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Smith Chart and Its Applications

Presentation By
Dr. D. Ramakrishna
Dept. Of E.C.E
Osmania University

➢ Prior to the advent of digital computers and calculators engineers

developed all sorts of aids (Tables,charts,graphs etc.) to Facilitate
their calculations for design and analysis.

➢ To reduce the tedious manipulations involved in calculating the

characteristics of transmission lines, graphical means have been

➢ The smith chart is the most commonly used of the graphical

techniques. It is introduced in 1939 by P.H.Smith.

➢ The smith chart is a transformation from the complex Z-plane to

the complex Gamma plane or K-Plane.

➢ Smith char consist of both R and X circles are in the circular form.

➢ The reflection coefficient K is given by

Z R − Z0 Z0
K= =
Z R + Z0 Z R + 1

zr − 1 ZR
K= where Z r =
zr + 1 Z0

1+ K
Zr =
1− K
Properties of Smith Chart:-
(I) Normalizing Impedance:

→ Smith chart is based on two sets of circles and they have been referred as R-
circles, and X-circle (or) R/ Z 0 and jx/ Z 0 circles.

→ The process of dividing impedance by Z 0 is called Normalizing Impedance.

Where Z 0 = characteristic impedance.

→ If certain impedance is read from a normalized smith chart, it has to be

multiplied by Z 0 to get the actual value.

(II) Plotting of Impedance:

→ Any complex impedance can be shown as a single point on the smith chart.

→ This point will be the point of intersection of Lie R/ Z 0 and jx/ Z 0 circles.

→ positive reactance (or) inductance circles will be Lie above the horizontal

→ Negative reactance (or) capacitive circles lie below the horizontal axis.

Problem 1: - (1) In a smith chart plot the following impedances.

i) 2-1j ii) 1+2j

Refer Diagram1:

i) The point 2-1j will be the inter section of R=2 circle and x=1 circle, because
of –ve sign x=1 circle will be taken below the horizontal axis .This point is
shown as P in the smith chart.

i) The point 1+2j will be the intersection of R=1 circle and x=2 circle,
because of the positive reactance X=2 will be taken above the
horizontal axis. This point is shown as Q in the smith chart.

3. Determination of SWR :-

→ After Locating a point say P corresponding to the given impedance, an S-

circle is drawn with ‘0’ as the center and OP as radius.

Problem 2:

A low Loss line with Z 0 = 70Ω is terminated with an impedance ZR = 115-

j80Ω, using the smith chart find i) standing wave ratio.

Sol. Given Z 0 = 70Ω

ZR= 115- j80Ω

Normalized terminating impedance

ZR 115 − j80
Zr= = = 1.64 – j1.14 Ω
Zo 70

→ This point is plotted as ‘A’ on the smith chart

→ Draw the S – circle with centre ‘O’ and radius OP since the right hand side of
horizontal axis at Q whose reading is 2.7.

∴ VSWR = 2.7
4. Determination of k in magnitude and direction :

→ OP is produced till it cuts the angle of reflection co- efficient circle. This
gives the angle ∟α.

→ The measure of OP on reflection co- efficient sable from zero on wards

will give k=

K= .∟α

Problem 3:- A transmission Line with characteristic impedance of 300Ω is

terminated with an impedance 180 + 150Ω. Determine reflection co-

Sol. Given Z 0 =300Ω

Z R = 180+j150Ω

Zr = = 0.6+j0.5Ω

→ Locate this point as B on the smith chart draw a line produced OB till it cuts
the angle of reflection co-efficient circle at ‘N’ The reading of this will gives the
angle of reflection co – efficient this is 113.ͦ

→ the measure of OB on the reflection co- efficient scale will give the
magnitude of k

I, e = 0.38 ∴ K=0.38 ∟113

Problem 2.

Refer diagram
Problem 3: Determination of Reflection –coefficient:
Refer Diagram
5.Location of voltage Maximum and Minimum:-
→ The intersection of the s-circle with horizontal axis on the Left side
represents voltage minimum. And on the right side corresponds to voltage

→The normalized line impedances can be read from smith chart at V max and

V min.

→ The Location of the first voltage minima and maxima can be read directly
from the outer most wave Length circle of the smith chart.

Problem :- A Low Loss Line with Z 0 = 70Ω is terminated with an impedance

ZR=115-j80Ω, using the given smith chart find the Maximum and minimum
and Minimum Line impedance.

Sol. Given Z 0 = 70Ω

ZR =115 –j80Ω

Normalized impedance Zr = =1.64 –j1.14

→ this is plotted as an point A.

→ Draw the S-circle with center ‘O’ and radius OP

→ Vmax occurs at Q in the right hand side.

Normalized zmax =2.7+j0

Line Zmax = 70 2.7=189Ω

Normalized Zmin = 0.36+j0

Line zmin =0.36x70=25.2Ω

6.Open and short circuited Line:-
→ At the right hand end of the horizontal axis, R and X are both infinity,

∴ Impedance is infinity.

Therefore open circuited termination.

→ At the Left hand end of the horizontal axis, the value of R and x are zero.

∴ Impedance is zero

Therefore it represents short circuit termination.

7.Moment along the periphery of the chart:-

→moment along in the clock wise direction corresponds to travelling from the
Load to the generator.

→ One full rotation around the chart = Traversing along the Line by λ/2.

i/p impedance repeats itself every λ/2.

8. Matched Load:-
→ R=1 is a circle of special significance

→At every point on the circle R/ Z 0 =1 ⟹R= Z 0 .

→ R=1 circle passes through the center of the smith chart (1,0) where

reactance is zero
I,e zr = 1+j0⟹ZR = Z 0

→ ∴ centre of the chart is known as matched Load and the condition no

reflection is completely satisfied.

-: Location Of Voltage Maximum And Minimum:-

→ The Location of the first voltage minima and maxima can be also be
determined by smith chart.

Problem:-4) Find Location of voltage maximum and minimum of a given

normalized impedance Zr = 1+j1Ω and the operating wave Length λ = 5cm,
determine first vmax, vmin from the Load, and the VSWR.

Sol. Using smith chart

→ Enter 1+jl on the chart

→ Read 0.162λ on the from the center of the chart through the load point and
intersecting the distance scale.

→ Move a distance from the point 0.162λ towards the generator and stop at
the voltage maximum on the right –hand relaxes at 0.25λ

Then ymax = (0.25-0.162) λ

= (0.088) (5 cm)

ymax = 0.44 cm

→ similarly move a distance from the point of 0.162 λ toward the generator
and stop at the voltage minimum on the Left hand real axis at 0.5λ . then

ymin = (0.5-0.162) λ
= (0.338) (5 cm)

= 1.69 cm

→ Draw an S –circle with the center at (1, 0) and radius OP.

→ The point of intersection of s-circle with the horizontal axis on the right
hand side is the VSWR

VSWR= 2.6

From equations:-
2𝜷ymax –𝝓=2nπ
First voltage Maximum, n=0

2𝜷 ymax –𝝓=0

𝝓→ reflection co – efficient angle. K=

𝝓= 64 ͦ

Ymax= = = =

= =0.44 cm

2𝜷 ymin-𝝓=(2n+1)π

First voltage minimum , n=0

2𝜷ymin – 𝝓= π

ymin = 5 = 1.69 cm
Problem 4.

Refer diagram

Find the Location of first voltage maximum and minimum of a normalized

impedance 1-j1Ω and the operating wave length λ=5cm

sol. From equations:-

2𝜷ymax –𝝓= 2nπ

First voltage maximum, n=0

2𝜷 ymax –𝝓=0

𝝓→ Reflection co – efficient angle 𝝓= -64 ͦ

Ymax =- =

First voltage minimum, n=0



ymin = =

ymin= =0.805cm
Problem 5.diagram
Application of the Smith chart:-
1. Smith chart can be as admittance chart

2. Determination of an i/p impedance

3. Determination of Load impedance.

4. Determination i/p impedance and admittance of a short circuited Line.

5. Determination of i/p impedance and admittance of an open circuited Line

6. Impedance matching by single and double stub methods.

1) Smith chart can be used as admittance chart ;-

→ The normalized input admittance ‘y’ is given by


g→ is the normalized conductance, reciprocal of resistance.

b → is the normalized susceptance, reciprocal of reactance.

→ The inductive resistance is negative susceptance, it lies in the region

below the horizontal axis.

→The capacitive resistance is positive susceptance, it in the region above the

horizontal axis.

→ Points of voltage maxima lies on the Left hand side, points of voltage
minima Lie on the right hand side.

→ Direction of travel towards Load and generator remains the same as before,

→Open circuit and short circuit points will be exchanged.

Converting impedance to admittance:-
→plot the impedance point

→Draw the S- circle passing thorough it

→ Find the diametrically opposite point to the impedance point. This gives

Example:-6 Using a Smith chart convert the following normalized

impedance into admittances.

Sol. i) 0.5+j0.3 ii) 2-j0.5 iii) 2+ji

IV)1.47-j2.05 v) 100+j150

Smith chart does not show all the circles for R and x. the values beyond 5
(or) 50 are small and in many cases the interaction of each circle will be
difficult to plot. For such cases can be solved by assuming a suitable
value of Z 0 .

ZR=100+j150 yo=1/ Z 0

Assume Z 0 =100 zr = = 1+j1.5

Yr =0.3-j0.46

1/R = (0.3-j0.46) yo =0.003- j0.0046Ω

Example .6
Refer Diagrams
2. Determination of input impedance:-

→ consider load impedance expressed by a point p on the chart.

→ Draw the s-circle with ‘0’ as the centre and OP as radius.

→ produce OP to cut wavelength scale at Q.

→Q is equivalent to standing at the terminating impedance I.e. Load.

→ In order to find the input impedance of Length l, we have to go towards

the generator I.e clockwise on the smith chart.

→ Locate the point ‘T’ on the wavelength scale at a distance l/λ from Q.

→ Join OT which will give point R on The S-circle.

→ The point R will give the normalized input impedance, when multiplied
by ‘zo’ will give the input impedance.

Problems 7:- Find the sending end impedance of a Line with negligible
Losses when Z 0 =55Ω and the Load impedance is 115+ j75Ω . Length of the
Line is 1.183 wave lengths.

Sol. Given Z 0 =55Ω

zR =115 +j75
l= 1.183λ


Zr= = =2.09+j1.36

this point 2.09+j1.36 plotted as p on the smith chart.

→ In order to find sending end impedance zin we have move from Load
to generator I,e the point has to rotated clock wise to a distance of 1.183λ.
→ Now, a rotation of λ/2 merely brings us back to the starting point on the
chart. Hence the net rotation on the chart will be

1.183 λ -λ/2-λ/2=0183λ

→ There fore rotation from Q(0.213λ) to a distance of 0.183λ clock wise

brings us to a point T (0.396λ)

→ Join OT which will give the point R on the S-circle

→ The point R will give the Normalizing impedance I,e 0.48-j0.65

→ by multiplying with Z 0 = 55Ω we get the desired sending input


zin= (0.48-j0.65) 55

Zin = 26.95-j35.5ohms.
Refer Diagram7:
(iii) Determination of the Load impedance:-

Smith chart can also be used to determine Load impedance if VSWR and
the distance of first voltage minima from load is given.

Locate VSWR point on the smith chart i.e on the right hand side of the
horizontal axis as point P.

→ Draw the s-circle with ‘O’ as the center and OP as radius.

→ Locate ymin on wave Length scale from vmin to towards the Load as point T.

Join OT which will give point R on the S circle.

→ The point ‘R’ will give the normalized Load impedance, when multiplied by
‘zo’ will’ give the Load impedance.

Example (8) consider a Line of characteristic impedance 300Ω terminated

by an unknown impedance. The standing wave ratio is 4.48 and the first
voltage minimum is situated at 6cm from the termination, when the
frequency is 200mHg. Find the terminating impedance.

Sol. Given Z 0 = 300Ω

zR = ?

VSWR= 4.48

YMIN =6cm

λ= = = 1.5mt = 150cm.

Ymin /λ = = 0.04

ymin = 0.04λ
we know that vmin exists at a distance of i/s on he left hand side of the
horizontal axis of the chart .

→ Locate the point ‘T’ in anticlockwise direction towards the Load for a
distance of 0.04 λ on the wave Length scale.

→ Join TO which will give the point R an the s-circle i.e 0.24-j0.24.

→ the point R will give normalized impedance, when multiplied by 300Ω

will give the Load impedance.

ZR= 300 (0.24-j0.24) Ω

zR = 72-j72 Ω

Example 8 diagram
Problem:- The VSWR measured on U.H.F transmission line working at a
frequency of 300MHz. Is found to be 2. If the distance b/w Load and voltage
minimum is 0.8 mt calculate the value of Load impedance.
Sol. Given f=300 MHz
λ=1 mt

= = =

2𝜷 ymin-𝝓=π

2 . ymin = -π=𝝓

𝝓=2 2π 0.8-π

𝝓= 4π 0.8-π



𝝓=396 ͦ(or) 36 ͦ


k = -1 =


Zr= 1.7∟-6.4 ͦ

K=0.33∟36 ͦ
-: Determination of i/p impedance and admittance of
short – circuit Line:-

→ The i/p impedance of short circuited line is purely reactive. Which

has to be read on the circle diagram corresponding to the real part is
equal to zero. Which is periphery of the smith chart.
→when the line is shorted , the first voltage minimum occurs at the
place of the Load. Locate that point as A.
→ In order to find the i/p impedance of Length l, we have to go
towards the generator I,e clockwise on the smith chart. Locate that
point as p, on the periphery of the Smith chart.
→ By reading point p gives the normalized i/p impedance of short –
circuited line.
→ By multiplying with ‘zo’ gives the i/p impedance of short –
circuited Line.
→ Diametrically opposite point gives the normalized i/p admittance
short- circuited line.
-:Determination of i/p impedance and admittance of an
open circuited Line:-
→ The i/p impedance of open circuited line is purely reactive. Which
has to be read on the circle diagram corresponding to real part is
equal to zero. Which is the periphery of the smith chart.
→ when the line is open circuited , the first voltage maximum occurs
at place of the load. Locate that point as B.
→ In order to find the i/p impedance of Length l, we have the move
towards the generator I,e clock wise direction on the smith chart
Locate that point as P.
→ By reading point p gives the normalized i/p impedance of open –
circuited line.
→ By multiplying with Zo gives the input impedance of open
circuited line.

problem:- A H.F Loss Less transmission Line of zo=70Ω is

terminated in an circuit determine sending end impedance for the
following length of line.


1) Open circuited terminated on the smith chart is Located as ‘B’ In
order to find the sending end impedance to more of =0.375λ

Length of line, we have to move towards the generator to a distance

of 0.375λ and reach point p.
The normalized impedance at p=0+j1
Desired sending end impedance =j 70Ω=j70Ω

ii) Hy moving towards the generator to distance of =0.5 will bring

back to the point “B’ since 0.5 λ moving along the smith chart
corresponds to one complete revaluation.
∴ The normalized impedance at Q= Ω therefore the input
impedance along the Line repeats for every Length.
Impedance matching:

→ In communication network, the elements of the network should be

designed such that maximum power transfer takes place between the source
and the load. This is governed by the maximum power transfer to theorem,
which states that the maximum power is absorbed by one network from
another joined to it at two terminals, when the impedance of one is complex
conjugate of the other. I.e the resistance of the load should be equal to that of
the source and the reactance of the load should be equal to that of the source
but opposite in sign. I.e. it the source is inductive, the load should be
capacitive and vice-versa. This is commonly referred to as “Impedance

→ A network used to transfer the Load impedance to a proper impedance for

maximum power transfer is known as the “Matching Network’’.

The Quarter –wave Transformer:-

→ we know that the input impedance of a uniform transmission Line in terms

of secondary Line constants is given by

Zin = Z 0 ( ZR cosh pl + zo sinh pl)

(zo cosh pl +zR sinh pl)

since high frequency Lines can be considered loss free, =0 resulting in p= j𝜷


By impedance of open circuited line.

Zin = zo

Zin = zo

→for quarter – wave length Line



l =


→this means that product of i/p impedance and the Load impedance is equal
to square of the characteristic impedance of the Line.

→ Depending upon the value of ZR the quarter wave line acts as like a step- up
(or) step – down impedance transformer.

→ Disadvantage :

The quarter – wave transformer is sensitive to change in frequency


→ It is used to couple a transmission Line to a resistive load such as an


→ A quarter – wave Line may be considered as an impedance inverter in that

it can transformer a low impedance in to a high impedance and vice-versa.

The eight wave Line:-

→ l= 𝜷=

𝜷l= =
Z R + jZ 0 tan l
→ The i/p impedance Z in = Z 0
Z 0 + jZ R tan l

Z R + jZ 0
Z in = Z 0
Z 0 + jZ R

Since the numerator & denominator have identical magnitudes.

So that =zo

→ An eight – wave Line may be used to transform any resistance to an

impedance with magnitude equal to zo of the line.


Eight – wave line is used to obtain a magnitude match between a resistance of

any value and a source of zo internal resistance.

Half – wave Line:-

→ l=

𝜷l= =π

Z 
Z in = Z 0  R 
 Z0 

Z in = Z R
Stub Matching:-
→ A small sections of open ( or) short circuited Line called ‘stub” connected
in at some point (or) points to effect impedance matching. This is called ‘stub

Advantages of stub matching are:

1) The Length and characteristic impedance of the remain unaltered.

2) From mechanical stand point, adjustable susceptive are added in short
with the Line.

→ stub matching’s are two types.

→ Single stub matching

→Double stub matching

Single stub matching:
→ Let us consider a transmission Line having a characteristic admittance ‘yo’
terminated by an admittance ‘yR’ is shown in fig . below.

→ Since yo is different from YR standing waves are set up.

→ As we traverse the Line from the Load towards the generator I,e when the
Line is traversed from the point of maximum conductance to that of minimum
conductance, obviously there will be a point at which the real part of the
admittance is equal to the characteristic admittance.

→ Suitable susceptance obtained by using an appropriate length of a short

circuited(or) open circuited Line is added in shunt at this point so as to obtain
anti resonance with the susceptance already existing.

∴ up to that point matching has been achieved.

→ There is a mismatch existing between this point and the Load, the effects of
mismatch over this short length are in applicable.
→ Therefore it is necessary that the stubs are located as near the load as

→ Characteristic admittance of the stub so connected in shunt should be the

same as that of the main Line.

The input impedance at any point of a transmission Line is given by

Z R + jZ0 tanh Pl
Z in = Z 0
Z 0 + jZ R tanh Pl

→ converting impedance into admittance, we get

YR + Y0 tanh Pl
Yin = Y0
Y0 + YR tanh Pl

→ for high frequency Line =0, so that p=j𝜷

+ j tan  l
Yin Y0
Y0 Y0
+ j tan  l

=yin →Normalized i/p admittance.

= yr → Normalized Load admittance.

yin =

→ Rationalizing above equating, we get

 y + j tan l  1 − jyr tan l 

yin =  r  
1 + jyr tan l  1 − jyr tan l 
yin = → (1)

For no reflections

yin = 1 =1 ⟹ Yin= Yo

→ I.e the stub has to be at a point where the part of yin is equal to unity


yr=(1+tan 2𝜷ls) = 1+yr2 tan2𝜷ls

yr+yr tan2 𝜷ls=1+y2r tan2 𝜷ls


tan2 𝜷ls= =

tan2 𝜷ls=

tan ls =

 Y
ls = tan −1 0
2 YR

 ZR
ls = tan −1
2 Zo

→ This equation gives the Location of the stub “ls”

→ the susceptance at the Location of the stub will be


Substituting the value of tan in above equation.

= (1- )

(1+ )

=(1- ) = (yo2-yR2)

1+ yo(yo+yR)

→ The susceptance that should be added at point by the stub obtained either
by an open – circuited ( or) short – circuited stub is the negative of the
susceptance represented by equation.

→ Then the effective susceptance at this point becomes to zero. And consists
of only conductance which is equal to characteristic admittance conductance.

→ There fore, the length of the stub “lt” is computed such that the substance
of the stub is equal and opposite to the susceptance at that point.

→The short – circuited stub’s are used commonly instead of open circuited
stubs because
I) It radiates Less power
II) it’s effective Length may be varied by means of a short bar.

→ The susceptance of a loss-less short circuited stub is zsc= zo. Tanh pl

For Loss less line α =0, p=j𝜷 zsc =+zo tanh𝜷l

Zsc= -jyo cat𝜷l

ysc=-jcat 𝜷l

= -jcat → (4)

→ there fore

= cat𝜷lt

Tan 𝜷lt =

𝜷lt= tan-1[ ]

Lt= tan-1 ]

Lt= tan-1 ]
Disadvantage of single- stub matching:-
→ The single stub matching system is useful for a fixed frequency only,
because as the frequency changes, the location of the stub will to be changed.

→ single stub matching may become in accurate on coaxial Lines.

Example:- An R.F transmission Line with a characteristic impedance 100Ω is

terminated by an impedance of 26-j16Ω. This Load is to be matched to
transmission Line by using a short circuited stub, having the characteristic
impedance is same as transmission Line. With the help of a smith chart
determine the Length of the stub and its distance from the load.

Sol. Given Z 0 =100Ω

ZR =26-j16Ω

Zr= = 0.26-j0.16Ω

→ its diametrically opposite point 2.75+j1.75 will be give the normalized Load

yr = 2.75+j1.75 mhos

→ Since the stub is to be connected in parallel with the line,

∴ it is necessary to deal with admittances.

→ Locate this point 2.75+j1.75 as ‘A’ on the smith chart.

→ Draw the s-circle with OA as radius

→ The circle =1 (or) =1 is the locus for all points for which the load
impedance is equal to the characteristic impedance. This is the desired
condition for no reflection which is obviously the point of stub connection.
→ the intersection of =1 circle and the s- circle a indicated by ‘B’ will give
the location of the stub.

→ In fact, there will be two points where s-circle will be cut =1 circle, but
the point nearer to the Load will be taken [I,e in clockwise direction near point
from Load]

→ The point B is 0.324λ-0.22λ= 0.102λ

Away form the A measured by wave length scale.

Hence the stub should be located 0.102λ from the load. Ls=0.102λ

→ The susceptance of the Line at a point ‘B’ I,e at the stub connection is read
as =1.5 which is the inductive susceptance . this value of Line susceptance
must be neutralized by short circuited (or) open circuited stub having the
same characteristic impedance and having the i/p susceptance of a short

Stub should be capacitive susceptance


→ plot the intersection of the +1.5 susceptance circle and the wave Length
circle at point c. this susceptance intersection occurs at 0.156λ.

→ 0.156λ +0.25λ=0.406λ is Length from short circuited – end of stub to the

point .

→ therefore short – circuited stub Length


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