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My experience on Social unrest was in 2017 when protesting in Eldorado Park

turned violent. Shops got looted the violent protest started occurring in other
communities such as Kliptown, Klipsruit, Freedom Park and Devland.
The protest took place due to lack of service delivery and the lack of housing.
Shops such as Shoprite, Spar and garage got looted by young people. Police
intervention was high people were told to stay indoors of they weren’t out
paying goods, people could not also go to work.

I was 15 years old at the time, my aunt was on the executive board of the
community police forum so through her I was active in a way. I helped her
during that time, a sending out information about the event, informing Spaza
shops to close early so they cannot be targeted. I also shared information to
peers and my teachers at school.

I learned that dialogue is always the best solution but education is imperative
especially political education cause not many people know the system of
government but I learned that at times protest is a way for communities to get
listened to.

2. My family understood the scope of the disaster as we were actively involved

in keeping the situation under control. We tried to cope with the situation by
trying to stay calm, stay indoors from a certain time, shops was accessible at
some point.

3. I communicated and share information through WhatsApp, social media

networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Social media was a great tool for
4. Social media, news, radio and even newspapers are effective to reach a large
number of people. Through the news and social media weather services and
government institutions can send out early warning signs about disasters and
when will disasters strike. For example Facebook has a tool where people can
mark themselves safe during a disaster it also inform people where the disaster
took place.

5. The platforms that I am aware of for disasters is the South African Weather
services, policies that are in place is the Disaster Management Act of 2000.
People of power would be your Minister of Co-Operative Governance and
Traditional Affairs and the MEC of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional
Affairs for National and Provincial disasters at a local sphere would be your
Ward Councillor and non profit organizations at times. We have other
organizations such as the international red cross. I don’t believe South Africa
has emergency centers as we see that people get placed last minute either in
churches or government sets up an emergency center.

6. The information that is needed for when a disaster hit is how to cope with a
disaster, disaster management, first aid, information on who to contact during a
disaster, information about policies, evacuation sites.
The skills and abilities needed are:
• Logistics and communications
• Team organizations
• Calmness
• Confidence
• Time management
• Cooperation
• Critical thinking and decision making

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