AT3-SITXCOM005 - Assignment

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Assessment Task 3

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict

Assessment Submission details:

1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:

• Your Name
• Your Student Id
• Your Trainer’s name
• Title of your Assessment
• Assessment Due Date
• Actual Submission Date
Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.

2. This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this assignment
to keep consistency among all the assessments:

Body text Page setup

• Font: Times New Roman • Top: 2.54 cm

• Font size: 12 point • Bottom: 2.54 cm
• Line spacing: Double • Left: 3.17 cm
• Text style: Normal • Right: 3.17 cm
• Header: 1.25 cm
• Footer: 1.25 cm

3. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
4. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details:
In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.

Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

• Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

• Correctly address all of the submission instructions
• Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
• Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Assessment Activity 3 1|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Performance objective:

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance
criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

a) Resolve escalated complaints or disputes with customers in relation to at least three of the following
o delays or poor timing of product or service supply
o incorrect pricing of product or service
o delays or errors in providing product or service
o misunderstanding of customer request or communication barrier
o problem or fault with product or service
o refused entry or ejection from premises
b) Resolve team member disputes in relation to at least two of the following complex matters:
o dispute or argument among work colleagues
o job duties or rosters
o lack of competence
o worker mistake
o dismissal
o cultural misunderstanding
c) Take appropriate action in response to at least two of the following threat or conflict situations:
o customer refusing to leave or be pacified
o drug or alcohol-affected person
o person who appears to be violent or are threatening
o people involved in physical violence
o person with gun or arms
o situation where someone has been or may be hurt
Use a range of conflict-resolution techniques and communication skills when seeking to resolve above

Assessment description:

Part A
You will be observed demonstrating how you resolve 3 escalated complaints or disputes (to be selected from
the list below/” Nature of problem”) with customers. When solving the complaints or disputes you are required
to apply a range of conflict-resolution techniques and communication skills

Instance Date Duration from ... to... Nature of problem (3 must be selected in total for instances)

Instance 1:

delays or poor timing of product or service supply

incorrect pricing of product or service

delays or errors in providing product or service

misunderstanding of customer request or communication

Assessment Activity 3 2|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology

problem or fault with product or service

refused entry or ejection from premises

Brief Overview of the nature of problem

Work or Service Context:

Instance 2: Nature of problem (3 must be selected in total for instances)

delays or poor timing of product or service supply

incorrect pricing of product or service

delays or errors in providing product or service

misunderstanding of customer request or communication


problem or fault with product or service

refused entry or ejection from premises

Brief Overview of the matter/problem:

Work or Service

Assessment Activity 3 3|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Instance 3: Nature of problem (3 must be selected in total for instances)

delays or poor timing of product or service supply

incorrect pricing of product or service

delays or errors in providing product or service

misunderstanding of customer request or communication


problem or fault with product or service

refused entry or ejection from premises

Brief Overview of the matter/problem:

Work or Service

Part B
You will be observed demonstrating how you resolve 2 team member disputes (to be selected from the list
below/” Nature of problem”) with customers. When solving the complaints or disputes you are required to
apply a range of conflict-resolution techniques and communication skills.

Instance Date Duration from ... Matter/problem (2 must be selected in total for instances)


dispute or argument among work colleagues

job duties or rosters

lack of competence

worker mistake

Assessment Activity 3 4|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology

cultural misunderstanding

Brief Overview of the matter/problem:

Work or Service

Instance 2: Matter/problem (2 must be selected in total for instances)

dispute or argument among work colleagues

job duties or rosters

lack of competence

worker mistake


cultural misunderstanding

Brief Overview of the matter/problem:

Assessment Activity 3 5|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology
Work or Service

Part C
You will be observed demonstrating how you take appropriate action during 2 threat or conflict situations.
When seeking to solve or manage the relevant situations, you are required to apply a range of conflict-
resolution techniques and communication skills.

Instance Date Duration from ... to... Threat/Conflict (2 must be selected in total for instances)

Instance 1:

customer refusing to leave or be pacified

drug or alcohol-affected person

person who appears to be violent or are


people involved in physical violence

person with gun or arms

situation where someone has been or may be hurt

Brief Overview of the matter/problem:

Work or Service

Assessment Activity 3 6|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology

Instance 2: Threat/Conflict (2 must be selected in total for instances)

customer refusing to leave or be pacified

drug or alcohol-affected person

person who appears to be violent or are


people involved in physical violence

person with gun or arms

situation where someone has been or may be hurt

Brief Overview of the matter/problem:

Work or Service

Assessment Activity 3 7|P a g e

SITXCOM005 Manage conflict
© Nova Institute of Technology

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