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Patient Name : Ms.


Age/Gender : 22/Female ICMR ID : --

LRN : 3834485 Sample Drawn Date : 30/07/2022 02:58:52 PM

Refered By : Dr. CMO ON DUTY Sample Regd. Date : 30/07/2022 05:08:08 PM

Location : Delhi - Sarita Vihar Sample Auth Date : 31/07/2022 12:54:00 PM

COVID 19(SARSCoV-2 genomic)RTPCR Assay-



Argene SARS CoV-2 R-gene,

Biomerieux, France

Info-The RT-PCR test presently being conducted is qualitative In nature. C values may give a rough estimate of viral load. There are no reliable studies to
definitively prove a direct correlation between disease severity / infectiousness and CT values. Viral load does not have much role in patient management.CT
values differ from kit to kIt, lab to lab, Collection process, Transportation, Viral transport media and other factors.

Target N gene DETECTED Target RdRp gene (SARS-CoV-2 DETECTED

DETECTED specific RNA)

Notes: Please note that the above mentioned genes with Ct value less than or equal to 35 show good sigmoidal RTPCR curve

The test is a Multi-gene RT PCR assay that targets three different genomic regions specific to SARS-CoV-2.

Additional confirmatory testing is required with a new specimen, if repeated indeterminate results are obtained.

Negative Result does not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for patient management decisions. Kindly repeat test after 48 to 72h if
clinically/radiologically suspected or have indeterminate results.

Borderline (weak) positives (Ct values 32-35) should repeat the test after 2-3 days for accurate diagnosis as this can happen during waxing or waning phase of infection.

Ct values may differ lab to lab, kit type, collection process and various pre-analytical factors.

Ct values may indicate a rough estimate of viral load. However, there are no reliable or proven correlation between disease severity/infectiousness and Ct values (1, 2).

Please contact your Physician for necessary action to be taken and to limit the spread of infection.

Clinical Correlation and Correlation with the history of the patient is required before arriving at any conclusion. False positive and false negative results can be due to multiple factors
including sampling technique, transport & interference in the assay can affect the result.

Mutation in the target sequence of SARS-CoV-2 or change in the sequence due to virus evolution may lead to false negative results.

Invalid Result:There is no typical S-shape amplification curve or Ct > 35 or No Ct detected for target genes and internal control, indicating the specimen concentration is too low, or there
are interfering substances that inhibit the reaction. If upon retest, the result is invalid again, another fresh sample should be collected and tested.

Disclaimer : This is an user friendly smart report for patient knowledge enrichment and not for any legal aspect.

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