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Module 2

What is dating? What is courtship? Before I really thought dating and courtship

were the same, but turns out they’re different. Dating is when you go out and meet

people and get to know them. A date can be just for fun or can be serious, it depends

on the two people if they’re looking for a serious relationship or not. Once you find a

person you think can have a future with, courtship comes in. Courtship is the dating

period in a couple’s relationship before their engagement and marriage. During this

time, they get to know each other deeper and decide whether or not they should marry.

This part in the relationship is very important because as you get to know more about

your partner you also get to know if they are the right person for you to marry. You’ll find

out if both you and your partner and your relationship have the traits for a good and

lasting marriage.

Marriage is the union of two people as partners in a relationship. This means they

are bound together for the rest of their lives. But no marriage is perfect and sometimes it

leads to separation or divorce. To prevent this your relationship should have a good

foundation. One of the fundamental foundation of a successful marriage life is

commitment, the unwavering devotion to your relationship and your partner.

Commitment in a relationship is very important. When there is commitment in a

relationship then it means you and your partner are really dedicated to take care of your

relationship and let it grow. Being in a committed relationship will help deepen the love

for each other and and can also serve as a safety net to protect your marriage in times
of conflict. Commitment in marriage comes in different forms. People can be committed

because of faith or a faith commitment. It is when couple’s commitment to each other

and their relationship is founded by their commitment to God. Another is an accepting

commitment, which is respecting and seeing each other as an equal, no one is above or

below the other. And to maintain an equal and respectful relationship learn to

understand each other and accept your differences. Third is an exclusive commitment,

which means that between the two people neither one is romantically pursuing other

partners and that they are only bound with one another. Another is the continuing

commitment, which refers to commitment as a continuous devotion or dedication to your

partner and relationship. It means you are both committed to one another no matter

what happens, continuously working to have a meaningful relationship and working

through anything with your partner and keeping the relationship moving forward. All

these forms of commitment help in having a successful marriage.

In the film “License To Wed”, it can be seen how important commitment is. The

couple in the movie were made to do the reverend’s prenuptial course and made them

do things that will ensure their union will have a solid foundation. This made them

experience what it is like when conflicts and stress arise in their relationship and their

commitment was tested. First I thought Sadie and Ben weren’t that committed in the

relationship. I thought Sadie shouldn’t have given up and called off the wedding like that

but then I realized that maybe she just did what’s best for both of them and just because

she gave up doesn’t mean she wasn’t committed. I can’t really blame her if her

commitment to their relationship faltered because a relationship will not work if only one
of you seems to be committed to the relationship, both people should work for the

relationship. But Ben proved that he is committed when he followed Sadie and didn’t

give up on their relationship even though his friend told him to. In the end, Sadie forgave

him and they still ended up getting married. This goes to show that when there is

commitment in the relationship, any couple can pass through all the problems they’re

going to face.

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