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ALLIANZ PNB LIFE INSURANCE, INC. | www.allianzpnblife.


31 MARCH 2022

Dollar Income and Growth

Dividend-Paying Fund

Inception Date 19 Jun 2018 Latest NAVPU 1.027115

Fund Manager of Initial NAVPU 1.000000
Underlying Fund Allianz Global Investors (AGI) Highest NAVPU (11.09.2021) 1.145309
Fund Currency USD Lowest NAVPU (03.24.2020) 0.733313
Fund Size USD 660.60 Million Pricing / Valuation Daily
Management Fee 1.95% p.a.

Risk Classification Market Outlook

The Fund is suitable for investors with a The market outlook remains uncertain amid a
moderately aggressive profile or for those who growing list of concerns: positive but
take medium to long - term views. As a marked decelerating economic growth, healthy
-to-market Fund, its net asset value and total corporate profitability but slower earnings
return may fall or rise as a result of interest rate growth, Fed tightening, yield curve flattening,
movements and stock price movements. On high inflation, and geopolitical angst, among
redemption of units, a policyholder may receive others.
an amount less than the original amount
invested. Prior to investment in the Fund, the Against this backdrop, risk assets sold off
policyholder shall undergo a client suitability sharply to start the year. Equities declined the
assessment procedure to determine whether most with the Nasdaq Composite Index
the Fund is appropriate for him considering his declining -22% from its November peak to its
investment objective, risk tolerance, March trough. At this year’s low, convertible
preferences and experience. securities were down -11% on a year-to-date
basis. Since 2008, the worst year for the asset
Market Commentary class on an annual basis was 2011 at -5.2%.
Year-to-date through mid-March, high yield
The market’s defensive tone persisted into mid- fell -6% which would mark the weakest annual
March before sentiment reversed higher into performance since 2008, surpassing 2015’s -
month-end. US equities and US convertible 4.6% loss. These drawdowns and comparisons
securities recorded gains while high-yield suggest the abovementioned risks are closer to
bonds closed lower for the period. being priced in. The quarters ahead will
Geopolitical risks caused crude oil to spike determine if the worst has already passed, or
higher and inflation expectations to rise further declines await.
further. Against this backdrop, US Treasury It is clear that today’s investing environment is
yields and rate hike projections jumped. characterised by high uncertainty, low yields,
Investor confidence improved over the back fears of both equity and rate volatility, and
half of the month concurrent with the US rising inflation which can erode wealth. The
Federal Reserve’s (Fed’s) rate decision, de- strategy is a solution designed to address these
escalation optimism and easing crude oil risks, aiming to provide high monthly income,
Investment Objective prices. the potential for capital appreciation, less
As widely expected, the Fed raised rates by 25 volatility than an equity-only fund, and a low
To achieve long term capital appreciation basis points (bps) to a range of 0.25% to 0.50%. correlation to rate-sensitive investments.
Policymakers forecasted a total of seven hikes
and income by investing primarily in a in 2022 and three in 2023 with quantitative
combination of common stocks and other tightening to commence at “a coming
meeting”. Meanwhile, markets were pricing in
equity securities, debt securities and the equivalent of nine hikes this year as of
convertible securities
US Treasury yields surged but a sharper move
at the short end caused the curve (2s10s) to
flatten materially. The 2-year, 5-year and 10-
year yields stood at 2.28%, 2.42%, and 2.33%,
In economic terms, payrolls rose, and
manufacturing and services surveys remained
in expansionary territory. On the other hand,
inflation accelerated, negatively impacting
consumer sentiment and pressuring real
Crude oil (WTI) traded above USD 130 before
settling at USD 100/barrel.
Performance Overview

Performance History Year To Date 1 Year (YoY) 3 Years (YoY) 5 Years (YoY) Since Inception
Absolute -8.32% -3.11% 9.00% N/A 2.71%
Annualized N/A -3.11% 2.91% N/A 0.71%

NAVPU Since Inception





Jun-18 Dec-18 Jun-19 Dec-19 Jun-20 Dec-20 Jun-21 Dec-21

Portfolio Analysis

Asset Allocation

Allianz Income & Growth



This document is for information purposes only. This does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to buy or
sell any investment referred to in this document. The information in this publication is based on carefully
selected sources believed to be reliable but we do not make any representation as to its accuracy or
completeness. Any opinions herein reflected are good as of this date but may be subject to change without
prior notice. Investment or participation in the Fund is subject to risk and possible loss of principal, and is
not insured by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). Losses, if any, shall be for the account
and risk of the Trustor/Participant. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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