Kenzo Tange: Site Plan Architect'S Background

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After experiencing their grandeur, trying TOKYO, JAPAN Structural materials are materials used primarily for mechanical properties as
DEFINITION OF ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING MATERIALS: well as to support the building. This includes the responses of the material to an
to reach the sky, and their ineffably
mystical spaces, I began to imagine new Architectural materials are mainly applied force, whether elastic or plastic, hardness and resistance. The 2
spaces, and I wanted to create them used to enhance appearance for structural materials analyzed are
using modern technology. KENZO TANGE aesthetic reasons. The 5 stainless steel frame and reinforced concrete. ELEVATIONS
-Kenzo Tange architectural materials analyzed
SITE PLAN are sandstone, galvanized
aluminium, Italian marble,
ARCHITECT'S BACKGROUND concrete slab and stained glass.
Kenzo Tange ( 丹下健三 , Tange Kenzō, 1. Baptismal Font
September 4, 1913 - March 22, 2005) .He was 2. Bust of St. Francis
one of the most significant architects of the Xavier
20th century, combining traditional Japanese
3. Statue of the Pieta
styles with modernity and designing 4. The Holy Cross
MATERIALS LEGEND Wear with iron bolts, which are held with
magnificent structures on five continents.In
5. The Altar iron-shaped bolts. It is used on the roof
addition, he was a member of CIAM (Congres 6. Altar of the Virgin Mary
due to improved corrosion resistance
Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne) in the 7. The Organ that protects the building from many
1950s. His career spanned the entire second 8. Bell Tower 4 different hard climatic conditions. This
half of the 20th century and created 9. Grotto of Lourdes 3 helps to reduce the CO2 footprint in the
numerous striking buildings in Tokyo like environment as it is nearly 100%
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Yoyogi 1. SANDSTONE 5 and 6
National Gymnasium, Fuji TV Building, and St. 1964 2541 m²
Mary's Cathedral. Furthermore, influenced (ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL) The exterior facade draws Resistant to corrosion, environmentally
from an early age by the Swiss modernist, Le attention to itself with metallic friendly, low maintenance, permanent,
Corbusier, Tange gained international FLOOR LAYOUT/PLAN attractive appearance.
tones, which are particularly
recognition in 1949 when he won the
dazzling on a sunny day, the
competition for the design of Hiroshima Peace 3. GALVANIZED ALUMINIUM
interior captivates with gloomy
Memorial Park. In 1954, he received Royal
Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British
tones and unfinished textures, very (ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL)
similar to the Japanese concept of
Architects and received the AIA Gold Medal
Wabi-Sabi, which represents the
in 1966. In 1987 he was also awarded the
aesthetic enjoyment of things. It is
Pritzker Architecture Prize, and in 1993 he
also used in the works of other
received the Japan Art Association’s
architects, such as the famous
Praemium Imperiale prize for architecture. In
Church of Light by Tadao Ando.
2005, his funeral was held in this work of his,
St. Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo, Japan.
It has durability. fire-
resistant, and possesses
BUILDING'S BACKGROUND The main cladding and façade of the
St. Mary's Cathedral is the seat of the Roman building, where the roof is replaced
Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo and is located with an aluminium frame for easy
in the Sekiguchi neighbourhood of Bunkyo, repair, helps protect the metal from
Tokyo, Japan. Built-in 1964 and covers an area rust and corrosion, which is very
of ​2541 m². The concept takes the form of a important for exteriors exposed to
bird with outstretched wings. The building is elements and conditions.
modernist and metabolism, influenced by Le
Corbusier. The layout of the building is in the Anti-corrosive, anti-corrosion,
shape of a cross where 8 hyperbolic extremely durable, economical, ideal
parabolas rise up as a contemporary for outdoor use and fireproof.
landmark of the cathedral.
In 1945 a fire caused by an air attack in World Supported by iron bolts.
War II destroyed the formerly wooden Gothic
church. In 1960, Kenzo Tange won the tender
for the reconstruction of the modern St. Mary's
Cathedral in Tokyo, Japan.
In 2007, Taisei Construction Co. and Tange
Associates began restoration work mainly on
the roof due to the ingress of rainwater over
the years, causing the bolts that hold the outer
steel panels to rust, which would lead to rust.
This would pose a high risk of major accidents
by strong winds.
Modernist is based on innovative building technologies,
functionalism, minimalism, rejection of ornament. Process of scaffolding the (STRUCTURAL MATERIAL) Light
“METABOLISM” consisted of using architecture as a tool concrete structure effects on
for the possible change in society. the
8 The concrete curved walls hold the entire structure as a roof and walls
1. SANDSTONE, Unfinished texture like the Japanese St. Mary's
concept of "Wasasabi" which is in complete contrast that support the cathedral. Use to pick up the tension of the traction and
to the shiny metal wings. minimize the width of the cracks developed.
, Tokyo,
2. ITALIAN MARBLE, It comes from Italy's rich stone Japan.
The printing force of 10,000 psi, fire resist, permanently of adverse
heritage, which is considered superior due to its
quantities such as purity, durability and beautiful weather conditions.
The roof , the window with skylights and the large cross shape are
white colour.
the only places where natural light comes in, its design is best
Concrete with steel reinforcements in a huge framework.
3. STAINED GLASS, It lets light to penetrate into the perceived from the outside.
dark room, creates contrasts and reinforces the
symbolism of the church as a religious space. The stained glass allows the classic dramatization
Depicts biblical scenes, communicates biblical 4. ITALIAN MARBLE Once the design has been completed, the structural drawings will start to produce and the 7. STAINED GLASS of light resulting in the Roman churches. The
stories, Christian beliefs and improves the visual
appearance and spatial qualities.
(ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL) concrete and reinforcing steel quantities are estimated as well as the amount of (ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL) painted details and yellow spots are used to
formwork and shoring.
improve the design.
4. GALVANIZED ALUMINIUM, The reflection on the Surely after that, will start to place reinforcement steel and supply the concrete that meets
facade is like a shiny dress. Visible crystals in the The glass stims are arranged so that they form
the specific climate. The concrete formwork and shoring will start to place to support the
siding create a mottled aesthetic known as a patterns or persistent images by lead strips and
"spangle". Properties such as corrosion resistance, weight of the wet concrete and other construction loads. After that, will start to place
are worn by a rigid frame.
durability and long-term economy make it ideal for concrete and the curing process will undergo to gain the required design strength.
outdoor use.
Alkali, silica and lead oxide. The colour is generated
5. STAINLESS STEEL FRAME, used to support the by adding metal oxide to raw materials when
roof with properties such as corrosion resistance, After going through the procedures above, a proper reshoring sequence must be specified
long life, ease of maintenance and also to prevent sustained loads from being prematurely applied to green concrete merged.
environmental friendliness.
It is used as a flooring of the altar (concrete that has not attained design strength) CONCLUSION:
platform. It is important to be In my opinion, I believe that the way these
6. CONCRETE, open and raw, in contrast to the
additive surface. It feels like getting under your superior due to its durability, purity materials are chosen can create a living unit
skin and makes you feel calm. It shows a dramatic and beautiful white colour. that can use by all people which unites
spectacle in contact with light that penetrates
through openings or windows on the sides of the 5.CONCRETE SLAB technology and humanity. All the materials
cross. chosen are specifically to expose the muscles,
(ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL) bones, and skin of the St. Mary's Cathedral,
Tokyo, Japan. In addition, the light effects on
the curved walls make the interior atmosphere
extremely enveloping as Kenzo Tange
conceived this church as a concrete structure,
simple in concept and complex in shape, which
recalls the lightness of a bird and its wings.

In conclusion, Kenzo Tange had used these

materials to their full potential to combines a
Japanese theme with oriental culture and
sensitivity and resolves the complexity of the
project, and this make it become the brilliant
The different wing heights create a dynamic architecture ever of his.
shape in the sky. The reflection of the sunlight on the stainless REFERENCES:
steel outer cladding looks like a shimmering
The highest wing is 39.41 m high 1. Giannotti.A (2021, March 3). "AD Classics: St.Mary
dress on the hard concrete slabs. Although Cathedral/ Kenzo Tange". Retrieved from:
the cladding is monochrome, the curves
increase the dynamism of the structure. All of cathedral-kenzo-tange
this makes the church an emblematic 2. Carlos Zeballos (2020, December 17). "Kenzo Tange: St.
Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo.". Retrieved from:
building. in the dense urban context of Tokyo.
3. ArchEyes (2020, November 1). 'St. Mary's Cathedral in
It is believed that raw materials have a sense Tokyo / Kenzo Tange". Retrieved from:
of holiness required without ornaments.
Symbolized biblical concepts of concretized or)
and explicit strength. Reflection in stainless 4. Shuzhi. V.A.P.B. (2018, October 7), “St. Mary Cathedral /
steel looks like a bright dress on concrete Kenzo Tange“. Retrieved from:
The bell tower is 60 meters high and the slabs.
5.“Saint Mary's Cathedral of Tokyo - Data, Photos & Plans“
concrete walls are integrated into the
(2018, April 10). Retrieved from:
concept. At first glance, all sides of the hood It offers a sacred sensation, high tensile
appear flat but are actually hyperbolic and strength, durability, different tools, infinity. cathedral-of-tokyo/
the corners form a straight line.

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