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Selection for an ALA Scholarship is highly competitive. It is based on the applicants professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their commitment to and potential impact on development outcomes for their country and region. ALAScholarshipstargetthosewhosechosenfieldof study equips them to play a significant role in addressing, researching or combating development challenges in their country and/or region. Awardees will be provided with opportunities to enhance their leadership capacity and extend their networks.

The Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) program supportstheAustraliaIndonesiaPartnershipbytargeting human resource gaps and future leaders across priority sectors.Scholarshipsareimportantforcontributingtothe strong peopletopeople relationships between Australia andIndonesia. Well targeted, genderbalanced scholarships can be effective,valuableformsofaidtheyequiprecipientsto becomeleaders,provideaccesstoadvancedlearningand buildbetterunderstandingbetweennations.

AustralianDevelopmentScholarships In 2011, 350 Australian Development Scholarships were available for Indonesians to study at the Masters or Doctorate (PhD) levels in Australia. A total of up to 400 scholarshipswillbeavailableforthe2012intake. 50 percent of awards are allocated each for women and mean and up to 30 percent are offered to people in priorityprovinces. Twothirds of all scholarships will be allocated to the publicservicesector,andonethirdtotheopensector.

AustralianDevelopmentScholarships Priorityisgiventofieldsofstudythatwillcontribute to the Government of Indonesias development priorities through human resource development in thefollowingareas: SustainableGrowthandEconomicManagement InvestinginPeople Democracy,JusticeandGoodGovernance SafetyandPeace. Together the governments of Australia and Indonesiaregularlyreviewthesesectorsandadjust theemphasisoftheprogram.Detailedinformation onprioritysectorsandrelatedcoursescanbefound AustralianLeadershipAwardsScholarships
February 2011

AustralianLeadershipAwardsScholarships Up to 200 Australian Leadership Award Scholarships will be available across all eligible countries on an annual basis, for high achievers wishing to undertake postgraduate study at an Australian higher education institution.

ALA Scholarships target those whose chosen field of studyequipsthemtoplayasignificantroleinaddressing, researching or combating regional development issues. The priorities areas are disability, economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender, governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, regional stability, rural development and water & sanitation. Therearetwo(2)optionsforsubmittinganapplication onlineandbymail. Option1:Applyonline The preferred application method is by using the ALA Scholarship online application form which can be accessed at If you prefer, you may submit some of your supporting documentationbymailtoADSoffice. Option2:Applybyhardcopy Ifyouhavedifficultygainingaccesstotheinternet,you may apply by hardcopy. You should prepare a hard copyapplicationandsubmititwithallyoursupporting documentationtotheADSOffice. Hardcopyapplicationformscanbe:;or obtained from the ADS Office if you do not have accesstotheInternet. Pleasenotethatanyincompleteapplications(including applications with supporting documentation missing) will not be considered. All applications must be submittedbetween11Marchand31May2011.

Scholarships are awarded through a transparent application and interview process which is merit and equitybased. AustralianDevelopmentScholarships Applications must be submitted by hardcopy. Three (3) copies of this form and of all attached documents must bereceivedby26August2011atADSOffice. Hardcopyapplicationformscanbe:;or obtained from the ADS Office if you do not have accesstotheInternet. A joint selection committee with representatives from academia in Australia and Indonesia will rank and interviewcandidatesfortheawards.Specificinformation on the application process can be obtained from AustralianLeadershipAwardsScholarships AusAID Jakarta Post is managing the application and shortlisting processes. Final selections are made in Canberra. The selection process will take into account gender equality and regional representation as well as theapplicantsleadershippotentialandacademicability.

PleaserefertolistofrequireddocumentslistedinADS andALAapplicationform. AustralianLeadershipAwardsScholarshipswillrequire: Proof of citizenship, ie burth certificate/ passport if available and photographic identificationiestudentcard,driverslicenceif passportisnotavailable.
February 2011

IELTS or TOEFL results: All applicants MUST have EnglishLanguageProficiencyequivalenttoIELTS6.5, valid for 1 year (2010 or 2011) eg if application period opened 11 March 2011, test date should be since11March2010. StatementfromtheuniversityorschoolthatEnglish isthelanguageofinstruction. Official postsecondary and tertiary certificates/ degrees Official translations of postsecondary and tertiary certificates/degrees Official postsecondary and tertiary transcripts of results Official translations of postsecondary and tertiary transcriptsofresults Referee reports (can be downloaded from Nominating agency declaration (can be downloaded year),andbenomorethan42yearsoldatthetimeof application. Candidates must have a clear understanding of how furtherstudycansupportIndonesiasdevelopmentand must apply for a course that falls within the stated prioritysectors. Masters candidates must already hold an UndergraduateDegree,andDoctoratecandidatesmust hold a Master Degree. Candidates for Doctorate Degrees must be researchers, lecturers or policy makers. Master candidates who already hold a master degree are ineligible to apply for another Master Degreecourse. AustralianLeadershipAwardsScholarships NominimumGPA No need to submit an offer (conditional or unconditionaloffer)atthetimeofapplication English language proficiency evidence at the time ofapplication: anIELTSAcademicTestwithanoverallscoreofat least6.5andnobandlessthan6,or anInternationalTOEFLpaperbasedtestscoreofat least580,or an International TOEFL computerbased test score ofatleast237,or an International TOEFL Internetbased score of at least92. English languageevidenceisvalidfor1year(2010 or2011).e.g.ifapplicationperiodopened11March 2011,testdateshouldbesince11March2010. Supportingdocumentsrefertothelistofrequired documentintheapplicationform. A nominating agency declaration template, along with a referee report template. Those templates
February 2011

Researchapplicantsonly: Reportsfromtwoacademicreferees(ifnotavailable, pleaseexplainwhy) Listofrelevantpublications

AustralianDevelopmentScholarships Australian Development Scholarships are available to persons from the public (government) and open (non government)sectors. Candidates must meet all eligibility criteria including minimum GPA 2.9, have English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS, or 500 in Institutional TOEFL or 39 in the TOEFLInternetbasedTest(atleastobtainedintheprevious

will be available to applicants for download from ALA website It is highly recommended that PhD applicants already have an offer, or have evidence that they have communicatedwithapotentialsupervisoratthetimeof application.

AustralianDevelopmentScholarships Prior to departure to Australia, awardees are required to undertake a predeparture training course. The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course consists of up to nine monthsfulltimeEnglishlanguageandacademicpreparation in Indonesia. Awardees must achieve satisfactory results in the EAP course in order to be placed in an Australian university. AustralianLeadershipAwardsScholarships There is no in country predeparture training course for ALAs.Allapplicantsarerequiredtohaveasufficientlevelof EnglishrequiredbyAustralianinstitutions.

ADSOffice GedungWiraUsaha7thfloor Jl.H.R.RasunaSaidKav.C5,Kuningan JakartaSelatan12940,Indonesia Tel.+62215277648,Fax.+62215277649 Email:

February 2011

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