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P1-Identifying the Problem (13 MARKS)


Section: 7XX
Group: Catfishing
No Matric No. Name

1. Define the problem (1M)

*Write a paragraph defining the problem. It should include the meaning and scope of the problem
and must be based on authoritative references.
Catfish or also known as online deception is defined as a broad set of malicious practices that uses the
cyberspace as a medium to intentionally give a target (receiver) an incorrect mental representation of the
circumstances of a social exchange (Grazioli & Jarvenpaa, 2003, p.95). However, different social sciences
field had its own definition and from a communication research perspective, Jinnie (as cited in Buller and
Burgoon, 1996) defines online deception as “a message knowingly transmitted by a sender to foster a false
belief or conclusion by the receiver.” The term ‘catfish’ was first used and made popular by Nev Schulman,
in his MTV documentary show ‘Catfish’. It refers to a person who is intentionally deceptive when creating a
social media profile, often with the goal of making a romantic connection. This deception can be elaborated,
and may involve the use of fake photos, fake biographies, and sometimes fictitious supporting networks as
well. Catfishing or online deception problem usually occurs to female teenagers and middle-aged women in
Malaysia as well as in other countries. This gender and age groups are easy targets due to their vulnerability
in exposing personal information and life crisis, as a result of their high tendency to seek for attention and
affection from other people.

2. Past solutions for the problem (4M) & weakness of the past solutions (4M)
Past Solution Organizer: Limkokwing University & PDRM

Explanation: (Example) (2M)

In Malaysia, numerous awareness campaigns and programs are launched in order to
educate the public regarding the dangers of catfishing and other online frauds. For
instance, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology and the Royal Malaysian
Police (PDRM) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on cybercrime
prevention whereby, banners, animations, video clips and posters are produced for the
campaign “Be Smart: Don’t Be a Victim of Cyber Crime”. Local mass media channels,
Astro AEC, TV3 and RTM1 also spread online fraud awareness via their television
programs, “Informasi Polis”, “999”, “Cyber Crime Alert”, and “Suara Kita Hak Kita”,

Weakness: (Example) (2M)

Campaigns launched by Limkokwing University of Creative Technology and the Royal
Malaysian Police (PDRM) is not well received by the public as most people are not
aware about these campaigns. As for television programs produced by local mass media
channels, not everyone owns a television in their homes, and even if some do, they might
be too busy to tune in to these television programs. In fact, most people prefer to watch
entertainment shows and read news online instead of watching programs on television.

Past Solution Organizer:

Explanation: (2M)
Weakness: (2M)

3. Propose new solutions (2M)

i. Relevant tool: Alternative, Possibilities & Choices (APC)
a. Justification: To consider APC to deal with the issue of ‘Catfishing’
b. Outcome: Awareness Campaign with government body (MCMC), Celebrities and
Social Influencer.
ii. Relevant tool: Combination technique
a. Justification : To combine the idea of conducting an awareness campaign with the idea of
using celebrities and social influencer to promote the campaign to make it more impactful

b. Outcome:

Awareness Campaign Celebrities and Social Influencer

Collaboration with Malaysian Use social media as their medium
Communications and & of communication
Multimedia Communications
Local awareness on the danger of Have large influence over bigger
falling victim to catfishing cases audience
Outcome: Local awareness campaign in collaboration with MCMC using local
celebrities and social influencer as the ambassador of in creating awareness on the
danger of catfishing as they have large influence over the public thus can reach
bigger audience through Facebook.

iii. Relevant tool: B-A-R technique

a. Justification: To make the campaign bigger and better.
Local awareness campaign (B) in collaboration with MCMC using local celebrities and social
influencer as the ambassador (A) of in creating awareness on the danger of catfishing as they have
large influence over the public thus can reach bigger audience through Facebook (R).

b. Outcome:
B- Widen the coverage of the campaign, not just in Malaysia, but also in
A- Add Asian influencer into the campaign.
R- Replace the use of Facebook to Instagram.

4. Specific non-typical final solution (2M)

To create an awareness campaign on catfishing throughout Asia with the collaboration of MCMC by using
local and Asian celebrities and social influencer as the ambassador of the campaign using Instagram.

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