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Name : Virginia Nabilla Anggraeni

NIM : 151911413040 / PAR 01

Catcalling Is Not Okay

Have you ever being catcalled by a stranger in a public place? Do you love the feeling of
the way men or boys catcall you? Catcalling is a form of streets harassment that women have
been disgusted since 20th century. Based on urban dictionary catcalling is rude sexual remarks
made by men passing women on the street. Usually “cat calls” are about the woman’s body as a
whole or a certain feature.

Catcalling is when someone calls out at you randomly and comments on your looks
appearance. It is usually something sexual as “HEY GIRL NICE ASS” or sometimes they’ll
comment about your face expressions like “ WHY DON’T YOU SMILE GIRL?” This is not
right women are not feeling safe even in their own place. People who doing catcall called
catcaller. Most of them think that doing catcall is not that serious and they’re just joking around
but by doing that they can make the victim feel uncomfortable, anxiety, not safe, traumatic, even
fear to go out anywhere alone

The problem is people always blame into the way the victim dressed. This happens all
over the world and the way the victim dressed isn’t a big factor. Women who are fully dressed
up have the same chance of being catcalled as women who wear fewer cloths. This is not right,
girls and women should feel free to go wherever they want, whenever they want, and wearing
what makes them comfortable, without any fear of being harassed or abused. As a women
myself, I getting catcalled so many times even when I’m with a group of friends. The worst
experience I ever had is when I’m hanging out with my in a public mall suddenly a bunch of
30yo man shouting at me like “You have a nice butt! Come here girl sit on daddy’s lap” I feel so
embarrassed that time and I even think if my outfits too revealing? But i just wear normal t-shirt
with jeans on. The people around me except my friends are just watching when I’m being
catcalled, some of them even laughing. I can’t do nothing but just continue to walk. I feel so
traumatic after that and don’t go out for weeks.

If you being a victim of catcalling or just witnessed the victim being catcalled, all you
need to do is call the catcaller out don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself! Try to command them
to “Stop!”. If the situation too dangerous to you to respons them quickly run into crowd or find
people that can helps you. Catcalling needs to stop because women are

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