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MWS Montreal English

Day Camp Programmes

Since 1983 MWS Student Camps has been welcoming young people from all
over the world to our programmes in Canada and we are very excited to have
your family member join us this coming summer.

The staffs at the MWS Montreal English Camps are planning what is sure to be
an incredible summer, full of interesting events, fantastic trips, great learning
experiences and absolute fun!

We trust that this Parent’s Handbook will help prepare your student for their
experience at the MWS English Camps in Montreal. Please do not hesitate to
contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

On behalf of all the staff at MWS and the Montreal English Camps, we would
like to thank you for choosing our programme and for helping us ensure a safe,
educational and fun summer for all of our campers!

Yours sincerely,

Vanessa Quellos
Director – Montreal

Our Montreal English Camps are expanding to 6 weeks this summer! Starting at
the end of June through to the first week of August, we look forward to providing
more session date options to our camper families.
Generally speaking, do not bring too many things to camp. The more you have
with you, the more you are liable to lose or leave behind. Most importantly, what
you bring with you should make your experience more enjoyable and not leave
you worrying.

We suggest students always wear comfortable clothing. In Montreal, during the
summer this includes T-shirts, shorts and comfortable shoes. Hats and
sunscreen to protect from the sun are also a must. Students spend the majority
of their time outdoors and on their feet and should always be prepared for the
weather (raincoat and/or umbrella).

Students may choose to bring an extra T-shirt as well as a bathing suit and
towel. These articles of clothing may be left overnight in the Day Student’s
Center at the camp office.

F Please make sure that any clothing left overnight at the camp office is
labeled with the camper’s name. The camps cannot be held responsible
for “lost articles” that are not identified.

o Knapsack
o Water bottle and snack
o Camera
o Books or reading material

F Please do not bring valuables. The camps cannot be held responsible

for any loss of personal property.
Every student must have a completed medical form in order to attend the
programme. Please attach extra information to the medical form, if necessary.
The medical form must be signed by the parent and/or legal guardian.

If the student becomes exposed to any infectious disease less than 4 weeks
before the start of their session, MWS must be notified and informed. F For
health and safety reasons no student will be admitted to camp without a
completed medical form.

Please note that medical insurance is not included for international day camp
students attending the MWS Language Camps.

A basic medical infirmary is located at the camp for minor injuries. A medical
clinic, located a 10-minute walk from the camp, is available for more extensive
injuries or sickness. Emergency situations are directed to the McGill Health
Centre and/or Montreal Children’s Hospital.

F Parents/guardians are contacted immediately if their child is involved in

a serious emergency and is taken to the hospital.

Please ensure that the correct contact information is included on the medical
form. MWS must be able to reach the parents and/or legal guardians at all times
in case of an emergency.

A variety of options are provided at all meals. We can make reasonable
accommodations for some allergy sensitive diets, so please let us know your
child’s needs before the start of camp. Alternatives are offered to those
campers who are vegetarians.

MWS staff monitor eating habits and the University dining staff are experienced
in serving well-balanced, delicious meals.
F Please note that this number is to be used for emergencies only.

(514) 531-4193

Students cannot be reached at this number due to the active camp programme.
Messages will be taken by the camp staff or may be left on the answering
service. If you have potentially upsetting news to discuss with your child,
please tell our Directors first so that we may provide support after the
phone call.

Mobile phones are not permitted while in programming at MWS camps.

We know and understand that many young people have mobile phones which
they not only use for communication purposes but also for many other reasons.
However, mobile phones are not permitted in MWS programmes (classes,
guided excursions, meals and activities) because they distract the students from
full participation, face to face communication and involvement in our activities.

Please restrict mobile phone use to pre-arrival and post-departure. There is also
some minimal “down” time between meals and excursions, activities and

Students using their mobile phones during programming will be reminded of our
policy. Should the use continue, the student will be instructed to leave his/her
mobile phone with the Office Director. It may be claimed at the end of the day.

Any computing device with cellular data capability is NOT permitted for use
during camp programming for the same reasons as mobile phones.

In order to foster human interaction and verbal communication between

campers and campers and our staff (and thus engage in human relationships
while practicing English), MWS Camps strive to be “electronic free”. We
appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

08:45 – 09:00 Day students arrive at the camps.

(Supervision offered from 8:45)

09:00 – 12:00 Juniors & Inters - English Language Classes

09:00 – 12:00 Seniors – Excursions/Camp activities

12:00 – 2:00 Lunch (morning classes at 12:00, afternoon

classes at 12:30) & campus activities.

1:00 or 1:45 Camp meetings (mail/announcements).

2:00 – 5:00 Juniors & Inters – Excursions/Camp activities

2:00 – 5:00 Seniors – English Language Classes

5:00 Day Programme ends (supervision until 5:15).

F Class times alternate weekly – mornings (9:00 to 12:00) and afternoons

(2:00 to 5:00). Juniors and Intermediates have morning classes during
weeks of June 29th, July 13th and July 27th. Seniors have morning classes
during weeks of July 6th, July 20th and August 3rd.

Please note that every Wednesday the students will be attending a full day
excursion (e.g. Ottawa, La Ronde and Quebec City). Thus, the activity will end
at 9:00 p.m. Dinner is included for all students on Wednesdays.

Early drop off (8:00 am) and late pick up (6:00 pm) are available at an extra
daily cost of $10.00 for one (morning or afternoon) or $15.00 for both (morning
and afternoon). Please contact the MWS head office by email
( if you would like to request this service.
MWS has as few rules as possible and we try to make them reasonable and
fair. Parents have the responsibility of helping their children understand the
MWS rules prior to the start of camp.

Campers and their families should feel comfortable with all the rules noted
below. Any concerns may be brought to the attention of the MWS

Parents will be notified in certain situations where a camp rule is broken. If the
situations persist or a Canadian law is broken, a camper may be asked to leave
the programme early at the parent’s full expense.

• Respect at all times.

• Students are expected to attend all classes and participate in all activities
and excursions.

• Students are not allowed to leave camp without proper supervision and
permission. A letter from the parent or guardian is required before a
relative or friend is allowed to take the student away from the camp.

• No male campers are allowed in female residences and no female

campers are allowed in male residences. The MWS Camps are co-ed
camps. They must protect the privacy of all students and the reputation of
offering a well-balanced co-ed programmme.

• Students must respect the camp facilities and grounds at all times. Any
damages (accidental or not) must be reported to MWS staff immediately.

• Students are not permitted to smoke or have cigarettes in their

possession. Any student found smoking in the residences/campus
buildings will be dismissed from camp immediately with no refunds

• Students found to posses, use or supply alcohol or illegal drugs will be

dismissed from camp immediately with no refunds provided.

On the first day of their session (Monday), campers and their parents/guardians
are asked to meet at the entrance to Douglas Hall at 8:30 a.m.

You will be met by one of our MWS Camps counselors who will then walk you
to the registration area inside the lobby. Our staff member will show you the
exact location where to drop off and pick up every day and will answer any
questions you may have.

The Douglas Hall address is: 3851 University St.

Montréal, Québec
H3A 2B6
Directions to Douglas Hall:

Follow Rue University Street towards the Royal Victoria Hospital and Percival
Molson Stadium. After crossing Ave. des Pins continue straight up the hill and
turn right after the stadium – Douglas Hall entrance.
Permission to depart without parent/guardian.

For those campers who will be travelling to/from camp alone. If

this applies to your camper, please submit this completed form
to our Montreal office on the first day of camp.

As the legal guardian for ______________________________________,

name of camper

I, ________________________________________, give permission for

name of legal guardian

___________________________________________ to leave the MWS

name of camper

Montreal Camps by himself/herself, beginning on __________________

effective date

I also allow said camper to leave alone on the extended Wednesdays

(approx. 9:00 pm):
¨ Yes ¨ No, they will be picked up.

I absolve MWS Camps, its employees, and its agents of all responsibility
for the above noted camper once they have left the camp’s supervision at
the end of the day’s regular scheduled programming.

___________________________________ __________________
Name (please print) Date


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