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Joy of Christmas @ Ricci Hall (Proposal)

Christmas @ Ricci Hall, in this year, brings together members of HKU and beneficiaries of Jesuit
Education to serve others at Ricci Hall. It is a Christmas-themed party for children 5-12 that may not
have the means of having a Christmas with their families. Supported by HKU Alumni and Jesuit
international network, Christmas @ Ricci Hall promotes Jesuit Education of ‘Men and Women for
Others’, family values and the holiday spirit. With this festive event and through the facilitation of
the volunteers, we hope to create an opportunity to engage parents together in helping to organise
the event for their children and to experience the true meaning of holy Christmas. Principals and
teachers of the Belilios Public School and the two invited primary schools are cordially invited to join
and share the joy of this meaningful occasion.

Time: 14:00 -18:00 pm

Date: December 16, 2012

Venue: Ricci Hall, 93 Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong.

Highlight of the event: The closing highlight is marked by the presence of Rev Father A J Deignan
(“Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2011” & recipient of a Honorary Doctorate Degrees from HKU)
to deliver a speech, and to present the service award and scholarship in the presence of our
honourable guests to students who have the potential for leadership in service -- men and women of
competence, conscience and compassionate commitment.

Service Award: Other Learning Experience is an important component for the New Senior School
Curriculum. However, many young students failed to benefit fully from the new academic reform
because of financial reasons. A distinguished Alumnus from HKU Professor C.L. Liu had donated
generously to the CRE 2012 @ CELA Career Related Experiential Learning Programme and make the
program free to all participants given that they are willing to serve the others through local social
enterprises or charities. To endorse the student’s effort, the best performing servicing team will be
awarded with the Outstanding Service Award. The winning team for this year is the Social
Enterprising team (Harp & Me) (Proposed to be represented by the Team Leader Assistant: Ms.
Carmen, Yam Ka Man (任嘉雯 同學) , from Belilios Public School )

Scholarship Offers: The Healthy Kids Hong Kong offers a scholarship program for students
commencing secondary in 2013. Supported by university professors and distinguished Alumni leader
Mr. Edward Sin, the charity enterprise is established by a HKU Alumnus who is also a contributing
member of the HKU Service 100 Knowledge Tutors Project. The scholarships would be granted to
100 Primary Six students who have the potential for leadership in service. The scholarships would be
granted to 100 Primary Six students who have the potential for leadership in serving the needed.
The scholarship in this program provides the following benefits:
§100% tuition fee waiver for the academic enrichment program and full financial support for
OLE activities (from form 1 to form 3), subject to satisfactory performance in academic excellence
and formation of good character;
§ the scholarship recipient being endorsed by a certificate upon their satisfactory completion
of the program; and
§ additional scholarships opportunities at senior schools and universities.
The awardees must fulfill the following requirements:
§ showing the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when
compared with others
§ Priority is given to applicants from low income families

Honourable Guests: RSVP Principals and teachers of the Belilios Public School and the two invited
primary schools.

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