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Çré Pavitropana Ekädaçé Issue no:191 08th August 2022

A Natural Reflection Of The Supreme Mercy

The Killing Of The Demon Putana How Was Putana Promoted To
Srila Sukadeva Goswami Goloka Vrindavan?
His Divine Grace
A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Maharaja Parikshit And Putana A Natural Reflection Of

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura The Supreme Mercy
Srila Santana Goswami

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Issue no 190, Page — 2 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
The Killing Of The Demon Putana Lord Sri Krishna, the all-pervading Supersoul,
Srila Sukadeva Goswami lying on the bed, understood that Putana, a witch
who was expert in killing small children, had
Sukadeva Goswami continued: My dear King, come to kill Him. Therefore, as if afraid of her,
while Nanda Maharaja was on the way home, he Krishna closed His eyes. Thus, Putana took upon
considered that what Vasudeva had said could not her lap Him who was to be her own annihilation,
be false or useless. There must have been some just as an unintelligent person places a sleeping
danger of disturbances in Gokula. As Nanda Ma- snake on his lap, thinking the snake to be a rope.
haraja thought about the danger for his beautiful Putana Räkñasé's heart was fierce and cruel, but
son, Krishna, he was afraid, and he took shelter at she looked like a very affectionate mother. In this
the lotus feet of the supreme controller, Narayana. way she resembled a sharp sword in a soft sheath.
While Nanda Maharaja was returning to Goku- Although seeing her within the room, Yasoda and
la, the same fierce Putana whom Kamsa had Rohini, overwhelmed by her beauty, did not stop
previously engaged to kill babies was wandering her, but remained silent because she treated the
about in the towns, cities and villages, doing her child like a mother.
nefarious duty. My dear King, wherever people On that very spot, the fiercely dangerous Räkñasé
in any position perform their occupational duties took Krishna on her lap and pushed her breast
of devotional service by chanting and hearing into His mouth. The nipple of her breast was
[çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù], there cannot be smeared with a dangerous, immediately effective
any danger from bad elements. Therefore, there poison, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
was no need for anxiety about Gokula while the Krishna, becoming very angry at her, took hold
Supreme Personality of Godhead was personally of her breast, squeezed it very hard with both
present. Once upon a time, Putana Räkñasé, who hands, and sucked out both the poison and her
could travel by to her desire alone and was wan- life. Unbearably pressed in every vital point, the
dering in outer space, converted herself by mystic demon Putana began to cry, “Please leave me,
power into a very beautiful woman and thus leave me! Suck my breast no longer!” Perspir-
entered Gokula, the abode of Nanda Maharaja. ing, her eyes wide open and her arms and legs
Her hips were full, her breasts were large and flailing, she cried very loudly again and again.
firm, seeming to overburden her slim waist, and As Putana screamed loudly and forcefully, the
she was dressed very nicely. Her hair, adorned earth with its mountains, and outer space with
with a garland of fragrant, snow-white mallikä its planets, trembled. The lower planets and all
flowers, was scattered about her beautiful face. directions vibrated, and people fell down, fearing
Her earrings were brilliant, and as she smiled very that thunderbolts were coming upon them. In
attractively, glancing upon everyone, her beauty this way the demoness Putana, very distressed
drew the attention of all the inhabitants of Vraja, because her breast was being attacked by Krishna,
especially the men. When the cowherd ladies saw lost her life. O King Pariksit, opening her mouth
her, they thought that the beautiful goddess of wide and spreading her arms, legs and hair, she
fortune, holding a lotus flower in her hand, had fell down in the pasturing ground in her original
come to see her husband, Krishna. form as a Räkñasé, as Vrtrasura had fallen when
While searching for small children, Putana, killed by the thunderbolt of Indra.
whose purpose was to kill them, entered the O King Pariksit, when the gigantic body of
house of Nanda Maharaja unobstructed, having Putana fell to the ground, it smashed all the trees
been sent by the superior potency of the Lord. to a range of twelve miles. Appearing in a gigan-
Without asking anyone’s permission, she entered tic body, she was certainly extraordinary. The
Nanda Maharaja’s room, where she saw the child Räkñasé’s mouth was full of teeth, each resembling
sleeping in bed, His unlimited power covered the front of a plough, her nostrils were deep like
like a powerful fire covered by ashes. She could mountain caves, and her breasts resembled big
understand that this child was not ordinary, but slabs of stone fallen from a hill. Her scattered hair
was meant to kill all demons. was the colour of copper. The sockets of her eyes
Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 190, Page—3
appeared like deep blind wells, her fearful thighs the Supreme Personality of Godhead Your soul.
resembled the banks of a river, her arms, legs and While You are playing, may Govinda protect You,
feet seemed like big bridges, and her abdomen and while You are sleeping may Madhava protect
appeared like a dried-up lake bed. The hearts, You. May Lord Vaikuntha protect You while You
ears and heads of the cowherd men and women are walking, and may Lord Narayana, the husband
were already shocked by the Räkñasé’s screaming, of the goddess of fortune, protect You while You
and when they saw the fierce wonder of her body, are sitting. Similarly, may Lord Yajsabhuk, the
they were even more frightened. Without fear, the fearful enemy of all evil planets, always protect
child Krishna was playing on the upper portion of You while You enjoy life. The evil witches known
Putana Räkñasé’s breast, and when the gopés saw the as Òäkinés, Yätudhänés and Kuñmäëòas are the
child’s wonderful activities, they immediately came greatest enemies of children, and the evil spirits
forward with great jubilation and picked Him up. like Bhütas, Pretas, Piçäcas, Yakñas, Räkñasas and
Thereafter, mother Yasoda and Rohini, along Vinäyakas, as well as witches like Koöarä, Revaté,
with the other elderly cowherd ladies (gopés), Jyeñöhä, Pütanä and Mätåkä, are always ready to
waved about the switch of a cow to give full pro- give trouble to the body, the life air and the senses,
tection to the child Sri Krishna. The child was causing loss of memory, madness and bad dreams.
thoroughly washed with cow urine and then Like the most powerful evil stars, they all create
smeared with the dust raised by the movements great disturbances, especially for children, but one
of the cows. Then different names of the Lord can vanquish them simply by uttering Lord Visnu’s
were applied with cow dung on twelve different name, for when Lord Visnu’s name resounds, all
parts of His body, beginning with the forehead, as of them become afraid and go away.
done in applying tilaka. In this way, the child was Sukadeva Goswami continued: All the cowherd
given protection. The gopés first executed the pro- ladies (gopés), headed by mother Yasoda, were
cess of äcamana, drinking a sip of water from the bound by maternal affection. After they thus chant-
right hand. They purified their bodies and hands ed mantras to protect the child, mother Yasoda
with the nyäsa-mantra and then applied the same gave the child the nipple of her breast to suck and
mantra upon the body of the child. then got Him to lie down on His bed. Meanwhile,
[Sukadeva Gosvami informed Maharaja Pariksit all the cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja,
that the gopés, following the proper system, pro- returned from Mathura, and when they saw on the
tected Krishna, their child, with this mantra.] May way the gigantic body of Putana lying dead, they
Aja protect Your legs, may Maniman protect Your were struck with great wonder. Nanda Maharaja
knees, Yajsa Your thighs, Acyuta the upper part of and the other cowherd men (gopas) exclaimed:
Your waist, and Hayagriva Your abdomen. May My dear friends, you must know that Anakadun-
Kesava protect Your heart, Isa Your chest, the dubhi, Vasudeva, has become a great saint or a
sun-god Your neck, Visnu Your arms, Urukrama master of mystic power. Otherwise how could
Your face, and Isvara Your head. May Cakri pro- he have foreseen this calamity and predicted it to
tect You from the front; may Sri Hari, Gadadhari, us? The inhabitants of Vraja cut the gigantic body
the carrier of the club, protect You from the back; of Putana into pieces with the help of axes. Then
and may the carrier of the bow, who is known as they threw the pieces far away, covered them
the enemy of Madhu, and Lord Ajana, the carrier with wood and burned them to ashes. Because of
of the sword, protect Your two sides. May Lord Krishna’s having sucked the breast of the demoness
Urugaya, the carrier of the conchshell, protect You (Räkñasé) Putana, when Krishna killed her she was
from all corners; may Upendra protect You from immediately freed of all material contamination.
above; may Garuda protect You on the ground; Her sinful reactions automatically vanished, and
and may Lord Haladhara, the Supreme Person, therefore when her gigantic body was being burnt,
protect You on all sides. May Hrsikesa protect the smoke emanating from her body was fragrant
Your senses, and Narayana Your life air. May the like aguru incense. Putana was always hankering
master of Svetadvipa protect the core of Your heart, for the blood of human children, and with that
and may Lord Yogesvara protect Your mind. May desire she came to kill Krishna; but because she
Lord Prsnigarbha protect Your intelligence, and offered her breast to the Lord, she attained the Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
Issue no 190, Page — 4 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
Top left 4
although she was a great witch, she attained the
position of a mother in the transcendental world
and thus achieved the highest perfection. What
then is to be said of the cows whose nipples Krish-
na sucked with great pleasure and who offered
their milk very jubilantly with affection exactly
like that of a mother? The Supreme Personality
of Godhead, Krishna, is the bestower of many
benedictions, including liberation [kaivalya], or
oneness with the Brahman effulgence. For that
Personality of Godhead, the gopés always felt
maternal love, and Krishna sucked their breasts
with full satisfaction. Therefore, because of their
relationship as mother and son, although the
gopés were engaged in various family activities,
one should never think that they returned to this
material world after leaving their bodies.
Upon smelling the fragrance of the smoke
emanating from Putana’s burning body, many
inhabitants of Vrajabhumi in distant places were
astonished. “Where is this fragrance coming
from?” they asked. Thus, they went to the spot
where Putana’s body was being burnt. When the
inhabitants of Vraja who had come from distant
places heard the whole story of how Putana had
come and then been killed by Krishna, they
were certainly astonished, and they offered their
blessings to the child for His wonderful deed of
killing Putana. Nanda Maharaja, of course, was
very much obliged to Vasudeva, who had foreseen
the incident, and simply thanked him, think-
ing how wonderful Vasudeva was. O Maharaja
Pariksit, best of the Kurus, Nanda Maharaja was
very liberal and simple. He immediately took his
son Krishna on his lap as if Krishna had returned
from death, and by formally smelling his son’s
head, Nanda Maharaja undoubtedly enjoyed tran-
greatest achievement. What then is to be said of scendental bliss. Any person who hears with faith
those who had natural devotion and affection for and devotion about how Krishna, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, killed Putana, and who
Krishna as mothers and who offered Him their thus invests his time in hearing such childhood
breasts to suck or offered something very dear, pastimes of Krishna, certainly attains attachment
as a mother offers something to a child? The Su- for Govinda, the supreme, original person.
preme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is always
situated within the core of the heart of the pure - Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
devotee, and He is always offered prayers by such Bonum » Chapter Six » Verses 1-44 » Translations by His Divine Grace
worshipable personalities as Lord Brahma and A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Lord Siva. Because Krishna embraced Putana’s
body with great pleasure and sucked her breast,

Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya

nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 190, Page—5
Maharaja Parikshit And Putana the arrival of wicked Putana in Vraja and her dis-
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura turbances there were only to nourish the pastimes
of the Lord, which give pleasure to the entire world
na yatra çravaëädéni and increase the love and affection of the Vrajavasis
rakño-ghnäni sva-karmasu headed by Yasoda. These incidents are all arranged
kurvanti sätvatäà bhartur by the Lord’s lélä-çakti, pastime-creating potencies.
yätudhänyaç ca tatra hi The word lélä-çakti here refers to one of the three
principle energies in Vaikuntha and Vrndadevi in
When Maharaja Pariksit heard that the fearful Vrndavana. (Sri Jiva Gosvami’s Laghu-toñaëé)
child-killer Putana wandered through various This verse was spoken by Sri Sukadeva to the
villages killing children on the order of Kamsa, anxious Maharaja Pariksit to confirm that since
he was full of anxiety for Krishna. At that time Sri Putana was engaged in sinful activities, she would
Sukadeva Gosvami spoke this verse in order to certainly die. Villages and cities where persons are
relieve the king’s anxiety. engaged in fruitive activities that are fructified or
This verse was spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami unfructified and are devoid of hearing or chant-
to the apprehensive Pariksit Maharaja to confirm ing the names of Krishna, who is the Lord of the
that since Putana was engaged in sinful activities, devotees, are influenced by demonesses. Such
she would certainly die. “Places where the hearing demonesses cannot disturb a place where hearing
and chanting of Krishna’s names are not present and chanting about Krishna is the main activity,
are full of demoniac influence, but wherever the and where hearing and chanting about Krishna is
Lord is present there is no question of fear.” (Sri- the only activity it is impossible for them to create
dhara Svami) any mischief. What then can be said about the
After hearing that Putana was wandering around place where the Lord is personally present? (Sri
want only killing children, one may fearfully in- Visvanatha Cakravarti’s Särärtha-darçiné)
quire, “Alas, what was the position of the other
baby boys in Sri Nanda’s village?” Sri Sukadeva - Purport to Ädi-khaëòa 8.89, Çré Caitanya-bhägavata - Srila Vrndavanadasa
spoke this verse in answer to this question. If one Thakura, Edited and Published by Pundarika Vidyanidhi dasa Vrajraj Press
indirectly hears and chants the names of Krishna in
the course of performing one’s occupational duties
like sacrifices, then one can never be exploited by How Was Putana Promoted To
demonesses; and if one directly hears and chants Goloka Vrindavan?
the names of Krishna, then there no question of His Divine Grace
any influence from them. The word sätvata, or the A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Lord of the devotees, confirms that what to speak
of the hearing and chanting the Lord’s names, even padbhyäà bhakta-hådi-sthäbhyäà
hearing and chanting the names of His devotees vandyäbhyäà loka-vanditaiù
destroys all demoniac influences. The demons ex- aìgaà yasyäù samäkramya
hibit their influence only in places where the Lord’s bhagavän api tat-stanam
names are not heard or chanted. The meaning of
this verse can also be as follows: yätudhäny api sä svargam
One may raise the doubt—“Were all the children aväpa janané-gatim
of that time killed by Putana or not?” Sri Sukade- kåñëa-bhukta-stana-kñéräù
va Gosvami spoke this verse in answer to this kim u gävo 'numätaraù
question. The above purport is applicable here.
Other than the baby boys who heard and chanted These verses explain how devotional service
Krishna’s names, the Lord had Putana kill all those rendered to the Supreme Personality of God-
who were averse to Him and belonging to Kamsa’s head, whether directly or indirectly, knowingly
party. The foolishness of Kamsa is displayed in this or unknowingly, becomes successful. Putana
incident. In spite of the Lord’s personal presence, was neither a devotee nor a non-devotee; she was Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya

Issue no 190, Page — 6 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
actually a demoniac witch instructed by Kamsa
to kill Krishna. Nonetheless, in the beginning she
assumed the form of a very beautiful woman and
approached Krishna exactly like an affectionate
mother, so that Mother Yasoda and Rohini did
not doubt her sincerity. The Lord took all this
into consideration, and thus she was automatically
promoted to a position like that of Mother Yasoda.
As explained by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura,
there are various roles one may play in such a
position. Putana was immediately promoted to
Vaikunthaloka, which is also sometimes described
as Svarga. The Svarga mentioned in this verse is not
the material heavenly planet, but the transcenden-
tal world. In Vaikunthaloka, Putana attained the
position of a nurse (dhätry-ucitäm), as described
by Uddhava. Putana was elevated to the position
of a nurse and maidservant in Goloka Vrndavana
to assist Mother Yasoda.
- Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum Bonum
» Chapter Six » Verses: 37-38 » Purport by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada.

A Natural Reflection Of
The Supreme Mercy
Srila Santana Goswami meditation, on Putana’s lap and allowed her to ca-
ress Him. By this, Yasoda and Rohini were greatly
Krishna allowed Putana to enter Gokula respect- astonished:
ably, appearing among the cowherds dressed as
a first-class lady. At the beginning of Sukadeva täà tékñëa-cittäm ati-väma-ceñöitäà
Gosvami ’s description of Putana’s encounter with vékñyäntarä koña-paricchadäsi-vat
Krishna, we are told: vara-striyaà tat-prabhayä ca dharñite
nirékñyamäëe janané hy atiñöhatäm
na yatra çravaëädéni
rakño-ghnäni sva-karmasu “Putana Räkñasé’s heart was fierce and cruel, but
kurvanti sätvatäà bhartur she looked like a very affectionate mother. Thus
yätudhänyaç ca tatra hi she resembled a sword in a sheath. Although
seeing her within the room, Yasoda and Rohini,
“My dear king, wherever people in any position overwhelmed by her beauty, did not stop her, but
perform their occupational duties of devotional remained silent because she treated the child like
service by chanting and hearing [çravaëaà kér- a mother.” (Bhägavatam 10.6.9)
tanaà viñëoù], there cannot be any danger from bad
elements. Therefore there was no need for anxiety Thanks to having the opportunity to treat Krish-
about Gokula while the Supreme Personality of na as her infant, Putana became His mother eter-
Godhead was personally present.” (Bhägavatam nally, as several authorities in Çrémad-Bhägavatam
10.6.3) affirm. According to Sukadeva Gosvami :
In other words, the witch Putana posed no threat
to the inhabitants of Gokula. Krishna allowed her pütanä loka-bäla-ghné
to enter simply to give her His mercy. Krishna räkñasé rudhiräçanä
placed His lotus feet, the object of Lord Brahma’s
Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 190, Page—7
jighäàsayäpi haraye “Because of Krishna’s having sucked the breast
stanaà dattväpa sad-gatim of the Räkñasé Putana, when Krishna killed her she
was immediately freed of all material contamina-
“Putana was always hankering for the blood of tion. Her sinful reactions automatically vanished,
human children, and with that desire she came to and therefore when her gigantic body was being
kill Krishna; but because she offered her breast to burnt, the smoke emanating from her body was
the Lord, she attained the greatest achievement.” fragrant like aguru incense.” (Bhägavatam 10.6.34)
(Bhägavatam 10.6.35) Other persons who came to Gokula also ob-
tained special mercy from Krishna. The sons of
As Lord Brahma said to Lord Krishna, sad-veñäd Kuvera entrapped in the bodies of arjuna trees
iva pütanäpi sa-kulä tväm eva deväpitä: “You have found themselves in the midst of the wonderful
already arranged to give Yourself to Putana and pastimes of Damodara. Krishna released these two
her family members in exchange for her disguis- sons from Narada’s curse after listening to their
ing herself as a devotee.” (Bhägavatam 10.14.35) prayers, and bestowed upon them prema-bhakti.
Aghasura was graced by Krishna entering into
And in the words of Sri Uddhava: Agha’s huge mouth along with the cowherd boys
and calves. And Agha obtained liberation from
aho baké yaà stana-käla-küöaà Krishna in a way that astounded the whole world.
jighäàsayäpäyayad apy asädhvé His dead body served as an attraction in Vraja:
lebhe gatià dhätry-ucitäà tato ’nyaà
kaà vä dayäluà çaraëaà vrajema räjann äjagaraà carma
çuñkaà våndävane ’dbhutam
“Alas, how shall I take shelter of one more merci- vrajaukasäà bahu-tithaà
ful than He who granted the position of mother to babhüväkréòa-gahvaram
a she-demon [Putana] although she was unfaithful
and she had prepared deadly poison to be sucked “O King Pariksit, when the python-shaped body
from her breast?” (Bhägavatam 3.2.23) of Aghasura dried up into merely a big skin, it
Even Putana’s dead body, restored to the hor- became a wonderful place for the inhabitants of
rible form of a witch, was sanctified as Krishna’s Vrndavana to visit, and it remained so for a long,
playground: long time.” (Bhägavatam 10.12.36)
bälaà ca tasyä urasi Sometimes Krishna would also apparently
kréòantam akuto-bhayam punish His loving devotees in Vraja, as when He
gopyas türëaà samabhyetya abandoned the gopés during the rasa dance. He did
jagåhur jäta-sambhramäù this to increase the intensity of their love for Him.
Because Krishna was enchanted by the gopés’ love,
“Without fear, the child Krishna was playing on His prime reason for abandoning them was to hear
the upper portion of Putana Räkñasé’s chest, and them speak like madwomen, in separation from
when the gopés saw the child’s wonderful activities, Him. As He explained:
they immediately came forward with great jubi-
lation and picked Him up.” (Bhägavatam10.6.18) nähaà tu sakhyo bhajato ’pi jantün
And when her corpse was burned, it gave off a bhajämy améñäm anuvåtti-våttaye
fragrance like precious aguru, which spread in all yathädhano labdha-dhane vinañöe
directions: tac-cintayänyan nibhåto na veda
dahyamänasya dehasya “The reason I do not at once reciprocate the
dhümaç cäguru-saurabhaù affection of living beings even when they worship
utthitaù kåñëa-nirbhukta- Me, O gopés, is that I want to intensify their loving
sapady ähata-päpmanaù devotion. They then become like a poor man who
has gained some wealth and then lost it, and who Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya
Issue no 190, Page — 8 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
glorious deeds be your compensation.” (Bhägava-
tam 10.32.20–22)

The mercy of Krishna’s punishment was evident

not only when He appeared in His original form in
Gokula, but also in many of His incarnations. As Sri
Vamana, for example, when the Lord arrested Bali
Daityaraja and humiliated him, the Lord declared
to the world the strength of Bali’s sober determina-
tion. Then, having taken away from him the throne
of heaven, Lord Vamana gave him in exchange the
greater kingdom of Sutala-loka with all its riches.
The Lord took up the post of doorkeeper at Bali’s
palace and defended the palace gates from the in-
cursion of Ravana, and when Durvasa begged Lord
Vamana to leave Bali for some time and defend
Durvasa against the demon Kusa, Lord Vamana
refused to do so without Bali’s permission.
In yet other incarnations, the Personality of
Godhead killed demons like Madhu, Kaitabha,
thus becomes so anxious about it that he can think and Kalanemi, who had enjoyed the pleasure of
of nothing else. opposing the Lord in battle. They received great
mercy from Him. These histories are recounted in
various Puranas. The mercy shown by Sri Krishna
evaà mad-arthojjhita-loka-veda- through His incarnations is a natural reflection
svänäà hi vo mayy anuvåttaye ’baläù of the supreme mercy He displays in His original
mayäparokñaà bhajatä tirohitaà form. The source of incarnations is glorified by the
mäsüyituà märhatha tat priyaà priyäù glories of each of His expansions.

- Çré Båhad-bhägavatämåta 1.5.30, of Srila Sanatana Gosvami Volume One.

“My dear girls, understanding that simply for
Translated by Gopiparanadhana Dasa.
My sake you had rejected the authority of worldly
opinion, of the Vedas, and of your relatives, I acted
as I did only to increase your attachment to Me. !! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !!
Even when I removed Myself from your sight by ISKCON
suddenly disappearing, I never stopped loving you. Bhägavata Mahävidyalaya
Therefore, My beloved gopés, please do not harbour is a branch of
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
any bad feelings toward Me, your beloved. Founder-Acarya: His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
na päraye ’haà niravadya-saàyujäà Editor
sva-sädhu-kåtyaà vibudhäyuñäpi vaù Brajsundar Das
yä mäbhajan durjara-geha-çåìkhaläù Copy Editor
saàvåçcya tad vaù pratiyätu sädhunä Isha Prakash Das
Sanskrit Editor,
“I am not able to repay My debt for your spotless Vrajsevika Devi Dasi
service, even within a lifetime of Brahma. Your Assistance
connection with Me is beyond reproach. You have Vamsidhari Gauri Devi Dasi
worshiped Me, cutting off all domestic ties, which Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of
are difficult to break. Therefore please let your own His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.
©All the paintings are copyrights of their respective artists.

Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya

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