizing activities, and for the basic and / or characterizing activities in the

case of classes referring to single-cycle courses, can be used. The use of sectors already included in the classes as

related or supplementary must be adequately justified.

5. As regards the activities referred to in letter d) of paragraph 1, the minimum number of credits that can be attributed is

equal to 8 (art. 3, paragraph 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 16 March 2007). Students must be guaranteed the freedom

of choice among all the courses offered at the University

in courses of the same level also allowing the acquisition of further training credits in the characterizing and basic

disciplines (in single-cycle courses).

6. A total of no more than 12 exams or final assessments can be envisaged in each Master's degree program; in each

single-cycle master's degree program, no more than 30 exams in total can be envisaged, in the case of courses lasting

five years, more than 36 exams, in the case of courses lasting six years.

Art. 16 - Didactic regulations for bachelor's and master's degree courses

1. The teaching regulations of the degree and master's degree courses are approved by the Board of Directors, subject to

the mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate, on the proposal of the Department Council concerned or, in the case

of several Departments involved, on the proposal of the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved,

in compliance with the deadlines indicated by the Ministry for inclusion in the bank

data of the annual training offer.

2. Pursuant to art. 11, paragraph 2, of law 341/1990 and art. 12 of Ministerial Decree 270/2004, the didactic regulations of

a study course, in compliance with the freedom of teaching, as well as the rights and duties of teachers and students,

specify the organizational aspects of the course, in accordance with the relative regulations, as defined in Part Two of

these Regulations.
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3. In compliance with the aforementioned art. 12 of Ministerial Decree 270/2004 and taking into account,
for the activation of the study courses, the guidelines defined with Ministerial Decree 386/2007, the
didactic regulations of the study courses, also in order to improve the transparency and comparability
of the offer formative, determine:
a) the specific training objectives, including a framework of knowledge, skills and abilities to be
acquired and indicating, where possible, the professional profiles of reference;

b) any curricula offered to students and the rules for the presentation, where necessary, of
individual study plans;
c) the requirements for admission to the degree program and the related verification procedures;
d) the list of courses with an indication of the scientific-disciplinary sectors of reference and any
breakdown into modules;
e) the credits assigned to each course, to the relative modules, where provided, and any
preparatory qualifications;
f) the fraction of the total hourly commitment reserved for personal study or other individual
commitment, for each category of training activity in compliance with the provisions of art. 11
paragraph 7;
g) the typology of the didactic forms adopted, even at a distance, and the methods of verifying the
h) the activities chosen by the student and the relative credits;
i) the other training activities envisaged and the related credits;
l) the procedures for verifying the knowledge of foreign languages and the relative credits;
m) the procedures for verifying other required skills and the related credits;
n) the methods for verifying the results of internships, internships and study periods
abroad and related credits;
o) the credits assigned for the preparation of the final exam, the characteristics and methods of
the exam itself and the related personal training activity;
p) other provisions on any obligations of students;
q) the modalities for any transfer from other courses of study;
r) the forms of verification for the recognition of credits acquired;
s) the teachers of the degree program with specific indication of the teachers referred to in art. 1,
paragraph 9, of the DD.MM, 16 March 2007, and their specific requirements with respect to the
disciplines taught;
t) research activities to support the training activities that characterize the profile
of the course of study.

The provisions of the regulations concerning the consistency between the credits assigned to the
training activities and the specific programmed training objectives are approved by the
Department Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, on the proposal
of the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved,
subject to the favorable opinion of the joint commission, to be returned within 30 days
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from the request. Once this deadline has expired, the resolution is adopted regardless of the opinion. If the opinion

is not favorable, the resolution is passed by the Senate


In the study manifesto, subject to approval by the Department Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments

involved, upon the proposal of the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved, any adjustments to

the training activities may be arranged, provided that this possibility is expressly provided for. in the didactic regulations

of the course of study.

4. The didactic regulations of the courses of study are subject to periodic revision, with

particular with regard to the number of credits assigned to each training activity.

Art. 17 - Activation and cancellation of study courses

1. The activation of the established study courses is subject to their annual insertion in the reference ministerial database,

in compliance with current legislation.

2. The University ensures students enrolled in courses of study that have been canceled to complete their studies, obtaining

the relative qualification, also guaranteeing the exercise of the faculty of

option for other activated degree programs.

3. The cancellation of a study course is decided by the Board of Directors,

subject to the mandatory opinion of the Academic Senate.

Art. 18 - Programming and activation of courses

1. In compliance with the deadlines indicated by the Ministry for inclusion in the reference database, the Department Council

concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, the School Council with the approval of the Departments


programs the teaching activities of the bachelor's and master's degree courses active in
following academic year.

2. The Department Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, the School Council with the approval

of the Departments involved, establishes in the teaching plans, in particular, the courses to be activated and the

methods of relative coverage, according to functionality, competence and balanced division of loads, in compliance with

the law, statutory and regulatory provisions. The teaching plans also establish the attribution of the teaching and

organizational tasks pertaining to professors and researchers, including the supplementary activities of

guidance and mentoring.

In preparing the programming of the training activities, the Department Council concerned or, in the case of several

Departments involved, the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved must ensure the coordination

of the same, with particular attention to the mutuations and teachings common to more courses than

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3. Recourse for the coverage of teaching to teachers not in service at the University or to external collaborations, to be

implemented with the procedures provided for by the legislation in force, must be limited to cases in which it is
absolutely necessary for the purposes

the application of the respective didactic regulations.

4. The Department Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, the School Council with the approval

of the Departments involved establishes the articulation of the courses, in line with the decisions taken regarding the

educational credits, guaranteeing the attribution to each activated course of an adequate whole number of training

credits, so as to avoid the fragmentation of training activities.

5. In the event that the teaching is divided into modules it is essential that these are

defined within the teaching.

6. In order to achieve the educational objectives of the course of study, the Board of

Department concerned or, in the case of more Departments involved, the Council of the

School with the approval of the Departments involved, respecting the freedom of

teaching, provides for programming, coordination and definition

the methods for verifying the results of the training activities.

7. Courses are usually completed within a single semester or in any case

over the academic year. The number of hours per week and their distribution

they are determined in relation to the planning of courses and needs

functionality of the didactic calendar.

8. The courses of bachelor's or master's degree courses belonging to the same class are normally doubled if, in

compliance with the regulations in force, the number

total number of written students and the capacity of the didactic structures require it.

Teachers responsible for split courses are required to agree and

coordinate their respective teaching and examination programs. The didactic coordination councils

define the criteria for the distribution of students among the

split courses, regulating the possible methods of choice in order to

ensure a balanced and functional division of the relative load.

9. For courses provided for by the didactic regulations of a degree or master's degree course, it is allowed to resort to the

mutation of the same if activated in other courses of study and in any case after ascertaining their functionality and

adequacy with respect to the educational objectives of the course of study. . The loan is approved by the Department

Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, by the School Council with the approval of the

Departments involved in the event that teaching is activated in another degree or master's degree course of the same.

structure. If the mutation concerns a teaching that belongs to

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other structure, the authorization of the latter is required, together with the indication of the

conditions reserved for interested students. In any case, the mutation must ensure

compliance with the requirements for the number of students in accordance with the regulations in force. Mutuals can

also be resolved on courses activated at other universities, as long as they are within the framework of inter-university


Art. 19 - Annual study poster

1. The annual manifesto of studies, aimed at guaranteeing the transparency of the offer

didactics, brings to the attention of students, in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject, the provisions

contained in the teaching regulations and all information relating to the organization of study courses teaching, in the

single annual course sheets as well as all administrative procedures necessary for enrollment, governed by the specific

University regulations for students.

2. The Departments or Schools where they are established publish, on the web page reserved for them on the University

website, the Annual Study Manifesto for the following academic year by 30 June, as well as rules and useful information

to illustrate the planned didactic activities.

3. The teaching structures are required to make known by the beginning of the academic year i

teaching calendars, the detailed programs of the training activities and in particular of the courses activated, the hours

of reception of the teachers, the indications of what is required for the purposes of the exams and for the achievement

of the degree, communicating in time any changes in the information previously

Art. 20 - Access, enrollment, school career

1. To be admitted to a degree course, students must be in possession of a school qualification

upper secondary school required by current legislation or other qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable

according to current legislation. To enroll in a degree course, the possession or acquisition of an adequate one is also


initial preparation.

2. The didactic regulations of the degree courses define the knowledge required for access and determine the methods of

verification, also at the conclusion of the preparatory training activities as indicated in the following paragraph 4. In the

event that the verification is not positive, the competent Departments or Schools, where established, indicate the

specific additional training obligations to be met in the first year of the course; the didactic regulations of the degree

courses determine the relative methods of assessment and may condition enrollment in the second year on the results

of the assessment itself.

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3. Students on restricted access degree courses who have been admitted to the same with a grade
lower than a minimum grade set by the Didactic Coordination Council are assigned additional
educational obligations.
4. The Didactic Coordination Councils promote the development of training activities
preparatory to the verification of the initial preparation of students who access degree courses and
may possibly organize additional training activities in order to facilitate the fulfillment of the
additional educational obligations referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, also working in collaboration
with secondary education institutions, on the basis of specific agreements.

5. In order to be admitted to a Master's degree program, it is necessary to be in possession of a three-

year university degree or diploma, or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable,
without prejudice to the situations governed by
next paragraph 6.

6. Pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 2 of Ministerial Decree 270/2004, for master's degree courses for i
which is not provided for the number programmed by the current legislation on access to university
courses, the teaching systems indicate specific access criteria which must in any case provide for
the possession of curricular requirements and the verification of the adequacy of the student's
personal preparation.
7. The didactic regulations of the master's degree courses define the curricular requirements
indispensable, usually referring to: three-year degree classes, number of credits acquired in certain
scientific-disciplinary sectors and / or skills acquired functional to the training path of the master's
8. The adequacy of personal preparation is verified with procedures defined in the didactic regulations
of each course of study. For those who have achieved high merit results in previous studies, as
long as they are consistent, the verification is intended
positively outdated.
9. To be admitted to single-cycle master's degree courses, it is necessary to have a secondary school
diploma, pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 3, of Ministerial Decree 270/2004.

10. Admission to limited attendance degree courses is governed by the regulations in force and, to the
extent of its competence, by the Board of Directors, subject to the mandatory opinion of the
Academic Senate, on the basis of the proposal of the Department Council concerned or, in case
of several Departments involved, on the proposal of the School Council with the approval of the
Departments involved.
11. The University shall indicate the methods and schedule for the admission tests to limited attendance
courses, together with the requisites required for participation, by 1 July. The Department Council
concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved, the School Council with the approval
of the Departments involved, appoints the Commissions responsible for carrying out the tests. The
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the rankings of these tests are usually made public within eight days of their performance.

12. The Academic Senate annually establishes the opening date for enrollments
and renewal of registrations. They end on 30 September. The Academic Senate

may grant extensions at the above deadline.

13. The Rector, having consulted the Department Directors and the Presidents of the competent
Schools, may grant further exceptions to the established terms provided that the relative requests
are adequately motivated by the didactic coordination councils.
14. In the case of limited attendance study courses, the terms are established annually by the Academic
Senate on the proposal of the Department or, in the case of several Departments involved, by the
School with the approval of the Departments involved.
15. The qualification of student is reserved for those enrolled in activated degree programs who are in
regulates with the registration procedures and the relative payments.
16. Simultaneous enrollment in more than one degree course is not permitted. The student who violates
the aforementioned rule is required to formalize the renunciation of studies for one of the courses
within the deadlines indicated in the University Regulations for students.
17. It is possible to enroll in more advanced courses activated in the same year
academic as long as there is no overlapping of teaching activities.
18. Students enrolled in a bachelor's, master's or master's degree course a
single cycle that has obtained admission to a specialization course, a research doctorate or a
university master's degree, must request the temporary suspension of the career by submitting a
specific application. The suspension must also be requested to attend study courses at foreign
universities or at Italian military training institutes. The student who at the time of suspension

has not completed the years of enrollment in progress, resumes studies with enrollment in the
following year of the course. In the event of deactivation due to the introduction of new systems, the
student must switch to the active system, according to the rules of the course regulations. The
suspension cannot last more than eight academic years.
If the didactic regulations of the study courses provide for forms of periodic verification
of the credits acquired, in order to verify the non-obsolescence of the cognitive contents, the rule
also applies in cases of resumption of studies following suspension. During the period of suspension
of studies, the student cannot carry out any career act or use any didactic and administrative service
relating to the suspended course.
19. Students can temporarily interrupt their studies by not renewing their enrollment for at least one
academic year. In the event that the student has already renewed the enrollment, the interruption of
studies is not allowed during the year. During the period of interruption of studies, the student cannot
carry out any career act or use any didactic and administrative service relating to the interrupted
course. During the interruption period, the student cannot enroll in other courses and / or take
advantage of educational activities. The interruption cannot last more than eight academic years,
except for the periods
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of interruption used pursuant to the contents of art. 8 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of April 9, 2001.
If the didactic regulations of the study courses provide for forms of periodic verification of the credits
acquired, in order to verify the non-obsolescence of the cognitive contents, the rule also applies in
cases of resumption of studies following an interruption.
20. Those who interrupt or suspend their studies, or do not take exams, for a period exceeding eight
consecutive academic years in the year of the last exam or that of the last enrollment in progress,
lose their status as students, if more
The years of enrollment as repeating, interruption or suspension of studies not
interrupt the calculation of the years for the purposes of forfeiture. The student who is in debt for the
final exam alone does not lapse, regardless of the didactic organization of the enrollment course.
The student who, before decaying, requests and obtains the transfer to another course of study does
not incur the forfeiture.
The deceased student can re-enroll in the same or another course of study.
To this end, the competent didactic structure proceeds, at the request of the interested party, to the
evaluation of the credits acquired in the previous career, after verifying that they are not

Art. 21 - Didactic calendar

1. The ordinary period for carrying out lectures, exercises, seminars, laboratory and supplementary
activities is established, as a rule, for each academic year, between 1 October and the following 30
2. Orientation, preparatory, preparation and support activities for official courses, as well as intensive
courses and special activities for students enrolled in degree programs, may also take place in other
periods, provided that it is so approved by the Department Council concerned or, in the case more
Departments involved, by the School Council with the approval of the Departments involved.

3. In compliance with the academic calendar of the University, the periods of development of the
courses, the schedule of lessons, exams and final tests of the course
study are established by the relative manifesto.

4. The exams, and any other type of verification subject to registration, provided for the bachelor's and
master's degree courses can be taken only after the conclusion of the relative courses and are held
in a single session that begins on 1 ° October and ends on the following 30th September. The final
graduation and master's degree tests must take place by 30 April of the following academic year.

For those who achieve their bachelor's or master's degree by that date, the tests to verify the
educational activities must in any case be completed before 1 March of the same year. Provided
they take place by these dates, the tests in question can be
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incurred by students enrolled in the previous academic year without the need for re-enrollment.
The student in good standing with the enrollment and the relative payments can take all the
exams and verification tests for which he / she possesses the certificate of attendance, where
required, and which in any case refer to completed courses and in compliance with any
preparatory requirements. The annual number of appeals, in any case not less than five, and the
their distribution is established for each Department or School, where constituted, by the
respective regulations, generally avoiding overlapping with the lesson periods. The regulations
of the Departments and Schools establish the procedures for determining the calendar of exams
and verification tests for degree and graduate courses.
master's degree. The relative dates, to be fixed taking into account the specific teaching needs
and any preparatory requirements, are usually established 180 days in advance of the tests.
The interval between two successive exams cannot normally be less than two weeks. The final
tests of the bachelor's and master's degree courses take place over at least four exam sessions.

Art. 22 - Study plan

1. The study plan is the set of compulsory educational activities, of the activities envisaged as
optional and of the educational activities chosen independently by the student in accordance
with the didactic regulations of the course of study.
2. Upon enrollment in the first year, the student is automatically awarded a
study plan which constitutes the statutory study plan.
3. Also in order to pursue the adequacy of their personal preparation in view of enrolling in master's
degree courses, students enrolled in a degree course may include in their study plan an
additional teaching to those required for the achievement of the qualification, or more additional
courses involving the acquisition of no more than 12 ECTS. The credits and marks obtained for
additional courses are not included in the calculation of the average mark of the exams but are
recorded in the career of the degree course.

4. The University ensures the orientation services necessary for the exercise of a choice

aware, also by preparing appropriate training courses in the context of

study program regulations.
5. For matters not covered by this article, please refer to the University regulations for

Art. 23 - Profit checks

1. The University Regulations for students regulate the methods for verifying the achievement
aimed at ascertaining the adequate preparation of students enrolled in study courses for
for the continuation of their school career and for the acquisition of credits corresponding to the
training activities provided for in the study plan. These investigations,
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always individual, they must take place in ways that guarantee the deepening, objectivity and
fairness of the assessment in relation to the teaching or training activity and with what is explicitly
required for the purposes of
2. The assessments can give rise to a vote or a simple judgment of
approval or disapproval. The exams can be oral and / or written. For exams and tests that require
a written test it is in any case the right of the student to be able to take an oral test, and it is the
right of the teacher to be able to request that an oral test also be taken. If the written test consists
of multiple choice questions only, the oral test is compulsory.

3. The didactic regulations of the study courses may provide for articulated forms of assessment,
possibly consisting of subsequent tests, including written ones, to be concluded in any case with
a final judgment. For a course consisting of several modules, the assessment test is unique. It is
possible to foresee a single test for several
coordinated teaching. In these cases, the teachers holding the coordinated courses participate
collectively in the overall assessment of the student's achievement which cannot, however, be
divided into separate assessments. In the case of courses consisting of several coordinated
modules or coordinated courses, the teachers participate collectively.

4. Both in the case of single tests and in that of subsequent tests referred to in paragraph 3, the
publicity of the same, if oral, and the possibility of accessing the results of the same, if written,
must be guaranteed.
5. In each degree course, no more than 20 final exams or final assessments can be envisaged; a
total of no more than 12 exams or final assessments of achievement cannot be envisaged in
each Master's degree program; in each single-cycle master's degree program, no more than 30
exams in total can be envisaged, in the case of courses lasting five years, more than 36 exams,
in the case of courses lasting six years. In counting the exams or final assessments, the basic,
characterizing, similar or supplementary training activities chosen independently by the student
must be considered. The exams or assessments of achievement related to these latter activities
can be considered in the count as corresponding to a unit. The

assessments relating to the training activities referred to in letters e), f), g) and h) of art. 10, as
well as those relating to the activities referred to in letters e), f) and g) of art. 11 of Ministerial
Decree 270/2004 are not considered for the purposes of counting the exams.
6. Assessments of training activities that do not give rise to evaluation of profit
they must be certified by the President of the didactic coordination council
7. In order to pass the exam it is necessary to achieve a minimum score of 18 out of thirty. The
possible attribution of honors, in addition to the maximum score of 30 out of thirty, is subject to
the unanimous evaluation of the Commission or
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examining subcommittee. The assessment of insufficiency is not accompanied by

8. The commissions for the exams are appointed by the Director of the Department or by the President of the School where

established, after consulting the official professors of the subject for

bachelor's and master's degree courses; on the proposal of the Directors of the Schools of

Specialization with regard to the latter.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Articles of Association, the Commissions are composed of at least two members. If

the teaching load requires it, they can be divided into


The examining committees are chaired by the official professor of the subject or,

in the case of courses with several modules, by the professor indicated in the appointment provision.
Each Commission is made up of the President and a second member. The second component can be a full professor

or an adjunct professor or a

researcher of the same scientific sector - disciplinary or of similar sectors. In case of

inability to identify another figure, this may be the President of the Board of
didactic coordination.

In cases of high number of students enrolled in the exam or documented request

of the President, they can support the examining Commission, experts on the subject,

with the necessary qualification, recognized annually by the competent

Department Council on the proposal of the Didactic Coordination Council.

9. In case of absence or impediment of the President, he is replaced by a professor

tenured or by an adjunct professor.

10. The President of the Examining Commission for the proficiency tests is responsible for the

related minutes. The reporting procedures are governed by the Regulations

University students.

11. The exam calendar is established for each course according to the procedures set out in article 21 of these Regulations.

12. Once fixed, the starting date of the appeal cannot be anticipated. Any change in the date of the start of the appeal must

be made known as quickly as possible.

Art. 24 - Study periods abroad by University students

1. Activities carried out abroad by students enrolled at the University, as part of exchange programs with foreign university
institutions and / or research centers, are

recognized as valid for the purposes of the school career and can give rise to the acquisition of
training credits, provided that these activities are carried out in compliance with the rules referred to in
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this article and the specific decisions of the Departments or Schools

2. The following can be recognized as study activities carried out abroad:

- attendance of teaching courses;

- passing exams;
- training activities related to the preparation of the final exam for the achievement of the
title, and of the thesis in the case of a master's degree course, possibly with the assistance of a
foreign teacher;
- laboratory activities, internships, attendance at hospital wards and
research carried out for the preparation of the Specialization and PhD theses, according to the decisions of
the collegial body that coordinates the course of study to which the student concerned belongs.

3. The determination of the credits that can be acquired following the performance of the aforementioned
activities carried out abroad is the responsibility of the collegiate body that coordinates the course of
study to which the student interested in recognition belongs.
4. The collegiate body that coordinates the course of study to which the student concerned belongs recognizes the
credits acquired and the marks obtained also on the basis of equalization tables.

5. It is a condition for the recognition of the study program carried out abroad and of the
related credits that the same has been previously approved by the body that coordinates the course of study to
which the student concerned belongs, also after delegation to one or more of its members. The body is required
to deliberate in time for the purposes of activating the study program. The study program, approved by the
collegiate body that coordinates the course of study to which the student concerned belongs, must take into
account the effective sustainability with respect to the period and the location abroad, as well as the
correspondence with the teaching activities provided

from the University.

Art. 25 - Admission to single teaching courses

1. University students enrolled at foreign universities are allowed to follow single courses activated at the University
and to support within the academic year of
competence in the related exams, receiving regular certification, including the indication of the educational
credits achieved and any grade. The law applies both in the context of international mobility programs and
agreements governed by reciprocity conditions, and on the individual initiative of students who will be able to
enroll after any verification and approval by the consular authorities.

competent of their respective positions.

2. They can enroll in single courses activated at the University, also for cultural updating or integration of their
professional skills,
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people who are not enrolled in any degree program at the University as long as they have the qualifications required

for admission. The relative exams must be taken within the relevant academic year and will give rise to a regular

certification, including the indication of the credits obtained. It is allowed

enrollment in a maximum of two teaching courses in each academic year.

3. Graduates who need to attend courses and pass exams in disciplines not included in the study plans followed for the

attainment of the degree but which, according to the provisions in force, are useful for the degree may enroll in single

courses. enrollment in master's degrees or requests for admission to specialization courses or public competitions. In

such cases, enrollment in courses is allowed for a maximum of 30 credits per academic year.

4. The contribution to be paid in the case of admission to one or more courses is established

annually by the Board of Directors.

5. Further provisions on the subject are established by the University Regulations for

Art. 26 - Final exam and achievement of academic qualifications

1. The qualification is awarded after passing a final exam. The methods of development, the activities envisaged for

obtaining the degree and the evaluation criteria for each type of final exam, also in relation to the impact to be

attributed to the curriculum of the studies followed, are governed by the didactic regulations of the course of study, in

compliance with of what is regulated in the following paragraphs of this article. The methods for determining the score

are governed by the students' regulations.

2. The commitment foreseen for the preparation of the final exam must be commensurate with the number of credits

attributed to it, which determines the actual time to be used for its preparation.

3. The score assigned to the final examination of the degree must in any case ensure an evaluation of the entire course of

study with particular regard to the timing of credit acquisition, cultural maturity and personal intellectual processing


4. In order to obtain the master's degree, the presentation and discussion of a thesis prepared by the student in an original

way under the guidance of a


5. The final exam can be held in a foreign language; likewise, the thesis or any other written documents can be written in

a foreign language. The methods of carrying out and identifying the language are governed by the study program


6. The Study Program Regulations govern the methods of organizing the final exams, including the procedures for

assigning the topics of the written papers and theses and the methods for designating the supervising professors and

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together with their responsibilities, ensuring both the widest use of available skills and a balanced
distribution of loads among teachers.
7. The composition of the Commissions for the evaluation of the final graduation, master's degree
and specialization diploma exams, together with the calendar of their work, is established by the
Director of the Department or by the President of the School, where
made up.

8. The Final Examination Commissions for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees are made up of at least
five members, up to a maximum of eleven. The Final Exam Commissions for the Specialization
Diploma are made up of at least 3 members. The
Commissions are made up of at least 2/3 of professors and permanent researchers
of the University.

9. For the degree exams, specific Commissions for the preliminary evaluation of the activities carried
out for the preparation of the final exam may be envisaged, according to the procedures indicated
in the regulations of the Didactic Coordination Councils.
10. The Regulations of the Didactic Coordination Councils establish the modalities for the possible
assignment of the tasks of co-supervisor and member of the Commission of selection to external
experts, as experts on the subject. The scientific and / or professional qualification of these
experts in relation to the dissertation or dissertations under examination must be ascertained by
the Department or by the School where constituted, according to the procedures provided for by
the respective regulations.
11. President of the Commission of selection is the professor with the highest tenure and, with the
same role, the professor with the greatest seniority in the role; with the same seniority in the role,
the professor with the greatest age of seniority will be president. He is responsible for ensuring
the full regularity of the test and compliance with the assessments
conclusive to the general criteria established in this article.
12. The President appoints the secretary in charge of the Commission from among the members of the Commission
13. In order to pass the bachelor's and master's degree exams, a minimum score of 66 points must
be achieved. The possible attribution of honors, in addition to the maximum score of 110 points,
is subject to the ascertained relevance of the results achieved by the candidate and to the
unanimous evaluation of the Commission.
14. In order to pass the exam for the specialization diploma, it is necessary to achieve a minimum
score of 42 points. The maximum score is 70 points, to which honors can be added subject to
results of particular relevance and in
following a unanimous assessment by the Commission.
15. The discussion of the final graduation exams, where required, of the master's degree and
specialization is public and public is the act of proclamation of the final result.
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Art. 27 - Orientation and tutoring activities

1. The University promotes, through a special structure, orientation and information activities of its own educational offer both

in entry, aimed at students in the last years of upper secondary schools, and in itinere aimed at enrolled students; it also

promotes outgoing orientation initiatives and activities aimed at facilitating the insertion into the world of work of those

who have obtained qualifications at

the University.

2. The guidance services also perform the functions of observatory of the demand for

Art. 28 - Technologies for didactic innovation, multimedia and distance education

1. The University recognizes the primary importance for its mission of the transformations underway in learning communities,

deriving from the growing diffusion of information and communication technologies and promotes forms of multimedia

and distance education, both by carrying them out independently and participating in research and production in this field

in collaboration with public and private entities on a national and international level.

2. In relation to the needs of its study courses and research activities in the field of information and communication

technologies, with particular but not exclusive regard for teaching innovation, the University promotes the creation of

classrooms and of laboratories equipped with the necessary instruments for multimedia applications

and at a distance.

Art. 29 - Transfers and course changes

1. Transfers and course changes are governed by the University regulations for

Art. 30 - Recognition of credits

1. In compliance with current regulations, the Department Council concerned or, in the case of several Departments involved,

the School Council with the approval of the Departments

involved resolves on the recognition of credits in cases of transfer from another university

Italian or foreign, passing from another study course or carrying out parts of training activities in another Italian or foreign

university, also through the assignment of an individual study plan. The competent didactic structures. The same structures

they also decide on the recognition of the previous career of students who have already obtained a degree at the

University or in another Italian university and who request, at the same time as enrolling, the abbreviation of their studies.

This can be
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granted after evaluation and validation of the educational credits obtained considered recognizable
in relation to the chosen course of study.
2. Academic qualifications obtained at foreign universities can be recognized for the purpose of
continuing university studies in accordance with the regulations in force.
3. The knowledge and professional skills certified in accordance with current legislation on the subject,
as well as other knowledge and skills gained in post-secondary level training activities which the
University of Milan -
Bicocca has competed, may be recognized as credits, to the extent established by the didactic
regulations of the courses of study, in any case within the limit defined by
law, and according to predetermined criteria in the course regulations. The recognition must be
made exclusively on the basis of the skills demonstrated by each
student. Collectively attributed forms of recognition are excluded.

4. The detailed rules for the recognition of credits are contained in the didactic regulations of the study
courses and, for administrative aspects, in the University regulations.
for students.

Art. 31 - Part-time students

1. The Department Councils or Schools, where constituted on the basis of the directives of the
Academic Senate and the Board of Directors, define the organizational methods of the training
activities for students working part-time in order to ensure the acquisition of skills.

2. The detailed discipline for part-time students is envisaged for administrative aspects, in the
University regulations for students.

Art. 32 - Teaching duties of teachers

1. The attribution of annual teaching tasks to professors and researchers, including supplementary
teaching activities, guidance and tutoring, is the responsibility of the Department Council or the
Councils of associated Departments, in agreement with the School, where established,
on the proposal of the Didactic Coordination Councils in charge of the study courses that they
report, in compliance with the regulations in force on the legal status of university teachers.

2. Professors and researchers are required to ensure annually, within the scope of the objectives and
forms of coordination exercised pursuant to the previous point and according to the hourly
commitment established by the relevant legal status regulations,
conducting lectures, exercises and seminars, forms of individual and guided teaching, orientation
and tutoring activities, participation in commissions for the assessment of profit and for the awarding
of qualifications, ensuring constant availability to the relationship with students and fulfilling any
other activity governed in these Regulations and in the regulations of the individual structures. If
for reasons of health or
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office, or for any other legitimate impediment, the professor or researcher cannot momentarily perform the above
tasks, these must be fulfilled, at the request of the person in charge, by another teacher, or postponed. In the
latter case, the responsible teacher must ensure that the students are promptly notified. If the duration of the
absence is more than one week, the Director of the Department to which the degree course is assigned must be
informed, who is responsible for verifying, in agreement with the President of the Didactic Coordination Council
concerned, the adequacy of the solution. temporary adopted and in any case ensure the continuity of teaching.

3. Professors and researchers are required to certify their lectures and seminars, exercises and any teaching activities
in specialization schools and research doctorate programs, noting the topics covered and the times of the course
on a daily basis. The certification, which also has the purpose of providing elements to better commensurate the
distribution of the teaching load among the various structures of the University and

between these and those of other universities - is made on a special online register, to be completed in any case
within 30 days from the end of the academic year. These registers are accessible, on request, to the President of
the Didactic Coordination Council and to the head of the didactic structure, who, at the end of the activity, will
forward it to the competent offices. The teacher will also certify, according to the survey methods determined by
the Academic Senate, the accomplishment of the other didactic, orientation and organizational tasks assigned to
him in accordance with the regulations in force.

Art. 33 - Evaluation of the didactic activity

1. The procedures for self-assessment, evaluation and accreditation of study courses

are implemented in accordance with current legislation on the matter.

2. The overall results and the qualitative level of the University's teaching activities are subject to periodic analysis by
the University Evaluation Unit, also using external experts.

Art. 34 - Supervision of didactic activity

1. The duties of supervision on the didactic activities that belong to the Departments are
exercised by the respective Directors.
2. Facts and behaviors that are considered irregular or that appear to be non-compliance with the rules and
procedures set out in these Regulations must be reported by the interested parties - in the case of students,
also through their elected representatives - to the President of the competent Coordination Council. which
informs the Director of the Department to whom the course of study belongs. It is up to the latter
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verify in the first instance, within 30 days, after consulting the persons to whom the facts and behaviors object
of the reports refer, the validity of the same and adopt the consequent measures.

3. Cases of particular gravity must in any case be reported to the Rector.

Art. 35 - Disciplinary sanctions

1. Students are required to comply with the law, statutory and regulatory provisions and with the provisions issued
by the competent authorities for the correct performance of the teaching and administrative activity.

2. Students are required to behave, even in the immediate vicinity of the university premises, in such a way as not
to damage the dignity and decorum of the university institution.
3. Without prejudice to the application of the criminal and civil sanctions provided for by current legislation, actions
and behaviors in violation of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 entail the application of disciplinary sanctions
against the offender (s).
4. Disciplinary sanctions are:

a) Admonition.
b) Temporary disqualification from one or more didactic activities.
c) Exclusion from one or more exams for one or more exam sessions. d) Temporary suspension from the

5. Collective demonstrations and any other form of student protest do not constitute a disciplinary offense, provided
that they take place in compliance with the rights of those who do not adhere to them and without prejudice to
persons and things in accordance with articles 17 and 18
of the Constitution.

6. Disciplinary sanctions are imposed by decree of the Rector in compliance with the
procedure referred to in article 36 below.
7. Disciplinary measures are recorded in the student's academic career e
transcribed in the discharge papers.

Art. 36 - Disciplinary procedure

1. The application of all sanctions is subject to cross examination with the student, under penalty of
nullity of the sanction imposed.

2. The warning is given in writing by the Rector, after consulting the student, on the basis of a report prepared for
this purpose, signed by the person who detected the infringement and countersigned as acknowledgment by
the head of the structure in which checked on

3. Temporary disqualification from one or more didactic activities and exclusion from one or more exam sessions
are decided by the Department or School Council,
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where constituted, upon written and detailed notification of the charges to be made at least 10 days before the meeting

of the Board. The student can present his defense in writing and ask to be heard in the session of the competent body.

Each resolution is passed by a majority of those present. In the case of students belonging to interdepartmental

courses, the resolution is taken by the Academic Senate.

In all cases, the decision is ratified by the Academic Senate.

4. The temporary suspension from the University, whose duration cannot exceed three years, is approved by the Academic

Senate in compliance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 3 above.

5. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, the notification of the charge to the student must be made within 20 days

from knowledge of the infringement. The disciplinary proceedings must be completed within 120 days.

6. A single appeal to the Rector is envisaged against the resolutions of the collegial bodies

who decides within 60 days from the filing of the appeal.

Art. 37 - Transitional and final provisions

1. Once the required procedures have been completed, these Regulations enter into force with effect
from the date of issue of the relative Rector's decree. The structures concerned are

required to comply by the 2017-2018 academic year.

2. The Regulation applies in any case, as far as pertinent, to the Degree Programs established or transformed and activated

and regulated pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004 and subsequent

ministerial measures.

3. The University ensures the conclusion of the study courses and the issuance of the relative qualifications, according to

the didactic systems previously in force, to students already enrolled on the date of entry into force of the new didactic

systems and also regulates the faculty for the latter to opt, upon request, for enrollment in courses of study organized

according to
the new regulations.

4. For anything not indicated in relation to the administrative procedures relating to the management of students' careers,

please refer to the specific University regulations for students in accordance with the provisions of art. 11 paragraph 9

of Ministerial Decree 270/2004 and these Regulations.

5. The provisions contained in these Didactic Regulations are widely publicized within the University with specific

communications via the website

of the university.

6. The effectiveness of this decree is subject to the updating of the database

ministerial reference.

Decree n. 0040884/17 THE RECTOR (signed)

Registered on 04/07/2017 Prof. Maria Cristina MASS

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